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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

Updated the OP again with more linked pics from BotW and Pre Rec. If I get crazy one day, I'll go through and put in all the links to Half in the Bag.

Before I go through all that work, does anyone actually use the OP for links? Might help me decide to do it or not.


Updated the OP again with more linked pics from BotW and Pre Rec. If I get crazy one day, I'll go through and put in all the links to Half in the Bag.

Before I go through all that work, does anyone actually use the OP for links? Might help me decide to do it or not.

I have used it for Plinkett review links when they weren't on YouTube.


First minute or so and I came here to say how superb the voice acting is and how I wonder who of their friends did it.

Of course I have no idea this was a character from a popular sitcom's hundredth season. I stopped watching after it became a chore in season 3 and I don't think I really know what James Spader sounds like or who he is, really.

By the end I did catch on and figure this out. I am a little disappointed but still like the video a lot.

I'd give it three stars out of ten watermelons.
I thought Mike was doing the voice imitation and I was really impressed til I found out it was an excerpt from another show?

Those hacks.
Ok, that ending made a lot more sense than in the actual movie. btw, this is a pure Mike thing going by the edit credit. Probably related to some remark in an audio commentary or something we haven't heard yet.

also, from the YT comment section:

"It says a lot when the worst seasons of The Office can be used to genuinely improve a billion dollar blockbuster."

He's not wrong.



Half in the Bag 96 - Everest

//EDIT: I'm a little worried about Mike. He is drunk again.

so... was anyone complaining about the female roles in the movie? I looked around online for a bit and couldn't find any articles or anything about it beyond one site that's sole gimmick is to document the role of female characters in movies (not even as part of their review, it's a separate entry).

That whole bit came off as this weird creepy strawman argument, and I feel like they've done that kinda thing before. Kinda ruined the flavor of the whole episode.


so... was anyone complaining about the female roles in the movie? I looked around online for a bit and couldn't find any articles or anything about it beyond one site that's sole gimmick is to document the role of female characters in movies (not even as part of their review, it's a separate entry).

That whole bit came off as this weird creepy strawman argument, and I feel like they've done that kinda thing before. Kinda ruined the flavor of the whole episode.

Yeah, there wasn't much of that as far as I know.


so... was anyone complaining about the female roles in the movie? I looked around online for a bit and couldn't find any articles or anything about it beyond one site that's sole gimmick is to document the role of female characters in movies (not even as part of their review, it's a separate entry).

That whole bit came off as this weird creepy strawman argument, and I feel like they've done that kinda thing before. Kinda ruined the flavor of the whole episode.
Sadly, the show tends to get a bit weird whenever they discuss something someone somewhere might see as an issue with their representation. Mike's especially fond of lame "SJW" jokes.
Have these guys expressed any opinions of Matt Damon?

I remember hearing Mike saying he doesn't like leonardo dicaprio because he always played the same role, but I wonder if they also have another 'popular actor' opinion on Matt Damon. And with the Martian out we might hear it.


Sadly, the show tends to get a bit weird whenever they discuss something someone somewhere might see as an issue with their representation. Mike's especially fond of lame "SJW" jokes.

Yeah, the "sensitive Joss Whedon" thing left a really bad taste in my mouth, but I figured it was maybe just a weird misstep. That bit in the Everest review just made me pull a classic Plinkett "Ohhhhhhh......"
That Sensitive Joss Whedon joke was hilarious. I imagine that lots of sensitive viewers took that one poorly.

It's also ironic that Joss Whedon was offended by the JW scene with context taken out while other people were doing the exact same with his Age of Ulton's Black Widow's "I'm a monster" scene.


so... was anyone complaining about the female roles in the movie? I looked around online for a bit and couldn't find any articles or anything about it beyond one site that's sole gimmick is to document the role of female characters in movies (not even as part of their review, it's a separate entry).

That whole bit came off as this weird creepy strawman argument, and I feel like they've done that kinda thing before. Kinda ruined the flavor of the whole episode.

When I watched that bit, I got the impression that Mike was pulling that complaint out of his butt, to make fun of people who complain about the PC status of things in movies, but then I realized that you could probably find someone seriously making that argument, somewhere on the internet.


When I watched that bit, I got the impression that Mike was pulling that complaint out of his butt, to make fun of people who complain about the PC status of things in movies, but then I realized that you could probably find someone seriously making that argument, somewhere on the internet.

You will probably find someone arguing every point on the internet if you search deep enough. That's not the point. The point is that that seemed very much like a strawman argument to laugh at people who were "offended" by things that didn't exist. Past history suggests that it wasn't them making fun of people complaining about politically correctness, rather it's the jumping on that South Park bandwagon.
They're two white dudes that live in the midwest, you shouldn't expect them to have progressive views!

Yeah that snipe felt totally out of place and sort of off-putting. I don't understand what the point of it was


Care to elaborate?

I just think it's funny that using the word sjw instantly makes you "fucking gross". It kinda sounds like the exact reaction of an overly sensitive person that, well, the word seems to often be associated with. So... I guess it sounded a bit ironic to me?

There are a lot of people who are fucking gross, like a lot of criminals. People who unironically spend their time online calling other people SJWs are just a bit... Dumb.

e: actually, sorry if it came across a bit cunt-ish, not trying to get a rise out of you or anything


I just think it's funny that using the word sjw instantly makes you "fucking gross". It kinda sounds like the exact reaction of an overly sensitive person that, well, the word seems to often be associated with. So... I guess it sounded a bit ironic to me?

There are a lot of people who are fucking gross, like a lot of criminals. People who unironically spend their time online calling other people SJWs are just a bit... Dumb.

e: actually, sorry if it came across a bit cunt-ish, not trying to get a rise out of you or anything

I think people associate that word with Gamergate and Men's Rights Activist characters, so that is probably where the gross part comes from.


I think people associate that word with Gamergate and Men's Rights Activist characters, so that is probably where the gross part comes from.

I wouldn't know, I've managed to avoid that shit to the point that I don't really even know what GG is about.


that's like my friend and I being given the stink eye during jurassic world since we were laughing at the ridiculous shit.

You will probably find someone arguing every point on the internet if you search deep enough. That's not the point. The point is that that seemed very much like a strawman argument to laugh at people who were "offended" by things that didn't exist. Past history suggests that it wasn't them making fun of people complaining about politically correctness, rather it's the jumping on that South Park bandwagon.

I just find the jokes tired and lame, but I guess I can picture 4 scenarios on why they keep making the jokes, and more of them. 1, they get a lot of crap from people on the internet about saying inappropriate stuff, so they're intentionally needling those people who constantly complain. 2, I'd imagine a good chunk of their audience is alined with people (you know the type) who feel constantly threatened by SJW issues, so it is catering to a fanbase. 3, they actually believe the anti-SJW rhetoric. or 4, they just find those jokes funny and like including them. i don't know, and i despite not finding the jokes funny or offensive, i don't give it much thought. it's at least better than the "it took 12 years to make!" joke that got beaten to death faster than it took the horse to fall down. Anyway, they probably just find those jokes funny and there isn't some conspiracy or any wicked intent. Probably best just to take them in stride.

It's amazing how huge this recap is. I need a recap of the recap. It's funny how much they saw this year that they didn't talk about since they probably didn't have time to shoot and edit more episodes.


Mike and Jay seem exactly the type of white middle-class men who would be against anything that empowers women because "no one is empowering us men so where's the EQUALITY?!". I'm just happy they have a mild case of white-man-privilege and typically bring it out when discussing something that actually is a little silly. Even here where there's no issue, their "pretend issue" is a silly one. You know, the type that a regular feminist would file under "crazy tumblr feminist" category as well. Even their dumb "it's just a joke" jokes aren't that offensive. I mean, sure "The Tranny Tracker 5000" isn't exactly the best way to make transgender people feel inclusive but at least there was a joke there somewhere.

Or maybe I'm giving them a too lenient benefit of a doubt because I like them. Or maybe I'm just so fucking happy Rich didn't get in the #GG bandwagon that I am now giving them a pass on anything less than.

Or maybe I don't care that much. Maybe since I have to "look past" the crazy extremists on all fronts of social issues on almost every issue that is brought up, I should also be able to "look past" some of the milder dumb shit we white middle class CIS atheist nerds say.

I don't know. I'm in the dark.
God damn is Ex Machina overrated.
It's a fun thriller, but that's about it.

I feel like it got more praise than it deserved by itself simply because it was such a grounded sci-fi film that dealt with a topic many popular novels/films deal with (AI). I still feel it's a 80 something film but I have no real desire to watch it again.


"No real desire to watch it again" is apt for Ex Machina, even though I thought it was OK too.

Fine performances, interesting enough premise, but I thought it didn't really do much of substance with it for the sake of a "twist" that wasn't really one when we all saw it coming anyway. Or maybe it wasn't supposed to be a twist, but then there's little tension to it all. I liked it well enough but felt a bit unsatisfied with it. It could've been that I saw it late (I'm not even sure it was officially released here) and everyone was talking about how good it was so I was expecting a bit more.


Subete no aware
I wouldn't know, I've managed to avoid that shit to the point that I don't really even know what GG is about.
It's the equivalent of calling a woman a "feminazi" for thinking that maybe men shouldn't yell her just because she's walking out in public in a certain outfit. They're using it as a pejorative in order to dismiss their opinions as illogical.

(Because straight white men are the most persecuted group in American etc etc etc)


It's the equivalent of calling a woman a "feminazi" for thinking that maybe men shouldn't yell her just because she's walking out in public in a certain outfit. They're using it as a pejorative in order to dismiss their opinions as illogical.

(Because straight white men are the most persecuted group in American etc etc etc)

Yeah, it's the kind of word that if I see you using it without irony I'll stop taking what you're saying seriously.
I have seen that Island of dr. Moreau movie. I don't remember it as being excessively bad. Mini-marlo kind of made sense within the movie. Of course, the Austin Powers evil mini-me is better.

but the director going ... eh.. crazy is something I did not know.
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