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Rachel Dolezal Says She Was ‘Too Black’ for Her Black Husband

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Oh boy

let me make this post, as I am ignorant, and with risk of a ban

How is this "disorder" of thinking you are black when you are born with another color, different from the people that transition from one gender to the other? I see a lot of bullying towards this woman


What? Ethnicity is backed by genetics. The biological component is genes. You don't acquire your ethnicity after birth. Are you confusing nationality? You couldn't be more wrong.
This is straight up 19th century racial anthropology thinking.

While certain ethnic groups maybe in part defined by a shared gene pool, by far the largest amount of ethnic groups are not defined by racial purity and it is certainly possibly for individuals to leave one ethnic group and become part of another.

Modern anthropology is quite clear on the fact that cultural elements are far more dominant in determining ethnicity and identity.
Oh boy

let me make this post, as I am ignorant, and with risk of a ban

How is this "disorder" of thinking you are black when you are born with another color, different from the people that transition from one gender to the other? I see a lot of bullying towards this woman

From my understanding, the idea of "race" is a man made idea. The only biological difference being color of the skin but that doesn't equate to the culture, while gender is a specific biological code that we are born with


From my understanding, the idea of "race" is a man made idea. The only biological difference being color if the skin but that doesn't equate to culture. while gender is a specific biological core that we are born with
Sorry but that statement is false. Sex is biological, gender is cultural.
Oh boy

let me make this post, as I am ignorant, and with risk of a ban

How is this "disorder" of thinking you are black when you are born with another color, different from the people that transition from one gender to the other? I see a lot of bullying towards this woman

Read the first few pages of this thread. Or any other thread about Rachel. Topics about her almost always involve a "So why are transgendered folk any different?" discussion.

Here was a response from earlier:

This is a giant can of worms, and it's best not to open it.

But let's put it this way. The belief that a white person can transition into becoming a black person darkening their skin with tanning and changing their behavior is insulting. Especially when this is not applicable for actual people of color.


Oh boy

let me make this post, as I am ignorant, and with risk of a ban

How is this "disorder" of thinking you are black when you are born with another color, different from the people that transition from one gender to the other? I see a lot of bullying towards this woman
Race is a social construct so it doesn't exists on a scientific and biological level which is way different from sex and gender


Oh boy

let me make this post, as I am ignorant, and with risk of a ban

How is this "disorder" of thinking you are black when you are born with another color, different from the people that transition from one gender to the other? I see a lot of bullying towards this woman

If you go through the thread, you will find all the answers you need to know.

Including all the reasons why Racheal Dolezal is a con-artist and why transracial is not a thing (at least in the way Racheal uses it).
Oh boy

let me make this post, as I am ignorant, and with risk of a ban

How is this "disorder" of thinking you are black when you are born with another color, different from the people that transition from one gender to the other? I see a lot of bullying towards this woman
Because of stuff like this:
No, she's not, because there's no such thing.

To put it into simple terms, men and women have slightly different brain structures. That's stuff such as the relative size of different parts of the brain/synaptic density in certain regions of the brain, such as the corpus callosum. These differences don't have any effect on a person's IQ or intellectual abilities, but it seems to be these type of differences between the structure of male and female brains that seem to be responsible for which gender a person identifies as, regardless of their physical features. Brain studies and the like have indeed confirmed that the brains of transgender men more resemble those of men than women, despite them being born with the body of a woman otherwise, and similarly trans-women have brains more similar to women than those of men despite otherwise having a body of a men.

There are no such differences between the brains of blacks and whites, or any other such biological differences between them that would produce the same effects as the gender dysphoria that transgender individuals feel when they're not able to identify as their actual gender. If there were, eugenicists and white supremacists would have surely found that shit in like the late 19th century/early 20th century, because that was exactly the type of shit they were looking for to try and prove that blacks were biologically inferior. They found nothing, and had to rely instead on shifting the perspective of black skulls compared to white skulls and just displaying them at different angles and shit to "prove" that blacks were more apelike and shit. With no such differences existing, it's impossible for transracalism, in the context it's being used here, to actually be a thing.

That's why this women is hated--because what's she's saying is complete nonsense and is just a desperate bid for attention, that just muddies the waters and hurts transgender activism because of people conflating them when there's no link. And it's quite clear that she's only doing this for attention because she's done shit like trying to sue a HBCU for discriminating against her being white, in addition to all kinds of other nonsense in her past. She herself doesn't even believe what she's selling, so no one else should.

It's just complete hogwash, and people not having the time to look that up and just absorbing what she's saying without knowing any of that is why she's so hated: because it's unscientific nonsense that she herself doesn't even believe and just causes confusion and hurts stuff like trasngender causes for no reason because of people linking the two of them because of her when they're absolutely nothing alike (one's based on scientific fact and centuries of history, the other complete nonsense and only based on her made up attention-seeking stories).

And like I said, she hasn't kept up the act. She's cracked at times, such as when she sued Howard University, a HBCU, for allegedly discriminating against her because she was white. She herself doesn't buy this stuff and is only using it to get attention:
Oh boy

let me make this post, as I am ignorant, and with risk of a ban

How is this "disorder" of thinking you are black when you are born with another color, different from the people that transition from one gender to the other? I see a lot of bullying towards this woman
Funny how this disorder is so easily curable when you feel like an HBCU is treating you unfairly as a white person, yet you claim to be black...Or when you call out another black person for not being 'black' enough...Or when you kick a student out your class for claiming to not be the race they actually are...Or for calling out a black actor and wanting people to boycott there film...Or saying your black husband wasn't back enough...Or-


But it's a disorder and she's being bullied right?

Whatever dude.


Oh boy

let me make this post, as I am ignorant, and with risk of a ban

How is this "disorder" of thinking you are black when you are born with another color, different from the people that transition from one gender to the other? I see a lot of bullying towards this woman

This is the part where we, shocked at the originality of this inspired question, take time to self reflect and realize the error of our ways, right?

You don't simultaneously imply ignorance and a risk of ban (ridiculous) without already having already decided the answer for yourself to this question you undoubtedly got somewhere else.

Unlike transgender, which is backed by centuries of innumerable cases and medical evidence (gendered brains. look it up) transrace is not something that is currently recognized by anyone outside of one specific person perpetrating a con and a bunch of other people engaging in arguments in bad faith.
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