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Progress: The Great American LOST Re-Watch Thread *SPOILERS*

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It's supposed to be the Shark that attacked Michael & Sawyer on the raft(what was left of it). DHARMA researched Sharks on Hydra.


well not really...yet
Nameless said:
It's supposed to be the Shark that attacked Michael & Sawyer on the raft(what was left of it). DHARMA researched Sharks on Hydra.

I thought the Dharma logo on the Shark was supposed to be a joke, but you're right, they were researching Sharks there, so that god damn Dharma Shark actually makes sense :lol


This weekend I sort of re-watched the entire third season, the only one I was still missing a bunch of episodes from. With this Lost marathon I have now watched every season fully, can finally rank them bitches:

1>4>5>3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seasons 1 & 2 of Joey >2


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Nameless said:
It's supposed to be the Shark that attacked Michael & Sawyer on the raft(what was left of it). DHARMA researched Sharks on Hydra.
Oh, I know what it's supposed to be, I just thought it looked hilarious :lol It really is an awesome collage.


The Message in the bottle winners are being mailed their prizes which means the first 5 minutes of the premiere will be online for all to see this week. I'm definitely going to watch it. It's the first part of the episode as it was shot and edited, presented linearly. I don't look at that as being spoiled, cockteased yeah, but not spoiled. Besides I rather see it for myself before reading people's impressions of it, which are going to be damn near impossible to avoid.


Nameless said:
which means the first 5 minutes of the premiere will be online for all to see this week.

Welp, see you guys on the flip side. I'm only checking into the OT for the Apple Tablet thread from now on.


Akia said:
Welp, see you guys on the flip side. I'm only checking into the OT for the Apple Tablet thread from now on.

You Know...You know you're here for a reason. And if you leave, this place, that knowledge is going to each you alive....from the inside out.


TheGreatDave said:
I'll totally watch it. It's not a spoiler if it's the first thing you were going to see anyway!

Exactly. That's why I never feel bad about, say, watching the opening sequences of games (or anything else, for that matter). Great attitude, sir.
I can't believe how quick time has flown. I guess I should have just started at Season 5 when I got netflix last week but Season 2 has been spectacular for me thus far.


I totally missed out on that message in a bottle contest. dammit

If it's the beginning of the premier I'll watch it but I'm not touching it with a 108 foot pole if it's just a random clip from the premier.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Solo said:
If not for Jack's dictatorship and brainfarts:

- he wouldnt have married his ex-wife in the first place (he married her for the wrong reasons)
- Hurley and Claire would have died in the pilot
- Boone would have died a lot sooner
- the group would never have divided into beach and cave groups
- we wouldnt have had to endure a love triangle
- Ben would have died of a tumor
- the freighter wouldn't have come, and the commandos would never have killed all those redshirts + Alex
- he would have never ended up a pill popping addict who ruined every relationship he had
- Sun and Jin would never have been separated
- Locke would still be alive
- finally, and most importantly, we would never had to endure S5 :lol

Fuck you, Jackface!

Old, but Sun HAD to leave the island. She was Preggers, and was going to die on the island. Jack preserved the chance of those 2 being together, instead of having one of them die.

Oni Jazar

So is anyone enrolled in Lost University (S5 blu-ray feature)? I'm half way through my first semester. The Korean class was just useless but everything else has been amazing.
Oni Jazar said:
So is anyone enrolled in Lost University (S5 blu-ray feature)? I'm half way through my first semester. The Korean class was just useless but everything else has been amazing.

It doesn't work with my Blu Ray player, even though it should. I'm slightly furious.


TheGreatDave said:
I'll totally watch it. It's not a spoiler if it's the first thing you were going to see anyway!
Even though the opening scene probably won't be a direct continuation of the last scene of S5, it could give an idea of what the detonation caused. Either way I'm staying the hell away from it.
Calcaneus said:
Even though the opening scene probably won't be a direct continuation of the last scene of S5, it could give an idea of what the detonation caused. Either way I'm staying the hell away from it.

Yeah, but you'd get the same information the first time you watch the episode! So all it'll do is put ideas in your head to think about before it airs proper. I seriously doubt they'd be giving this scene out to people if it was a huge spoiler of the seasons.

Personally I just expect to see them landing in LAX.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Nameless said:
The Message in the bottle winners are being mailed their prizes which means the first 5 minutes of the premiere will be online for all to see this week. I'm definitely going to watch it. It's the first part of the episode as it was shot and edited, presented linearly. I don't look at that as being spoiled, cockteased yeah, but not spoiled. Besides I rather see it for myself before reading people's impressions of it, which are going to be damn near impossible to avoid.
Hmm... I get what you guys are saying, but... it'd be kind of like peeking at your presents before getting to open them all on Christmas day. That initial fever-pitch thrill of anticipation you built up all those months takes a slight hit. I think I wanna be blown away all at once.

I dunno, man, maybe I'm over-sweating it. I think I'll probably read your impressions first, Nameless. I'm waffling back and forth on this, but I trust your judgment. If you watch it and think it's harmless and worth seeing ahead of the premiere, I might just indulge my curiosity as well. :D


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Dark FaZe said:
I can't believe how quick time has flown. I guess I should have just started at Season 5 when I got netflix last week but Season 2 has been spectacular for me thus far.
I know, right? This rewatch made time fly by SO FAST.

Calcaneus said:
Even though the opening scene probably won't be a direct continuation of the last scene of S5, it could give an idea of what the detonation caused. Either way I'm staying the hell away from it.
Carlton Cuse said:
"Season 6 is going to pick up exactly where Season 5 ended. So, there’s an eight-month gap [between seasons for the viewer], but when you actually buy the DVDs, you’ll put the finale in for Season 5 and then you’ll put the first disc in for Season 6 and it will feel like a very continuous experience."


Also, I just watched Through the Looking Glass and I have a raging clue that is going to push me to finish the next two seasons before next Tuesday. Getting through parts of seasons 2 and 3 were kind of rough, but once I hit The Brig, I was reminded why I love this show so much and I love the show from that point forward for the most part, so let's get this going.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Oh shit at that Carlton Cuse quote. I might just hold off afterall...


Part two of Maureen Ryan's interview with Damon and Carlton:


(Can't remember if part one was posted here or in the S6 thread)

Ryan: As far as the whole time travel of last season, I got to the point a couple of times where I wondered how necessary it all was. Last year, you talked about your cherry pie analogy [as he explained in an interview conducted just before Season 5 began, Lindelof used to buy TV dinners just to get the cherry-pie dessert] -- that as long as everyone eventually gets their favorite dish in the "Lost" buffet, they'll be OK. So in the grand buffet of “Lost,” time travel is not the dish that I like the best. And I walk up to the buffet and, boy, there’s a lot of it. Was it all necessary to flesh out certain character moments and set up certain decisions and tell stories that would affect the rest of the show?

LOSTmilesboat Lindelof: We look at it in a lot of different ways, but the first reason that we did it was that, if you were going to make this huge deal out of moving the island in the Season 4 finale, there had to be a lasting ramification in the price that our characters would pay well into the fifth season. But also, we had already set so many things in motion -- for example, the fact that Locke was going to leave the island to try to assume the alias of Jeremy Bentham. We had already shown him in the coffin. We were already so committed to a lot of that stuff.

But the real reason that we wanted to do time travel was, we’re not fans of expositional downloads where basically characters talk about the history of the island. We wanted to show it to people. We don’t want someone to say, "There used to be a huge statute here of an Egyptian god," we want to see it. And you don’t want to find Jughead and [have someone] basically say, “This must have been brought here by guys during World War II.” You want to see that. You don’t want Widmore to say, “I used to be an Other.” You want to see him as a 16-year-old kid saying, “My name is Charles Widmore."

The biggest reason that we had to do time travel was setting up what we’re doing this year. All of it was leading toward [exploring] this idea of [whether] you can change your fate. And that played into the overriding theme of the show from the word go. So it did have to be that much, in our opinion. And we make no apologies for it. Some people said it was their favorite season. Like, all they want to eat is that cherry pie.

Lots of good quotes about why they did time travel, and how they were glad The Constant and Flashes Before Your Eyes were so well received.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
8 motherfucking days!!!


definitely put's it into perspective


Jealous Bastard
Solo said:
Why the fuck would you watch 5 minutes? Just wait 8 motherfucking days, impatient bastards!

same reason i watched the opening of TDK before it was released. because i'm weak, and because it stirs in me an enjoyable level of hype and unrest.

edit: there are some pretty damn good justifications for the time travel used in season 5 in that interview. i see exactly what they're saying and it makes a lot of sense.


Oni Jazar said:
So is anyone enrolled in Lost University (S5 blu-ray feature)? I'm half way through my first semester. The Korean class was just useless but everything else has been amazing.

Yeah I'm in LU. I can't enroll in PHY301 though...it says the class is full. What's up with that?

P.S. I'm using my PS3 for this.


The clip should get its own thread, imo. That way people can openly discuss it without poisoning the main episode thread for people that waited.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Just treat the preview clip like any other preview we get of the next episode.

Spoiler tag the discussion. Simple.
Catalix said:
Just treat the preview clip like any other preview we get of the next episode.

Spoiler tag the discussion. Simple.

When is the preview dropping? I can make the thread whenever. It's not like the OP will be overflowing with information.



Catalix said:
Hmm... I get what you guys are saying, but... it'd be kind of like peeking at your presents before getting to open them all on Christmas day. That initial fever-pitch thrill of anticipation you built up all those months takes a slight hit. I think I wanna be blown away all at once.

I dunno, man, maybe I'm over-sweating it. I think I'll probably read your impressions first, Nameless. I'm waffling back and forth on this, but I trust your judgment. If you watch it and think it's harmless and worth seeing ahead of the premiere, I might just indulge my curiosity as well. :D

I can tell you now "idduiofidurtidjzxicifidifcfci" will pretty much be the extent of my impressions. :D IDK, like an epic game demo, I think this will only serve to increase my hype for the premiere, if that's even possible. Just imagine seeing the season 2 opener(the last one which picked up immediately after the cliffhanger) a few days early . I can only speak for myself but my dick would've been bloody by the time the full episode aired. BLOODY! That's what I'm expecting here. Lost E01 opening scenes pretty much always end with mini cliffhangers of their own<thud> leading into the next scene, so this should be a nicely wrapped teaser. And when it comes down to it, I trust Darlton, I don't think they would ever sign off on anything that would cheapen the experience.

The main thing is logically, with this video burning through the internet, the Verizon "sneak peak" shortly after and the early sunset on the beach screening it's going to be a crapshoot avoiding spoilers. After all these months of staying spoiler free, my soul would be crushed if some douche in the break room, some ass in line at Wal-mart, or some moron on Twitter/Facebook accidentally spoiled me on what happens post jughead. I rather watch early, watch ignorant, have my mind blown and suffer through what essentially will be a 90-160 hour commercial break.
I'm quite surprised it will be opening scene and not some innocuous conversation between like Alpert and Sun that takes place later. The opener is always the twistiest scene. I'm seriously considering skipping it.


No way I would watch some random out of context scene or a montage, but the official rules indicate it's just the opening:

815 winners will receive an exclusive message in a bottle with the opening scene to the final season premiere... days before it premieres.

A message in a bottle with a USB drive containing instructions to access approximately five (5) minutes of the LOST Season 5 finale and a portion of the first episode of LOST Season 6.
Nameless said:
No way I would watch some random out of context scene or a montage, but the official rules indicate it's just the opening:

Totally the opposite. Remember every sneak peek last season was just some innocuous conversation between like Faraday and Sawyer about basically nothing? Or almost a recap of the last episode? I would watch that a thousand times before the first scene of a season premiere. Am I the only one who watched the premiere to Season Three?

Could you IMAGINE watching that opening scene and that alone?

Completely bonkers.

Never, never, never, NEVER.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Totally the opposite. Remember every sneak peek last season was just some innocuous conversation between like Faraday and Sawyer about basically nothing? Or almost a recap of the last episode? I would watch that a thousand times before the first scene of a season premiere. Am I the only one who watched the premiere to Season Three?

Could you IMAGINE watching that opening scene and that alone?

Completely bonkers.

Never, never, never, NEVER.

I really don't see the problem with it. It's not like seeing the opening scene from The Dark Knight negatively affected my interest or excitement for the movie. Quite the opposite.

big ander

TheGreatDave said:
I really don't see the problem with it. It's not like seeing the opening scene from The Dark Knight negatively affected my interest or excitement for the movie. Quite the opposite.
But the opening scene of TDK introduced a character. It didn't give answers to gigantic cliffhangers and set forth a narrative device for 17 hours of programming to follow.

Nameless said:
A message in a bottle with a USB drive containing instructions to access approximately five (5) minutes of the LOST Season 5 finale and a portion of the first episode of LOST Season 6.
Couldn't this mean that the 5 minutes is first Season 5, then some innocuous Season 6 clip? I don't know for sure though, so I'll wait for your impressions.


As much as I want Lost to start up, I'm not in as much of a rush of anticipation as I have been with other things. (Like mass effect 2, modern warfare 2). It's because I still need to rewatch season 4-5


If Darlton are releasing the first 5 minutes, then I have to think it's not something that'll completely ruin something. If the premiere was going to open up with a scene like S2 or 3, then I can't imagine they'd show it ahead of time.
big ander said:
But the opening scene of TDK introduced a character. It didn't give answers to gigantic cliffhangers and set forth a narrative device for 17 hours of programming to follow.

True, but I'm still seeing the show in the order it was meant to be seen. If it was a scene from, say, 30 minutes in to the show, I'd never dream of watching it. As it is, I'm just getting myself more hyped for the episode by having a little taste of it.
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