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Recommend a GAFfer a film based on their top five.

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Well my personal top 5 in no particular order

1. There will be blood
2. terminator 2
3. Samsara
4. Amores Perros
5. Oldboy


Eternal Sunshine
Before Sunset
A Clockwork Orange
Velvet Goldmine

i've seen most of Kubrick, Linklater, and Gondry already
Not in any specific order.

District 9
28 Days Later
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Thing (1982)

God damn, that was hard. So many great movies I can put on that list.

Edit: Crossed out Django for The Thing
Damn GAF has good taste!

Anyway OP I tried to do a top 5 but I simply can't. I'am too big of a cinephile to limit it to just 5. So here's my top 5 directors in order:

1. Tarantino
2. Fincher
3. Scorsese
4. Kubrick
5. Nolan

and my top 10, sorry to be that guy :) in no order are:

Apacolypse now
Pulp Fiction
Mulholland Drive
Big Trouble in Little China
No Country for Old Men
2001: A space odyssey
Inglorious Bastards
Damn GAF has good taste!

Anyway OP I tried to do a top 5 but I simply can't. I'am too big of a cinephile to limit it to just 5. So here's my top 5 directors in order:

1. Tarantino
2. Fincher
3. Scorsese
4. Kubrick
5. Nolan

and my top 10, sorry to be that guy :) in no order are:

Apacolypse now
Pulp Fiction
Mulholland Drive
Big Trouble in Little China
No Country for Old Men
2001: A space odyssey
Inglorious Bastards

Yea, this would be easier for me if I could just list directors. So many good movies, and they are pretty much from the same directors in many cases.


Damn GAF has good taste!

Anyway OP I tried to do a top 5 but I simply can't. I'am too big of a cinephile to limit it to just 5. So here's my top 5 directors in order:

1. Tarantino
2. Fincher
3. Scorsese
4. Kubrick
5. Nolan

and my top 10, sorry to be that guy :) in no order are:

Apacolypse now
Pulp Fiction
Mulholland Drive
Big Trouble in Little China
No Country for Old Men
2001: A space odyssey
Inglorious Bastards

Death Race 2000 and Blue Velvet if you haven't seen it


Guys this game isn't going to sustain itself if you just post your five without participating in the suggestion part.


TheLostBigBoss said:
Not in Any specific order
District 9
28 Days Later
Django Unchained
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

God damn, that was hard. So many great movies I can put on that list.
Well, you'll probably like The Hateful Eight but that's not out yet, so try True Grit I guess. Remake and old movie both good.

Shaffield said:
Eternal Sunshine
Before Sunset
A Clockwork Orange
Velvet Goldmine

Great list, tough call if you've seen most of Gondry, Linklater, those kind of guys. Try The Great Gatsby I guess.

PriitV said:
I'll play
Sin city
Garden State
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
The Man from Earth


Can someone suggest me now?
Not in any specific order.

District 9
28 Days Later
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Thing (1982)

God damn, that was hard. So many great movies I can put on that list.

Edit: Crossed out Django for The Thing

Invasion of the body Snatchers (1978) is quite excellent, especially if you enjoyed the Thing.
A Woman is a Woman
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Damn GAF has good taste!

Anyway OP I tried to do a top 5 but I simply can't. I'am too big of a cinephile to limit it to just 5. So here's my top 5 directors in order:

1. Tarantino
2. Fincher
3. Scorsese
4. Kubrick
5. Nolan

and my top 10, sorry to be that guy :) in no order are:

Apacolypse now
Pulp Fiction
Mulholland Drive
Big Trouble in Little China
No Country for Old Men
2001: A space odyssey
Inglorious Bastards

Shotgun Stories


Ghost in the Shell
Blade Runner

Hard to pick a fifth. I'd say any and all of Satoshi Kon's works squeezed into that slot.


have you seen No Country for Old Men and Twelve Monkeys

Thanks for the suggestion but I have seen both and I like them very much. I have seen most of the coen brothers work aswell as terry ghibli am.
Will make out some. Suggestions as soon as I am back home :)
Guys this game isn't going to sustain itself if you just post your five without participating in the suggestion part.

Well, Let's get to work then :)

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Dead Silence
Kung Fu Panda
The Dark Knight

Nick and Norah's infinite playlist, Kick-Ass.

12 Monkeys. It's got the time travel, humor, and is a fairly dark and visually interesting film.

My top 5:

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Apocalypse Now
The Shining

Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, Jacob's Ladder, The Abyss, Zodiac.

Shawshank Redemption
Trading Places
Cocaine Cowboys

The Green Mile, Memento, Interstellar.

There Will Be Blood
kill Bill vol 1
Casino Royale
The Departed

That was hard.

No country for old men, Mission Impossible 1 and 4, Wolf of Wall Street, Snatch (2000), True Romance, Inside Man.

1. LA Confidential
2. The Truman Show
3. Point Break.
4. Lost In Translation.

Groundhog day, Zodiac, Mission impossible, Chungking Express

It's kinda hard but Scorsese's stuff Goodfellas, Taxi Driver or The Departed. Or Zodiac, Se7en or Fight Club anything by Fincher really.


2001: A Space Odyssey
The Dark Knight
The Social Network
Seven Samurai
Pan's Labyrinth
Tokyo Story
Terminator 2
Fight Club

I cheated ...

The Devil's Backbone, Interstellar, Gone Girl.

The Baby's Room- Spanish Horror. Simple, but I liked it for a movie with subtitles.

My favorite

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Garden State
Terminator 2
Perks of Being a Wallflower
Gangs of New York

The Kings of Summer, The to do list, Moonrise Kingdom.

True Romance
Independence Day
Hot Fuzz
Sin City

I feel like any recommendation I might get from these is probably a movie I've already seen, though...

From Dusk Til Dawn, Signs.

Spirited Away
Toy Story
Empire Strikes Back
the Avengers

I'm gonna say Scott Pilgrim from these but I'm not too well-versed in film.

Princess Mononoke, Kick Ass, Tron.

-Pineapple Express
-The Social Network

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Texas chainsaw massacre (74), Zach and Miri make a Porno, Get him to the Greek, This is the End.


Guardians of the Galaxy
The Informant!
Lost in Translation

Casino, Wolf of Wall Street.

1. American Psycho
2. 12 Angry Men
3. The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
4. Drive
5. Angel's Egg

Memento, The Uninvited guest (2004), The Tenant.

Seven Samurai if you haven't seen it. If so, Throne of Blood.

1) Big Trouble in Little China
2) Predator
3) I saw the Devil
4) Oldboy
5) Akira

Tremors, The Thing, Hard boiled, Who am I, Romancing the Stone.


The poster above me didn't give me any of his favorites, so...consider watching any of mine:

1. The Fly
2. Moon
3. The Shining
4. Amelie
5. Good Bye, Lenin!


The poster above me didn't give me any of his favorites, so...consider watching any of mine:

1. The Fly
2. Moon
3. The Shining
4. Amelie
5. Good Bye, Lenin!

Try Children of Men.

I'm just gonna list the next five movies that would probably be on my list
Children of Men
Raging Bull
Pan's Labyrinth


Ghost in the Shell
Blade Runner

Hard to pick a fifth. I'd say any and all of Satoshi Kon's works squeezed into that slot.

Enter the Void / Beyond the black rainbow / Spring Breakers

Only Yesterday
A Separation
Blue is the Warmest Colour
Tokyo Story
Blue Valentine

Already seen all Ghibli films (other than Kaguya, which I inted to as soon as possible).

Y tu mama tambien / Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (2003) / The Three Colors trilogy

1. American Psycho
2. 12 Angry Men
3. The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
4. Drive
5. Angel's Egg

Le Samourai / Lost Highway / The End of Evangelion
1. A Clockwork Orange
2. Let's Go to Prison
3. Alien
4. Grave of the Fireflies
5. 21 Jump Street

I like any type of movie. I even enjoyed Manos: The Hands of Fate to a degree.


I Soliti Ignoti (known with the dreadful english title Big Deal on Madonna Street). Best italian comedy of all time imho

these are five of my favourites:

Tokyo Story
Double Indemnity
North by Northwest
Henry V (the one by Laurence Olivier)

You should check out Le Trou, Ugetsu or Wages of Fear if you haven't already.
Damn GAF has good taste!

Anyway OP I tried to do a top 5 but I simply can't. I'am too big of a cinephile to limit it to just 5. So here's my top 5 directors in order:

1. Tarantino
2. Fincher
3. Scorsese
4. Kubrick
5. Nolan

and my top 10, sorry to be that guy :) in no order are:

Apacolypse now
Pulp Fiction
Mulholland Drive
Big Trouble in Little China
No Country for Old Men
2001: A space odyssey
Inglorious Bastards

Kelly's Heroes, Once Upon A Time In America, Duel
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