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Recommend Me (Japanese) PS2 Games


I haven't played it myself yet, but Tales of Destiny 1 and 2 ? I often hear those are great RPGs. I bought both very cheap at Book Off but I still haven't found the time to play them =(



This was localized for the DS, but it may as well be PS2 exclusive considering how massively different they look.


My vote:


JP only sequel to one of the best dungeon crawlers ever made:


Also, Beatmania IIDX, though the PS2 games are prohibitively expensive at this point.

You can still get most of the older(pre-11/RED) styles for fairly cheap.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I decided to make this its own post, because I wrote too much. Sorry! haha

I'm honestly pretty open to whatever. I guess I'm not too into JRPGs that take many many hours. I can enjoy them, but I just don't have a ton of time to put into gaming in general. A genre I've never been able to get into would be dungeon crawlers, but I would be open to playing one that's not very long if it's good.

The games I've enjoyed the most would include the following. These are all games that really sunk their teeth into me far more than other things I've played. It's an eclectic list, so I'm not sure what the pattern is at all—maybe you'd have a better idea than I would.

The games are Oblivion, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou (not really my favorite STG, even, but I played it a lot), Taiko no Tatsujin (many versions, including arcade), F-zero GX, Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3, Fire Emblem: Awakening, The World Ends With You, Final Fantasy XII, Dragon Age: Origins, Smash Bros. Brawl, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, Mega Man Zero 2, Beautiful Katamari, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, Minecraft, NieR, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, SSX Tricky... that's all I can think of now.

I also have a very subjectively influenced soft spot for 3D and 2D beat 'em ups, and I have no idea why.

My dream game would probably be a 3D action RPG with tight combat, lots of upgrades, and deep, fleshed out characters to learn about, and rich atmosphere—like a deeper, longer version of NieR with everything it does pushed to 11. My nightmare game would be slowpaced, lack any sort deep characters or story and require a ton of grinding. There are games that I don't really care about the story or characters that are just great fun to play, like Vanquish, but that's because they're so damn fun and fast.

In the end, I don't really know if this post will help you at all. haha. If you're curious about the games I play/like, you can check my backloggery. I used to play a ton of games and not sleep much, but I don't play that often and sleep more now—this makes long games a huge hassle for me.

Thanks for writing that out will go see if I can find something useful for you.

Bout dungeon crawlers there really isnt any in the PS2 era that you can breeze through unfortunately.

While this did come out in the US also was a fairly decent 3d action game, shooting and h2h combat.
vid from the localized ver

Baroque was also released in the West was hit or miss with folks but had its own cult following. Action RPG / Roguelike design. Though in Japan if you can find it, might be a little high priced due to the cult following. Came out on other systems too and was developed / published by Sting

Vid looks like its running off an emulator?

Shining Force Exa (was localized also)- personal favorite of mine for diablo style action rpg. Nice graphics and lots of loot. Spent way too much time in the optional dungeons getting massively OP which caused the game to be hilariously easy out side of those dungeons. Good times and looks great.

From the localized version

Ninja stealth that isnt Tenchu - this was localized also called Red Ninja. Japanese title is pretty much the same.

Standard gameplay

Showing off some of the more interesting kills (apparently this is Xbox footage from glancing at the desc)

For less stealth more action Shinobi & Kunoichi. Both were localized in the West also though.

Shinobi gameplay

Kunoichi gameplay

Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon (localized name) this was brought over to the West also. Its on both the PS2 / PSP. As the name states its a futuristic harvest moon. Pretty cool game, though the graphic / artstyle direction are hit / miss with folks. Though it still rates well regardless by fans of the genre though seems like people prefer the psp one? Must have made fixes to the game or something which seems to be the case sometimes with PS2 to PSP games.

Gameplay footage (most of the stuff am finding might be from emulators or not. main concern is no commentary more as a personal hatred for talk over gameplay lol)

Rhapsodia - AKA Suikoden Tactics in the West. Basically a Suikoden SRPG. While it did not click with me 100% game got a ok word of mouth on the net. If was to put it in score form 70 / 100. So depends on how large of a Suikoden fan you are I suppose? Just threw this one out there since its one of the lesser talked about titles. Though its still better than the horrible PSP game which was released later down the line. That one you should honestly stay away from as it was horribly bare bones. Good idea / No budget, preying off of fan nostalgia for instant day 1 sales. After that it went wagon hard.

From the localized version so if you hate dubs cover your ears lol

The Rumble Fish - Dont think the original PS2 release came out in the West. Midline fighting game, I had enjoyed my time with it in the arcades which is why I had picked up the PS2 version when it was released. Had some interesting characters in it. At the time too personally thought it animated quite nicely. Some moves most def felt like they had impact. There was a 2nd game in the arcades but dont think it ever made its way to home consoles? Never looked too deeply into it though so not sure about now.

PS2 Gameplay

Dororo - this was also localized. Based off of a manga series. Good action game. Might go well with your PS2 Berserk game if you can find this title also.


Shin Combat Choro Q - not an easy game to find used, but if you can great mindless action. Should? be easier to find than the original PS1 title which is rated higher by fans.




Sky Gunner - released in the West also, hard to find but great flight sim / dog fight sort of game. Really wish I never sold mine as it seriously is hard as hell to find outside of online methods. Fantastic atmosphere, design and graphics for its time. Takes a bit getting used to with the controls and mechanics.


Macross - fantastic macross game if you love the series or arcade style flight sims try to find this if you can.


Triggerheart Exelica Enhanced - came out on the DC and X360 also. Along with arcades. Have not seen a used copy in shops before and Ive wandered a lot. STGs are usually rare unfortunately so you might have to grab it online through net retailer.


Psyvaria 1 & 2 for more STG action, series has its own little cult following.

Gameplay from 1

Gameplay from 2


Oh, in case you're searching for English versions of the games when possible, you don't have to worry. You can recommend Japanese-heavy games. Some visual novels are still too overwhelming, like maybe Steins;Gate or other SF stuff, but I'm playing Persona 4 in Japanese right now, and that's going fine. I typically don't find myself getting lost in the stories of games, even if it requires lots of reading unvoiced dialogue, but I get bored reading about complex game systems in menus, like some complex item synthesis system. Games that have a steep learning curve and require reading lots of in-game texts about how to understand the systems are a bit too much sometimes. I guess if the game is really interesting, I'd just push through, though.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Oh, in case you're searching for English versions of the games when possible, you don't have to worry. You can recommend Japanese-heavy games. Some visual novels are still too overwhelming, like maybe Steins;Gate or other SF stuff, but I'm playing Persona 4 in Japanese right now, and that's going fine. I typically don't find myself getting lost in the stories of games, even if it requires lots of reading unvoiced dialogue, but I get bored reading about complex game systems in menus, like some complex item synthesis system. Games that have a steep learning curve and require reading lots of in-game texts about how to understand the systems are a bit too much sometimes. I guess if the game is really interesting, I'd just push through, though.

Look for the Atleir Iris Eternal Mana series. Though those got localized too.

Mana Khemia is another good one. Also localized though and re-released on the PSP.

Didnt bother suggesting those as time consuming JRPGs if you dive deep into em. lol

List should be long enough for now. You could also use this as a chance to go play the PS2 version of the Sengoku Basara series. Before they totally lost their shit with the PS3 versions lol.

Also not sure if you are into the Fushigi Dungeon series but the Torneko + Yangus ones are pretty great.


Remember11 is incredible, though it does have an English patch on PC and is not exclusive to PS2 (also on PC and PSP IIRC, with the PSP and PS2 versions being JP only)

It'll really strain your mind and Japanese, though. It's also a VN
lots of shooters that never left Japan, or skipped America and hit Europe in some budget release (because SCEA had a stick up their bum) like Dragon Blaze. Man, I miss Psikyo.



No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
lots of shooters that never left Japan, or skipped America and hit Europe in some budget release (because SCEA had a stick up their bum) like Dragon Blaze. Man, I miss Psikyo.


Good luck that thing is like 20k... Most def a "behind the glass" title. Even the first one on the PS1. Would have to hit up speciality stores for those and the price is already a barrier enough as is. Σ(T□T)

SS is the only "affordable" version for Sol Divide itself.

Great games though!


Also not sure if you are into the Fushigi Dungeon series but the Torneko + Yangus ones are pretty great.]
No dungeon crawlers have ever clicked with me. I'd love to enjoy them, but I don't really get it. What do people enjoy most about them? They seem to be huge grindfests. The last one I think I tried was when Etrian Odyssey IV came out. I really enjoyed making the maps and exploring, but I felt like I pretty average at the combat. I ended up selling it to a friend because I was too overwhelmed by how many hours it would take to beat, but maybe I should've just kept pushing.

I wish there was a great, short dungeon crawler that wasn't too difficult so I could have an entry into the genre. I guess I'm maybe just slightly too young, and I missed when they were at the peak of their popularity. It's kinda like Thrash Metal for me. I just don't get it.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
No dungeon crawlers have ever clicked with me. I'd love to enjoy them, but I don't really get it. What do people enjoy most about them? They seem to be huge grindfests. The last one I think I tried was when Etrian Odyssey IV came out. I really enjoyed making the maps and exploring, but I felt like I pretty average at the combat. I ended up selling it to a friend because I was too overwhelmed by how many hours it would take to beat, but maybe I should've just kept pushing.

I wish there was a great, short dungeon crawler that wasn't too difficult so I could have an entry into the genre. I guess I'm maybe just slightly too young, and I missed when they were at the peak of their popularity. It's kinda like Thrash Metal for me. I just don't get it.

Wiz likes vs. Fushigi series are 2 different things.

EO = Wizlike (Wizardry Like) First person perspective + turn based combat usually with a party of 5 - 6 members.

Fushigi series is the Mystery Dungeon series based off of the old ass pc game Rogue? I think it was. Which is the top down view and basically a roguelike. Shiren then a bunch of other spinoffs like the DQ related ones shown here are all from that genre. Usually these games are played with a solo character or later included in other titles support characters that follow you around and are AI controlled.

But yeah the whole fun with those is just seeing if you can beat the game or not. Lots of resource management for the MD type of games. Vs Wiz-likes which are basically character raising. Its basically you vs. the game is the most simple aspect of it. As its not like you really play those for any sort of story for the most part. lol

Both games are grid based though with movement.


Was released in the West also apparently but Maken Shao. Third person action game. Original was a first person action title on the dreamcast then was remade into this.


Samurai Western - third person action, hilariously bad english voice acting for the "foreign" characters in the game as its a samurai in the west. sounds like they grabbed a bunch of randoms off the streets of roppongi to record. But gameplay was fairly solid. Enjoyed it greatly. Reminded me a lot of Rising Zan back in the PS days. This title was localized also. Do miss the crazy stuff Acquire used to make, real nice folks talked with them waaaaaay back in the days during a TGS. They were quite happy someone actually recognized their company and enjoyed their games.


Rakugaki Oukoku 2 - the first one? was localized no idea about the 2nd. Action RPG where you "draw" your own character which the game will then animate and you can customize the attacks and stuff from there. I have it but did not get too much time with it, both the first and second that is. Though the stuff people have created is insane. Punch in ラクガキ王国2 into google and see some of the creations in the image section of the search.

Gameplay (King Kazuma from Summer Wars)

Random Gundam stuff

Monster Hunter Monsters of all things lol

Oz - Action game, main draw of this games combat system was doing combos with your AI partners to the enemies. Pretty nice character designs, graphics and effects for the time. Music was good too. This was apparently localized also.

Gameplay (semi-potato quality)

I own / owned (sold some like a dumbass) pretty much all of the games listed, though had zero clue as to these being localized till doing the searches to help you out. As I literally give zero shits and still generally dont about when JP stuff gets localized for the West lol. So it has been an interesting journey to see how many of these titles actually managed to get localized back then. Quite impressive honestly.

Gundam Senki was pretty enjoyable.



Don't get the PS2 version of Maken X, the third person controls are terrible.
As I literally give zero shits and still generally dont about when JP stuff gets localized for the West lol.

Great mentality there. Who cares as long as you can play it, right?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Berwick Saga is something else to look into if you are into fire emblem. Just do not expect the same amount of polish. As this one has some rough edges to it from what I remember.


Black / Matrix 2 - Another SRPG by Flightplan - first game was on the SS and PS1, though if you dont care about playing games in order its worth checking out.
This reminds me I need to get the PS1 version. As do not have a way to hook the SS back up to play atm with my current setup. So fear what the price might be for some reason though...


Summon Night Ex-Thesis - Action RPG spinoff of the main SRPG series.


Summon Night Granthese - Another Action RPG spinoff of the main SRPG series. Though uses a totally different artist for the game, which caused some fans to get pissed off as usual with any title.


Shining Force Neo - Action RPG this came out in the West too. Another decent ARPG. Though for some folks the artwork is hit / miss.


All of these should be enough to keep you busy for a while trying to find them lol


A personal favorite of mine, though it is very dialog heavy as its mainly a visual novel with a SRPG tacked on lol. With how barebones the SRPG part is. Though with how great the characters and story is you really wont care. Though some grinding will be necessary to get strong enough to progress through story parts on occasion. This also came out on the PSP for Sony systems was on the PC originally as an adult game, which were removed for the PS2 / PSP version. Utawarerumono 2 is out on the PS3 / PS4 / PSV and the 2nd half of the game will come out in September this year I think it was. Different story from the first game, but takes place years after the events of the first and returning characters do appear. So if you plan on playing the 2nd game highly suggest playing the first. Game also is full voice, so its not as if you have to totally read everything with the dialog, since you had mentioned that in your earlier post. Really great music and voice acting too.

If you were serious about playing it, if you have a PSV which is set for JPSN get the PSP version and load that onto the Vita. As you will be able to suspend playing when you need to. Which is harder to do when playing on OGPS3 or PS2.

As odd as it sounds, this literally is one of the only games Id actually play through again. Which is quite rare as I almost hardly ever do that with titles. Just listening to the recorded footage from the playlist makes me want to go through it again. But its a long game if you listen to all the dialog vs reading / skipping the voiced lines.



I got Utawarerumono through JP PS+ for my vita! Thanks for getting me to watch that. I watched the first 5 mins or so, and I really like the voice acting and music. Really nice atmosphere, so it seems like my kind of thing for sure.

Would it be recommended to get Summon Night 3 for PS2 or PSP? Summon Night also looks like one I could for sure get into. It will take me a while to look into everything in depth that's been linked in the thread by everyone so far.

Are you the king of Japanese games, Parakeetman? Or, as Ponpo would say, the God Emperor of Japanese games?

Sounds like you're similar to me in that you play a lot of games but hardly replay them. If you had to give a top 10 of your favorite games on PS2 (doesn't have to be ranked, and it honestly could be as many games as you want), what would they be?

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I've been meaning to actually give OZ a shot. I had it, didn't play much of it, and ended up selling it. But I want to try it again. It does have the best intro theme of all time, though:


I also remember being suuuuupper stoked for Hokuto no Ken, back when it came out. It's a really fun fighting game, even if you're not into the anime. Arc System Works was really on fire back then:




I'm just now discovering how many intersting looking PS2 games are JPN and EU only, like Maken Shou, Oz, shmup collections, Glass Rose, etc. Was this an SCEA issue? A lot of these games are by big publishers that normally put stuff out in the US over the EU. The fact that the EU got an in-house Atlus game when the US didn't kind of blows my mind lol.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I got Utawarerumono through JP PS+ for my vita! Thanks for getting me to watch that. I watched the first 5 mins or so, and I really like the voice acting and music. Really nice atmosphere, so it seems like my kind of thing for sure.

Would it be recommended to get Summon Night 3 for PS2 or PSP? Summon Night also looks like one I could for sure get into. It will take me a while to look into everything in depth that's been linked in the thread by everyone so far.

Are you the king of Japanese games, Parakeetman? Or, as Ponpo would say, the God Emperor of Japanese games?

Sounds like you're similar to me in that you play a lot of games but hardly replay them. If you had to give a top 10 of your favorite games on PS2 (doesn't have to be ranked, and it honestly could be as many games as you want), what would they be?

I think the PSP SK3 updated some things with the game system to make it a bit more playable. Having to do with how the characters leveled. Plus the suspend feature is highly useful. Both 3 and 4 can be played on the Vita also if you do not have your PSP handy. Though harder to get em cheap digita that is, where you can still find the PSP physical versions cheap.

Top ten eh? Would take a bit to figure out will think about that and get back to you lol. As way too many PS2 games. Some off the top of my head and were / were not listed here below

Kings Field IV
Shadow Tower Abyss
Summon Night 3
Summon Night 4
Busin 0
Kuryuu Youma Gakuenki Recharge
Rogue Galaxy
Dragon Quest VIII
Metal Saga
Shining Force Exa
(bunch of other stuff that Id need to go digging around to find, though lots of things I listed here are favorites or titles I find amusing)

Am actually holding back on other titles since you mentioned things like time constraints and whatnots. Also dont want to give you too obscure stuff that would be overly expensive. Or near impossible to find in book offs due to "scalpers / resellers" already stripping the stores of the more rare titles to resell higher.

If you got a 3DS Id highly suggest trying to find Metal Max 2 Reloaded and Metal Max 3. As those are 2 great games also. Its like classic JRPG + Open World in the sense of it being free form with how you can wander around where you want. Though you might get chalked along the way by getting into a fight with enemies over your level lol. Know its not PS related, but since had suggested Metal Saga which is the same design, you will most def want to check those out also. Heres a thread below someone on GAF did which is a collection of the games. They are a bit easy to get stuck in since there are no real clear directions on what to do. Also game has time in it so sleeping in the inn is used to pass time which is necessary to advance events or get new ones to show up sometimes.


I've been meaning to actually give OZ a shot. I had it, didn't play much of it, and ended up selling it. But I want to try it again. It does have the best intro theme of all time, though:


I also remember being suuuuupper stoked for Hokuto no Ken, back when it came out. It's a really fun fighting game, even if you're not into the anime. Arc System Works was really on fire back then:



Some game centers still hold tournaments for that game just because how hilariously broken the fights are between high level players lol. its one of the "legendary" fighting games with fans


I'm just now discovering how many intersting looking PS2 games are JPN and EU only, like Maken Shou, Oz, shmup collections, Glass Rose, etc. Was this an SCEA issue? A lot of these games are by big publishers that normally put stuff out in the US over the EU. The fact that the EU got an in-house Atlus game when the US didn't kind of blows my mind lol.

Hopefully because it's a bad (port of a good) game. Then again, Atlus US passed on Growlanser 1, so who knows what drove their decision making process.

Shmups? Totally SCEA's spartan 2D policy.


Unconfirmed Member
It could be a bit tricky to find, but the May 25, 2006 version of オレたちゲーセン族 (Oretachi Gēsen Zoku) I can recommend due to it including Haunted Castle (1988) by Konami.

I've only played the arcade so I can't say much about the controls. But the game has good graphics and good challenge. Some greatly dislike that game, but I think it's very entertaining.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Rösti;204283947 said:
It could be a bit tricky to find, but the May 25, 2006 version of オレたちゲーセン族 (Oretachi Gēsen Zoku) I can recommend due to it including Haunted Castle (1988) by Konami.

I've only played the arcade so I can't say much about the controls. But the game has good graphics and good challenge. Some greatly dislike that game, but I think it's very entertaining.

I remember the ad for Haunted Castle lol I mean who could forget something as AWESOME as this..

Only played it in the arcade once. Never saw it again after that.


I was excited to see a PS2 Atlus game with art by Kaneko that I'd never heard of and then I watched that video. Just... why is the whole world melting around your protagonist? It looks so buggy and unpolished. I could overlook the janky animations and movement but the graphics bugging out around you is just terrible. Was that an issue with the original PS2 release or is that just a problem with the PSN release?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I was excited to see a PS2 Atlus game with art by Kaneko that I'd never heard of and then I watched that video. Just... why is the whole world melting around your protagonist? It looks so buggy and unpolished. I could overlook the janky animations and movement but the graphics bugging out around you is just terrible. Was that an issue with the original PS2 release or is that just a problem with the PSN release?

No idea really. Its been way too long so do not remember if that happened or not with the disc version.

Dont have the PSN one so cant comment on that.

If you are really bored heres what the game originally looked like on the DC version lol


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Way of the Samurai 1 & 2 - Pretty good open ended action game. Controls and such will take a little bit getting used to. Plus you might game over a bunch of times while trying to figure out the routes in the game with the story and interacting with NPCs. These were localized in the West also. PSP versions do exist too.

Gameplay WOS 1 localized ver

Gameplay WOS 2 localized ver

Kamiwaza - Similar to Way of the Samurai in design, cept this one you play a thief. Pretty amusing game also. Literally stealing almost everything that isnt nailed down.

Gameplay has commentary, but was too lazy to search further for other footage.

Shinobido Imashime - If you like the tenchu type of games then you should enjoy this also.

Gameplay from localized version Shinobido Way of the Ninja

Gladiator Road to Freedom Remix (no sense in getting the original if you can get remix) Fairly deep action based combat, locational damage, various weapons and armor plus fight types. Character stats raising is also in the game among other things. Good action game though will take some time getting used to the jank and controls. There is a PSP version which is even better with balance and refining of the mechanics though it does not have the same content as the PS2 version such as elephants, tigers, traps in the arena and such. The PSP one is also most def worth getting though as it has some intense melee combat with the fights against the champions. Really did like this series. Great games with the flaws aside. PSP version also has various design changes made to the game itself.

While fighting in the game you can knock off armor and disarm opponents picking up what they dropped and equipping it for yourself. Though I do not think you can equip arm and leg armor on the spot though.

Gameplay PS2 first day in the game so nothing too exciting with the fighting.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGjY6tABfGM (choppy as hell footage but shows a bunch of game content in it, so put up with it lol)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7_udnFLEuY 1 vs 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE0O-N1Zen0 elephant near the end of vid

Gameplay PSP you can see the parries, dodges, counters, armor flying off etc. this game the combat you can also cheese opponents by using the same skills over and over with certain combinations of weapons + skill. Game has weight too which effects attacks / staggering of your opponent or yourself when hit.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Was talking with a friend that knows more about other genres than I do. He mentioned to check out "Technictix" since I told him apparently you are into music and whatnots.

After looking up vids on it seems to be pretty cool, but I have no fucking idea what is going on in the videos lol

Though Id suggest grabbing this from Amazon. As Ive literally never seen it in a store here and have been to over 50 different places in Tokyo. Does not help too that PS2 sections are starting to shrink. Honestly I do not even remember this in stores during the PS2s prime.




Grand strategy in the Gundam world, spanning about a decade.
Is this better than the newer ones?
Go find this.

Thank or Curse me later lol
Culdcept II = Monopoly + Magic the Gathering + Asshole AI
first stage
This aint going to be cheap let alone easy to find in stores, but well worth it. If you can understand Japanese that is. As there are a lot of reading involved, but highly unique game.
Is it that much better than the newer ones? I shouldn't hold off until the newest one coming soon?

Space Fishermen!!!

Such an awesome game.


And yes, it does have an intro theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdgkJJAtAeA
This looks quite fun.



These are the few exclusives I own
My friend was with me after work today and bought 蚊. Is the second one much different?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Is this better than the newer ones?

Is it that much better than the newer ones? I shouldn't hold off until the newest one coming soon?

This looks quite fun.

My friend was with me after work today and bought 蚊. Is the second one much different?

Nah wait for the newer one. Though if you wanted something to play now on the PS2 that would be it that and you can sometimes find it cheap still for whatever reason. The DS / 3DS ones are harder to find at the moment used. Its great that both of them had Najaran from the Culdcept manga. The PS2 one would have been a nice way to get your self semi familiar with the series for a low price. Unless you get lucky and find the DS or 3DS one at a decent price used.

The newer Culdcept is adding a bunch of new cards and mechanics are being changed a bit.

In regards to the Gihren's Greed. The newer ones on the PSP? I think it was, had like even more "modern" content in the terms of adding in the whole unicorn storyline and such. Among other things. Though folks generally liked the older one better. Ive only had that PS2 one and the previous Sega Saturn one. Didnt get the Zabi family / Unicorn storyline ones myself, so outside of the additional content I cant really comment on the quality of those. But V the one you listed both the PS2 and PSP versions are good for hardcore strategy. Its crazy since you are fighting in both space and earth at the same time on a massive scale.

Super long vid but gives a good idea of what gameflow is like. While it may look like a lot to learn and whatnots if you are fairly adept to strategy games, you should be able to figure out everything fine.

Cut from the same vid, this is what combat looks like

If the game clicks with you, you literally can lose hours into it and everything will always be "just one more turn" lol


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Played it through the HD collection,so I'm set on that one.

I've heard about this before. Is it really that good? Saw it today at book off for 2500. Just a beat 'em up, right?

Yeah pretty much. Unless you are a collector Im not sure if Id pay 2500 for it lol. I used to have the SS one along with Zombie Revenge on the DC.

It is a fun game though regardless of that.


Was talking with a friend that knows more about other genres than I do. He mentioned to check out "Technictix" since I told him apparently you are into music and whatnots.

After looking up vids on it seems to be pretty cool, but I have no fucking idea what is going on in the videos lol

Though Id suggest grabbing this from Amazon. As Ive literally never seen it in a store here and have been to over 50 different places in Tokyo. Does not help too that PS2 sections are starting to shrink. Honestly I do not even remember this in stores during the PS2s prime.

My exact thoughts while watching the videos. What? hahaha


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
My exact thoughts while watching the videos. What? hahaha

yeah seriously lol. thought you gotta admit japan never was one for making folks bored with the crazy ideas they came up with for their various games during the ps1 / ps2 days
the technic games (technictix and technic beat) are weird, lol. technic beat was localized and is pretty cheap to get a hold of, but there's still extremely little documentation about the games online for some reason.

it's kinda like lumines in that it's more puzzle-y than it is rhythm-y, in honesty. basically if more than one hit circle is in contact with another, activating one will automatically activate the rest, and each character has a unique way to move hit circles around the field, meaning the gameplay is more about figuring out which circles to move where than it is keeping the beat.

it's cute and has good music, though. lots of stuff from sampling masters unit, stuff from other arika games, and technic beat has a ton of namco stuff. there's also an ios game, tekuteku beat, which is more traditional rhythm-y and has a lot of the music from the other 2 games, along with some taito stuff (and in return groove coaster has some technic music in it as well)


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
the technic games (technictix and technic beat) are weird, lol. technic beat was localized and is pretty cheap to get a hold of, but there's still extremely little documentation about the games online for some reason.

it's kinda like lumines in that it's more puzzle-y than it is rhythm-y, in honesty. basically if more than one hit circle is in contact with another, activating one will automatically activate the rest, and each character has a unique way to move hit circles around the field, meaning the gameplay is more about figuring out which circles to move where than it is keeping the beat.

it's cute and has good music, though. lots of stuff from sampling masters unit, stuff from other arika games, and technic beat has a ton of namco stuff. there's also an ios game, tekuteku beat, which is more traditional rhythm-y and has a lot of the music from the other 2 games, along with some taito stuff (and in return groove coaster has some technic music in it as well)

Thats pretty interesting. Since yeah from the vids had zero clue as to what was going on so after reading your explanation things make a bit more sense now.


If only pop'n music controllers were easier to find would suggest for Aizo to go and find those PS2 games. Since the pop'n music series always had some great tunes. Really liked the character art in those games too. Seems like amazon has the controller and games. So if you want to grab it online looks like it is very possible.



Yeah. My gf and I really like playing pop n music at the gamecenter, so I've been planning to pick a controller and a couple games up. Recommended versions?

It's honestly the closest I'll ever get to learning how to play beatmania proficiently. The learning curve for that game is so steep, so it would cost many thousands of yen to become decent. Also, you'd be holding up the good players, while they just stare in disbelief at the terrible skill. Then, if you wanna just buy a home version, you'll spend a ton that way, too...


Yeah. My gf and I really like playing pop n music at the gamecenter, so I've been planning to pick a controller and a couple games up. Recommended versions?

It's honestly the closest I'll ever get to learning how to play beatmania proficiently. The learning curve for that game is so steep, so it would cost many thousands of yen to become decent. Also, you'd be holding up the good players, while they just stare in disbelief at the terrible skill. Then, if you wanna just buy a home version, you'll spend a ton that way, too...

IIDX and Pop'n are great games, tons of fun to learn. I'd suggest getting more recent versions (which are still pretty old, sadly) if you aren't playing on an SD CRT, as they have lag adjustment options that you'll want to use.
12 is my personal favorite pop'n CS, lots of good debuting songs, the introduction of pop'n request which brings back some of the fan-picked favorite songs in the series, and an unlock system that actually isn't a huge pain in the ass. Only downside is that it has a few songs which you can only play if you have memory card data from other Bemani games.

But really pop'n CSs are pretty reasonably priced, especially compared to IIDX, so I wouldn't worry all that much about picking up *the right one*. I think 14 is like, $40 or so, and that's the most expensive in the series. They're pretty huge in volume, have a good learning curve, and are just super fun and great looking so I definitely recommend picking up a few.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Yeah. My gf and I really like playing pop n music at the gamecenter, so I've been planning to pick a controller and a couple games up. Recommended versions?

It's honestly the closest I'll ever get to learning how to play beatmania proficiently. The learning curve for that game is so steep, so it would cost many thousands of yen to become decent. Also, you'd be holding up the good players, while they just stare in disbelief at the terrible skill. Then, if you wanna just buy a home version, you'll spend a ton that way, too...

yeah get pop'n over 7 buttons of hell. lol

Since seriously the pricing of the beat mania stuff is insane in comparison.
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams. Yeah, it came out in the US, but Capcom fucked with the difficulty in the US version and made enemies stupid powerful, and gave them a shitload of life so that bosses took like 10 or 15 minutes to kill. It was stupid.

The Japanese version has none of that nonsense -- it's the game, as intended. And it has an English language option. It's basically the lost Onimusha.

I really enjoyed Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams and wondered why it was so unpopular here. That might explain it (I played an Asian version).

Initial D: Special Stage
I imported this back when it came out and played a whole bunch of it. Granted I am a fan of the Initial D anime, so that probably biases my opinion. But I thought it was such a fun arcade racer. I used to spend tons of quarters playing the arcade versions and this was basically a home console port of those games.

It's just a really fun arcade racer where you earn points from racing that you can spend to upgrade your car. The races are really fun. It's usually you versus an AI on intense downhill mountain roads with a focus on arcadey drifting.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

Initial D: Special Stage
I imported this back when it came out and played a whole bunch of it. Granted I am a fan of the Initial D anime, so that probably biases my opinion. But I thought it was such a fun arcade racer. I used to spend tons of quarters playing the arcade versions and this was basically a home console port of those games.

It's just a really fun arcade racer where you earn points from racing that you can spend to upgrade your car. The races are really fun. It's usually you versus an AI on intense downhill mountain roads with a focus on arcadey drifting.

One thing for sure is Initial D has some fucking fantastic stages over the other games. Though thats just more a personal pref of mine, since Ive been down the real road in Gunma that they modeled the Akina route off of lol

game (arcade ver)

real (potato quality footage)


The Shutoku Battle series by Genki were pretty great also. Not sure if they came out in the West though? Think of it as Vs Racing. Similar to the Initial D / Wangan Midnign series.

Shutoku Battle Zero

Shutoku Battle Zero One

C1 Racing Battle Grand Prix was pretty cool also.


thinkin' about Konami, here are some non-Japan-exclusive recommendations, mostly obvious (sorry I'm not exactly delivering the deep cuts here lol):

Gradius III & IV
Gradius V
Shin Contra
Neo Contra

All the Namco light gun games, if you have an SD CRT TV. Especially Gunvari Collection, which is Japan-only.

Flipnic is a neat and dirt-cheap puzzle game that doesn't try to stick to real pinball limitations very much.

Seconding Espgaluda and DoDonPachi Daioujou, those are must-owns (unless you've got and are cool with DOJ on 360).

Sega Ages has already been appropriately covered.

There's a good arcade-accurate port of Sega Rally outside of the Ages series, too (Sega Rally '95).

Oh, and Shinobido Imashime! If you've ever liked a Tenchu game, you need to play it.
The Shutoku Battle series by Genki were pretty great also. Not sure if they came out in the West though? Think of it as Vs Racing. Similar to the Initial D / Wangan Midnign series.
The Shutoku Battle series actually did get a western release. It was known in the US as Tokyo Xtreme Racer and in Europe as Tokyo Highway Challenge. I always really enjoyed this series back in the day! Starting from nothing and slowly building up your car to beat crazier and faster rivals was a great feeling.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
The Shutoku Battle series actually did get a western release. It was known in the US as Tokyo Xtreme Racer and in Europe as Tokyo Highway Challenge. I always really enjoyed this series back in the day! Starting from nothing and slowly building up your car to beat crazier and faster rivals was a great feeling.

That is pretty cool the brought it over. Its too bad racing games seems to have fallen out of favor with whats popular currently. As we do not have anything even close to what we used to back in the days.

Granted Enthusia Professional Racing made its way over to the West also, really did like this game as it was pretty well done. Always laughed my ass off watching my replays of me using a mini cooper and drifting around the track lol Good times. But goddamn would the game penalize you hard for playing bumper cars. So in career mode you had to be fairly careful. Was something totally different from GT back then where you could go rebounding your way off of other vehicles / barriers to victory lol



This thread is killing me. I sold a Sakura Spring PS2 with a bunch of beatmania and Pop'n Music stuff a few years back on here, and I've never not regretted that. So much cool stuff in this thread, jogging my memory.


Just ordered my Pop n Music controller and DaiOuJou. I'll pick up one or two different editions of Pop n at the bookoff or local game shop in my neighborhood tomorrow, too.

In the future, I plan to buy King's Field 4, Macross, and Summon Night 3. I'll probably post impressions of some games soon here unless there is a better thread I should head to for that.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Just ordered my Pop n Music controller and DaiOuJou. I'll pick up one or two different editions of Pop n at the bookoff or local game shop in my neighborhood tomorrow, too.

In the future, I plan to buy King's Field 4, Macross, and Summon Night 3. I'll probably post impressions of some games soon here unless there is a better thread I should head to for that.

One thing about Kings Field 4 is you will have to try to play it constantly or you will literally forget where you are going lol. Same with Shadow Tower Abyss if you ever get to that. As both games I dont remember if there is an actual useful map or even a map for that matter. Everything is based off of your memory.

But both are fantastic games.

You will be totally overwhelmed with Summon Night 3 in terms of just how many characters that game has.

For Pop'n a good way to find music you like is just browse around youtube then search for the version you want. As usually with the later versions are way better music that the early stuff. Beatmania is kinda the same too as you cant even compare like what the original stuff is compared to the later versions.

I remember my friend and I felt like total scrubs when we were playing the harder versions of the original beatmania then went back to the first one and saw how stupid simple the Metal Gear song was, when back then when we first had it how much trouble it gave us lol.

Will have to add the Sakura Wars games here also. But need to do that later. Have to finish the OT for DQH2. Been way too busy with other shit so didnt get a time to prep more stuff ahead of time... Then again with how 90% of my OTs are done literally the day before launch its not like this is anything new (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

In terms of Macross you should be able to find the PS1 also. The harder to find Macross game is the side scrolling shooting one Macross - Do You Remember Love. It would have some sort of dumbass price tag on it too if you do find it... But that was a pretty great game. Reminded me of the SFC game a long ass time ago. The middle one in the pic below is the side scroller. The L / R ones is the VF-X 1 & 2. Both VF-X games are still very affordable. Though you can find cheaper copies on amazon. Book off in general for more "rare" things is a bad idea as they just go by whatever the most expensive net price is on top of their stores being networked with a database which is why generally the prices are not that much different for rare stuff. Unless something is really wrecked condition wise.

VF-X (no other useful vids to show, this one is kinda shit lol)

VF-X 2 (no idea if this is emulator garbage or not)

Do You Remember Love (SS ver no PS1 footage that doesnt have someone yakking away in the vid)

The SFC game
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