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Reggie Fils-Aime on the Two Reasons Why Switch Won't Struggle Like Wii U Did


Like the Wii-U and unlike the Wii it's not priced competitively at all. The thing is going to get obliterated this holiday season without bundles(and still might anyway). Nearly $400 after tax for the system and one game is ridiculous, especially next to what the other consoles will be offering.


Well that's true that you can't connect the Vita to a TV, my bad on that. But if the Switch is a portable device with the performance of a home console, then so is the Vita. Do people who play portable games even care about playing them on a big screen? As someone who prefers home consoles, I have no desire to play them on a portable screen. I'm not sure there's much overlap there, and this narrative Nintendo is pushing that you play the Switch before work/school, then grab it and play on your commute seems like something most people won't actually do.

Why the hell wouldn't them? And people have different tastes. I for one find the hybrid philosophy to be extremely exciting.


Again, you're talking popularity. I'm talking comparable in scope and budget. A new ip is never going to be as popular as an established one, but i would at least like to see the same level of effort and money going into it. I would never have raised these points towards the first pikmin or smash bothers for instance. Nintendo cant knock out a quick, cheap game (new ip or otherwise) and expect it to have the same sort of selling appeal as zelda that came a month before. They can stack as many of those sorts of games as they like, but people will ultimately still be buying the console for zelda and mario in that first year...or they'll wait until more titles of that quality are released (my plan) which i'm guessing will take a few years.

I'm talking about everything. why would a new IP have the same scope and budget as a new installment in one of the most revered franchises in gaming? that'd be pretty stupid, don't you think?
So Switch has Zelda and 3DMario in its first few month, two of the biggest franchises in gaming history.

On top of that Splatoon2 the sequel of the best selling new IP of recent years and with ARMS a widely praised fighting game.

On top of that the Deluxe version of the probably biggest racing game series.

Here Fire Emblem Warriors, Fifa and there Skyrim, Disgaea5 and other interesting games.

And perhaps the sequel of one the most beloved JRPG is ready too...

All of this and even more in its first 9 month? Sounds good to me.
Switch could potentially have three 1st party games in GOTY contention in it's first 9 months (Zelda BotW, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey) Not a bad start.

Zen Aku

I guess I didn't realize that your example of confusion regarding the console was focused solely on whether an optional controller contained certain features. So my problem was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
Don't be like that. You made a mistake, move on.

Ok, well, I was just trying to be helpful. Thought you didn't know. Perhaps I misread or misinterpreted.
No, its alright. You were helpful, I understood your intention. Thank you.
They better show that commercial on any network possible and secure a Super Bowl ad as well. The commercial was perfect.

Switch could potentially have three 1st party games in GOTY contention in it's first 9 months (Zelda BotW, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey) Not a bad start.
Holy hell I didn't even realize that fact. Crazy good stuff


This is the key issue Nintendo is facing, really.

Their first party lineup for the first year looks solid so far, great even. It's varied and pretty high quality stuff if they can get it all in the first year, but they can only go so far on their own. They're still developers who need time to make games.

That's where third parties would have helped a lot. We have indies for now it seems in positive favor but jury's out on the triple A sector.

Is the jury out on it? Really? Because I just don't see devs making titles dedicated to a system like this, and back porting from current gen will be messy.


Just when you think you've seen the dumbest argument possible someone comes along and dismisses Zelda because it's a "port".

You can't make this stuff up.

Yup...and they don't realize not many people owned a damn Wii U anyway. So the majority of people have not played these games. These are games for most people.

I feel like they're in their little bubble.
Can we send them all to gamefaqs?

Switch could potentially have three 1st party games in GOTY contention in it's first 9 months (Zelda BotW, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey) Not a bad start.

That's a pretty great start.
So does everything else and if Nintendo can keep 3rd parties on board they lose even more appeal. This year has 3rd party games on Switch too!

If you think the Switch is going to have anywhere close to the 3rd party support Xbox One will have this year, I have a bridge I think you might be interested in buying.


It definitely sold some WiIUs. Had the game been a Wii release, it might have sold over 10 million copies. I'm more concerned whether paid online will kill the game

Huh. All I can find is that it sold incredibly well given the lackluster user base. Like a third of all console owners bought it. But I dont see where Wii U hardware numbers increased dramatically after release.

Regardless, even if I'm wrong on Splatoon, my overall point still stands. I look at this lineup and I dont see system sellers. I see preaching to the faithful. I see games that will sell in big numbers to the Nintendo fan base. Where are the games to attract a wider audience? Putting Skyrim in the reveal trailer was a good start, and led me to believe they might try and court different experiences to the Switch. To finally try and skew a little older. But in this lineup? I'm not seeing anything to reinforce that position.


Splatoon sold loads of Wii U's in Japan... And Switch is a portable, which they adore.

This myth needs to die. Just because the Switch is portable doesn't mean it is conveniently portable.

It is very big, it's very heavy and it is very expensive. The games are expensive, too. It's not something you could just whip out of your pocket or purse. Even in you bag you'll want a big ass case around it. It lacks the utility features of a tablet that justify lugging that around.

Portability isn't going to garauntee success in Japan. They still have the 3DS and the Vita (which did much better there) and they still have their phones. It doesn't seem like a "throw it in your pack and forget it" sort of device, which seems key to a handheld IMO.
GAF, you're slipping. How has no one posted this old thing yet? I mean, yes, we all hope that combining their two systems into one hybrid will alleviate the problems, but I, for one, am not seeing results yet. I just see empty promises again, and I'll believe it when I see it. What do we have right now? A bare-bones release schedule with few actual dates attached to it.

He won't even confirm that all their teams are on the Switch, because he talked up the 3DS' big future a few days ago.

Iwata says Wii will avoid major droughts that plagued GameCube. (March 2007)
”When we launched GameCube, the initial sales were good, and all the hardware we manufactured at that time were sold through. However, after this period, we could not provide the market with strong software titles in a timely fashion. As a result we could not leverage the initial launch time momentum, and sales of GameCube slowed down. To avoid repeating this with Wii, we have been intensifying the software development, both internally at Nintendo and at developers outside the company, in order to prepare aggressive software lineup for Wii at and after the launch." says Iwata. He then says, "We believe it is important to provide the market with strong software without a long interval in order to keep the launch time momentum."
Source: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/060607qa/02.html

Iwata promises that 3DS will avoid major droughts that plagued Wii and DS. (January 2011)
”It's important that you be able to supply software with no pause," said Iwata. ”With the DS and Wii, following the titles that were released at launch, the momentum dropped when there was a gap in software releases. We're making plans so that this type of thing won't happen."
Source: http://www.vg247.com/2011/01/10/iwata-promises-to-avoid-wii-style-gap-in-software-with-3ds/

Iwata promises that Wii U will avoid major droughts that plagued 3DS and Wii. (October 2011)
” As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch."
”The company was unable to launch much-anticipated first-party titles for the Wii nor for the Nintendo 3DS in a timely fashion in the first half of the term. In the game platform business, creating momentum is very important, but the momentum was once lost, and it has had a large negative effect on our sales and profits."

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/324133/wii-u-will-learn-from-3ds-bitter-lesson-iwata-vows/

Iwata apologizes for Wii U drought in January and February. (January 2013)
”I apologize to those supporting Wii U about the lack of titles in January and February."

Source: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2013-01-23-iwata-apologizes-for-wii-u-software-drought

BONUS COMBO BREAKER - Reggie promises no drought in 2014
”The way we're going to be different is, we're gonna certainly have a steadier pace of games – both for Wii U and for 3DS."
”The marketing activity is going to be constant throughout the entire year. You tease me a little bit that ‘boy the first half [of 2013] was a little quiet,' and y'know what, you look back and it was. We're not going to be making that same mistake in 2014."

Via Emily Rogers: http://www.notenoughshaders.com/2013/04/02/satoru-iwata-hubris-versus-western-culture/

Extra bonus:

Reggie says NX won't repeat mistakes, will have continuous software (August 2016)

”One of the things that we have to do better when we launch the NX—we have to do a better job communicating the positioning for the product. We have to do a better job helping people to understand its uniqueness and what that means for the game playing experience. And we have to do a better job from a software planning standpoint to have that continuous beat of great new games that are motivating more and more people to pick up the hardware and more and more people to pick up the software. Those are the critical lessons. And as I verbalize them, they're really traditional lessons within the industry. You have to make sure people understand the concept, you have to make sure you've got a great library of games, and when you do that, you tend to do well."


Unless Nintendo's hold plenty of cards to its chest, I have a feeling that comment about gaps is going to get quoted sarcastically all year.

(Tip: Given the assumptions that Nintendo has a lot of secrets left, and the assumption that they just don't have a lot of games all at once, the latter seems much easier to believe. And I say this as a huge fan.)


Huh. All I can find is that it sold incredibly well given the lackluster user base. Like a third of all console owners bought it. But I dont see where Wii U hardware numbers increased dramatically after release.

Regardless, even if I'm wrong on Splatoon, my overall point still stands. I look at this lineup and I dont see system sellers. I see preaching to the faithful. I see games that will sell in big numbers to the Nintendo fan base. Where are the games to attract a wider audience? Putting Skyrim in the reveal trailer was a good start, and led me to believe they might try and court different experiences to the Switch. To finally try and skew a little older. But in this lineup? I'm not seeing anything to reinforce that position.

check the media create threads for when it launched and after


Huh. All I can find is that it sold incredibly well given the lackluster user base. Like a third of all console owners bought it. But I dont see where Wii U hardware numbers increased dramatically after release.

Regardless, even if I'm wrong on Splatoon, my overall point still stands. I look at this lineup and I dont see system sellers. I see preaching to the faithful. I see games that will sell in big numbers to the Nintendo fan base. Where are the games to attract a wider audience? Putting Skyrim in the reveal trailer was a good start, and led me to believe they might try and court different experiences to the Switch. To finally try and skew a little older. But in this lineup? I'm not seeing anything to reinforce that position.

I'm still confounded by the fact Skyrim isn't a launch title.

I was certain that would be there day one for a double-whammy of Zelda and Skyrim.


Because it's a polished Nintendoland style game?

Except for all of the hands-on impressions that say it's a lot more than that? Is it the motion controls making you automatically dismiss this as "a Nintendoland style game" and nothing more?


I'm talking about everything. why would a new IP have the same scope and budget as a new installment in one of the most revered franchises in gaming? that'd be pretty stupid, don't you think?

The same reason last of us had the same budget and scope as uncharted? The same way gears of war had the same budget and scope as halo? The same way horizon zero dawn has the same budget and an even bigger scope then most of sonys first party offerings? I could litterally go on for days.

If first party studios aren't willing to put in the time, effort and money into making something of comparable quality as their best sellers, why should we, as customers, put in the time and money playing them?

I get the feeling you don't pay much attention to the industry as a whole. Just because nintendo only pump money into a handfull of piller franchises, doesn't mean everyone does.


I'm still confounded by the fact Skyrim isn't a launch title.

I was certain that would be there day one for a double-whammy of Zelda and Skyrim.

Zelda being there day 1 is probably the reason why Skyrim isn't there. Why compete with such a similar game in terms of scope and appeal when you don't need to?


GAF, you're slipping. How has no one posted this old thing yet? I mean, yes, we all hope that combining their two systems into one hybrid will alleviate the problems, but I, for one, am not seeing results yet. I just see empty promises again, and I'll believe it when I see it. What do we have right now? A bare-bones release schedule with few actual dates attached to it.

He won't even confirm that all their teams are on the Switch, because he talked up the 3DS' big future a few days ago.

Extra bonus:

Reggie says NX won't repeat mistakes, will have continuous software (August 2016)



fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Already looking better than Xbox last year AND this year. Xbox has droughts that Last from holiday season to holiday season, yet no one complains like they do in Nintendo threads...

They actually have some level of third party support that fills in the gaps for them. And they do get criticized, too.

This is why it looks silly when you have people listing months and having one game to basically fill in for them all. The competition doesn't deal with that.


Zelda being there day 1 is probably the reason why Skyrim isn't there. Why compete with such a similar game in terms of scope and appeal when you don't need to?

I don't know, why release Skyrim Remastered at the end of October?

It's more likely that they had just started development on the port.


Except for all of the hands-on impressions that say it's a lot more than that? Is it the motion controls making you automatically dismiss this as "a Nintendoland style game" and nothing more?
Not just that. It looks small in scale and production, yet it costs full RRP.

It will be a tough sell, I think.


I don't know, why release Skyrim Remastered at the end of October?

It's more likely that they had just started development on the port.

I agree with you there. It looked early enough from the footage they showed off that it simply isn't anywhere close to ready for launch.


As a home console Nintendo is done until they have a console at least comparable to the current generation. I might grab a switch as a handheld one day. It sucks to miss Nintendo's games but other companies make amazing games and there are more than enough of them available to fill my gaming hours. They will never generate enough great games on their own, they need 3rd party support. They will never have 3rd party support when they are a generation behind.


Zelda being there day 1 is probably the reason why Skyrim isn't there. Why compete with such a similar game in terms of scope and appeal when you don't need to?

Ok, but where are the other games like Skyrim? Games focused on an older demographic? The demographic they were clearly aiming at in the reveal trailer.


With Bayo 1 and 2 and W101, the Wii U is one of the best action game consoles I've owned and that was a huge reason for me picking it up (although Mario 3D world was the trigger).

So far Switch has nothing im interested in outside of Mario and Xenoblade 2 (hoping they fixed the problems with the very bland and boring X), and Zelda which is available on my Wii U. I hope we can get some unique action games soon, if only Kamiya hadn't been wasting his time with Scalebound for the past 4 years.


Zelda being there day 1 is probably the reason why Skyrim isn't there. Why compete with such a similar game in terms of scope and appeal when you don't need to?

A fair point, but I wonder how much the audiences actually overlap? If they're just trying to be careful that's fair enough, but waiting 'til Fall is a bit nuts.

This myth needs to die. Just because the Switch is portable doesn't mean it is conveniently portable.

It is very big, it's very heavy and it is very expensive. The games are expensive, too. It's not something you could just whip out of your pocket or purse. Even in you bag you'll want a big ass case around it. It lacks the utility features of a tablet that justify lugging that around.

Portability isn't going to garauntee success in Japan. They still have the 3DS and the Vita (which did much better there) and they still have their phones. It doesn't seem like a "throw it in your pack and forget it" sort of device, which seems key to a handheld IMO.

I did goof a bit there, as being handheld does not automatically make for a success. And I'm also just a suburban American resident, so I don't know how day-to-day life is in Japan. But I'd imagine most people probably have a carrying pack of some sort? With public transit being the way nearly everyone gets around, I can't see traveling very often with nothing but pockets.

With that said, I don't think a device slightly bigger than a closed New3DSXL is too big.
GAF, you're slipping. How has no one posted this old thing yet? I mean, yes, we all hope that combining their two systems into one hybrid will alleviate the problems, but I, for one, am not seeing results yet. I just see empty promises again, and I'll believe it when I see it. What do we have right now? A bare-bones release schedule with few actual dates attached to it.

He won't even confirm that all their teams are on the Switch, because he talked up the 3DS' big future a few days ago.

Extra bonus:

Reggie says NX won't repeat mistakes, will have continuous software (August 2016)

Basically this. I'll believe it when I see it. Every time they say the same thing and every time they fall in to the same trap. I'd have more faith in them telling the truth this time if not for Reggie's comments about the 3DS. Hell, the idea that they can finally focus on one piece of hardware was one of the biggest selling points of this thing to me and now they seem to be only half-heartedly committing to that. I get they want to save some stuff for E3, but they could have at least teased some stuff at the live show and saved full blown reveals for E3. Just throw a Metroid logo on the screen and say "Full reveal at E3!" or something.


Leondexter, the difference is that this year Nintendo does appear to have a steady stream of games coming monthly for the Switch. We can see that with Zelda, Mario Kart, Arms, Splatoon, Skyrim, Xenoblade, and Mario Odyssey. That's good/great game almost every month this year.

Save those quotes for next year.


Is this Reggie?
Hey Reggie, it's Chuck from the sixth grade,
Oh hey Chuck!
Listen Reggie...
What the fuck is this shit I keep hearing about paid online?
Hard to agree or disagree with Reggie's first point. Ads have barely started to pop up yet, it's going to be awhile to gather fully whether the average person *gets* the switch better than the Wii U but at least this time it genuinely looks like what it does, it should be clearer than the Wii U in that regard. Whether that will make them want it, we'll see.

I definitely agree with the second point though. Up front in January they were able to present to me around about 7 tentpole first party titles paced from launch throughout the year. There already seems to be rumbling of more Fire Emblem possibilities. We know there will be more other titles dropping in between, both Nintendo & third party releases. I don't know about other folks but a steady flow of games and I don't need more than 10-15 games in the first 9 months, that's plenty to eat up my time.


never left the stone age
MK8 is a full price port of a Wii U title, which is ludicrous. ARMs looks terrible. Splatoon is a full price semi-sequel to a budget title which was free to play online.

I doubt FE will be out before Mario.
You are forgetting that there are definitely people who skipped out on the Wii U entirely who'll wanna get MK8. I'm one of them. Same with Splatoon, FE Warriors could totally be out this year, they can pump those games out at rapid speeds.

Watch them continuosly reveal smaller "portable" games as they get closer to release throughout the year. People suddenly think Nintendo announces stuff way ahead of time but usually it's a month or two in advance.
Leondexter, the difference is that this year Nintendo does appear to have a steady stream of games coming monthly for the Switch. We can see that with Zelda, Mario Kart, Arms, Splatoon, Skyrim, Xenoblade, and Mario Odyssey. That's good/great game almost every month this year.

Save those quotes for next year.

Oh, I will. And I hope I'm too busy playing great Switch games to remember them.

But 1 game a month is not enough. That's what we got on the Wii U. Quoting myself from another thread:

According to this Wikipedia page, Nintendo has published pretty close to 1 title per month, per system (3DS and Wii U) since their launches. You can count it a bit differently due to regional publishing. But it's about that - 2 games per month.

That includes a little bit of duplication (Smash Bros, Super Mario Maker, Donkey Kong Country), and some redundancy (Mario Kart 7 & 8, New Super Mario Bros 2 & U).

2 games per month is a pretty crazy output for a publisher. But with Nintendo systems' poor 3rd party support, it was never enough for 2 systems.

If they can keep up that pace - 2 games per month - , remove the duplication and redundancy, and bring along the 3rd party support that was there for both the Wii U and 3DS, that should be a pretty nice, diverse and consistent lineup. And that's what I've been hoping.

I have to say, what they've shown so far is not encouraging. Honestly, it looks more like they've somehow halved their lineup, instead of doubling it.


I mean, if everything actually comes out this year then it sounds good.
But I don't have much confidence in Nintendo when it comes to release dates.
Well, he's at least partially correct. The first point is valid on its face since the Switch is a clear, compelling changeup from Wii branding...which the Wii U fucked up horribly and ended up confusing people (wait, there's a Wii U too? Is it an expansion for the Wii? etc...). To a degree, the Switch is essentially an evolution of concept, combining elements of the Wii and Wii U with a few other tweaks...so if it goes on to become (relatively) successful at least some of that will probably be due to a clear branding separation so that the majority of the public knows it exists in the first place (which is a major step up from Wii U).

His 2nd point is valid only if Nintendo actually follows through and eliminates the ever-present delays their games always seem to experience. When they wind down DS development and devs come into the Switch fold that should help next year.

The problem with all of this is that, like a good PR guy should, Reggie conveniently forgets the biggest hurdle that determines whether or not the Switch will be another dud or success: Steady 3rd party support. To be sure, his first two points may lead to just enough of a user base that 3rd parties jump on board in a big way. But, thus far this is anything but a given. Because Nintendo has chosen to go with cheaper/downscale hardware once again, most 3rd party ports will require serious downgrades and a separate dev path/port, so the investment needed + the perception of Switch versions of games being by far the worst on the 3 platforms are significant risks not only to the Switch but to those various franchises.

It's almost always the same "chicken or the egg" story with Nintendo: They need sales to get 3rd party games...but they need 3rd party games to get sales (outside the early adopter/hardcore fan base).

What I'd *really* like to see is a few publishers take a chance producing "parallel", smaller scale AA-ish titles that exist in the same universes as various established AAA franchises...less investment/risk, more opportunities to try innovative designs that utilize the Switches control scheme.... I can already hear a lot of people saying "How'd that work out for Ubi with Zombie U?" But I think the first two points Reggie made would contribute to titles like Zombie U having a much better chance on the Switch. And if pubs produce a few unique 3rd party games as parallel/extended stories in beloved universes that people can only experience on Switches then it encourages millions of Xbone/PS4 owners to pick up a Switch. Yeah this idea partially falls into the "3rd party exclusives suck" trap...but at least with Switch it'd be for a somewhat justifiable reason...the hardware necessitates devs get creative and tell stories/present gameplay in a different way that doesn't rely as much on the latest shader or anti-aliasing techniques.
If Reggie is serious with his claims, then Nintendo should have this be the line up for the coming months.

March: 1, 2 Switch / Breath of the Wild / SnipperClips
April: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
May: ARMs, Surprise Wii U Port
June: Splatoon 2
July: Pikmin 4 (Development started on Wii U and it's rumored to be a Switch title currently)
August: Animal Crossing
September: Smash Brothers for Nintendo Switch (Assuming the reports of a Switch port are true; Mario Kart 8 got one so it could happen)
October: Mario X Rabbids (Assuming if the Rumors are true) / Fire Emblem Warriors
November: Super Mario Odyssey and Pokemon Stars (assuming the rumor are true)
December: Xenoblade 2 or Xenoblade X Port

The year of dreams right here.


I agree that this time they manage to sell/show a NEW console.

The problem is that for Nintendo giving Zelda at launch (and no other AAA game plus some crap games) they think is enough until the next big game release. This is not the N64 era, people need more games. Specially if you can get a PS4 for the same price with a ton of games to play.

Zen Aku

That Splatoon bet... hmmm

Right now Splatoon have sold about 4.5m according to wikipedia. Uncharted 4 is leading the pack for PS4 at 8m and Halo 5 is for Xbox One at 5m.

So I'm not sure if Splatoon 2 can outdo 8m.


Ok, but where are the other games like Skyrim? Games focused on an older demographic? The demographic they were clearly aiming at in the reveal trailer.

That's definitely a fair point to make, and I do think that Nintendo should have tried to nab some kind of FPS port to launch with the system. Given the specs, though, who knows if that was even feasible for any of the usual suspects to be able to get one running stable enough to make the launch in time.

If it was up to me, I would have moved heaven and earth to get Blizzard a dev kit to get Overwatch on day 1, since that's the kind of game that would really entice Nintendo fans and draw some attention to have a real portable version of the game out there. But that's just me!
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