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Reggie expects Wii U’s killer app to be social networking

I'm actually borrowing a friends DS and playing Pokeman Black right now and it's pretty awesome. Is there any rumors for a Wii U game yet? (Also the shit you're saying sounds pretty awesome.)

Love Black/White, it's really got great Pokemon with tons of awesome type combos. Upcoming sequels Black 2 and White 2 look to be designed strongly around dedicated players with lots of great new additions including a more challenging difficulty and a tournament to fight past gym leaders. The rumors have just started on the Wii U game when the director was asked in a recent interview about the Wii U and he laughed and said it would be great to connect the next Pokemon game to the Wii U.

With their finally being a strong connection between Nintendo's handheld and console, we are looking at the best of both worlds for Pokemon. With the Miiverse to back up and enchance the social nature of the game, it could really be everything I've always wanted to happen to the games.


Junior Member
The 360 has done this and lost focus on games lately. Nintendo needs to just do games, and do them well. If i want all the online stuff ill just go to my 360. Going all out with online doesnt appeal to me whatsoever.

Ill be skipping the wii-u altogether, or just be a end cylcle adopter. Like the original wii.

But people keep giving Nintendo shit for not having good online. Now they're actually trying...

Plus, Live has kept Microsoft ahead of Sony despite the 360 having fewer exclusive games these days.
Are we still not working under the impression that SSB3DS and SSBWiiU will be two separate, full fledged games that will interact with one another?

Of course we are working under that impression, its being developed as both Sakurai, his team and the Tekken and other Namco developers main project right now. This is definitely going to be one of the "killer-apps" for me and I think once Nintendo starts to show off what they are working on here it's going to turn a lot of heads.
But people keep giving Nintendo shit for not having good online. Now they're actually trying...

Plus, Live has kept Microsoft ahead of Sony despite the 360 having fewer exclusive games these days.

This isn't necessarily "good online". Good online is real, dedicated servers, including an ethernet port, having a robust infrastructure to support the online, etc. Social networkz does not a good online make.


Yea if Nintendo just makes games then their online gets dogged on then people just take whats wrong and go off with it. Either way Nintendo is doomed. Besides the games are coming.

The Mayans predicted the launch window of the Wii U as the end of the world. Clearly a sign that Nintendo is doomed and the harbinger of death and destruction for all of mankind. And possibly the universe. [citation needed]


But people keep giving Nintendo shit for not having good online. Now they're actually trying...

Plus, Live has kept Microsoft ahead of Sony despite the 360 having fewer exclusive games these days.

the only thing Live really has over PSN is crossgame chat, voice messages, and a slightly better UI in most areas. otherwise, they seem to be exactly the same thing. Which is kinda lame considering the 50/year price difference.

If Nintendo can at least have parity on these features, then no one should be complaining. And added features on top of that will just be bonuses. I just hope they dont f up somethign that should just be very basic and standard.


This isn't necessarily "good online". Good online is real, dedicated servers, including an ethernet port, having a robust infrastructure to support the online, etc. Social networkz does not a good online make.

I am a little irked at no ethernet port, even if you can buy a dongle, but arent servers, for the most part handled by the games devs themselves, and not necessarily the console manufacturer?

Not to say what quality server nintendo will use for their own games.
That is good, but that means that we still dont know too much about how Miiverse will work in detail. The Mario example shows spoilers, at least if you get to see these messages when you start the game at level 1-1 for the first time.

That is also good, but to flag something, it can already be too late (you've already read the spoiler then). And it also rely on that other people must use the spoilertags, which everyone wont do.
Hopefully stuff like the mario miiverse intergration is based only off what your friends say. It would be a bit overwhelming if it was the whole miiverse I find that a bit hard to believe.
So how close to launch do we get before they debut the online service?

I was wondering this as well.

But after some thought Nintendo doesn't really need to debut anything yet necessarily. They realistically can wait until closer to when the PS4/720 are officially unveiled if they choose, especially if the full suite of features aren't ready to meet the WiiU launch deadline.

This is me being hopeful while remaining skeptical however. IMO this has been one of the worst nintendo console launches in recent memory


Hopefully stuff like the mario miiverse intergration is based only off what your friends say. It would be a bit overwhelming if it was the whole miiverse I find that a bit hard to believe.
Yeah, i'd strongly assume that there will be filter for this. Like only seeing stuff from people at your friends list. There will be millions of WiiU owners, so seeing all these messages would be chaotic :) But seeing messages from random people could also be a possibility. I'd wish Nintendo would talk a bit more about this in detail by now. The console is less than 2 months away from launch. There is still time however.


Love Black/White, it's really got great Pokemon with tons of awesome type combos. Upcoming sequels Black 2 and White 2 look to be designed strongly around dedicated players with lots of great new additions including a more challenging difficulty and a tournament to fight past gym leaders. The rumors have just started on the Wii U game when the director was asked in a recent interview about the Wii U and he laughed and said it would be great to connect the next Pokemon game to the Wii U.

With their finally being a strong connection between Nintendo's handheld and console, we are looking at the best of both worlds for Pokemon. With the Miiverse to back up and enchance the social nature of the game, it could really be everything I've always wanted to happen to the games.

Could someone fill me in on this Miiverse thing? I have heard and seen some stuff about it, but I'm still not exactly sure what it is.

Also, yeah a full fledged Pokemon game on the Wii U would be amazing. Would be awesome to finally get a legit one on the consoles. I remember Colosseum was a bit disappointing to me for what it was in the end.
Could someone fill me in on this Miiverse thing? I have heard and seen some stuff about it, but I'm still not exactly sure what it is.

Also, yeah a full fledged Pokemon game on the Wii U would be amazing. Would be awesome to finally get a legit one on the consoles. I remember Colosseum was a bit disappointing to me for what it was in the end.
D-e-f- wouldnt mind helping you. Right? lol
Sony already has Facebook integration for trophies and purchases.
So does microsoft and so does ios games. None of them will be as seamless as Miiverse though if what was shown in the videos is to be believed this innovation will be entirely different and build on greatly on whats already established.
I agree with Reginald, if there's one big chance Nintendo has with this machine is the social aspect, the WiiU pad is made for this. That 1GB of reserved RAM for OS level functionality gives me hope for this aspect of the system, question is will Nintendo be able to capitalize and will they be able to surpass the competition when the are literaly lagging behind for years?

Also, what about their resources? Making games plus new and original social apps is a very intense process. So far, Nintendo is all talk they havent showed anything revolutionary for the social space with the console.
Could someone fill me in on this Miiverse thing? I have heard and seen some stuff about it, but I'm still not exactly sure what it is.

Also, yeah a full fledged Pokemon game on the Wii U would be amazing. Would be awesome to finally get a legit one on the consoles. I remember Colosseum was a bit disappointing to me for what it was in the end.

The Miiverse is like taking everything awesome about neogaf and online gaming forums and combining it into the games and system itself. Things like the community section here and the dedicated threads for each game. Instead of having to look elsewhere for this content its going to be there, on your system, customized by you. Honestly we really might not need to come onto neogaf to discuss games anymore if you fully embrace the Miiverse. There should be forums we can customize and new ways to meet players on a level never seen before.

For example, being a big fan of Japanese games, I play and know about a lot of games that people I talk to around my town just don't even have a clue about. Yet I know there are more English speaking fans out there and I have trouble reaching them. Now with Miiverse I will be able to see clearly who's playing the games I like, each represented by their Mii. This will be shown at the start-up every time you turn on the Wii U, icons to represent the games you play and the Miis of other real players gathering around those icons and showing what they are saying and doing in the games. On top of this I love that each and every system will have a camera right there on the control pad. Once a relationship has been established with a fellow player, you can then open up a live video chat and meet each other on a new level. Also another nice little touch is being able to write and draw messages to each other, like Swapnote on 3DS expanded greatly.

Then this extends to even being inside the games. Much like Demon's Souls, developers will be able to tie in leaving small notes and messages inside certain sections of the games. Nintendo showed a good example; you die at a certain tough part in New Super Mario Bros U(although they used a poor example it was really an easy stage ^_^), the game can then display messages from others that died at the same spot and what they thought of it just like in Demon's Souls.

In the end this is all really exciting for someone that really enjoys games like I do and loves to share the experience and talk about it with other players. For the more niche games I enjoy like Monster Hunter, Bayonetta, action games/SHMUPS and fighting games and even the Nintendo first party games like Super Smash and Pokemon, its really hard to find players that enjoy and get into these games as much as I do but now thanks to Miiverse I'm going to be able to find and connect with fellow players on a new level never offered by a console before.
Gaf also likes its top games played on xbl/psn for the month, or top arcade games sold. Miiverse would probably be able to do that easily and everyday. We could see how black ops II will be the top played online game from day one.


I'm a believer. I didn't think Streetpassing would be all that interesting but seeing strangers carrying around their 3DS is fun. Maybe it could work out for games.


This isn't necessarily "good online". Good online is real, dedicated servers, including an ethernet port, having a robust infrastructure to support the online, etc. Social networkz does not a good online make.

Ask people why they pay for live and they will say cause party chatzzzzz, nintendo need the social aspect live is more or less party chats and p2p gaming and people lap it up.
I was in the process of banging my head against the table while I read this :D

Fortunately, GameCenterXDS already took care of it.

Yea, totally. Nintendo clearly doesn't give a shit about games.

And while you're here, I keep wondering, what do trolls eat?
lol I was wondering if you would of saw it. Good you did not bang your head. lol


yes Reggie, Social Networking is great. Try googling it, you'll find there are a few successful services already out there you might be able to leverage, rather than trying to build your own from scratch using little cartoon characters.


yes Reggie, Social Networking is great. Try googling it, you'll find there are a few successful services already out there you might be able to leverage, rather than trying to build your own from scratch using little cartoon characters.

There isnt one built into a home console though, it could turn out to be the twitter of nintendo or the myspace who knows but its a new take on having a system like this built into the very dash of a console if it works i can see ms and sony doing the exact same.


yes Reggie, Social Networking is great. Try googling it, you'll find there are a few successful services already out there you might be able to leverage, rather than trying to build your own from scratch using little cartoon characters.

man, the trolls really, really hate miiverse


yes Reggie, Social Networking is great. Try googling it, you'll find there are a few successful services already out there you might be able to leverage, rather than trying to build your own from scratch using little cartoon characters.
And why would Nintendo build an online infrastructure on top of a third party system they can't control? Everything on Facebook or Twitter belongs to Facebook and Twitter. They can do whatever they want: Change APIs without prior notice, ban users, sell personal information - or simply go out of business and shut down the service. It would be utterly stupid.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
yes Reggie, Social Networking is great. Try googling it, you'll find there are a few successful services already out there you might be able to leverage, rather than trying to build your own from scratch using little cartoon characters.
With information we have for months about how Miiverse is integral to the OS and games that leverage it, how can this not be labelled as a troll post?

Was it supposed to be redeemed by the "little cartoon characters" remark, which is at least an opinion?


With information we have for months about how Miiverse is integral to the OS and games that leverage it, how can this not be labelled as a troll post?

Was it supposed to be redeemed by the "little cartoon characters" remark, which is at least an opinion?

my point is that there are lots of established social networks that you can tie into already. Social networks rely on critical mass. Trying to create one from scratch feels either arrogant, or naive, I'm not sure which. Combine that with the hyperbole from Reggie and that made me a bit snarky.

I do like the idea of a social area with a filtered view based on games though.


*walks onto stage*


"We all know that you're waiting to see what Nintendo Wii U is about. Here at Nintendo, we're excited too. We've seen the potential that Wii U represents, and we believe that when you see it for yourself, you'll see that potential too. And one of the most crucial components of Wii U, and how that potential is realized, is this."

*holds up sensor bar*

"I'm happy to be the first to present: the Wii U Sensor Bar."

*dangles cable*

"And let me draw your attention first and foremost to this: the Wii U Sensor Bar Cable. Equipped with the Sensor Bar Cable, the Wii U Sensor Bar will plug in to every Wii U console, this holiday season. And with the Wii U Sensor Bar, you'll be able to experience, for yourself, in your own home, what it's like to choose whether to place the Wii U Sensor Bar above your television. Or below your television. It's up to you. Up? Down? Your needs are first and foremost with the Wii U Sensor Bar."

*unwraps cable, lets it drop to stage*

"How the Wii U Sensor Bar Cable achieves that, is with this six foot length. Ready for the HD world out of the box, able to be placed above," *raises sensor bar over head* "or below," *lowers sensor bar to belt buckle* "even the largest full HD television set in your family room or home theater."

*tucks Wii U sensor bar into inner jacket pocket, spreads hands* "The magic behind the versatility of the Wii U Sensor Bar is the Sensor Bar Configuration Menu accessible through the Wii U Console itself. This menu enables you to define, entirely for yourself, whether the Wii U Sensor Bar is situated above," *raises hand over head* "or below," *lowers hands, spreads them again* "and it's something we'll be showing more of in the coming months."

*takes sensor bar out of pocket again, holds it up* "The Wii U Sensor bar, and Sensor Bar Cable, will be available on November 18th, this holiday season, when Wii U arrives in stores nationwide."

Nailed it.


Was it supposed to be redeemed by the "little cartoon characters" remark, which is at least an opinion?

That part is actually the only part of the post that can't be contested :D

Miis are abstract "cartoon" characters. The problem is that this is in no way a bad thing :p


Reminds me of Region locking, Microsoft is doing it and Sony did it before but Nintendo is the one getting yelled at for it.
Microsoft removed mandatory region locking from their consoles. Sony removed region locking support from their consoles entirely (the regressive actions of a pitiable company for a single game notwithstanding). Nintendo did not just fail to remove mandatory region locking from their consoles, they also added it to their portables.

I do not see how anyone claiming impartiality can even remotely consider these situations to be the same.


And why would Nintendo build an online infrastructure on top of a third party system they can't control? Everything on Facebook or Twitter belongs to Facebook and Twitter. They can do whatever they want: Change APIs without prior notice, ban users, sell personal information - or simply go out of business and shut down the service. It would be utterly stupid.
And another matter of not being in control, it might just be impossible or hard to do what they want feature wise on Facebook/Twitter/whatever, they'd be limited from a technical standpoint, if not some service usage agreement standpoint. I imagine they'd run into whatever API query/day limit if it became even modestly successful. There'd be like a message thread for every level in every game open to all users to post in. The numbers would just grow with more buyers and more games releases.

Otherwise personally there's just the matter of different social circles. It's not like everything has to be on Facebook, like what's the point of GAF or any other forum these days?

(That said I do think they should probably have a "share" option to post to FB/Twitter in case people want to do that, but that's different from building on their networks, it'd be using them to spam outsiders virally branch out rather than relying on them for core functionality.)
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