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"PS4 is like a 5 years old PC and it’s really holding developers back"

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I mean, it's a four-year old console, so...Fresh take there, Josef.

I absolutely love my PS4 Pro and am incredibly impressed with the visual fidelity I'm getting on many games.


Not everything is or can be cutting edge. Heck, most people wait to buy consoles to years 3 through 5 because they're waiting for price drops.

There is no 'holding back'.

It's more like... I don't know, think of a bus. The front seat is 'cutting edge', but it by definition has a lot of seats behind it. Some people want to sit closer to the back because it's cheaper. Some people want to sit closer to the front. Everybody sits where they can afford/desire.

But the bus moves as a whole. The back seats aren't holding the front seats back. Everything is actually attached, cutting edge needs 'old edge' because that's were the companies make money [that is, if things simply stopped being sold after they were cutting edge, we'd get a lot less tech... most people aren't early adopters and wait for price drops]. New tech moves everything forward, together... but will always be in lock step with 'old tech'. It moves as a bus, or a wave... cutting edge exists because of the cycle, not outside of it.
I'm ok with this. A box you purchase simply for games should be built on some slightly older technology and at a reasonable price.

If you want cutting edge then build a PC and all the compromises and costs and setup that goes along with that.

This is how it's always been, since like the ps2 launch. That was the last time a console was significantly ahead of PC performance or graphics.

Shocking, that if you're willing to put 2-5x the money into it, you get a significantly more powerful box.


This author also brought us great gems such as

"Xbox Cheif Phil Spencer says company won’t make profit on Xbox One X console sales"


"Is Microsoft laughing at Sony right now? Are people in Sony worried because of Xbox One X?"


"MICROSOFT and SEGA teamed up: GAME OVER for the competition"
This should be in the OP
Its really the PS4 that is holding game dev back, that is the biggest install base of purchasers so thats what you have to dev and QA for. If publishers could get mobile users to pay $60 for a new game and $40 for a season pass then every big new game would be targeted at iPhone 6 and that would be the device that constrains power.

Still, increasing textures and better aliasing and higher FPS and res are all nice but end of the day the games we think of as definitive - breath of the wild, TLOU, GTA 5, Mass Effect, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Skyrim, bioshock, RDR, Overwatch, Minecraft, etc - are defined by their gameplay, story, characters, writing and polish not by their technical aspects. Tech makes a great game better, it does not make a game great by itself.


The article referenced in OP is wrong (Pro is not referenced in the interview), and worse the OP title make it sound like a quote which it isn't.



You want the honest truth? This machine is not so strong as you think," Fares says, pointing to the PS4 running his game. "This is like a five-year-old PC. If consoles were as powerful as PCs are today, you would see all different games. Most of the work developers put out there is to make them work on consoles."

Edit: the OP title was changed but originally was referencing the PS4 Pro, like his link, instead of the base PS4 actually talked bout
Holding developers back from what? Prettier graphics?

We are so past the point of blaming the ills of gaming on inferior console hardware. That's preposterous. Games nowadays are not held back because of graphics, and games will not get better with better graphics anymore.

We really don't need more AAA type games at all. The problem is you don't have enough other cool games, not enough middle and smaller games, not enough fun games. AAA is the problem if anything, although I won't go that far.

Boss Mog

This is kind of a pointless discussion, nobody is debating this fact, but the truth is the console is $399 (often found at $349) and go build me a decent gaming PC for that price; it's pretty much impossible. It's easy to say that PCs are way more powerful, but those powerful ones cost 4 times the price.

And the sad fact of it is that PC GPUs are always far from reaching their full potential since PC gaming is coded to work with an almost infinite variety of hardware configurations. Sure drivers optimize things somewhat for specific GPUs but not to the point of getting anywhere near the full potential.

When everybody has the exact same hardware devs can use its full potential and that's how you can get a gorgeous game like Uncharted 4 running on a netbook CPU with a midrange laptop GPU.


It's really holding developers back, huh.

Games have never cost more to make. They've never taken longer to make. A game that gets announced during someone's freshmen year might be out by the time that person graduates-- or maybe not, if the publisher is willing to ship something that isn't totally broken.

But no, it's the fucking hardware that's the fucking problem. Obviously we need more fucking power. Obviously what we have is holding the developers back.

Fuck outta here with this fucking garbage.
Sounds realistic enough. My GTX 970 still outperforms my PS4 pro (if only slightly in some games, depends on optimization though) but then, I just created a thread with like 500 replies claiming that graphics don't mean shit and don't impact my fun at all so yeah. I don't really care.


Soon as a good console releases with amazing specs cheap gaf will holler about how its too expensive. Some are already expecting PS5 to be 399 lol


Then Xbox One X must a be like a 4 year old PC holding developers back.

Pretty much, they're both pretty poor from a CPU standpoint. The PS4 and the Xbox One are even worse. Even excluding all the other things a PC CPU has to handle that a closed box doesn't, it seems developers are getting a bit tired of banging their heads against the CPU ceiling of this gen especially with the proliferation of PC versions of the games.
So, just sidestepping the whole inevitable Pro vs One X argument, no one in this business is doin visual effects and graphics better than Naughty Dog, on either platform. Maybe GG. Both on PS4 (base and Pro).

So this is one of those, "put your developing skills where your mouth is" type scenarios.

Don't get me wrong, of course it would be easier to develop with more power. Of course I want every console to have the power of elite PCs. But starting to throw shade about base tier consoles "holding the industry back."? cmon....


PC games still need to scale back to lower system requirements anyway. Just targeting the top end and making the "lol $2000 PC" meme actually true doesn't seem like a big enough market to target exclusively.


Junior Member
As someone with a pretty mid-low end PC now (GTX 770) I'm grateful for this, otherwise game Devs will prioritize the high end PC much more and leave us lower end PC users in the dirt if it wasn't for this..


Junior Member
First devs complain that dev costs are rising dramatically from each successive generation

and now the consoles are too weak

which one is it
A Way Out is a new game from EA and this game is made by the same developer that was responsible for the brothers which is kind of like co-op kind of game, an indie game that is pretty much ever available on PS4, Xbox and PC as well. Now obviously the new game A Way Out is pretty interesting as well. It’s going to be a co-op based as well. It’s obviously still an indie game so, it’s not like a huge AAA title and but this game looks really interesting. And obviously that got some media attention until the developers are kind of in the spotlight right now.



It's really holding developers back, huh.

Games have never cost more to make. They've never taken longer to make. A game that gets announced during someone's freshmen year might be out by the time that person graduates-- or maybe not, if the publisher is willing to ship something that isn't totally broken.

But no, it's the fucking hardware that's the fucking problem. Obviously we need more fucking power. Obviously what we have is holding the developers back.

Fuck outta here with this fucking garbage.
This. Laughable statement by those devs.
Holding back graphically sure, but it doesn't seem like it holds anything else back.

I don't buy that there are "all different games" that could only run on current PC's (graphics/framerate/etc aside).

"All different games" implies to me new genres or gameplay elements.....not sure how i see consoles holding developers back on that


Not everything is or can be cutting edge. Heck, most people wait to buy consoles to years 3 through 5 because they're waiting for price drops.

There is no 'holding back'.

It's more like... I don't know, think of a bus. The front seat is 'cutting edge', but it by definition has a lot of seats behind it. Some people want to sit closer to the back because it's cheaper. Some people want to sit closer to the front. Everybody sits where they can afford/desire.

But the bus moves as a whole. The back seats aren't holding the front seats back. New tech moves everything forward, together.

Thats a really dumb metaphor.

How does it explain things like shadow of mordor for the ps360? They were too underpowered to have the nemesis system enabled.

The fact is that there are ideas which are not viable on consoles but are on PC. This means that those ideas might not be financially viable due to the smaller available market.


Well that's why different graphical options exist? Isn't that the point? Lower them on consoles and leave the high end settings on PC? I don't understand how it's holding developers back. Maybe they just need more creativity than to just moan about consoles, which have been around for decades.


This is stupid because if devs wanted to be dumb enough to make games that only worked with specs higher than PS4 they would.


Not everything is or can be cutting edge. Heck, most people wait to buy consoles to years 3 through 5 because they're waiting for price drops.

There is no 'holding back'.

It's more like... I don't know, think of a bus. The front seat is 'cutting edge', but it by definition has a lot of seats behind it. Some people want to sit closer to the back because it's cheaper. Some people want to sit closer to the front. Everybody sits where they can afford/desire.

But the bus moves as a whole. The back seats aren't holding the front seats back. New tech moves everything forward, together.

Technology is a bus. l like it. But, is it more like a luxery coach? or a smoke belching party bus with vomit on the floor and a stripper pole.


How many people have a high end PC though? At least with the PS4/PS4 Pro you kinda have a vague idea of the install base and also a standard spec to develop for. It's not like the Pro is woefully underpowered. There are incredible looking games on that system. Hell, I'm still blown away by how good FFXV looks. I'll gladly accept that level of visual fidelity until the next generation arrives. What's holding many developers back is the lack of original ideas.


It's pretty weird that we're still discussing this in 2017.

I mean, I can definetly understand why PS3 would hold developers back years ago.

But PS4? Not really. It's a cost effective machine.
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