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Rebel Galaxy |OT| 2nd star to the right, straight on 'til morning.

Do ship prices vary from station to station? I saw the Tennhausen for 100k+ at one station, then after I bought the Icarus, I saw the Tennhausen for sale at another station for 79k. Did the game take the price of the Icarus into account and figured I'd trade it in, thus showing me the lower price? I know if does this if you have enough credits to do the trade in, but I didn't have the credits to do the trade in.
Yes. You can swap ships without losing money. So can swap to a cheaper ship and you will get the difference back in credits.

The colour of the prices is what you need to keep an eye on.

Red - can't afford.
Yellow - can afford if you trade in the item it replaces.
White - you don't own it you can afford to buy it
Green - You get this this money back as well if of trade in.


Ship prices are the same at every station, the game is nice enough to show you the trade-in prices because you only ever have one ship at a time. Also means that you can upgrade and downgrade your ship at will without penalty.

edit: beaten
Okay. Got the Barracuda just before leaving the first system (it looks like a lobster). Then upgraded almost all my equipment to Mk.3 gear early in the new system. Still need to upgrade my flak cannons and deflector. I'm seeing a lot of missions worth 30-50k each, so the grind isn't too bad anymore. Having a lot of fun.


I bought this last night and have been playing it all morning. I have to say so far I'm blown away. Everything seems to be so well done at this point. I'm loving the combat, it just seems to really work well not having to worry about vertical movement. The music and alien voices are all fantastic. Best $20 I've spent all year.
Damn. Just got a look at the Polaris and Blackgate. How much work does it take to save up for either one of those? I've got the Barracuda right now, but holy hell those two big ships look amazing. Enough turrets on each to be considered a fortress.
In an hour of play, I upgraded everything to Mk II (only had 3 Mk II items) and bought the Tennhausen. Was doing well with the Icarus, but having a hardpoint on both the port and starboard sides was annoying.
Full Mk. 2 with Tennhausen is, I guess, the ideal build for the second system. It's served me very well... though I still miss the Icarus' speed.

Also, of all the upgrades, I've found the Mk 1 to Mk 2 shield upgrade to have the biggest impact in combat. Shields went from constantly out to an impeneterable barrier (for the most part) and was a huge change; the repair costs you'll save on will cover the cost of the upgrade.


Junior Member
I did some cargo deliveries for the traders guild for some nice cash, but ended up in a system with enemies way too hard for me, and got ripped to shreds by a frigate. 16,5 hours in and I'm still having lots of fun.
Hahahaha. I upgraded a bunch of my equipment to Mk.4, just need a couple more turrets, two defense items and the booster stuff. Then of course, I start seeing a sprinkling of Mk.5 equipment.

How's the console versions?

Unlocked framerate.

Doesn't seem to ever go below 30, spends most of its time well above that. When the frames are dropped it's usually around a big station with lots of activity. Id call the performance good overall.

Its very beautiful to look at with great fx.

I think only real sticklers would be unhappy.

People should play this!!


My only issue with the PS4 version is that the fan turns into a turbine while in the station. Same thing happens on rocmet league menus.
I've only played the first 15m (via Remote Play on my Vita, no less) and I can already tell this game is going to be something special. I really like the "talking heads" interactions. Reminds me of classic 90s-era PC games.


Any news on the XBO release?

Keen to get onboard, but my PS4 hard drive is pretty much full of games I've yet to finish, and hence reluctant to delete.


Bought this on the steam sale and already put 40hrs into it. Fun game, easy to lose track of time. Also easy to concentrate on a podcast while playing it as well.

was just about to ask about the game's "something to do while passively consuming audio content" capabilities.

Great. Looking forward to the 15th when it's released in the EU.
I'm getting there. Need two or three more things and then I'll have all my gear at Mk.6.

I just got a look at the Sorcerer today at one of the outposts and it's really cool looking (so is the Arcturus for that matter). The only downside is that it's slow. Are slow ships really that bad in the speed / maneuvering department? I'm liking the Barracuda, but I think I'd like to upgrade to one of the bigger ships with more turrets soon.


should release in the EU today ... i'm still at work, but i'd love to just have my PS4 download it in idle. When does the stupid PSN store update? :/


Neo Member
Is the universe different per playthrough? Also, are encounters in the "wild" random, or they're located in the same area on 2 different plays?
been playing this on Xbox One today, such a great game and a special mention for the games music. i normally turn the background music down while playing, not this time.
Holy hell. Finally got myself a Dreadnought. I opted to go with one that I liked aesthetically, so I chose the Sorcerer. Very cool ship. Slow as shit, but it doesn't need to be speedy with all the guns she's carrying. I need to do a couple more side-missions so I can buy two more turrets. After which I will have MK.6 EVERYTHING. It took a lot of farming credits, but I finally made it.


Holy hell. Finally got myself a Dreadnought. I opted to go with one that I liked aesthetically, so I chose the Sorcerer. Very cool ship. Slow as shit, but it doesn't need to be speedy with all the guns she's carrying. I need to do a couple more side-missions so I can buy two more turrets. After which I will have MK.6 EVERYTHING. It took a lot of farming credits, but I finally made it.

I gotta take some of my own screens when I get a chance but this is the one I went with also,


Absolute beast mode


Does the game change significantly at a certain point? I just got the jump drive and made it to another system after 8 hours and the game is getting repetitive at this point.
Does the game change significantly at a certain point? I just got the jump drive and made it to another system after 8 hours and the game is getting repetitive at this point.

Unfortunately that's really all there is to it. I played for quite a while before I started to feel the repetition. At that point I just limited myself to playing a couple hours per day until I finished it and did everything I wanted to get done. Overall, I loved the game and hope to see a sequel with a little more diversity. Maybe some EVA exploration. It would be great to be able to leave your ship and walk around space stations. But this was good for a first effort in the genre.
Sunk over 60hrs into Rebel Scum Galaxy, really enjoyed it.
Happy face spaceship:

Is there any pattern to how Pirates Lords show up in the sectors?
I have 12 pirate lord kills, need 8 more for the last trophy to platinum.
I just jumped to every sector in the system, finally finding 1 pirate lord.
Does there appearance maybe rotate with other ships on the map: treaty/supply/siege/aid etc?


Hopefully Double Damage Games can fix their error today with SCEE and I can finally download this game :).

One more reason why I dont like Friday release days. If release gets fucked up you get the game next week (when you have prepared time to play the game in weekend)...
Just bought this game. Hope it'll keep my attention longer than Elite: Dangerous. The only reason Elite didn't is because it was too much simulation.


Just started out and am really enjoying it. Just a quick question, how do you mine? I assume I have to buy a mining laser, which turret should I replace for the laser? does it matter? How do i find things to mine?


Just started out and am really enjoying it. Just a quick question, how do you mine? I assume I have to buy a mining laser, which turret should I replace for the laser? does it matter? How do i find things to mine?

You can mine with other weapons, just yields less. It's easy with turret, use left trigger to aim and keep shooting the asteroid till it explodes. You'll be left with your mineral.


Ok thanks. are there any weapons/components I just shouldn't bother with?

I don't bother with broadsides at all as you need to be alongside your target and they are harder to hit with when you take into account speed, objects blocking field of fire, etc. I've had no trouble loading up on pulse turrets and nothing else.

If you have good shields and hull plating (probably the two most important things for combat) you can move in, hit and run away for a bit relying on turret lock on. It's also just a good strategy in general as there are many cases you'll be overwhelmed by numbers and have trouble picking out your targets.

I'd recommend always upgrading shields first, then plating, weapons and finally whatever propulsion options you like (warp makes travel less time consuming).


I don't bother with broadsides at all as you need to be alongside your target and they are harder to hit with when you take into account speed, objects blocking field of fire, etc. I've had no trouble loading up on pulse turrets and nothing else.

If you have good shields and hull plating (probably the two most important things for combat) you can move in, hit and run away for a bit relying on turret lock on. It's also just a good strategy in general as there are many cases you'll be overwhelmed by numbers and have trouble picking out your targets.

I'd recommend always upgrading shields first, then plating, weapons and finally whatever propulsion options you like (warp makes travel less time consuming).

Great thanks for the reply. Do you rely on auto-turrets at all? At the moment I have them sent on fighters only and then target the bigger ships with broadsides


Great thanks for the reply. Do you rely on auto-turrets at all? At the moment I have them sent on fighters only and then target the bigger ships with broadsides

I don't even manually aim at all (left trigger). Just lock on with the main turrets (right stick) and auto target with the others. I like to micromanage movement and speed so I just lock on the nearest enemy and hold down on the trigger.


what about broadside missiles etc,? are they useful?

They might be. Some of them have crazy range and can do things like inhibit movement. They might also provide some extra punch against shields which would be very useful.

I stay away from them though because I don't want to be running out of ammo.


Junior Member
what about broadside missiles etc,? are they useful?

They can be really useful if your broadsides don't pack much of a punch; you can find ordnance crates pretty often but it's relatively cheap to refill them. Also there's a subsystem that gives them 25% more range.
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