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Quitting a crappy retail job.

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I've never quit a job before. My previous two jobs I was let go for both non-firing reasons (I was seasonal and they didn't keep me, the other was as a school tutor and I graduated so I was no longer allowed to be employed). I work a crappy retail job and they've already made my schedule for the next two weeks. The new job I've managed to land wants me to start this monday. I told him I wasn't sure what my current managers would want me to do, and that I would get back to him tomorrow.

Am I required to do a two weeks notice even in a retail job? I really hate the management and the company, but I still would feel kind of bad about just quitting without someone to replace me. On the other hand I don't care that much and someone else can take my hours, although there aren't that many associates in my dept to begin with. I also have 11.54 vacation according to my paycheck. I don't know whether this is days or hours or what because it doesn't actually say. I've heard that the company may require me to pay those back or something ridiculous like that.

What do I do GAF?
1. don't ever burn any bridges. always give a 2 week notice
2. you really shouldn't ever quit a job unless you already have another job or source of income no matter how shitty the job is


Tell them when you start your new job, they'll understand/deal with it. Generally you'd want to give a two weeks notice, but fuck it, you found a new job so you can get another reference from there.


I don't know what the laws are where you live, but where I live there's no such thing as "Two weeks notice". Employees are not legally required to give any notice. Where you live is probably the same unless you signed some sort of contract committing to a term or something.

Just be honest and give them as much notice as you can. It happens all the time and they will accept it. If you got a better paying job, don't continue to work at the lower paying one longer then you have to and make less money to make things easier on an employer, that's stupid. Do what's best for you.
1. don't ever burn any bridges. always give a 2 week notice
2. you really shouldn't ever quit a job unless you already have another job or source of income no matter how shitty the job is

I already have another job lined up. The guy told me he needed me monday, and if it wasn't a possibility they'd have to get a temp for those two weeks. Should I still put in the two weeks notice?

Also, is it generally acceptable to flip the bird at the store manager and shout "eat a dick" as you're leaving?
I quit a crappy retail job before to start a better job.

My method: Just don't turn up. I didn't have any pay owing to me though.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Give notice right now and tell your new employer that you have a full two weeks to the last guy. No point burning any bridges unless your previous employer was bouncing checks or actively screwing you offer somehow.


Is this new job something in your field of study? (You said you graduated, Im assuming college since high schoolers tutoring usually dont get paid)

Two weeks isnt really required. Its mainly a courtesy to let the employer know that they will have to find someone to replace you. Don't be a douche though.Let the management know asap you found a job that you went to school for and ask them if there is any way they could replace you by monday. If they can not, try to switch schedules with other people at your old job in order to work at both jobs for the two weeks.


Do it... retail jobs are a dime dozen... figuratively and literally

You can get fired, and still find another slightly better job elsewhere.
The two weeks is more of a respectful formality than anything legal. It is so the employer can find someone to take your place in those two weeks and not be short a person, it also ups your chances of them giving you a positive recommendation to a future job.

I generally have always given a two week notice out of respect, although I did actually say I was not coming back in to work in one job where the boss tried to pay me less than what I was hired for, and this other job I worked at a mall once when I was younger that went south very quickly.

Anyways, if you liked the company you are currently at (even if it sucks) give them a two week notice out of respect, if the new company is professional they should fully understand.
Is this new job something in your field of study? (You said you graduated, Im assuming college since high schoolers tutoring usually dont get paid)

Two weeks isnt really required. Its mainly a courtesy to let the employer know that they will have to find someone to replace you. Don't be a douche though.Let the management know asap you found a job that you went to school for and ask them if there is any way they could replace you by monday. If they can not, try to switch schedules with other people at your old job in order to work at both jobs for the two weeks.

I got an AA in music theory. A job in my field of study is anything that can give me money to buy recording equipment. The new job I took is a near-full time job palletizing bags of seed. It means not working with people and actual set hours, although I'm not necessarily looking forward to the commute or the repetitive nature of the job. I wouldn't be able to switch schedules in this instance since the job goes to 4:30 and the latest they could schedule me at my current job is 5pm, which they won't do.


Look sometimes things don't work out well. If you have to quit than quit. If you can work it out but it will be a shitty 2 weeks, then maybe give it a go. Your call.
Look sometimes things don't work out well. If you have to quit than quit. If you can work it out but it will be a shitty 2 weeks, then maybe give it a go. Your call.

I think it'll be a crappy two weeks. From what I've heard from other people, if you even mention in passing that you're thinking about finding another job, they'll take you back down to the bottom (if you were working a position above cashier, like I am) and severely cut your hours. Which is why I'm so hesitant to do this. But I want to get out of here.
I think it'll be a crappy two weeks. From what I've heard from other people, if you even mention in passing that you're thinking about finding another job, they'll take you back down to the bottom (if you were working a position above cashier, like I am) and severely cut your hours. Which is why I'm so hesitant to do this. But I want to get out of here.
Just quit then. There is nothing bounding you to stay with that job for 2 more week.


Ah, I guess that depends on the hiring process of the next job your applying for (or how well they're able to look at previous employment).

If it was your first job and you got fired from it, you can still feign... well the new job you are applying for is the first job too... some places are so informal they don't even wanna take your resume, they either look at you, ask some questions and see if they wanna hire you or not... and if you are in the retail game... don't sweat it out.

Cake Boss

I had a government job lined and gave 2 weeks, when the managers knew I was quitting they started treating me like shit, so I said fuck it and I didnt show for one of their bussiest weekend. So basically I gavethem 1 week.

I had a friend that told me they had to get 2 managers to cover my shifts. I felt satisfied.
Just tell your manager your situation. Sounds like they have people to cover your loss. It would have been better to give 2 weeks notice, but you don't have that luxury.
Welp, I guess I'll just go in there tomorrow and tell them I'm leaving. Now that I know I'm not required to give a two week notice, I don't have to worry about it.
If it was your first job and you got fired from it, you can still feign... well the new job you are applying for is the first job too... some places are so informal they don't even wanna take your resume, they either look at you, ask some questions and see if they wanna hire you or not... and if you are in the retail game... don't sweat it out.
The kind of place that wouldn't bother to check your resume sounds like it might just be another crappy retail job, but then again who knows. :)


Definitely give two weeks notice; you never know when you might need a good reference.

Also, if you start this new job, and your new employers know that you had a previous job and didn't give two weeks, they will just assume that you would do the same thing to them if you got a better offer.

Fox Mulder

You aren't required to give two weeks for a shitty part time retail job.

I quit one for a different job and just sat down with them to explain what's up and that I wanted to leave on good terms. They understood and said I could use them as a reference if I ever cared to.
Times are rough man, and you never know you might come looking for that retail check again some day (Shit happens :/). No use burning the bridge, give the two weeks notice.

And if it happens that your retail employer starts to disrespect/shit on you for giving a two weeks notice, thats when you quit by shoving it in his/her face.


Welp, I guess I'll just go in there tomorrow and tell them I'm leaving. Now that I know I'm not required to give a two week notice, I don't have to worry about it.
Just tell them you're very sorry but the new job needs you to start ASAP. Don't give any more details, especially where you're going (unless you are on very good terms with the manager).



Joking aside, usually you give 2 weeks notice as it is courteous to do so, not only that it might help you in the future if you decide to use them as a reference.

But since you are under these circumstances, you'll need to quit. Shit happens, that's life sometimes you can't control how certain things turn out. Next time be more prepared ahead of time so you aren't put into this position.

Now you know.


Unconfirmed Member
Two week notice is never mandatory, but is considered professional courtesy. Don't expect a positive recommendation from them in the future, but if you have and want to keep this new job they are the ones you should think about making happy.

Give a letter of resignation, put in writing Your last day, apalogize for the short notice but that your new position starts immediately. Offer to help make some calls to find substitutes for your shift (they will decline but it's a nice gesture).

EDIT: lol, you work retail. You have eleven hours of vacation not days :p


The kind of place that wouldn't bother to check your resume sounds like it might just be another crappy retail job, but then again who knows. :)

I guess I was lucky... you gotta get a feel for the people working there, observe them first as a casual customer and talk to people first


In some states in America, it is actually illegal to give negative references. Which seems really strange to me. Most places are going to contact former employers anyway, with or without you having a reference from them.

I've quit two jobs without giving notice. One I just went home about an hour into my shift because I was so sick of the place. I do not feel bad about giving zero notice. I was miserable going and did not respect my supervisor (or her supervisor) in the least.

If you have respect for your supervisor, let them know you have another job. If you really want out I agree with saying they need you ASAP and your hands are tied. Quitting a retail job isn't a big deal. There is such a high turn over in that field. Very few people actually intend to make their career working in retail, so most places are prepared for someone to leave any given day.


If I was hiring someone and he told me he wasn't going to give 2 weeks at his current job, I would move on to the next candidate (I do hire people but this hasn't happened yet. I always allow a candidate his 2 weeks to quit his previous job). It's a dick thing to do just because you don't like your current boss.

But hey, if that's how your work ethic is, theres a chance you won't make it very far in life.
i hate corporate retail so much. tell people off and give em the finger pigspeakers.

EDIT: expose shitty company practices to customers first. and pee in the water cooler if there is one.



Joking aside, usually you give 2 weeks notice as it is courteous to do so, not only that it might help you in the future if you decide to use them as a reference.

But since you are under these circumstances, you'll need to quit. Shit happens, that's life sometimes you can't control how certain things turn out. Next time be more prepared ahead of time so you aren't put into this position.

Now you know.

Is this Sunhi's handy work?

Welp, I guess I'll just go in there tomorrow and tell them I'm leaving. Now that I know I'm not required to give a two week notice, I don't have to worry about it.

Why not just explain your situation first, gauge his reaction, then make a decision?

Edit: Just make sure you don't piss anyone off. They do in fact call recent employers if you decide to move to another job after your seed one.


Yeah... well basically give the answer, that you plan to give 2 weeks notice to your other job, yet when it's time to hire you, they want you right the fuck now. Gotta play dat game yo


I just had started at a 7-11 (shudder) and worked there for a few days. Got called for a position at IBM, quick immediately. How long have you worked at your current job? Where I live within the first 3 months you are not required to give notice (as they can fire you without notice) and after 2 weeks is a formality. But if you're required to quit early, just explain to them your situation. There's nobody who wouldn't understand leaving a job to go to a better one.
I quit my job at a family owned grocer. I just up and left, after calling out my manager and the store owner. The store was a poorly run hole in the wall grocer, run by a incompetent racist neo-con who believes not is Obama a muslim terrorist but also a reptilian and his brain dead alcoholic son who is the manager and can't do his job, oh and is stealing from the registers.

The store barely got anyone, it was located in a mostly dead strip center, half the doors were broken, one of the main windows was broken and had a big garbage bag covering it, we had ant and roach problems, we had customers dealing drugs behind the store, a co-workers having sex with their g/fs behind the store, and not enough money to keep the store afloat.

It was terrible. I worked a month there before the smell, and the working conditions (I was given terrible hours and had to do everything, while my manager hit on our co-worker and harassed me). I had enough, my manager came up to me while I was mopping up his mess (he had spilled his liquor all over the floor) and called me a mop monkey and then poured some more of his drink on the floor. I called him names, but, didn't hit him cause he would press charges. I got my apron and threw it down, flipped him the bird, the store owner came out and started yelling, called him out and told him his son was stealing from the registers and he should "check the cameras". Walked home, never looked back.

Hopefully the store shuts down. Not just because of the political viewpoints, but, because that place was not sanitary. I'm no health inspector, but, even I could tell that place had huge health code violations.
If I was hiring someone and he told me he wasn't going to give 2 weeks at his current job, I would move on to the next candidate (I do hire people but this hasn't happened yet. I always allow a candidate his 2 weeks to quit his previous job). It's a dick thing to do just because you don't like your current boss.

But hey, if that's how your work ethic is, theres a chance you won't make it very far in life.

Here's the thing, man. I talked to the other manager at the new place I'm going to be working at. I told him that I thought it would be a good thing to do to give my current place of business a two weeks notice. But he told me that he needed me asap, but understood if I had to work the last two weeks. If you'd been reading the thread, you'd see that. He says I can do the two weeks thing, but at the current point in time, I think that I can safely explain the situation to my current management and the other company's need for me and make it out of there.

I have really good work ethic. I've managed to stay with this horrible company for over a year and I don't think I've ever gotten in an argument with management, and if I've ever broken a rule it was because I was unaware of the rule.


Gold Member
lol @ people who still think you have to give two week notices

You should if you can. You can poison your network if you walk away from a job with no notice, and that can mess you up down the line when you need a reference.
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