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Polygon: "Shenmue's 3 budget is a mystery, and why that's a problem."


I wonder if Polygon are going to announce how much advertising revenue they make from people clicking on that story which was created because Sony are helping Ys Net fund Sega's game?

Hopefully they'll present it as a pie chart to keep it simple.


I wonder if Polygon are going to announce how much advertising revenue they make from people clicking on that story which was created because Sony are helping Ys Net fund Sega's game?

Hopefully they'll present it as a pie chart to keep it simple.

Good point. We need to know this business information.

"Polygon's clickbait advertising revenue is a mystery, and why that's a problem."


We were told the 2 million was used to see if there was interest in the project. Sony said they would help fund it. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

Are they covering the rest of the budget or just chipping in? Suzuki won't even acknowlege the Sony money, and even Sony reps seem to make out like their involvement is not all that big. John Drake seemed to be downplaying their involvement on Giant Bomb last night. Sony are obviously not being credited as publisher, but you'd think that would be the case if they were providing some massive segment of the budget.


I am Korean.
People expect much greater transparency from Kickstarter titles, because those people have already taken consumers' money and are expectecd to be responsible with it.

Well, it usually seems that the people so worried about a KS game budget are invariably people who don't like KS and haven't put any money on the line at all.

So they're freaking out over a problem that only they perceive and that doesn't directly impact them in the least.

It's a weird "I'm protecting you for your own good from this vague thing I dislike... Mainly because people aren't giving me money like that. I don't get why you think I'm being annoying."


I would say that both Yu Suzuki and SCE have been far more transparent about the budget of Shenmue III than Polygon is about their own.


Assuming that it would cost $47 mil today because that's what it cost in 1999 is pretty flawed thinking.

As in it would cost more?

Because on the flipside, I'm sure most of the technology that made Shenmue cost so much money in the past is now commonplace and cheaper than it was then. It's even using Unreal Engine 4.



Dunno how old or if it been mentioned before, but here:

So do people find it as big of a problem as others do?

Personally, i'd love more transparency as well.

Polygon seems like the kind of site that will suck the fun out of anything.

It's simple: Sony wanted to gauge the interest in the game and find out how serious people were when they said they wanted it. Turns out, people are pretty serious.


The only real problem are the people trying to detract from this amazing announcement and spoil everyone's good time by trying to hate on this and find holes in this process that Yu and Sony have taken.


It's clear the fans are behind the project, and Sony is happy to bring the final product to the PlayStation 4 upon completion; the company is even contributing to the development of the game.

Which is part of my problem with this project: The fans are being asked to "fund" the game, but we have no clue what the actual budget of the game will be, nor where the funds will ultimately come from.

Did he even read what the fuck he was writing?
Shit-tier gaming journalism and why that's a Polygon...er problem.

I bet these guys get a lot of clicks every time a thread is posted here about them. We should probably stop.


I'm kind of getting tired of this,

Why wasn't there concern about Bloodstained and the mystery company they had to prove demand to ?

I mean if dualshockers was blacklisted why not polygon.
The only time I hear about their bs is on GAF.

Temporary fix while Polygon isn't banned:

Hide Forum Threads - A Tampermonkey script for hiding unwanted GAF threads

Keyword to add: "Polygon"

I discovered this today
Gross. I'm really annoyed by the people talking smack about S3 being kickstarted. Most ppl had given up hope of this game coming out, if it takes a kickstarter to make it happen then so be it!! We waited 14 years, frankly I don't care about budget transparency, i just care that we'll finally get that sweet revenge on Lan Di !
Well, it usually seems that the people so worried about a KS game budget are invariably people who don't like KS and haven't put any money on the line at all.

So they're freaking out over a problem that only they perceive and that doesn't directly impact them in the least.

It's a weird "I'm protecting you for your own good from this vague thing I dislike... Mainly because people aren't giving me money like that. I don't get why you think I'm being annoying."

Exactly. I'm having a hard time intellectually distinguishing this from Gators who go on and on about Anita Sarkeesian's use of Kickstarter funds.

NOW: I'm not saying Ben Kuchera is as bad as a Gator. Oh, god, no. But I am saying that on this specific point he's using the exact same, "I'm more concerned about your own money than you are," rhetoric.
I'm kind of getting tired of this,

Why wasn't there concern about Bloodstained and the mystery company they had to prove demand to ?

I mean if dualshockers was blacklisted why not polygon.
The only time I hear about their bs is on GAF.

Temporary fix while Polygon isn't banned:

Hide Forum Threads - A Tampermonkey script for hiding unwanted GAF threads

Keyword to add: "Polygon"

I discovered this today

They said they wouldnt ban them because they occasionally put out good articles or something along those lines.

But it seems like they do put out dozens of these garbage articles.


If the project runs out of money, none of you guys get to complain, okay?

Wait, what? If a Kickstarter doesn't deliver on what they claimed they would, yes it's a problem, and people would have the right to complain. But that would be a reaction when that situation comes up. If there's an editorial heavily implying that will likely happen, with no better evidence than the company didn't give them a detailed breakdown of the behind-the-scenes funding, then that's way out of line. This isn't some either-or thing, and a write-up like this is silly so early in development.


Good point. We need to know this business information.

"Polygon's clickbait advertising revenue is a mystery, and why that's a problem."

My point being that they claim something is wrong and yet they choose to make money from it. Surely if they truly believed that it was wrong then the correct thing to do would be to not cover the game, not back the project and ignore it when it was released. That would be the decent thing to do. Although I wouldn't agree with their belief, I'd certainly respect them because of their decision to not benefit from something that they believe to be wrong.
Polygon are operating in desperation mode. Their announcement of layoffs last year as well as a complete abandonment of their features-driven editorial philosophy (ie: the great hope the entire fucking site was founded upon) came on the same day that the WSJ revealed PewDiePie just made $4 million dollars last year.

The vidya game news aggregator sites have seen their audience dwindle year-over-year for the past few years, and instead of trying to make pivots towards the new reality, which is that streamers and social media have made them practically obsolete, they’ve leaned heavily into manufacturing controversy for the most core, jaded readers in order to try and stop the bleeding. In the case of Kotaku and Polygon, many of their patented “news with added snark” articles are directly sourced from whatever is the most popular outrage topic on Gaf on any given day.

Like I mentioned before, it really must eat people like Kuchera alive that while gamergaters disgust him, they actually make up a large part of the dwindling core audience they have to increasingly cater to. There is financial incentive for Kuchera to basically repost outrage threads and drum up controversy (real or imagined) using the age-old "Devs and pubs are trying to screw you! We're your public advocate, average gamer!" narratives. That's what their easily-outraged audience wants; enemies, and the idea that there are things happening in secret that are going to destroy gaming, easy pariahs that they can all rally against. That's why they've pushed the "preorders are bad for the industry" slant for the past couple of years, because waiting for metacritic and/or the big traditional press reviews of a game is one of the last real arrows in their quiver. They want to make it seem like they're some kind of video game consumer watchdogs, but really it all comes back to their almighty god, the pageview.


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
What a dumb article. Who gives a shit. In the end, I get to play the game I want for $30 and all the parties involved will most likely make profit.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Wait, what? If a Kickstarter doesn't deliver on what they claimed they would, yes it's a problem, and people would have the right to complain. But that would be a reaction when that situation comes up. If there's an editorial heavily implying that will likely happen, with no better evidence than the company didn't give them a detailed breakdown of the behind-the-scenes funding, then that's way out of line. This isn't some either-or thing.

Go read everything that guy posted in the Sony backing Shenmue thread, guy cannot understand for the life of him the situation at hand and just keeps repeating the same shit over and over.


it's ok, you're all right now
Polygon is looking for clicks.

Yep, pull at the heart strings of supporters, they flock out of concern.

It will be completed and will be similar to the originals, especially because the tools have significantly evolved and architecture limitations are largely irrelevant.


It concerns me.

Don't know why exactly but when they ask for 2 mio for something that should cost A LOT more... I don't feel like jumping in...

Everybody else should do what they want, but I am not going to donate. I would like to know where the other money comes from...
Florida Man Who Pledged $29 For PS4 Videogame Outraged After Discovering Sony Funded An Unknown Percentage Of The Game's Final Budget, Demands Answers
Every time I see a thread for these types of obviously click-baity articles from Polygon I wonder why they are still permitted to be shared here.

In this particular instance I find it very ironic because in the past when people questioned how they themselves were funded they were very leery and cautious about giving any details, yet expected gamers to trust their integrity at face value when arguably they've given many examples of opinions that, at the time, made them seem a bit biased towards a certain company, but this is also just an opinion I and some others happen to have.

I think it was Totalbiscuit that coined this "slogan", and every new week it seems truer to me: "Polygon: literally worse than Kotaku"
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