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Reggie Fils-Aime on the Two Reasons Why Switch Won't Struggle Like Wii U Did

Let's see if having all of Nintendo's studios focusing on one platform really helps their software output.

I think part of the reason it takes Nintendo so long to release new games is that most sequels have to have a new gimmick about them. They can't just make a straight up sequel, so they waste a lot of time experimenting with new ideas till they come up with a new gimmick. Maybe Splatoon 2 is showing that will no longer be the case and they will pump out sequels to games faster (for better or for worse).
This really isn't true. Series like Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Mario, Yoshi, Kirby, and Smash have all gotten what can be considered direct sequels which simply build upon mechanics and foundation of previous games rather than attempt to reinvent the wheel.


Dark Souls is the main third party port I'm disappointed wasn't announced. The game would actually be pretty great for portable play thanks to how it constantly saves; you can stop a play session at any time if you're not fighting a boss.


Dark Souls is the main third party port I'm disappointed wasn't announced. The game would actually be pretty great for portable play thanks to how it constantly saves; you can stop a play session at any time if you're not fighting a boss.

I would love a DS remaster on Switch. 60fps native maybe? :)


This really isn't true. Series like Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Mario, Yoshi, Kirby, and Smash have all gotten what can be considered direct sequels which simply build upon mechanics and foundation of previous games rather than attempt to reinvent the wheel.

Yeah, I guess it is not true always, but there have been several games that did no see a sequel because a new gimmick wasn't there. ALBW developers had several failed pitches before Miaymoto finally approved it.


I don't think they've done a great job communicating it. They keep saying it's primarily a home console yet I keep hearing people believing this is their handheld product and a "hybrid" system which will replace their handheld efforts.

It has slightly better battery life than the 3ds.

It's the successor. When a mainline pokemon gets announced you can't pretend otherwise.


What a bunch if BS...Aime says its "compelling" - well of course it is, its a new product. How compelling something is doesn't necessarily determine success. Old acquaintances seeking him out for an outlet to get their hands on one is a whole other thing/debate entirely, and irrelevant to what the future holds for Switch.

He could've easily (and perhaps already) said the same about Wii U pre-launch...kinda cliche but, like a quote from the film 'Side Effects'--

- "Past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour."
'It's a home console you can take anywhere'

It's clearly a handheld you can dock and use on a TV. Reggie has the wrong end of the stick.

Selling it as a handheld/portable device might do them more favours.


I do think getting 3rd party parity with Xbox and Playstation will be key in order for people to look at the Switch as a "home console." And by parity I just mean it has the same games, not fidelity. If it has the same games, it could be reasonably considered a replacement for another home console.

Might be until the Switch 2 for that to happen...
I don't really see it as a problem. As far as third party games go I want games that I can take on the go. Assassins Creed, Destiny, Witcher etc, they are going to be hell on the small screen. Don't get me wrong though, I wouldn't complain if they did come. They just won't play well to the consoles strength.

The only thing the Switch has over PS4/XB1 is that you can take it on the go. These huge 3rd party games just won't work well with that, so if I can't really use them in portable mode I'm way more likely to buy them on a different platform with the added advantage of looking much prettier.

The final thing with always online games like Destiny(I am a big Destiny fan since the beta btw) etc coming to Switch is the always online also works against what to me is the Switch's core feature (portability). I know you don't have to play it on the go and there are always other games you can play while commuting. I just see it as another negative that will add to the growing pile.
You're talking about a specific use case of someone (ie you) predominantly using the Switch as a portable. Though that will definitely be a thing, a lot of people probably aren't going to use it as portably as you describe. I've seen people mention they'll probably never take it out of the dock. Though I'd definitely use it in both modes, I know the only time I'd take it outside of the house would likely be for vacations.


I could have sworn he said the same thing about the Wii U before that was released and well, we all know how that turned out.
Why do people consider Mario Kart 8 as a game to bring up defending Switch's drought? The first major original game for this console is likely going to be Splatoon 2, in the Summer.

It has been reported that Mario is basically done.

By rumour spreaders, that got a lot of software information wrong?
Honestly, I think a clear message on what the system is suppose to be is much more helpful in the long term than a packed first year. The Wii U's higher quantity of titles during launch also screwed up the launch third party games chances for success. Since most people just got Mario, and maybe nintendoland, other games were fighting for scraps to get attention.


Why do people consider Mario Kart 8 as a game to bring up defending Switch's drought?

Because nobody bought a Wii U? If you own a Wii U, the Switch's first year lineup probably isn't the best.

Mario Kart is also still the best looking game on the Switch and being able to play a game that looks that good portably is a whole new ballgame. Plus, a proper battlemode is why I am excited. I want to get a couple of Switches and play local multiplayer.


I'm not too concerned with the first 9 months. It's 2018 I'm more interested in, as far as how good or bad their release schedule will be going forward.
I mean, that first year drought until Mario Odyssey tho?

March - Breath of the Wild
April - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Summer - Splatoon 2
Possibly September/October - Smash 4
Pokemon Stars - October/November

Super Mario Odyssey - November/Decemember

I want to add Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which is slated for 2017, but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come out until Q1 2017. And there's a bunch more, not to mention 3rd party games. Pikmin 4 will likely be a 2017 release also.


Why do people consider Mario Kart 8 as a game to bring up defending Switch's drought? The first major original game for this console is likely going to be Splatoon 2, in the Summer.

By rumour spreaders, that got a lot of software information wrong?

I don't own a Wii U. Mario Kart 8 is going to be great to have early on.
I'm sure that ther will be a direct after launch before e3 that shows a game or two that we haven't seen yet or it by Nintendo... probably smash with that dpad joycon some people are losing their mind over if I had to take a guess at one of the games.. not really a big stretch but would make sense.


March - Breath of the Wild
April - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Summer - Splatoon 2
Possibly September/October - Smash 4
Pokemon Stars - October/November

Super Mario Odyssey - November/Decemember

I want to add Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which is slated for 2017, but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come out until Q1 2017. And there's a bunch more, not to mention 3rd party games. Pikmin 4 will likely be a 2017 release also.
50% of games listed are rumors and speculation.


Man, you guys are harsh.

I'm glad they're at least acknowledging the major issues the Wii U had.
They always acknowledge that the console before had faults and what they were.
They also always say they will solve those issues.

They never do.

Can someone give the iwata quotes on software issues?


March - Breath of the Wild
April - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Summer - Splatoon 2
Possibly September/October - Smash 4
Pokemon Stars - October/November

Super Mario Odyssey - November/Decemember

I want to add Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which is slated for 2017, but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come out until Q1 2017. And there's a bunch more, not to mention 3rd party games. Pikmin 4 will likely be a 2017 release also.

I don't know about you but I'd be surprised if the 2 games that have not even been announced make it to market before Xeno 2.

The Boat

Why do people consider Mario Kart 8 as a game to bring up defending Switch's drought? The first major original game for this console is likely going to be Splatoon 2, in the Summer.

Or you know... Zelda? Or does it not count because it's also releasing on Wii U?
Mario Kart 8 is a fantastic game, this is a better version of it that you can take on the go and since Wii U sold like shit, this will be new to many people. I don't see why it's hard to see why it's a big deal to have Mario Kart so close to launch.
Honestly, as someone who didn't buy a Wii U, I was hoping for confirmation of more ports. If Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 were set for launch, I would have probably pre-ordered already.


Or you know... Zelda? Or does it not count because it's also releasing on Wii U?
Mario Kart 8 is a fantastic game, this is a better version of it that you can take on the go and since Wii U sold like shit, this will be new to many people. I don't see why it's hard to see why it's a big deal to have Mario Kart so close to launch.

I guess the issue is...
Mario Kart 8 is the best selling Wii U game (IIRC) and the people who are buying the Switch close to launch are the kind of fools who probably own a Wii U. Most of the early adopters will have already played it so its actually wont't be new to many people until the Switch starts selling beyond the 13 million or so that bought a Wii U.

The Boat

I guess the issue is...
Mario Kart 8 is the best selling Wii U game (IIRC) and the people who are buying the Switch close to launch are the kind of fools who probably own a Wii U. Most of the early adopters will have already played it so its actually wont't be new to many people until the Switch starts selling beyond the 13 million or so that bought a Wii U.

Mario Kart is a very big incentive to buy a Nintendo console, even more so when it's portable, it's the kind of game that pushes people who usually aren't early adopters to... adopt. It doesn't even need to be near launch, Mario Kart is typically an evergreen title and one that adds a lot of value and desirability to its catalog.

Also, on the bolded part, don't be an ass.
50% of games listed are rumors and speculation.

I wasn't aware 2/6 of those games that I listed that Nintendo haven't officially confirmed, equate to 50%.

Smash 4 port practically got confirmed by Reggie. It's pretty much guaranteed we'll get it.

Pokemon Stars isn't 100% lock, but a third version of sun/moon this year isn't improbable.
I don't know about you but I'd be surprised if the 2 games that have not even been announced make it to market before Xeno 2.

Nintendo usually releases pokemon games in the fall. I don't think Nintendo would really make us wait a year for a smash 4 port, but we'll see. I'm thinking no more than one AAA game in a month.

Xenoblade doesn't belong in 2016. It's going to be bloated as hell this holiday.


Mario Kart is a very big incentive to buy a Nintendo console

I just don't get this sort of argument. Mario Kart 8 wasn't big enough to sell the Wii U but years later it will sell a more expensive console?

Great game but it already sold like gangbusters and moved systems -- like, past tense.
Honestly, as someone who didn't buy a Wii U, I was hoping for confirmation of more ports. If Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 were set for launch, I would have probably pre-ordered already.
They were obviously in a tough spot with ports I think. You want to release ports throughout the system's lifecycle to give the games a new chance at life, but you don't want to make your machine seem like Port Central.
Nintendos very own Sean Murray...
Whoa, whoa. I don't like Reggie, but that's overstepping things a bit much. Reggie may feed us PR nonsense, but I don't think he's ever outright lied and disappointed me to the scale that Murray has.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I did mean PR waffle actually, I didnt mean lying however I wont do a stealth edit on my post.
Cool Reggie, just sort out that price and the network stuff and we're golden.

That's what is so frustrating right now. They're so close to just nailing it.

What's wrong with the price? It's the same price the cheaper WiiU SKU was when it launched. In fact, when was the last time a new console launched for less than $300? It's been ages.


Pokemon Stars isn't 100% lock, but a third version of sun/moon this year isn't improbable.

I don't see stars releasing for the switch exclusively, since they revealed the price. It will be switch/3ds if it comes out. An exclusive Pokémon on a 300 € console doesn't sound like tpc.

Not that that would uncount it as a release..


People saying there's no drought when after the june game comes out there's nothing between then til mario in winter. there will be 3-4 months where the switch won't have a big title out.

well Reggie is PR so he'll say anything. Sell ice to an eskimo.

You literally do not know this yet as not everything has been revealed.

agree to disagree, reggie.

Honestly, in terms of Nintendo games, it's had the higher quality games than the Wii did.
GAF, you're slipping. How has no one posted this old thing yet? I mean, yes, we all hope that combining their two systems into one hybrid will alleviate the problems, but I, for one, am not seeing results yet. I just see empty promises again, and I'll believe it when I see it. What do we have right now? A bare-bones release schedule with few actual dates attached to it.

He won't even confirm that all their teams are on the Switch, because he talked up the 3DS' big future a few days ago.

Extra bonus:

Reggie says NX won't repeat mistakes, will have continuous software (August 2016)

Someone should print this out and give it to Reggie. I wonder how he talks his way out of this.

"Look, candidly, we try to bring the consumer all of our IP, the strongest IP in the business. You got the Mario, the Zelda, which by the way I was a fan of before I worked at Nintendo, and the Pokemen... wait... what is that?!... look behind you!" *Reggie runs off*
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