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Rainbow Six: Siege |OT| Idris Elba sold separately

mr stroke

anyone still playing this on PC?

Thinking about picking this up on steam sale, but wonder if the community is still around ?


anyone still playing this on PC?

Thinking about picking this up on steam sale, but wonder if the community is still around ?
Disgraced and I had some solid matches earlier today. Definitely gonna be on more this weekend. Add me if you wanna join up, never played with a GAF squad on X1.

GT Gareth Marenghi


Not as deep as he thinks
Has anyone else had the vote to kick option just not show up sometimes? I've had people team kill me with no option, a lot lately.
Yup, the same problem happens over here with me. Also, sometimes when I want to vote to kick and access the name list, I'm not able to scroll up the names because it won't register. PS4.


So this is the sequel I've been waiting for all these years.

Disgraced and I had some solid matches earlier today. Definitely gonna be on more this weekend. Add me if you wanna join up, never played with a GAF squad on X1.

GT Gareth Marenghi

I'm usually on in the morning or late evening. GT in email tags/quote to view.


Thinking of coming back to this later this week after Ranked on Overwatch being a little sour.

Have they fixed the PS4 bug where you're kicked after every match?
Don't know if it's frowned upon simply sharing great videos from YouTuber's, but those familiar with Threatty know he puts in a lot of effort producing his Full Metal series which is mostly Battlefield, but his newest is just Siege and I think it's great fun!

Also, seems there's less rumblings about the next batch of operators. I haven't heard anything, other than possibly Brazilian and the thumbnail of a potential new map that looks like a mansion?
Also played with Disgraced and had a fun time. Hopefully he didn't mind the vulgarity that comes out my friend's mouths lol.

Yesterday I decided to sneak in a quick game before bed and ended up in a casual where everyone had mics and was communicating. We all decided to party up together and go into ranked after. Won 2 games in a row(even after being accidentally killed by my teammates twice). It's nice that there's a fairly mature playerbase to be found on Siege compared to most shooters I've played.


Thinking of coming back to this later this week after Ranked on Overwatch being a little sour.

Have they fixed the PS4 bug where you're kicked after every match?

I tried it after the latest patch and it didn't seem present after 4 matches, but it kicked me out after my 5th. Haven't played it since.


Thinking of coming back to this later this week after Ranked on Overwatch being a little sour.

Have they fixed the PS4 bug where you're kicked after every match?
I haven't seen that, but doesn't mean it isn't happening. I usually only see players get kicked for bad pings or because of random Siege kicks (can usually get back in).
I tried it after the latest patch and it didn't seem present after 4 matches, but it kicked me out after my 5th. Haven't played it since.

I haven't seen that, but doesn't mean it isn't happening. I usually only see players get kicked for bad pings or because of random Siege kicks (can usually get back in).

Oh this makes sense. I had some teammates get kicked yesterday during our matches. They were able to join back after
Got the game for my bday (XBO). Had a few decent matches and then a bunch of terrohunt matches where I was TK'd immediately or they shot our hostage. I feel like I spent more time reporting players than I did playing :-/


I have had a number of clutch wins but this one might be my favorite. I have been playing like crap lately too and this team beat us twice in a row but figured yall would enjoy this one. Killed the last 4 as my last teammate died shortly after the first kill.

I really like how when playing house, most teams will choose to defend master bedroom and garage first. It makes the later half of the match so tense when they're forced to pick billiards room or kids bedroom :p
I really like how when playing house, most teams will choose to defend master bedroom and garage first. It makes the later half of the match so tense when they're forced to pick billiards room or kids bedroom :p

I wish the game had a server browser if only to participate in 24/7 House Secure Area matches. My friend's and I only have House set on match making preferences haha
I wish the game had a server browser if only to participate in 24/7 House Secure Area matches. My friend's and I only have House set on match making preferences haha

House would definitely be the dust 2 of this game. I do really like how there is no map voting in matchmaking, I'd rather play a few games of maps I don't like as much but still have variety than put the control in the hands of the players and have people just voting the same map over and over.
I wish the game had a server browser if only to participate in 24/7 House Secure Area matches. My friend's and I only have House set on match making preferences haha
yeah man! nothing gets you fired up like seeing the house loading screen :p Getting tougher and tougher with new maps being added though, we so rarely get the boat map that when we do I have the vaguest ideas of what to do in it!
I wish the game had a server browser if only to participate in 24/7 House Secure Area matches. My friend's and I only have House set on match making preferences haha

I love house as well and it my only enabled thing in preferences, for nearly any objective.
I wish hostg made the save points farther to make things mor einteresting

Also apparently atm matchmaking preferences are not working for PVP and only work for T-Hunt.


Also apparently atm matchmaking preferences are not working for PVP and only work for T-Hunt.

As far as I know, there has never been clarification on how map preferences work in PVP. I hear lots of people thinking it doesn't work but we don't know how it's intended to work.

We don't know the order a match is started. Is it server is started, map chosen, mode chosen, players populate server? Or is it server > players > map > mode. Or something else entirely.

I've had this argument with Stat a lot, but basically my premise is that unless 6/10 players choose to have a map turned off, it's OK if that map is chosen. My individual preferences shouldn't be prioritized over others in the match. If I'm the only one that turns off Yacht, that shouldn't be enough to prevent 9 other people from playing on Yacht.

If my entire team turns off Border but the team we get matched up against has it turned on, then our preference shouldn't be prioritized over theirs.
^Yea I get that, but I was referring to it actually not working at all(I agree that it's more of a preference thing and not an actual vote). I've seen people mention that on reddit but haven't seen a direct comment from an UBI rep about it. I'll see if I can find a confirmation on the Ubi forums or if not I'll ask there


How do I report players on uPlay? Two teammates killed me for not planting when they wanted me to, and then starting insulting me in chat.


Really sad that they have taken this long to finally fix some of the cheating. Feel sorry for the PC bros on that.

Looking forward to hearing what they do next on the character updates. There are a couple players that need a serious buff (Tachanka and maybe Twitch)
Has there been meaningful debate over the inclusion of friendly fire in this game (at least in social)? I get that it is more realistic, and turning it off would encourage more grenade spam, but at this point I don't care. I am sick of being team-killed. And intentional TKd aside, unintentional FF sucks, too. I accidentally killed someone with a cluster bomb last night, they TKd me and booted me, then I randomly joined back into the same game(!) with them and they did it again. I love this game but I want to play a non-sweaty social match without worrying about TKs.


Has there been meaningful debate over the inclusion of friendly fire in this game (at least in social)? I get that it is more realistic, and turning it off would encourage more grenade spam, but at this point I don't care. I am sick of being team-killed. And intentional TKd aside, unintentional FF sucks, too. I accidentally killed someone with a cluster bomb last night, they TKd me and booted me, then I randomly joined back into the same game(!) with them and they did it again. I love this game but I want to play a non-sweaty social match without worrying about TKs.

I assume you are playing Casual? You need to switch to Ranked. There is very little TK and BS on Ranked

Are you using a mic?

Team Killing has to be in this game. It is a must. The only thing I might be for is a 10-15sec no team damage as the game starts following the prep phase for attackers.
I assume you are playing Casual? You need to switch to Ranked. There is very little TK and BS on Ranked

Are you using a mic?

Team Killing has to be in this game. It is a must. The only thing I might be for is a 10-15sec no team damage as the game starts following the prep phase for attackers.

I am playing Casual, Ranked is still locked for me- I am not Lvl 20 yet. I play with a mic about 50% of the time, and will put mine on whenever someone starts asking if anyone else has a mic.

Good to hear about Ranked having less BS, I will look forward to unlocking access soon. Usually I am hard to rattle, but being knocked out by random assholes in this game is so frustrating.

If anyone would like to add me on XBL, my gamertag is Rodan117. I am new to the game, but I am getting the hang of it quickly.


My friend and I keep getting an error message everytime we try to accept each others invites so we can't join each others squad and play a game together. It worked fine the other day so idk whats up. Any ideas?


My friend and I keep getting an error message everytime we try to accept each others invites so we can't join each others squad and play a game together. It worked fine the other day so idk whats up. Any ideas?
This sometimes happens to us if one of us doesn't shut the game down fully but just resumes when turning off the console. Usually restarting the game fixes it. Sometimes NAT issues aftect it too. It used to be a lot worse than it is now.


I fucking hate when people barricade your obvious killholes. Especially when I'm Tachanka and I've placed my turret right in its LOS. My frustration is tempered when it's a noob or a less experienced player that does it, and I may be paranoid (since I don't often use a mic in publics therefore I can't communicate) but I swear some people barricade your obvious killholes in TH so they can roam around in front of you and have most of the points.


Yesterday I deliberately TK'd someone because they had the diffuser and were about to charge into the room where the last person standing, Valkyrie (who was defending a bomb and had a good angle on the entrance), had killed the last two of my teammates who just tried the same exact thing. So I killed him, took the diffuser, went back to the other bomb we had secured, planted, drew her out, killed her, and won. It was a dick move but it feels justified. *And yes, I danced around and waypointed the secured bomb several times while the Three Stooges utterly ignored me.
Patch 3.4 "the team-killing one" notes!

Patch 3.4 will be deployed on July 13th for all platforms.
Translated versions of these patch notes will be published as quickly as possible.

General Tweaks and Improvements
Operator Balancing

Pulse has better visibility, more reliable information, and it is now easier to read feedback.

For the update to Pulse in Patch 3.4, we wanted to give him better awareness by increasing the visibility he gets of his gadget. A lot of times players would get caught off-guard while using Pulse's gadget, and we intend for this new update to improve situations like that. Pulse’s gadget's detection marks were static on the screen and this was sometimes difficult to interpret. We have changed these marks to provide a better representation of the enemy’s world position.

After Update 3.4, if you detect an enemy and look away, the “ring” will stay at the enemy’s position, and not remain on the screen at the same position it was when the enemy was detected. We felt that we weren’t fully delivering the experience and the fantasy of the heartbeat scanner with the previous design. We hope you will enjoy the new graphic, audio, and visual update we are applying to the gadget as well!


Team Killing

If a player repeatedly team kills, they will temporarily be banned from matchmaking. After multiple offenses, a permanent ban may be issued to the offending player’s account.
First offense:
Casual- Kicked from match.
Ranked- Banned for 15 minutes, 50% renown penalty for 30 minutes.
Second offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 30 minutes.
Third offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 2 hours.
Fourth offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 24 hours.
Fifth offense: Banned from Matchmaking for 7 days.

Duration of a suspension will be decided at Ubisoft’s discretion, on a case by case basis. After multiple offenses, the player may receive up to a permanent ban. Actual disciplinary action may differ from the list of examples depending on the severity of the behavior and, again, shall be decided at Ubisoft’s discretion, on a case by case basis.

Main Bug Fixes

FIXED – Ubisoft Club challenge rewards required players to restart their game client. (Reward is now automatically placed in your inventory once you redeem the challenge)
FIXED – Xbox One users were unable to create Custom Matches while offline.
FIXED – Casual menu can be accessed even while banned.
FIXED – Camera devices float when a player is killed while using it.
FIXED – Player's weapon disappears if a pickup animation is cancelled.
FIXED – SR-25 has a flickering texture on top side of stock.

FIXED – Unable to revive himself if put in a DBNO state during the vaulting animation.

FIXED – Turret will float in the air if it runs out of ammo.
FIXED – When viewing Tachanka as a spectator, there are multiple visual/animation conflicts.

FIXED – Replay and Spectator mode cameras sometimes made Blackbeard appear to have no recoil.

FIXED – Throwing a Black Eye outside during prep phase does not destroy it. (This does not apply to Terrorist Hunt)

FIXED – No sound effects can be heard when a Shock Wire Battery is placed on barbed wire on stairs.

Shield Operators
FIXED – Shield clips through the Operator's field of view while picking up a breach charge.

Level Design
FIXED – Players are able to rappel in the air at EXT Front Lawn from EXT Coast Guard Roof.

FIXED – Placing a Black Eye next to a window in the 2nd Floor Hallway in Preparation Phase destroys the Black Eye.
As a Pulse player, I didn't feel he was particularly underpowered or underutilized before but this is a welcome change in my books. Can't help but feel some other operators are simply beyond help though.
As a Pulse player, I didn't feel he was particularly underpowered or underutilized before but this is a welcome change in my books. Can't help but feel some other operators are simply beyond help though.

I watch guys like MacieJay play Pulse INSANELY effectively and wonder if a buff like this is needed...then remember he's on PC and it's much easier to track and react to enemy heartbeats.

They should really consider balancing differently for each platform. Maybe it won't happen in Siege, but maybe Siege 2?

Regardless, as a console player, really looking forward to this change. I'm glad they haven't fallen into the trap of nerf balancing vs buff balancing. I like that they focus on making each Operator more appealing to play as rather than trying to level the playing field via nerfs.
I've had this game since Christmas and only recently started playing the MP.

God damn is it soooo goood, Shame on you Gaz for not telling me earlier.

Anyway, fairly low level (21) but not have much trouble with anything beyond getting my bearing with map layouts relative to where I spawn.

But slowly learning. Shield guys can be troublesome if I am caught without nitro though, what's the best way to take one out that has there backs against something like a reinforced wall? If there's no nitro/grenades/team mates etc?


I've had this game since Christmas and only recently started playing the MP.

God damn is it soooo goood, Shame on you Gaz for not telling me earlier.

Anyway, fairly low level (21) but not have much trouble with anything beyond getting my bearing with map layouts relative to where I spawn.

But slowly learning. Shield guys can be troublesome if I am caught without nitro though, what's the best way to take one out that has there backs against something like a reinforced wall? If there's no nitro/grenades/team mates etc?
Be patient and let them come to you, have teammates flank when they do. Or, if it's just you and you feel like you have to attack them, you can melee them and their shield will drop, except for Montagne if he has it extended. If he's in a corner and has it extended meleeing it won't make it move much but when you do it a teammate should be able to shoot his feet.

Heavy may have a funny video of me and someone else we were playing with doing this dance with Montagne.


I've had this game since Christmas and only recently started playing the MP.

God damn is it soooo goood, Shame on you Gaz for not telling me earlier.

Anyway, fairly low level (21) but not have much trouble with anything beyond getting my bearing with map layouts relative to where I spawn.

But slowly learning. Shield guys can be troublesome if I am caught without nitro though, what's the best way to take one out that has there backs against something like a reinforced wall? If there's no nitro/grenades/team mates etc?

If it isn't montagne, line up the headshot and wait for him to drop his shield for a clear shot or just rush them and knife them to create an opening. If you can afford to be patient lining up the headshot is always the best option.
I've had this game since Christmas and only recently started playing the MP.

God damn is it soooo goood, Shame on you Gaz for not telling me earlier.

Anyway, fairly low level (21) but not have much trouble with anything beyond getting my bearing with map layouts relative to where I spawn.

But slowly learning. Shield guys can be troublesome if I am caught without nitro though, what's the best way to take one out that has there backs against something like a reinforced wall? If there's no nitro/grenades/team mates etc?

Said by the guy who sold his ps4.. pfffft. You gotta pick up a ps4 + BF1 now
Be patient and let them come to you, have teammates flank when they do. Or, if it's just you and you feel like you have to attack them, you can melee them and their shield will drop, except for Montagne if he has it extended. If he's in a corner and has it extended meleeing it won't make it move much but when you do it a teammate should be able to shoot his feet.

Heavy may have a funny video of me and someone else we were playing with doing this dance with Montagne.

If it isn't montagne, line up the headshot and wait for him to drop his shield for a clear shot or just rush them and knife them to create an opening. If you can afford to be patient lining up the headshot is always the best option.

Thanks for the tips

Said by the guy who sold his ps4.. pfffft. You gotta pick up a ps4 + BF1 now

My dear Mike, it was a pretty terrible decision no doubt.

Pray for my sins pls


Got the game this weekend, and love it, I was in the closed Alpha and open beta and liked it then but didnt want to pay full price, so I waited.

My issue right now is those idiots who kill their teamates as soon as the match starts. I wish they had it if you kill 3 teamates in a session which includes all rounds, you are auto kicked out the match, thats how COD hardcore mode does it.

No way anybody accidentally kills 3 teammates in a 3 out of 5 match, if they do they need to be kicked anyways.

I assume you are playing Casual? You need to switch to Ranked. There is very little TK and BS on Ranked

Are you using a mic?

Team Killing has to be in this game. It is a must. The only thing I might be for is a 10-15sec no team damage as the game starts following the prep phase for attackers.

Nice this will work for me, i'm not level 20 yet, but will def play ranked, also I wish it had no team kills in the prep phase

If anyone would like to add me on XBL, my gamertag is Rodan117. I am new to the game, but I am getting the hang of it quickly.

i'm added you, mine is jmizzal2000
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