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PS3 Home Official Thread


GAF's Bob Woodward
Tried the Ratchet space. Unfortunately couldn't try the game that's supposed to be good, the tower defence one (game is occupied etc.). Curious what the past/present/future stuff is.

The sheep collecting game is a boring diversion, but at least there's a freebie to be had.

Checked out the pixeljunk space while I was in there - aesthetically very pleasing. Shame there's no freebie, and a boring space otherwise. But it does look nice, and makes me wish Home in general was given an aesthetic overhaul. Especially now with the LOD stuff they're using on avatars. They just look ugly 90% of the time.


Yeah Q games is one of the nicest looking spaces.

And the Home loading into 1.3 thing, the deletion of the Home icon on the XMB and re-downloading worked for me too.

Home overall loads pretty quickly, at least for me. And I like that each space loads separately, which is nice if you have to delete the icon, like right now.

Oni Jazar

gofreak said:
If this is happening for lots of people then that's an epic, epic fail. So many people out there wouldn't know how to fix this at all, and wouldn't have the means to find out.

That's what I'm saying. It's happening to everyone and it's been like this for weeks.


aka andydumi
Oni Jazar said:
That's what I'm saying. It's happening to everyone and it's been like this for weeks.

Not everyone. I never had any issues. And there are tons of people on the official forum and here to whom it never happened.

Is it an issue for some? Sure. But dont blow it out of proportion.

That said, here is the thread where the new freebies will be posted.

And there seems to be an error with the Zombie face mask as well as the Zombie shirt for purchase.
took a few pics from the R&C space:


looking out of the window:

shooting/towerdefense minigame area:

pretty crowded :lol


so far I only got this little ship from the sheep finding minigame:

(in case you wonder, I just noticed you can take pictures in furniture mode ^^)

oh and regarding the reflections on furniture etc.:
the reflection is accurate when moving etc. but it is a fake predetermined "image" of each space.

you can see the fireplace (w/o fire ;) ) but not my furniture and the furniture you see in the reflection is actually not in my apartment.


same with glasses, still nice though. There are times Home looks better than some retail games :lol
xBerserker said:
@ SolidusDave

Is the Wolverine stuff available for USA Home yet?

they explicitly said PAL exclusive and I guess the movie is already out in the USA, so it won't be, sry.
Obviously they could offer similar stuff at a later time, marvel games related etc.


How do you get/use the camera?
Norml said:
Same as the bubble machine, press start and in your inventory.
Thanks ;)

I wanted to take a direct pic of the zombie face textures (glitching?), but now that I think of it, taking photos offscreen is MUCH more convenient:


Also, I've been waiting to play the Ratchet game for like 20 minutes! This isn't cool. At LEAST put us in some kind of queue. I'm not gonna sit here and stare at my screen just for the text to change from gray to white... On that note, can I sit there at the prompt with the grayed-out PLAY button, or do I have to back out and keep re-selecting the game for the Play button to change when a slot frees up?

edit: The game I was in line for was the Groovitron Testing minigame. I didn't even realize you could go through a door at the front of the space, and be taken to the bigger game... I thought Groovitron Testing WAS the space's main game. smh...


Firing Range's depth surprised me, there's quite a bit of strategy in picking the weapon with the appropriate spread and outscoring your opponents.

edit: Actually, not so much opponents as they are teammates


Still Alive
Oh god, for some reason that brings back memories of Destiny Island from Kingdom Hearts 1. ;_; Now that would be an awesome game space! LocoRoco space looks cool though..


Anyone have a list of recent freebies and game prizes?

Pixeljunk space is beautiful, Wish Monsters had online coop to launch from there.

Does the Ratchet game have prizes?

Oni Jazar

Edeuinu said:
Also, REALLY bummed out that Uncharted 2 isn't a supported Home game.

Goes to show you how much faith Sony has in Home if they can't even force their #1 game to interact with Home especially since the Home launching system has been around for over a year now. It would've been a perfect marriage.


Oni Jazar said:
Goes to show you how much faith Sony has in Home if they can't even force their #1 game to interact with Home especially since the Home launching system has been around for over a year now. It would've been a perfect marriage.

Sad huh, yet Lost Planet 2 demo is? Whatev.

And LocoRoco is public space I believe.


Oni Jazar said:
Goes to show you how much faith Sony has in Home if they can't even force their #1 game to interact with Home especially since the Home launching system has been around for over a year now. It would've been a perfect marriage.

What how does that show lack of faith?
Loudninja said:
What how does that show lack of faith?

They aren't confident enough in the importance of the platform to ask ND to graciously support it? (same goes for custom soundtracks missing from the musically silent multiplayer in Uncharted 2)


SolidusDave said:
looks great :eek:

It does but I think the beauty will be marred once a bunch of visitors flock into the area. Like those unwanted tourists you don't want to see in your favorite beach.

I hope I can swim in that ocean. :D
how come my character's appearance keeps changing, i'll put a beard, glasses, and headphones on my character and when i go to a different space it gone, is there a reason why?


The Tower Defense game is the best thing in HOME. I'm not a huge Insomniac fan, but they've set the new standard for HOME spaces. Really, every space should have a real game contained within.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Oni Jazar said:
Lots of content coming to Home tomorrow (For US at least). Uncharted 2 space with a bunch of games & rewards, Street Fighter 4 space, Tekken 6 space, SF4 costumes, Penthouse apartment, and finally the much needed patch 1.32 which should hopefully fix all the crashing issues on login.


They've been doing significant updates every week now. Kudos for that.

It's coming to EU tomorrow as well.


Byakuya769 said:
They aren't confident enough in the importance of the platform to ask ND to graciously support it? (same goes for custom soundtracks missing from the musically silent multiplayer in Uncharted 2)
Does that mean Sony doesn't believe in Music?
Thrakier said:
Not to germany, I guess. :D German Home is a joke.

I'm glad I expected something like that at the PS3 PAL launch and went with an Austrian account as my main game account. Though in retrospective, I should have used my UK account as I only use that store for the PAL updates (only PS store which has the full PAL content every time and all the trailers are in English) and never the Austrian store.

btw German Home doesn't exist, it's one PAL Home but you can't enter certain spaces with a german PSN account.

not having an option to visit the other Home regions (besides friends apartments) with the same account/character sucks though (even more so because Home DLC is bound to only one account on the PS3 in contrast to other PSN stuff)

Oni Jazar

Just saw this on the EU PS Blog:

**Due to technical issues we have had to globally postpone the Home publishing process for 24 hours, all content changes will however be made on Friday**


Oni Jazar said:
Just saw this on the EU PS Blog:

**Due to technical issues we have had to globally postpone the Home publishing process for 24 hours, all content changes will however be made on Friday**

Well at least they didn't flog us all day Thursday and just made it friday.

Oni Jazar

Looks like from the comments on the US Blog that the Uncharted game will be instanced.

The Fortunate Thieves mini-game "instances" which means there are no lines to wait in. You can even secure your own private games for you and up to 4 friends.


Oni Jazar said:
Lots of content coming to Home tomorrow (For US at least). Uncharted 2 space with a bunch of games & rewards, Street Fighter 4 space, Tekken 6 space, SF4 costumes, Penthouse apartment, and finally the much needed patch 1.32 which should hopefully fix all the crashing issues on login.

Good it's not just me, I can't past "initializing...".


wow 3 new gamespaces, hot
i really liked the rachet one, looks nice and lots to do
is there any reward for the shooting game? i suck at it and can't get higher than a 1500 :X

Oni Jazar

Slackbladder said:
Yep, Home updated today. Can't get past 'initialising'. Morons.

Updated to version what? I think 1.32 comes out tomorrow and fixes the startup issue. Otherwise you can use TTP's solution

Edeuinu said:
10 months later they do instances on 1 game....sheesh!

There have been instanced games before. Some of the Xi games, and I think Ratchet also is instance. I really hope they implement this for Siren however. I only got to play that game once.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Just found the 1.32 change list

Version 1.32:

* We have reduced the time it takes to log on to Home.
* We have also reduced the time it takes to access and browse shops in busy spaces.
* We have replaced the generic G1 error that could occasionally be seen when having difficulty logging on with some more specific F# errors that should aid in better understanding any problems you might have.

Bug fixes

* Fixed a bug that could cause some people to freeze on the "initialising" step of the log on process after upgrading to version 1.3.
* Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when logging in to a Personal Space after upgrading to version 1.3.
* Fixed a bug that would allow you to stand your avatar up while playing chess or draughts and then run around without colliding with anything.
* Fixed a bug where certain animations played during a mini-game would sometimes not appear.
* Fixed a bug that would cause the preview camera in the store to get stuck if it was zoomed right in.
* Fixed a bug which could cause a mini-game to become unavailable briefly if the first person to play it leaves without quitting properly.
* Fixed a bug where a friend might not appear in the correct place after "going to" you.
* Fixed a bug that could cause the avatar to become invisible after exiting the wardrobe.
* Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when trying to download a new space.
* Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause you to automatically join an arcade game upon entering a space with one in.
* Fixed a bug that would very rarely cause a crash while playing bowling.

source: http://community.eu.playstation.com...hread.id=249172&view=by_date_ascending&page=1


Oni Jazar said:
Whoa is that a real reflection on those glasses?

Weskers glasses.

You need to complete a mini-game in the RE5 area AND you need to have a savegame of RE5 on your PS3 to do so.
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