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PSN, Battlenet, Riot, and others DDOSed; PSN returning lightly toasted with butter


Ugh, what a bunch of douchebags. They're the ones that have been DDOS'ing the east coast Valve servers for the last few days too, making matchmaking in CS GO unplayable. Not really sure what people get out of doing this, but whatever.


Alright, that's really annoying since it works perfectly on the ps3 but I guess we're taking some steps backwards in the typical Sony fashion. I'll try it once I get back home

well it could be something on your end. I have been able to play games offline all morning with the router still connected to the server with zero issues. Only time i have the problem u are talking to is when i try to connect to psn


Maybe someone more educated can explain to me, but isnt it doable for big companies to defend themselves against DDOS, like something if you get a request from the same ip again within so much second just block it for a minute or something (even if they switch around ips). I can imagine there are ways to do this?

I mean a targeted hack is something else, but a DDOS seems quiet basic in what it is in essence.

It works because it is basic. This is the internet equivalent of throwing a brick through a store window. You just need a ton more bricks and for them all to be thrown at the same time.

Petulant children with nothing better to do making up excuses for why they act like little pricks. Hopefully they're caught and get sizable sentences. Personally I think it's about time a class action lawsuit form the consumers was filed against perpetrators, driving them into eternal bankruptcy. If they're minors then sue both them and their parents into the ground as they would say.

Until the penalties are harsher than the slap on the wrist most of these attacks end up with it'll continue, and unlike the war on drugs and various other insane ass laws we prosecute with decades long prison sentences this is a clear example of violating the free will of other individuals just because you've got a little make believe vendetta against some random company comprised of thousands of other individuals just trying to live their lives.

The rationale that lets people think this is an ok thing to do is the exact same rationale that led tot he racial oppression in Ferguson, the perpetuation of the war on drugs, discrimination of undocumented immigrants, etc. etc.. The 21st century alternative to fascism: self centered entitlement. The "why can't I be a dick to other people if it makes me feel good, I'm the only one who really matters" mindset.

GG humanity.
I question why they would want to attack these services. I mean I don't mind hackers, or their ilk, but why attack gaming services and not actual things that could be of help to people? Uncover corruption or something, do not attack gaming services.

Because hackers are just humans as well. There are bad, neutral and good ones.


Not gonna lie. I had my CC info on xbox live for 5+ yrs no prob.
Got a PS4 and in 2 months my PSN account was hacked for fifa points.
never again.
Blame Ea for that. The only time any of my online accounts have been compromised is on XBL for FIFA points.


Not gonna lie. I had my CC info on xbox live for 5+ yrs no prob.
Got a PS4 and in 2 months my PSN account was hacked for fifa points.
never again.

ive had CC info on multiple services and never had any problem. There have been plenty of people that I've personally known that have had their XBL account hacked and had to go through Microsoft Customer Service to recover it. As well as PS4.

In this day and age no where is actually safe, you just need to learn to cover your ass.


i don't know if its related to this but my ps4 is taking ages to log me into my profile.

as soon as i turned it on, and it asks who's using this controller, i choose my profile but its taking ages to log me into the "dashboard"


i don't know if its related to this but my ps4 is taking ages to log me into my profile.

as soon as i turned it on, and it asks who's using this controller, i choose my profile but its taking ages to log me into the "dashboard"
Because its trying to connect to PSN?


Dang. I've been playing TLOU SP and went to sync my trophies only to find out PSN is down again...

Would some real hackers plz go after these idiots?


Almost 4 hours later and still offline? Is sony even stated a official message at least towards US en EU folks?

not that I'm aware of, only acknowledgement I can find is from the Sony Japanese Twitter

Its up again here in Holland.

Not to say you aren't telling the truth, but being in a certain country really doesn't matter I think, PSN is down for everyone.
So sony clearly don't spend enough on security, kinda scary since they hold everyone's information including credit card info

Not gonna lie. I had my CC info on xbox live for 5+ yrs no prob.
Got a PS4 and in 2 months my PSN account was hacked for fifa points.
never again.

You may have got burned and I'm sorry to hear that Garland but the current DDoS attack won't compromise credit card info thankfully.


Ugh... this type of stuff sucks.

So is this at all related to the valve and Blizzard server problems the past couple of days? I know it wasn't too long ago a group of people decided to attack all the major gaming companies servers.

Shame some people feel the need to do this.


John Smedley confirming DDoS said it's "almost under control" about an hour ago.


John Smedley @j_smedley · 1h
It's almost under control now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

John Smedley @j_smedley · 2h
Sorry that it's impacting service.

John Smedley @j_smedley · 2h
We are under attack by a large scale ddos. Being dealt with but it will impact games until its handled.


Mannn I woke up early today to get some gaming in before my roommates woke up and was greeted by this. What a bummer.
I have not my CC binded to my account since the infamous PSN hack of some years ago.

I hope this time Sony will give us Second Son :D

Or you know, just buy the game with your own money.

Annoyed by this downtime but got a backlog to deal with anyway. Douchebaggery at its finest, LS.


Not gonna lie. I had my CC info on xbox live for 5+ yrs no prob.
Got a PS4 and in 2 months my PSN account was hacked for fifa points.
never again.

In fairness, I've had a credit card attached to my PSN account for nearly 10 years now.

Zero issues (not including the PSN outage). I haven't played a single FIFA game, so maybe that's why?


The "why can't I be a dick to other people if it makes me feel good, I'm the only one who really matters" mindset.

GG humanity.

I don't think it is a humanity issue, more like a young male issue.

It is probably a good thing that women as a group will be dominant in a few decades if recent trends continue. Women are better able to adapt and compete in non-religious, post-industrial societies.
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