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Surprise! Rachel Dolezal doesn't care about Black people

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Full article won't be available until tomorrow, but The Stranger posted an excerpt from (writer/activist) Ijeoma Oluo's long interview with Rachel Dolezal and it's already a doozy (surprise):

Throughout our conversation, I get the increasing impression that, for someone who claims to love blackness, Rachel Dolezal has little more than contempt for many actual black people and their own black identities.

The dismissive and condescending attitude towards any black people who see blackness differently than she does is woven throughout her comments in our conversation. It is not just our pettiness, it is also our lack of education that is preventing us from getting on Dolezal's level of racial understanding. She informs me multiple times that black people have rejected her because they simply haven't learned yet that race is a social construct created by white supremacists, they simply don't know any better and don't want to: ”I've done my research, I think a lot of people though haven't probably read those books and maybe never will."

”Race is just a social construct" is a retort I get quite often from white people who don't want to talk about black issues anymore. A lot of things in our society are social constructs–money, for example, is one–but the impact that they have on our lives, and the rules by which they operate, are very real. I cannot undo the evils of capitalism simply by pretending to be a millionaire.

Dolezal looks me in the eye and says with a straight face: ”I'm not trying to redefine anything. In fact, I didn't try to coin a transracial term, or any of that stuff."

...When I write about race, I often get people coming back and saying, ‘Why are you focused on this? Race is a social construct.' That's primarily white people who say it because the default of the social construct is, whiteness is invisible... But part of white supremacy is actually never having to acknowledge you're white, freedom from a lot of that because you're the default. My question is, does this actually deconstruct race when it still only goes one way?

”Well," says Rachel, ”but why does it have to just go one way?"

I'll be happy to update OP when full article is out.

Update: full article is out and it's really well written. This stuck out to me:

"I'm not comparing the struggles, okay? Because I never said that my life was the same. I never said that it was the equivalent of slavery, of chattel slavery. I did work and bought all my own clothes and shoes since I was 9 years old. That's not a typical American childhood life," she says. "I worked very hard, but I didn't resonate with white women who were born with a silver spoon. I didn't find a sentence of connection in those stories, or connection with the story of the princess who was looking for a knight in shining armor."

This is just a standard white person backlash - I'M NOT PRIVILEGED SO DON'T PAINT ME WITH PRIVILEGE. And it's all here from that. Wow.

roll me around in mud as an appropriative technique if old.


I'm stuck between finding her fascinating and thinking it's long past due to pull the plug on giving her any more attention.
My hope is that this interview will be a death knell. I heard she was also on TV last night, and shockingly showed her whole ass. As she does.


I despise this woman. My God she's awful but at least this is likely the last time someone will say anything bout her


White media are going to keep talking to her though. How else can they shit on black people, trans people and women all at the same time?


Any rational person knew this from the start.
I'm willing to bet all of the people spewing the "transracial" nonsense also knew but they just couldn't pass up the chance to shit on transgender folks.
I hope her 15mins end soon.




She was a good freak show for a little while but I can't imagine what else there really is to learn about her that might be compelling.

Yeah and to top it off she's trying to profit from the situation so who knows if a word she says is even genuine.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
There are so many times that I wish The Boondocks was still good to see that show rip these kinds of people apart. Uncle Ruckus and her would have had a good chance of killing me with laughter.

boiled goose

good with gravy
I don't agree with her regarding a lot of things, but I don't see how the thread title was deduced from the excerpt of the article.

It is mostly about her perspective that "race is a social construct". I don't see how that means she "doesn't care about black people".


I'm stuck between finding her fascinating and thinking it's long past due to pull the plug on giving her any more attention.
I think I'm over it. There's something about the way she talks that signals to me she has tendencies to make up an opinion on the spot without really considering how she's contributing to the larger conversation or the kinds of issues she's dismissing.

I think she's been catapulted to a much larger platform than she deserves through playing up her role as some sort of provocateur, but I have yet to see her really add any truly interesting perspectives to race issues (aside from the bizarre fact that she just exists).
She knows blackness better and is misunderstood by the ignorant blacks

This is what elevates this particular interview for me above and beyond standard Dolezaling. This isn't just "I wanted to roll in the mud to feel black," which was already beyond. This is now "I rolled in some mud and now I am THE BLACKEST WHO EVER WAS; THESE OTHER BLACK FOLKS ARE THE REAL FAKE BLACK FOLKS."

And I mean, she was already on that whole "I'm too Black for my husband" deal, but this is really something.



Coming to ABC this Fall starring Nkechi Amare Diallo in Finding My Place as an independent woman appropriating her way through life not giving a fuck. All while developing a unique identity that will keep the audience watching unlike those books they will never read.

Armond White of the National Review writes:

Finding My Place is organic genre-defining piece. Nkechi's ability to grasp the negro experience is profound. Not since Robert Downey Jr. as Kirk Lazarus as Lincoln Osiris have we seen such a full understanding of the transracial identity. Finding My Place offers a conscientious reminder of artistic principle, the respite of an aesthetically powerful story.
I don't agree with her regarding a lot of things, but I don't see how the thread title was deduced from the excerpt of the article.

It is mostly about her perspective that "race is a social construct". I don't see how that means she "doesn't care about black people".
Agreed. I don't care about dolazel, but her saying people who attack her don't understand her message is not equal to her not caring about black people.
Problem is, all that sucker shit inside your DNA
Daddy prolly snitched, heritage inside your DNA
Backbone don't exist, born outside a jellyfish, I gauge

No one should be shocked.

Coming to ABC this Fall starring Nkechi Amare Diallo in Finding My Place as an independent woman appropriating her way through life not giving a fuck. All while developing a unique identity that will keep the audience watching unlike those books they will never read.

Armond White of the National Review writes:

I'm still tickled that she was able to fool so many people with extensions and a spray-on tan/Fashion Fair blend
I'm still tickled that she was able to fool so many people with extensions and a spray-on tan/Fashion Fair blend

I talked to someone who taught at the same school and all she would mostly say is that they were realllllllly embarrassed when the whole thing broke. Not that people didn't know (she said plenty did) but that they were just kind of letting it be. Which is its own problem.


This is what elevates this particular interview for me above and beyond standard Dolezaling. This isn't just "I wanted to roll in the mud to feel black," which was already beyond. This is now "I rolled in some mud and now I am THE BLACKEST WHO EVER WAS; THESE OTHER BLACK FOLKS ARE THE REAL FAKE BLACK FOLKS."

And I mean, she was already on that whole "I'm too Black for my husband" deal, but this is really something.
If delusions were counted then she would win the blackolympics
Her husband wasn't black enough
Now the whole race isn't to her

What mysterious black people is she expecting to see with her eyes?
Only other non-black people saying and doing the same as her I'm guessing


Junior Member
Can an alien spaceship just stop by and take this woman away? I just want her to go away forever. Like a deserted island only for her dumbass to live on with no TV, internet, phone or anything. And destroy the boat.
I talked to someone who taught at the same school and all she would mostly say is that they were realllllllly embarrassed when the whole thing broke. Not that people didn't know (she said plenty did) but that they were just kind of letting it be. Which is its own problem.

Yeah, I figured some people around her had to be in on it or just letting it rock to avoid trouble for themselves


they simply don’t know any better and don’t want to: “I've done my research, I think a lot of people though haven't probably read those books and maybe never will.”

Oh boy! it's just like those times american kids in tumblr have tried to lecture me about my people and my heritage!


If delusions were counted then she would win the blackolympics
Her husband wasn't black enough
Now the whole race isn't to her

What mysterious black people is she expecting to see with her eyes?
Only other non-black people saying and doing the same as her I'm guessing
”I'd stir the water from the hose into the earth ... and make thin, soupy mud, which I would then rub on my hands, arms, feet, and legs," Dolezal states in her book.

”I would pretend to be a dark-skinned princess in the Sahara Desert or one of the Bantu women living in the Congo ... imagining I was a different person living in a different place was one of the few ways ... that I could escape the oppressive environment I was raised in," she writes.
From this article

Those mythical Bantu women, they're the real blacks! Or the Saharan princesses!
"Can an alien spaceship just stop by and take this woman away? I just want her to go away forever. Like a deserted island only for her dumbass to live on with no TV, internet, phone or anything. And destroy the boat."

I dunno. Do we really want this woman to annoy the shit out of a far more advanced alien species by claiming she's more Cf'lxonian than they are and prompting them to vaporize our planet as revenge?


Can an alien spaceship just stop by and take this woman away? I just want her to go away forever. Like a deserted island only for her dumbass to live on with no TV, internet, phone or anything. And destroy the boat.
She gonna tell the aliens she is identifies as one too but they are doing it wrong


Hearing her appearance on LeBatard's show, she sounded like she was in a terrible place: super stressed, jobless. I hope she ends up alright.
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