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Reggie Fils-Aime on the Two Reasons Why Switch Won't Struggle Like Wii U Did

Yeah Nintendo doesn't seemed to have learned their lesson.

WII U failures
Useless Technology
Lack of third part support
Lack of first party support
Hard to code for

Throw in stuff like online failures and power, and I'm not sure how much they actually fixed.

Hard to code for? I bet you'd know.

Zen Aku

that Nintendo has done a better job communicating what exactly the Switch is


People hyped Knack.

If it's exclusive, someone in the internet (
) will hype it.
I think the art style is nice but I don't see how this could become the next Splatoon like some people claim. Part of the reason why Splatoon is so successful is its team based gameplay. Being 1 vs. 1 on a limited installed base is a terrible situation for any game with eSports aspirations.


Definitely more clear than Wii U's mess of a reveal.

Although someone should tell Nintendo they are launching a handheld with a feature to connect to the TV, not a home console with the bonus feature of a handheld mode, because it's an impressive bit of kit for a handheld but it's not so impressive as a home console.

I disagree - the game lineups are console type games not the normal handheld type (though those will come) - it's a portable bit just. A handheld.
An enhanced port of the original wouldn't have cut out all the specials from the original and replaced them with new ones.

This isn't like Mario Kart 8 where they kept the same content but added a couple new characters and a new game mode. They've redone everything, including returning maps.

I think the biggest ''problem'' of Splatoon 2 is that it looks way too similar to the first game (same thing as Knack 2 lol).


March: Zelda
April: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
May: ARMs?
June: ?
July: ?
August: ?
September: ?
October: ?
November: ?
December: ?

Insert Splatoon 2 and Super Mario Odyssey in 2 of those 7 unknown months.

There's FE warriors too, and Xenoblade is said to be release this year. If you believe in rumors Smash and Pokemon should come as well
First party:


New Super Mario Bros. U
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge (Published by Nintendo outside Japan)
Nintendo Land
Sing Party (North America and Europe only)


Lego City Undercover
Game & Wario
Pikmin 3
New Super Luigi U
The Wonderful 101
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
Wii Party U
Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games
Super Mario 3D World
Animal Crossing Plaza
Art Academy: SketchPad
Pokémon Rumble U
Wii Fit U
Wii Sports Club
NES Remix
Dr. Luigi

This list doesn't really tell the story. Every game in the 2013 list, from Pikmin 3 down, launched in August or later. It was dreadful.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
March: Zelda
April: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
May: ARMs?
June: ?
July: ?
August: ?
September: ?
October: ?
November: ?
December: ?

Insert Splatoon 2 and Super Mario Odyssey in 2 of those 7 unknown months.

Don't forget that every month until fall you get to play a classic for free (which you lose after that month) and then you can pay for that same possibility. Free game EVERY MONTH!! /s


slept with Malkin
"Wii U will go down as having fantastic content--the issue was as you look at the reality of exactly when the games were launched, there were large gaps in between," he said.

Looks at announced Switch lineup...

Not doubting the ability for the system to have fantastic content, it will. But damn if this won't suffer from the same exact problems. I'm really looking forward to those few solid titles a year, but I'm not buying into the idea this will be any different.


If that's why he thinks the Wii U was a failure, ruh roh

No, that's what he thinks the Switch does better and that's why he's bringing up these two specific points.

Guys, these people aren't your gaming buddies. They are PR Managers, they represent a brand. That's their job.


"Hey Reggie, we haven't spoken in 30 years but I had to call and ask you how I can get my hands on a Switch. Surely not from a store."

I already preordered but Reggie makes me want to cancel and never buy a Nintendo product again.
I mean we can all see a very real drought happening between launch and Mario Odyssey. Splatoon 2 and a port of Mario Kart is hardly the reason to buy into a new gaming platform for $300 in that period of time. And even still there's just one major holiday title for the platform this year unless they announce more serious heavy-hitters (which they won't because they'd have no reason not to do it now).

And unfortunately, in terms of messaging they only get half-credit. Their messaging for the hardware was second to none, really well done on that front. But the details that people care about this close to launch (about the OS, about online features, etc.), are still frustratingly vague. Their messaging is still in need of some serious work.
For the Switch, Fils-Aime believes, as he's been saying for a while now, that Nintendo has done a better job communicating what exactly the Switch is; he also believes there won't be a lack of strong games.
Sure, I guess people get the basic concept of what your console is Reggie, but your general communication around everything else is pretty much trash when off the top of my head we don't know and have seen vigorous debates over:

- What the pricing for online looks like
- If we get any benefits other than one measly game per month
- If there will be support for multimedia apps
- How account switching, especially in light of region free, might work out
- How the voice chat works and how required the smartphone app really is
- What VC, if any, is planned for this first year
Having Zelda at release is already a million times better than the Wii U launch. No one can deny that. New Super Mario Bros. U was so bland. Not compelling. Not exciting. It felt like a rehash of Wii content. A better name driven by at Zelda launch should go far.


MK8 is a full price port of a Wii U title, which is ludicrous. ARMs looks terrible. Splatoon is a full price semi-sequel to a budget title which was free to play online.

I doubt FE will be out before Mario.

MK8:D is a full price upgraded port of a phenomenal game with included DLC from the Wii U; the system very few owned. It's not for those of us who owned a Wii U, so much as it is to get the game into more hands since the Wii U did so badly. Same will go for Smash if it does come over. (And with how much work Sakurai put into that game, they'd better port it over.) The full price is annoying for those of us who already owned the game on Wii U, but I assume it was just as annoying for those who owned The Last of Us seeing TLOU Remastered come out a mere... what, year later?

ARMs has had loads of positive press. I wouldn't discount it just yet.

This is what I'm actually replying for, forgive me if this comes across as fanboyism lol:
Splatoon is as much of a sequel as any other game. I don't know what on earth people are looking for here, or what they're seeing to call 2 a "half-sequel" or upgraded port.

New maps
New weapons
New specials, replacing nearly every old special
New hub
New Story Mode
New UI
Newish graphical style
New music style

what is not a sequel here
is persona 5 just a persona 4 upgraded port
no it's not, but that's how dumb I see the statements as if I'm entirely honest

like holy jeez people

I'll give you the free online thing though. That's going to suck, and I fear a crash in community when it kicks in.


The problem is all content is not created equal. Yes they have games realeasing between zelda and mario. But does anyone care about ARMS the same way they care about zelda and mario? No.

If their yearly release schedule consists of 2 key pillar ips that everyone is excited for, surrounded by throway trash like starfox it won't matter how frequently they release software. Its not enough for a console that largely only runs nintendo games.
March: Zelda
April: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
May: ARMs?
June: ?
July: ?
August: ?
September: ?
October: ?
November: ?
December: ?

Insert Splatoon 2 and Super Mario Odyssey in 2 of those 7 unknown months.

Yep, if they wanted people to believe that there's going to be a steady stream of first-party software, they should have announced a lot more than they did. Instead, it feels like they're arbitrarily withholding a bunch of Year 1 announcements for E3 or some other date.


Genious level PR.

Yes. Exactly.

No but really, he slid the portable home console right past because the "no drought" promise is so appealing to Nintendo fans.

Portable home console. Meh, Gamecube had a handle, laptops move about, and the Vita was a thing. I get that some people really want this, but do a lot? Seems delusional at worst and not obviously true at best.



The online strategy is a mess, select regions to have access, the console has barely progressed from Wii U in terms of power, people are confused if its a console or a handheld, it still uses gimmicks that'll be largely ignored by the gaming populace, it further shows how disconnected Nintendo are from reality of gaming. His buddies arnt an indicator of potential success, i cant believe he used that to back up his claim. Thats a line a sleazy car salesman would use "trust me, my friends have told me.."
I'm curious about how quickly they're going to shuffle their 3DS teams off over to Switch development, effectively abandoning the 3DS while it still has a fair bit of life in it (the thing was sold out everywhere over the holidays) in order to pump some games out for Switch.

Methinks we will see several cross platform releases for 3DS and Switch soon.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
It still remains to be seen if the Switch's 1st year lineup will blow the Wii U library out of the water like those leakers claimed but from what Ive seen so far, Im not buying it.

Zen Aku

How have they not?

Considering the endless threads we have on here of what a Switch is and isn't. People trying to figure out for pages if the Pro controller even have analog triggers and headphone jack, etc.

Yeah they did a great job at communicating.
Portable home console. Meh, Gamecube had a handle, laptops move about, and the Vita was a thing. I get that some people really want this, but do a lot? Seems delusional at worst and not obviously true at best.

I think the real value that he's driving at is that none of your software is locked to any one form factor or device anymore. You buy one thing, and you get to play all the software and take advantage of all the options for playing it.

You don't necessarily have to really want a portable console to not want to have one device for playing all your


Considering the endless threads we have on here of what a Switch is and isn't. People trying to figure out for pages if the Pro controller even have analog triggers and headphone jack, etc.

Yeah they did a great job at communicating.

general audiences dont care about that

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Splatoon 2 is a full sequel to a game which was already full price (and well worthy of its price). Please do not talk about games you don't know.

Splatoon was only $40ish at launch in Europe. Also think it was discounted in Japan, but not sure. North America got fleeced by it being full price.

So that's where the budget price comment comes from. But I agree with the rest. It looks like a worthy sequel.
The lack of third party titles and high price tag is still the biggest hurdles the WiiU had, and neither is addressed by Switch.

The WiiU didn't lack for great first party games, I mean they're using them to plug the bigger holes in their release schedule for crying out load.

But we saw time and time again big, popular Nintendo first party titles release, sell gangbusters by wider industry standards, but completely fail to move the needle significantly for hardware.

I just can't see why this time will be different, 'play anywhere' and enhanced ports included.
I don't think they've done a great job communicating it. They keep saying it's primarily a home console yet I keep hearing people believing this is their handheld product and a "hybrid" system which will replace their handheld efforts.
Yep, if they wanted people to believe that there's going to be a steady stream of first-party software, they should have announced a lot more than they did. Instead, it feels like they're arbitrarily withholding a bunch of Year 1 announcements for E3 or some other date.

And again, based on the last two E3's and the number of games shown last week, what has Nintendo done to indicate they saving a blowout for June?
Don't forget xenoblade

Unless Xenoblade 2 has the smallest script out of all the three games and is already locked-down, there is no way Xenoblade 2 is making it to the west in 2017.

I mean, wasn't X's localization so long because the Japanese script kept getting changed to the point that any real localization work couldn't begin until the game had already gone Gold in Japan?

Like shit, there's lines in the subbed trailers with the characters talking about subjects and things that don't even exist in the final game, with lines radically different in meaning and tone from what the same scene is in the final release, if the scene even exists. Something-something "Destiny of Growth" for example.


I think the real value that he's driving at is that none of your software is locked to any one form factor or device anymore. You buy one thing, and you get to play all the software and take advantage of all the options for playing it.

You don't necessarily have to really want a portable console to not want to have one device for playing all your

Yep, but my point is that I don't believe that many people actually care about those options.


The problem is all content is not created equal. Yes they have games realeasing between zelda and mario. But does anyone care about ARMS the same way they care about zelda and mario? No.

If their yearly release schedule consists of 2 key pillar ips that everyone is excited for, surrounded by throway trash like starfox it won't matter how frequently they release software. Its not enough for a console that largely only runs nintendo games.

are you asking if anyone cares about a new IP the same way they care about two decades old franchises with multiple classics to their name?

because personally I think that's a silly question with an obvious answer and an obvious reason why the answer is what it is


The problem is all content is not created equal. Yes they have games realeasing between zelda and mario. But does anyone care about ARMS the same way they care about zelda and mario? No.

If their yearly release schedule consists of 2 key pillar ips that everyone is excited for, surrounded by throway trash like starfox it won't matter how frequently they release software. Its not enough for a console that largely only runs nintendo games.

No one can possibly care about ARMS the same way they care about two of the biggest IPs in gaming history for obvious reasons, yet if all that was announced were games from established franchises, just as many people would be here complaining that Nintendo was just relying on rehashing their franchises without innovating with new IPs.
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