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Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal

Agent X

Gold Member
One of this year's best online video games is finally here--Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal!

So, who (besides myself) is playing this game online? You can find me online as Agent X. Let's get some action going!


Zerohaste here.

Add me to your buddy list! Maybe, if we get enough GAF people, we can throw everyone together in a GAF clan or something.



I might try to play some on and off, but its going to be hard since I have to disconnect my computer from the internet to play online with my PS2.


I think Quick Play is broken or something... it always throws you in the same game. Got some guy AFK or something in a game he created now and it just keeps throwing me in his game.

EDIT: Man I can't STAND it when people leave a game just because we're behind a little. Nothing pisses me off more.
sn: FrenchMov

are there only 3 modes of play online? i went to quick play and thats all i saw. ill be on later tonight if you ladies want a hurtin


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.

I'm down to play this, I was not looking forward to online play much at all, but played some deathmatch last night and was loving it.
i played some more online and i was HATING it dudes. i was getting fucking creamed and raped at the sametime. then i realized what my problem was: everyone ELSE was using auto-strafe control mode and i was using normal mode. i change to autostrafe and my productivity skyrockets! makes a world of difference

online mode is sweet as fuck but i wish i could play with more GA people :( i hate playing against random nobodies. lets get a game going tonight ladies


Yeah there is no way normal third person mode would work well for this online. Gotta go with Lock strafe or first person. I perfer Lock strafe because there is too much platform jumping even in online. And it makes it easier to see incoming missles while in third person.

Been playing a lot more recently and I noticed most people only play Siege with a few Deathmatch thrown in. Have yet to play a single CTF game.

EDIT: I see you went ahead and created the GAF clan, Aero. Throw an invite my way whenever you get the chance, I'm interested.

Just got through playing Siege game where I scored 45 kills trying to protect my base, lol.


Played a few games with AniHawk just now and played with nataku earlier today. Love it, this game is really fun online. The levels are really cool and incorperate alot of the R&C platforming elements really well.

Ill be playing again tomorrow night, now i go to bed :p


Yeah, Aero pwned me about 95% of the time. I jumped into multi without having played single player because I thought I'd be used to the controls. Then I found out about lock-strafing and I still got owned.


Bleh... unlimited ammo makes this game so cheap. Recently my games I've been playing (Siege) have people sitting in their base spamming gravity bombs and mines at the teleporters so you die as soon as you teleport in to finish off the base. Considering Lv2 gravity bomb takes out half your health... it's extremely cheap and brings down the whole online experience. :x

Agent X

Gold Member
nataku said:
Bleh... unlimited ammo makes this game so cheap. Recently my games I've been playing (Siege) have people sitting in their base spamming gravity bombs and mines at the teleporters so you die as soon as you teleport in to finish off the base. Considering Lv2 gravity bomb takes out half your health... it's extremely cheap and brings down the whole online experience. :x

I hear you, man, but unlimited ammo is merely an option that the host can toggle on or off according to his preference.

Ironically, I did something similar to what you described. The other day, I was involved in a Siege game, and I was defending the base from inside using my upgraded Mine Glove. I kept picking up weapons packs from defeated enemies so that I could replenish my mines. After about 10 minutes (it was a long game) I warned one of my teammates (the only other one that had a mic) that I was getting really low on mines, because the enemies I was killing didn't have any in their weapons packs. He replied, "That's OK. This game's got unlimited ammo." I didn't even realize there was such an option until he told me about it. Sure enough, when I reached "zero," I found that I could start dropping mines again. After that, we won the game easily. :)

I had some fun earlier tonight with games that involved no weapons other than the Morph-O-Ray. :) Give it a try!


Agent X said:
I had some fun earlier tonight with games that involved no weapons other than the Morph-O-Ray. :) Give it a try!

We did that in Capture The Flag. I got an upgraded MOR and kicked ass, attacking the OTHER team's base with it and not letting them protect their own flag. At the time I signed off, I was 129 in overall rankings, and 28 in deathmatch.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
It's always fun to go up against someone with a name like "die by my hand" and hear the voice of an 8 yr old. LOL


I'm Teiresias, send me an invite to the GAF clan please!! :D

I haven't played any online yet, maybe I'll try and play a few games tonight before I have to head out of town for the week. My game playing is relegated to the weekends nowadays.
Randam_Hajile is up your arsenal. ^_^

Played this for about 6 hours tonight. I'll probably be on this alot for a while, consdering that (even though I will be buying Halo 2) I don't have Xbox Live.


Still no invite!! I'm sad!!!!

In other news, I'm soooo not getting the hang of the lock-strafe control setup, ughhh, I need practice with that one.


bobbyconover said:
Hmm, I didn't get an invite, could you try again? "PonCh"

It says you were already part of a clan, ill try again.

I wasnt able to get on yesterday I was busy, ill send the rest of you invites when i get home in a few hours.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Thanks for the clan invite, but I'm going to drop out. I've been part of another clan for awhile and want to see if I can get a presence going for them in UYA. You're all on my buddy list though, so I'll keep an eye out and look forward to playing with/against you.


This one game I played, it was 6 on 1, and we LOST because two fucktards (Jose and Jose 2) kept committing suicide.


Teddman said:
How fun is this game's online mode? Does it compare to Halo 2 or Star Wars Battlefront? Impressions plz.

It blows battlefront out of the water.

As for Halo 2, I actually think its really close. Halo 2 is chaotic and crazy and in most respects it really just feels like another Unreal Tournament/ Quake type game, only a bit better done I suppose. The stat tracking is nice, the game modes are cool, etc etc. However, aside from the shield system and dual weilding, I cant seem to find anything else that makes it not seem like another UT2004

Ratchet and Clank is something different, its really unique. Its still alot of chaotic fast paced action but there are things that set it apart from the regular. For one thing, its third person. THe level design is far far superior to Halo 2, at least for what it is. THe levels are more interactive and more fun. They have the swinging things and walls you can run up and stuff with the gravity boots. You also get the charge boots, which is cool.

Overall, Id say I still prefer Halo 2 though because its online mode is handled a little better and Ratchet and Clank has some imbalances that really are quite annoying. Still though, R&C is damn fun online game.


How popular is this game online? I picked it up along with a USB PS2 headset, but I don't want to get into it if it's dead out there. Had the Halo 2 hype train killed off multi-console owners who would otherwise be playing R&C 3 online?


Teddman said:
Had the Halo 2 hype train killed off multi-console owners who would otherwise be playing R&C 3 online?

Yep. It's relatively quiet, but you can always find a game. The best thing would probably be to schedule a game or something with fellow GAFfers.


Teddman said:
How popular is this game online? I picked it up along with a USB PS2 headset, but I don't want to get into it if it's dead out there. Had the Halo 2 hype train killed off multi-console owners who would otherwise be playing R&C 3 online?

Does R&C3 support the headset?

I may have to rent it, later today...not enough cash to buy it...just yet. :p

I was playing this at Best Buy yesterday and it seemed fun as hell.


I'll try to get on this weekend guys. Anybody up for some play? I haven't registered a name yet, but I assume 'Teddman' won't be taken.

Agent X

Gold Member
Teddman said:
I'll try to get on this weekend guys. Anybody up for some play? I haven't registered a name yet, but I assume 'Teddman' won't be taken.

That would be great!

We need to get some GAF clan action at some point today or tomorrow. I propose that 10 PM Eastern (7 PM Pacific) tonight might be a good time to get something going.


There's an HBO Boxing match I want to watch around 6PM Pacific tonight, so that might not work for me then. However, I'll try to get on afterwards.


Did anyone get together and play? I finally hoooked it up this afternoon and added most everyone in this thread to my Buddy list.
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