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PS3 Controller to be Wii-a-booed? - Sony invented the Motion detector

According to http://www.gamefront.de/ Sony will show a new revision of the PS3-Controller on the forthcoming E3 and it will have its own motion detection technology.

9. Sony zeigt einen neuen PS3-Controller, der Bewegungssensor-Technologie besitzen soll.



edit: Oh, 'it may have motion detecting technology' is another thing. It's just false that it will be a complete Wii. Accelerator motor only if true.


Anoops blog, but he doesn't state it as a fact, more as a rumor. Unless this site is getting it from another independent source, which would make it more probable.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Krowley said:
Anoops blog, but he doesn't state it as a fact, more as a rumor. Unless this site is getting it from another independent source, which would make it more probable.

They're getting it from IGN. Does anyone know Anoop's username?
AFAIK they have been researching Wii like control methods. But the PS3 controller is not supposed to have it. Just an updated design is all.

lo zaffo

From my point of view if Sony endorses motion detection in PlayStation3's pad it is defenetly a good piece of news: I don't like Nintendo to hide itself behind such niche technologies issue, I want technology to be fully exploited and Sony-sided developers can do it far more deeply and do it faster than Nintendo. On top of that I want Nintendo to compete with Sony and stop avoiding frontal competition claiming inconsistent arguments.


But that would screw EyeToy. I doubt this. But, I do think all PS3's will come bundled with a firts-gen EyeToy.


So basically Sony has taken Nintendo's uniqueness, Microsoft's technical advantage, leaving both without a major component of the next gen battle, while maintaining their advantage in third party support?

Flawless victoly am rosebud total.


force push the doodoo rock
yeah sonys banking on eyetoy i wonder what they could do with a motion sensor and the eyetoy


Second-rate Anihawk
Andy787 said:
So basically Sony has taken Nintendo's uniqueness, Microsoft's technical advantage, leaving both without a major component of the next gen battle, while maintaining their advantage in third party support?

Flawless victoly am rosebud total.


force push the doodoo rock
the way he says it sounds a little less like a rumor and something hes heard from someone that actually knows.


Gold Member
I am not surprised if it's true. It's not like sony would let nintendo ran away with a total different controller since it could hurt them.


lo zaffo said:
I don't like Nintendo to hide itself behind such niche technologies issue, I want technology to be fully exploited and Sony-sided developers can do it far more deeply and do it faster than Nintendo.

Quoted for the Lazy:

Anoop's Blog said:
Sony will show a new version of the PS3 controller. While I'm not sure if the controller will have a new shape, I have heard that it will have motion sensor technology built in.


GAF's Bob Woodward
xaosslug said:
But that would screw EyeToy.

No it wouldn't. They'd actually be perfectly complementary. But I'm not going to get my hopes up..I think they'll they bank on eyetoy exclusively.

edit - and moreover, these are just Anoop's predicitions, mixed with some rumour-mongering. If Sony had something like this planned, I'd say we would have seen hints dropped via developers and the like.


Go to the Hell Sony. One again, what Sony can do in their life is only copy Nintendo.

And the incredible thing is that Nintendo had reason, because they have not annonced the Controller at the E3 2005, because "Our competitors will sure copy it".

And the amusing thing is that I have said that they were fool, but now it seems, if this news is true, that they had reason.

Anyways, I strongly think that the Boomerang with tilt sensors will NEVER have the precision of the Wiimote. the result will be only a bad copy of the original, exaclty like they have copied Nintendogs & Brain Training and ported then on PSP: the result was a shit, and this time will be the same.

Anyways, I don't remember the last time when Sony has not copied something. I still waiting for this event.


The thing is, it will still be a normal 2 handed controller, so I just don't see how it can be the same as the Wii pad. They wouldn't risk going all out and making a similar remote styled controller. Maybe you'll just be able to turn it like a steering wheel or something, it would make sense with the boomerang shape.
it won't happen
first the eyetoy 2 would become almost no use
Second, Nintendo would sue their ass, they probably have every variation of motion control in a controller locked down by now. And don't they own or a big shareholder in the main motion control patent holding company?


How can anyone believe this as true?? What would be the benefit of a two handed device having a motion sensor??
If anything, a tilt sensor is more likely. It makes much more sense to track the inclination and twisting of the controller then moving your two handed pad forth and back, up and down.


i think that if sony has included this, it's sort of a rushed thing and 3rd party's probably don't even know about it yet (or not until recently) so there will probably be no third party games that support it at first. It's probably one of those deals where they're rushing to get it into the console before launch. It won't be as effective as the nintendo implementation, but they will be able to market it and make nintendo look bad (or it could backfire and there could be a backlash).

not to say that i believe this is accurate, but it is possible.


GAF's Bob Woodward
DefectiveReject said:
it won't happen
first the eyetoy 2 would become almost no use

Again, it wouldn't. I've said before that something like Revmote + eyetoy would be the perfect combination, their strengths and weaknesses nicely balance each other out.

But this is a purely academic argument, because I don't think it's happening.


other prognoses for e3 stated in the article

- quality of wii games is the same as the ds games on last years e3. mario will be playable

- vf5 will be a starting title for ps3 in america and europe, not in japan because sega needs the revenues form the arcade

- sony shows ps games on psp, ps3 acts as a server, will show a subsriber service with prices for games similar to xbox live arcade

- Nintendo will show a big game for the Gamecube with a completly new gamemechanic. Apparently, there was already some kind of announcement in the last Nintendo Dream.

- FFXIII will be shown this summer for ps3, but not at e3

- no price announcement for ps3

- squareenix develops an online rpg for Xbox360

- sony will show a trailer for GT5, but most japanese games will be revealed on TGS


Wink said:
How can anyone believe this as true?? What would be the benefit of a two handed device having a motion sensor??

why couldn't they just split the thing in half and change the ergonomics so it's comfortable to hold that way?

and who cares if eyetoy becomes usless if you've developed something much better? but again, if they have it it's probably a more primitive version.
MaestroRyan said:
Also is PS3 launched at 299, I'd buy it in a flash. That shit is hot.

If it is, if Sony has functionality of motion that approximates the Wiimote, and the games look better enough than the 360, then the next gen war am over IMO.

But all of these things together? I don't see it happening atm.


Man....lol, if its something like that, then its going to be a rush job, because such a thing wasn't in SOny's plans not so long ago. :lol

I can already see devs "But..."

This guy says the Ps3 is gonna cost 299$................................................................
Endgegner said:
other prognoses for e3 stated in the article

- quality of wii games is the same as the ds games on last years e3. mario will be playable


- Nintendo will show a big game for the Gamecube with a completly new gamemechanic. Apparently, there was already some kind of announcement in the last Nintendo Dream.

- FFXIII will be shown this summer for ps3, but not at e3

- no price announcement for ps3

- squareenix develops an online rpg for Xbox360

- sony will show a trailer for GT5, but most japanese games will be revealed on TGS
Wii will have many titles. If its GC style dev environment and Nintendo have been busy I’d expect MANY games from them.
Big game new mechanic?
And the PS3 not getting a big Japanese fall out til TGS is expected, they usually do this I believe?


If Sony are including motion technology it will be rush job/terrible? Sony as a company has had much, much more experience with technology like this compared to Nintendo. And they are sound enough not to just have a semi-functioning element in their controller. Please...


Wink said:
are you joking?

no... you can have a regular controller with all the buttons you need for regular games that is split in two parts, has two analog sticks AND has the same functions as the revmote... why couldn't you? and why wouldn't they? it wouldn't get them any more hate than the boomerang shape and it would make the motion functions much more usable.

and if it worked as well as the revmote (which i doubt) it would kill most of their japanese competition right out of the gate (unless the system was 600+ dollars)
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