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Rebel Galaxy |OT| 2nd star to the right, straight on 'til morning.


Watched the Quick Look cos they keep going on about it in the GiantBomb game of the year stuff.

Definitely gonna buy when it comes out on PS4 if the price disparity isn't too great between it and the Steam version

Does it feel weird controlling a spacecraft that can't move up and down, or do you quickly get used to it?

Doesn't feel weird at all. Since you are not controlling a small fighter but a Star Destroyer like ship, the low maneuverability feels natural. I was actually surprised at how natural it felt to me after a few minutes, as this was a concern of mine before buying the game.

I think it was a very smart decision on their part.

I keep getting blown up in the 3rd or 4th mission. Any early game tips to upgrade your ship to take on the bigger ships easier? I feel like I can't break through the shields quick enough.

Focus on small fighters first. They can really mess you up.

Be sure to keep an eye on your shields. If one side is taking too much damage, maneuver your ship to protect that side. Use the deflectors while you do it.

Other than that, keep your ship upgraded. Buy better turrets. Try trading if you are having trouble with the quests.
Reading this http://wccftech.com/rebel-galaxy-running-1080p30-on-both-ps4-xb1-devs-confirm

Says no custom soundtrack on consoles. I haven't bought it yet was hoping someone would have commented on performance by now. Same mentions its 1080p/30fps on consoles, if true that's sad, the stated requirements onpc aren't that high to make you think they couldn't achieve 60fps on PS4.
The dev was kind enough to answer a similar question about console performance I had at PC launch. He wanted 60 fps, but the large amount of Alpha (think transparent) textures really affect performance on console. It's all those nebulae and clouds.

I have doubled dipped as I really love the game. PS4 performance seems just fine to me. Having a blast playing it again. I'm being much more naughty this time. I can see me joining the pirate factions.

My preferred build is a fast booster. Long range shield depleting turrets. A tasty mining laser and some good shields.

Basically take out a shield quadrant at range. Fast boost in at point blank range to said quad. Let rip with broadsides (no need to hold for accuracy as they can't miss - just hammer that button) as the mining laser cuts the ship in two at close range. Boom!

You can turn off music in the options, then just play Spotify or Media Player to get your custom soundtrack.


Here because of the Giant Bomb GOTY deliberations. Just watched the Quick Look and it looks fun. I'll be snagging this when it launches on Xbox One a week from today.


You not being 10 hours in explains it. I only ran into the issue close to 20 hours in. Early on stuff is cheap and money is plentiful

I finished it earlier,
those last couple of hours with OP ship and weapons sure were a different kind of fun lol :)

There's an ending? I didn't get that sense at all. That's cool. Roughly how long did it take you? 20 hours? 100 hours?


I love the music.

I also actually really dig that they seem to have given each alien specific alien language lines that match with the translated dialogue. It's not repeated gibberish like KOTOR.
Did this kind of stealth drop on PS4? I saw it on the store earlier and bought it I'm a heartbeat before having to head into work.

I own it already on PC but figured it wouldn't hurt to own it again since I prefer console games anyway.

Anyway, regarding the release. I wish more people knew about this game. It's fun as hell. Very... Firefly. Pretty sure the music and dialogue is supposed to invoke it.
I love the music.

I also actually really dig that they seem to have given each alien specific alien language lines that match with the translated dialogue. It's not repeated gibberish like KOTOR.
I was really surprised and pleased that you can pick out individual words like "whisky" in the alien speech. I wonder how they went about the alien languages.


Neo Member
Is there a way to check Merchant rep? I see a list of faction rep in the pause menu but nothing about Merchants.
If I join the Merchant guild, does that prevent me from joining other factions? Are there more factions other than Merchant and Mercenary?


If I join the Merchant guild, does that prevent me from joining other factions? Are there more factions other than Merchant and Mercenary?

Technically everything is a faction. Militia, CitizenRev, the various pirate crews...

You should be fine with the merchant and mercenary routes as long as you don't take on missions that directly attack them.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I will probably buy this. Very curious. Haven't read or seen anything yet though, not even a trailer.
Not even sure what or where Merchant Offices are.

Having a blast! Thinking of going the pirate route. Some of those Milita ships are intimidating though.
A space station in the solar system map will be the Merchant Guild one. It should be one of the green coloured ones. Go there and enter the offices.

Sounds like you haven't officially joined the Guild yet. You will need to pay 10000 credits at the Guild Office to do so. You will then see your Rank on the top left of you 'control' screen.
The icon for the Merchant Guild is a green fleur de lis.

It opens access to at least 2 ships you might not otherwise be able to buy, and some new mission types.

Watch out for the missions that ask you to buy and deliver goods. Sourcing the goods is an extra step and possible expense.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I tried to play the intro tutorial mission and was immediately attacks by shit I couldn't even damage.


Also, didn't realize you couldn't control the pitch of your ship. Makes the universe a large horizontal plane. Kinda boring. Seemed like the enemy could maneuver vertically... bit annoying.
Thinking about getting this. How's the story and is it fun to play?

It's fun as hell. Very AC: Black Flag in its combat. It is mostly broadside combat. It's all on a horizontal plane for large ships. Fighters can fly around anywhere but you have turrets that auto lock on to them.

You can mine, trade, hire mercs, align yourself with factions, customize and buy a handful of different ships, all of different sizes and specs. For $20, it's a great deal.

If it helps you like it did me, the Giant Bomb quick look from a few months back is what sold me on it. And I even double dipped on PC and PS4.
Thinking about getting this. How's the story and is it fun to play?

I'm not very far in, but the story is minimal so far; lot's of "talk to me, go here, do this" kind of stuff. It strikes me as the kind of game you live in, rather than learn of--if that makes sense.

Game's a lot of fun, though. It's a bit repetitive with some rough edges, but the core gameplay and concept are great. It has a really cool sense of style, too--especially that music!

Oddly, it has the best alien speech I've ever heard. No joke.
I'm only a few hours in at this point, but it's hitting me how very grindy this game is. I love everything aside from that, but it's really a drag having nothing to do except shitty 3-4,000 credit missions. How am I supposed to get the credits I need when everything is super-expensive? I'd gladly pay $10 for like, a million credits just to skip over the early going. It's a drag to the point where I don't even want to play.
I'm only a few hours in at this point, but it's hitting me how very grindy this game is. I love everything aside from that, but it's really a drag having nothing to do except shitty 3-4,000 credit missions. How am I supposed to get the credits I need when everything is super-expensive? I'd gladly pay $10 for like, a million credits just to skip over the early going. It's a drag to the point where I don't even want to play.

Cheat Engine man, I hit the same point were it was getting a little too grindy so I just added a few million credits to my name and it's way more fun not having to worry about that stuff. It took literally 30 seconds to do.
Cheat Engine man, I hit the same point were it was getting a little too grindy so I just added a few million credits to my name and it's way more fun not having to worry about that stuff. It took literally 30 seconds to do.

I'm playing it on PS4, tho. Otherwise I would have already done it.
Ah bummer, I forgot the console versions were out, my bad.

It just makes me kinda mad that they get so many things right only to have it drag early on like this. The equipment prices are definitely too high in the beginning, especially given the difficulty of the majority of things you run into.
It just makes me kinda mad that they get so many things right only to have it drag early on like this. The equipment prices are definitely too high in the beginning, especially given the difficulty of the majority of things you run into.

Yeah there's a real difficulty spike I think between the low paying jobs and the medium to high paying jobs, I didn't have the equipment to take on the hard jobs and make the money quickly to upgrade so I was stuck doing low difficulty jobs making peanuts, it was hard to upgrade to decent stuff when you made less than 10,000 a job. They could have benefited from a loan system or something, that would have been cool, borrow a 1,000,000 credits and have to pay it back before a certain time or you have bounty on your head, something like that.


Man I'm really loving this game, The AC:BF style ship combat works really well for a game like this and it makes the spectacle of it all really work and the music is so fucking good. I would agree that early on its a rough start due to prices of equipment and that high threat danger is all over the place but its not really hindering my enjoyment so far.

The main things I got right away was a mercenary, I bought a deflector since I took the tractor beam for free, new shields, a new hull, pulse alpha turrets and the swarm beta turrets once I got all that combat started to get a bit more balanced. It really seems like the proper way to make decent cash in the beginning is learning how the commodities trading works (pretty confusing at first) as that's what has been allowing me to save up some cash and I'm going to need a lot for this bad boy,
Man I'm really loving this game, The AC:BF style ship combat works really well for a game like this and it makes the spectacle of it all really work and the music is so fucking good. I would agree that early on its a rough start due to prices of equipment and that high threat danger is all over the place but its not really hindering my enjoyment so far.

The main things I got right away was a mercenary, I bought a deflector since I took the tractor beam for free, new shields, a new hull, pulse alpha turrets and the swarm beta turrets once I got all that combat started to get a bit more balanced. It really seems like the proper way to make decent cash in the beginning is learning how the commodities trading works (pretty confusing at first) as that's what has been allowing me to save up some cash and I'm going to need a lot for this bad boy,

That's the ship I'm using now, it's the best, fast and has enough room for a lot of firepower.


That's the ship I'm using now, it's the best, fast and has enough room for a lot of firepower.

yeah, I noticed it emphasized speed in it's description which is one of the reasons I was eyeing it, that and I think it looks awesome.

This was the video I watched that helped me to understand how to make some decent cash up front, important tip is to make sure you buy a mining laser whenever your able to.

Bought this on the steam sale and already put 40hrs into it. Fun game, easy to lose track of time. Also easy to concentrate on a podcast while playing it as well.
Okay, I think I figured out the difficulty spike early on in the game. I upgraded to the next ship too soon, as the game ups the difficulty when you do. I reverted to the starter ship and upgraded all the equipment to Mk.2 and now missions that were average or high threat level before are now low threat or average. I'm also wrecking enemy ships left and right, so I think upgrading vessels too soon was the issue.
Even though I bought Invisible Inc in the Steam Sale and just started getting into it, I just bought the PS4 version of this game (went for better graphics over the Steam version with the custom soundtrack option, as my 2011 MacBook Pro has a weak graphics card). Super pumped to be a space trucker!
I can't get over how good the music is in this game. I find that it plays a huge part of making the gameplay so fun, oddly enough.
Man I'm really loving this game, The AC:BF style ship combat works really well for a game like this and it makes the spectacle of it all really work and the music is so fucking good. I would agree that early on its a rough start due to prices of equipment and that high threat danger is all over the place but its not really hindering my enjoyment so far.

The main things I got right away was a mercenary, I bought a deflector since I took the tractor beam for free, new shields, a new hull, pulse alpha turrets and the swarm beta turrets once I got all that combat started to get a bit more balanced. It really seems like the proper way to make decent cash in the beginning is learning how the commodities trading works (pretty confusing at first) as that's what has been allowing me to save up some cash and I'm going to need a lot for this bad boy,

In the right areas, trading works really well. Once you hit a groove it feels great, doubling your money in ten minutes.

I guess galactic affairs are randomised a bit, yeah? Because my starting area is a pirate-infested hellscape, with a third of the stations captured by the Red Devils, and the rest either destitute or at war. It's made trading really... lucrative.
I haven't been able to play as much I wish I could have but that music. It's fucking amazing. That music with Xenoblade Chronicles X soundtrack has me amp.
Played for a few hours tonight. Was running with the cannon that shoots twice, a mining laser, and stock broadsides. I managed to get enough money and bought the Icarus, named it Magikarp. Once I fully upgrade it it will be renamed Gyrados.
Do ship prices vary from station to station? I saw the Tennhausen for 100k+ at one station, then after I bought the Icarus, I saw the Tennhausen for sale at another station for 79k. Did the game take the price of the Icarus into account and figured I'd trade it in, thus showing me the lower price? I know if does this if you have enough credits to do the trade in, but I didn't have the credits to do the trade in.
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