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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

why are we discussing this in RLM?

I just want to fuck movies.
Some people care about culture, the culture they consume, and the culture people create.
I have seen that Island of dr. Moreau movie. I don't remember it as being excessively bad. Mini-marlo kind of made sense within the movie. Of course, the Austin Powers evil mini-me is better.

but the director going ... eh.. crazy is something I did not know.
I saw it a long time ago, but I remember it being boring than disastrously bad. It did have a crazy production, though.

To be honest, I don't remember much if it though other than Mini Me sidekick.


I have seen that Island of dr. Moreau movie. I don't remember it as being excessively bad. Mini-marlo kind of made sense within the movie. Of course, the Austin Powers evil mini-me is better.

but the director going ... eh.. crazy is something I did not know.

Yeah, that movie never really stood out to me as a disaster when I watched it. It was a terrible movie for sure, but it was more boring than anything else.


The camera looks great and the audio for the stream is great too. Are they going to become real twitch streamers now?


you can't put a price on sparks
That was fun to watch them for this game. I don't think it matters to me if you see them or not for their normal games, though

I am surprised they made it work
That was fun to watch them for this game. I don't think it matters to me if you see them or not for their normal games, though

I am surprised they made it work

I haven't watched this stream yet (I usually only watch the ones with Jay), but I'm genuinely surprised they included a face cam since in the past they seemed dead set against it. Did they say what changed their minds?


you can't put a price on sparks
I haven't watched this stream yet (I usually only watch the ones with Jay), but I'm genuinely surprised they included a face cam since in the past they seemed dead set against it. Did they say what changed their minds?

rich actually watched a stream with a face cam and thought it was neat. jack was open to the idea, and set it up.

i personally think because its been a year and the channel hasn't gotten much more popular than it has always been that made jack open to it. who knows though, they didnt say anything about that
I just find the jokes tired and lame, but I guess I can picture 4 scenarios on why they keep making the jokes, and more of them. 1, they get a lot of crap from people on the internet about saying inappropriate stuff, so they're intentionally needling those people who constantly complain. 2, I'd imagine a good chunk of their audience is alined with people (you know the type) who feel constantly threatened by SJW issues, so it is catering to a fanbase. 3, they actually believe the anti-SJW rhetoric. or 4, they just find those jokes funny and like including them. i don't know, and i despite not finding the jokes funny or offensive, i don't give it much thought. it's at least better than the "it took 12 years to make!" joke that got beaten to death faster than it took the horse to fall down. Anyway, they probably just find those jokes funny and there isn't some conspiracy or any wicked intent. Probably best just to take them in stride.
sometimes a joke is just a giant sand vagina

I imagine it's partially blowback from people complaining about the five million over-the-top rape jokes that come with Plinket, partially just because they find it funny. They've pointed out racist/homophobic/sexist stuff before and have regularly admitted they don't remotely think they're experts on that sort of stuff, so I'd never take anything they say on that to heart. Also the 'Sensitive Josh Whedon' joke was hilarious when you took into account the same thing happened with his own movie he did to Jurassic World. Maybe if it was a more flippant remark it'd reflect badly on them, but given the context I can't really blame them.

No clue what RLM's relevance to GamerGate is meant to be either, if anything.


Death: "Jack."
Jack: "Yes?"
Death: "I have come to collect your soul."
Jack: "But I haven't finished the light bar reflection in that one shot in Space Cop!"
Death: "I don't care. Your time is now."
Jack: "Aww."
Death: "Okay, look. If you can tell me which way is a row and which way is a column I'll let you live".
Jack: "Okay let me just kiss my wife goodbye."


Death: "Jack."
Jack: "Yes?"
Death: "I have come to collect your soul."
Jack: "But I haven't finished the light bar reflection in that one shot in Space Cop!"
Death: "I don't care. Your time is now."
Jack: "Aww."
Death: "Okay, look. If you can tell me which way is a row and which way is a column I'll let you live".
Jack: "Okay let me just kiss my wife goodbye."
HAHAHAHA. Poor Jack.
This is one of the best live streams in a while. Fucking Jack starts to do Simon Says while defusing a bomb with flashing colors.
Yep that bit was really funny.


New tech and it worked for them on the first try? And looks good compared to most crappy Twitch green screens? These hacks are evolving.

Fun game, too. Seems to be trending hard on Steam, too, so good for the devs.


you can't put a price on sparks
New tech and it worked for them on the first try? And looks good compared to most crappy Twitch green screens? These hacks are evolving.

Fun game, too. Seems to be trending hard on Steam, too, so good for the devs.

if anything, actual video is where they should succeed

The Real Abed

I always watch their streams on the YouTube archive because I can't stand twitch's player and ads don't get blocked for me. (At least if I get a YouTube ad I can skip it) I hate how it takes a few days. I can't wait to see this.


I always watch their streams on the YouTube archive because I can't stand twitch's player and ads don't get blocked for me. (At least if I get a YouTube ad I can skip it) I hate how it takes a few days. I can't wait to see this.

It's a tough life when you have to wait a few days to actively not support content creators for the content you consume.

The Real Abed

It's a tough life when you have to wait a few days to actively not support content creators for the content you consume.
You tell Twitch to put skip buttons on their ads and we'll talk. I'd rather watch on YouTube where I have ad blocking disabled and ads are less intrusive and annoying. (Especially since Twich's ads are horrible, always the same thing, and not targeted to me in the slightest. It's the reason I don't even bother watching anything live unless it's a big deal.)


I downloaded an ad blocker specifically to block youtube ads

Yes. I am Hitler.

For all I know I'm sure you are, but my point is: would you or anyone really rather wait a few days for something you really want to watch just to avoid advertisements? I mean how is it possible to hate them so much? How can someone have a stand so strict about fucking ads? Is this common?
For all I know I'm sure you are, but my point is: would you or anyone really rather wait a few days for something you really want to watch just to avoid advertisements? I mean how is it possible to hate them so much? How can someone have a stand so strict about fucking ads? Is this common?

15-30 second ads ideally with a 5 second in skip option is okay in my book. The problem is even if every ad is relevant to my interest if I watch a handful of videos or episodes on youtube/hulu/ad video site I quickly see the same handful of ads over and over and over and over.


Drunky McMurder
For all I know I'm sure you are, but my point is: would you or anyone really rather wait a few days for something you really want to watch just to avoid advertisements? I mean how is it possible to hate them so much? How can someone have a stand so strict about fucking ads? Is this common?

I'd gladly wait a few days to remove ads if that were an option everywhere. Delay it weeks for all I care. Fuck commercials and the fucking fucks who make them.

The Real Abed

For all I know I'm sure you are, but my point is: would you or anyone really rather wait a few days for something you really want to watch just to avoid advertisements? I mean how is it possible to hate them so much? How can someone have a stand so strict about fucking ads? Is this common?
I would wait a few days to avoid having to use Twitch's video player period.


Rich thinks screen tearing is fixed by "setting your monitor refresh rate correctly" and cynical Jack blames people who played Battlefront beta because they played into EA's tune in a campaign of free advertisement.

I wish I could un-see the ads for this live stream. I mean they are both half right but blaah why can't they just laugh and play games? I don't think Rich has laughed at all yet. That's what I tune in for.

I would wait a few days to avoid having to use Twitch's video player period.

The new one? It's practically identical to a Youtube player.


This animated Terminator commentary is pretty funny. It makes it much funnier being animated. I thought it would be lame.
Honestly, I don't mind too much Mike's SJW stuff, because at least I've only one time heard a slur on the show that was so bad that it made me not watch that video ever again (and he didn't even say it so). Usually when I hear "retarded" - especially when it's followed by joking about the offensive nature of it - I just kind of roll my eyes, so I'm rather thankful that this appears to be an isolated incident.


Honestly, I don't mind too much Mike's SJW stuff, because at least I've only one time heard a slur on the show that was so bad that it made me not watch that video ever again (and he didn't even say it so). Usually when I hear "retarded" - especially when it's followed by joking about the offensive nature of it - I just kind of roll my eyes, so I'm rather thankful that this appears to be an isolated incident.

I kinda like this kind of thinking. It reminds me of my mentor who used to say "Only a Sith deals in absolutes". Now it turns out he didn't see the irony in that because he was a Sith but... or was it shit? I forget.


A Nightmare on Elm Street Commentary Track

Told you guys weeks ago it was happening.
Nightmare hyyype

I kinda like this kind of thinking. It reminds me of my mentor who used to say "Only a Sith deals in absolutes". Now it turns out he didn't see the irony in that because he was a Sith but... or was it shit? I forget.

Well it's like, if you like something, it's worth it to try and see if you can enjoy it in spite of problematic elements. If I ignored everything that had something problematic, life would be pretty joyless
I didn't like the Elm Street commentary too much. Not as interesting or as funny as previous commentaries.

I haven't listened to it yet, but that's too bad if true. It also makes me wonder just how bad the Howard the Duck recordings were if they tried to do one 3 separate times and never felt like any of them were worth posting. Also, don't be surprised if another commentary track drops relatively soon as well.

Creepy stalker update: BotW Halloween is coming up. If Jessi isn't in it, I think it'll be officially a year since she's appeared since her last episode was the Halloween one they recorded last year. Also, was Josh only in one this year, or did he appear in a another one or two?

Edit: I finished the commentary about an hour ago. I'll echo ElTopo's thoughts, and I'll say that this is my least favorite of the commentaries. The story about Jay and the remake is great, as is Mike basically bashing the movie the entire time, but it's just an ok commentary, I guess. Surprisingly, I can't remember anything Rich Evans says in it. I don't like the movie at all, and I think it is bad (kind of like Mike, I guess?) so maybe that's why this one felt really flat, but Samurai Cop is a terrible movie, and I never saw Alien vs Predator prior to the commentary, and that movie is bad as well, so I don't know if that really is a factor. It's still a fine way to pass an hour, but it is definitely on the bottom of the commentary tracks for me.


You don't get to bring friends.
I didn't like the Elm Street commentary too much. Not as interesting or as funny as previous commentaries.

I thought that tidbit about how Jay was almost (got the job, didn't want to do it) an actor stand in for the remake was interesting


Those hack frauds are already using sub-only mode.

It looks like they are absolutely hating the Steam controller so far.


Wouldn't surprise me if Rich hated it. He already comes across as a m+kb > * guy, and even then he's very specific about it (doesn't like WASD, uses the numpad for stuff iirc).

Jack I don't know really. I'm guessing he won't like it if it interferes with his brand or something. He'll probably flip flop around it.

The Real Abed

Today's SOMA video made me want to watch them play SOMA even though I have not seen any other footage of it and have inadvertently avoided all footage of it so far because I thought it was just some stupid game I didn't care about. Turns out it's a stupid game I don't really care about that can be fun depending on the person playing.

Makes me wonder if it's worth watching Patrick Kepler's SOMA play through. (All I ever watch of him is Mario Maker and Spelunky back in the day.)


Today's SOMA video made me want to watch them play SOMA even though I have not seen any other footage of it and have inadvertently avoided all footage of it so far because I thought it was just some stupid game I didn't care about. Turns out it's a stupid game I don't really care about that can be fun depending on the person playing.

Makes me wonder if it's worth watching Patrick Kepler's SOMA play through. (All I ever watch of him is Mario Maker and Spelunky back in the day.)

If you like Patrick and his videos I'm sure his Soma playthrough isn't any worse than anyone else's.

My review of Soma is that it has a horribly boring and grating gameplay loop (ie. hide behind [object] while [monster] performs searchRoutine2( ); or what ever) combined with one of the best video game stories in the last couple of years. Maybe even longer.

I'd recommend watching Soma being played by someone who doesn't ruin the story and just focus on the gameplay.
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