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Porn and video game addiction are leading to 'masculinity crisis'


Gold Member
I wasn't joking.
They are to blame in the exact same way as men are to blame.
Are the men to blame for having standards?
Are the men to blame for having independent lives of their own?

The idea that problems like this should be bred out by next gen, is amusing, considering your stance. But I agree. No man should have to settle for breeding with women that are of a magnitude with those men.

Before we were using our imaginations with 3D polygon graphics and now it's just been given to us in HD 1080p 60 FPS. We're spoiled because don't have to think about the 'what if'.


Before we were using our imaginations with 3D polygon graphics and now it's just been given to us in HD 1080p 60 FPS. We're spoiled because don't have to think about the 'what if'.

I hear you.

Personally, I do not like ultra-realistic 3D games.

I prefer OG 2D ones.
This stuff always kinda annoys me.

We constantly get messages every fucking day that you shouldn't do traditionally masculine things anymore. There's no marketability in being a manly man anymore. So why bother.

Its not games that have fucked masculinity up its the electronic age along with the outsourcing of masculine tasks to third parties as essentially made those traditionally manly things meaningless. With that gone what the fuck are men supposed to do.

I for one intend to sit in my room and fight virtual people.

Not gonna lie. I think about this with my son when it comes to what is and isn't acceptable. How we behave and what that behavior means to other people.

A few years ago we had to go to the school because he slammed his chair on the ground out of frustration. My son is incredibly intelligent and sometimes his mind works faster than everything else. He was being badgered to move on and he is one of those types who can do so once he completes his thoughts. This teacher basically cut him off regularly and one day he got fed up. We had to go in and hear the principal tell us his teacher felt threatened and threatening a teacher was unacceptable.

He was 6.

Another girl had done the same thing a few weeks prior and her parents didn't deal with what we did. It really had me step back and think about how boys are viewed not just as boys but what they're capable of in every environment they're placed in.

We disciplined my son and let him know that behavior wasn't acceptable. I want him to talk about his feelings rather than lash out. If something upsets him I don't want to tell him to man up and deal with it but that's what society wants from boys. It's like they can't express feelings that are acceptable unless it's aggression. The ones that don't are looked at as soft or pussies. It's frustrating as a parent on many levels because I don't want to make my son a target for dealing with his feelings rather than ignoring them but I also don't want them to be the thing that rules his actions.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
A steady flow of drugs and prostitution should do the trick. Not sure what can be done about "male gaze" though.


Can't wait for the VR interactive pornography nexus which will bring this story to a crescendo. The most interesting point I think he makes is about fear of rejection, that's what a lot of this hinges upon. If men (in most cultures) weren't expected to bear all the weight of rejection things might look different.

Financial collapse has coincided with people having less sex and children. Got to blame something other than the people in charge I guess. If you look to Japan they actually have a population problem that could be exacerbated by otaku culture. (i'm not an expert)

He's talking about in person social skills, things that don't necessarily translate online.

There has been a massive rise in the availability of amateur porn. Many prefer it because it's more realistic. I don't think this argument holds as much weight any more.

Never seen okcupid profile shaming online?

This post reminds me of the links between internet addiction and depression. The scientists were very very cautious to draw any firm conclusions, stating only there there is a link- they weren't sure if one caused the other or which.

The parents can also be responsible. I think there is this fear of letting your children out into the real world these days, to go get dirty and get in trouble, climb trees etc because of whatever the latest scare is, paedophiles or kidnappers etc. So the easy parenting option is to have them play video games. I know this kid who can't ride a bike, and he's now 11 and ashamed of it and I think that his parents have chosen Minecraft over scraped knees.

Oh, I've let my parents know my opinion on what they've done and they agreed that they sheltered the fuck out of him just so he can be like me in a professional and now personal sense (family, house, career ). I guess they thought that not letting him do the things I did (BTW, they never let me underage drink, I just did it behind their back), that he'd be better off. That's not the case. Now, they encourage him to go out and do things, be young, and all that but he declines and plays his games all day.

As of his 18th birthday, my parents have now refused to buy him any new games in hopes to flush him out of his room. He's just playing old games and chatting with friends online.

when young males see this picture and there first thought is 'eww what a hairy arm'
then i think we have a problem, i guess it's not anime enough.
see this gaf thread for proof...

Is this an objectively bad thing? Tastes in grooming change over the years.

It's not like enjoying hairy arms directly leads to an unsuccessful life or something, it's just someone's personal cosmetic preferences.
I wasn't joking.
They are to blame in the exact same way as men are to blame.
Are the men to blame for having standards?
Are the men to blame for having independent lives of their own?

The idea that problems like this should be bred out by next gen, is amusing, considering your stance. But I agree. No man should have to settle for breeding with women that are of a magnitude with those men.

Men with porn/games addiction don't have those things. It's not a two-way street when one is literally good for nothing. I just don't see how women have some kind of duty to mate with them.
I think there's a difference between standards and expectations in men and women. Standards I think are seen as more universally accepted. Things like, you want a good looking, athletic partner so your children will be healthy. And expectations which are perhaps more complex (and sometimes negative), I want a partner that respects my free time etc. As pointed out this is largely focusing on male psychology though.




Men with porn/games addiction don't have those things. It's not a two-way street when one is literally good for nothing. I just don't see how women have some kind of duty to mate with them.

Sure they do.

And the women available to them aren't meeting those standards.

And, as such, they are under zero obligation to mate with those women.

Ergo, porn.

Or are you honestly saying that those men have to conform to your standards of sexuality, and submit their genitals, wallets, and lives to women whom they deem as not worthy of such?

Hypocrisy much?
Masculinity crisis? Lmao okay. If anything the crisis about masculinity revolves around society basically telling men from the time they are born to not feel feelings or at least express them (because that makes you weak and men aren't supposed to be weak) which then translates into poor relationships with and views of women among other social hangups.

I think you may like the documentary "The Mask You Live In".


There is still a lot of data we don't have on these things, and so it is difficult to conclude anything yet, but it is clear that with video games and porn being at the very heart of western civilization mass culture, that we need to put extra resources into getting some more answers on the effect on the psyche.

And yes, VR is scary. The article from Verge about VR-Porn and how a part of her brain was tricked into thinking it was real sounded both horrible and awesome. She talked about it like that she knew collectively it was not real, but it another part of her brain stimulates the responses and makes it feel real, increasing the effect.

I think that is the scariest thing about pornography, we know so little about it since it's too widely consumed to have to find decent sized control groups for studies.

Did you link the verge article anywhere?

Ranger X

So that makes it all sound like videogames and porn is bad for young men but they word is this: excess.

So we need a study to tell use that someone doing something with excess, consequently isolating him/herself, leads to social and identity problems?

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