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Replaying Jak 2, it's apparent Naughty Dog simply got lucky with Uncharted


Junior Member
How extensive have the hands-on impressions been?

Nothing that I am aware of. People are impressed by what has been shown. How it will turn out is another matter. You alluded that the only thing impressive was the visuals which is not why or many others are excited about the last of us. If everything shown in the gameplay videos hold up in the final product this seems to be a glimpse of how next gen AI can evolve. Hell it does not even look that much better than UC2/3 from what I have seen for people to be excited because of the visuals.
Jak II is a piece of shit. but Crash 3 was pretty good, and Crash 2 was a pretty competent version of the awful first game. as for the first Jak (which is also pretty good), i think it's more apt to call it a knock off of Banjo Kazooie than Mario.

they are indeed a company that makes games based entirely on existing ideas, which is why it always mystifies me when people hold them up as one of the best developers. that's just not fair to the others who actually innovate. the only time Naughty Dog did THAT was with Crash. and they got it dead wrong the first time (seriously, replay the first one.....it is a painful experience). the second one feels like a retread, minus the part where it's shit. it took them until the third entry to make that franchise truly good.

then they capped it off by copying Mario Kart


I'll gladly retract my doubt in TLoU if someone can share a detailed hands-on that verifies the strength of the game's mechanics. I'm guessing I missed it (not said snarkily).
It's actually very frustrating that I find ND actual gameplay hit or miss and/or uninspiring once you see past the glitzy set pieces. It's obvious the studio puts a good deal of design work and though into building their worlds, looks, and crafting the presentation. It's just unfortunate that I'm getting the impression that we may end up with a gameplay stinker next-gen from them.

I don't think the gameplay in a ND game will ever be classed as bad. Although I do agree with you on JAK 2 and I understand what you are saying. I just love their games for the fun characters, entertaining stories and spectacular set pieces - they fit in nicely between the indie games.

Next gen will be interesting, although I expect to see at least one more Uncharted before they change anything up.
He's right though.

Sure, as long as you're willing to ignore the fact that ND has barely talked about the visuals in TLoU and has mainly talked about how much emphasis they're putting into the AI. Which is a gameplay element that few developers make a priority these days. The game has been widely praised in previews for AI that might set a new standard.
I enjoy ND games since the days of crash so they not a one trick pony in my book .
In fact i am happy that UC does not focus on platforming as much as Crash and Jak .


no he isn't. The gun play looks amazing, the AI looks good and if the level design turns out to be good. It will be a great game.
What exactly looks "amazing" about the gunplay?

Until someone other than an ND employee puts the AI through its paces, I have no reason to trust ND with anything other than a script-fest.


Neo Member
Of course, this begs the question . . . how long can Naughty Dog milk this style of gameplay before gamers realize they're a one-trick pony?

I think you'll realize, when you step back and view the trends that plague this industry, that it's veery possible for them to get away with these mechanics for a long time. "gamers" will be quite content receiving the same old stuff with a new coat of paint. It's just what is perpetually popular. Find your comfort zone and spam it for all it's worth. Very rarely are "gamers" willing to take a chance on something new; Something they aren't familiar with, unless they are told so through genius marketing.


People who dismiss 2 as a gta ripoff are somehow only the seeing the superficial hub interacting as means between levels and the mission structure. The gameplay is clearly still primarily in the platforming genre, with an emphasis on gunplay ala Ratchet & Clank (but even then, not as deep).

Yeah, this post says it better than I could have. The "GTA" aspect of the game was entirely superficial. I was disappointed with the shift in tone when it was first revealed, but I stopped caring after I played the game because the action and platforming was so flipping fantastic. It's easily one of the best games from last gen.
Oh look, another cryptic complaint.
Its not really that cryptic and its more an observation. Arent you the one who created a manual for RE6 so people could play it the way you do and have your idea of fun and constantly recommending hand positions for Kid Icarus so people can actually play the game. Its just funny contrasting that with your claim that "it looks cool if you play it just so".


Junior Member
What exactly looks "amazing" about the gunplay?

Until someone other than an ND employee puts the AI through its paces, I have no reason to trust ND with anythin other than a script-fest.

I dont know why gunplay was mentioned. It is not a shooter. You hardly have bullets. The AI seems out of this world though. This is the kind of improvement in AI we should have actually been seeing from pure stealth games like Splinter Cell. If it holds up in the final product then it will be a watershed moment. We will know the answer on May 7.


first off, lol
secondly, Jak2 is a fantastic and challenging game. My favorite NuaghtyDog game.

You sir, are weird.


I just love their games for the fun characters, entertaining stories and spectacular set pieces - they fit in nicely between the indie games.

Yes, it's just a shame that in the latter Jak games their misfires in the pursuit of a GTA-clone overworld actually overshadowed the characters, stories, and set pieces - at least for me anyway. The frustration and poor gameplay design choices of the overworld absolutely ruin the second game regardless of how well crafted the in-game cutscenes and characters are.


Its not really that cryptic and its more an observation. Arent you the one who created a manual for RE6 so people could play it the way you do and have your idea of fun and constantly recommending hand positions for Kid Icarus so people can actually play the game. Its just funny contrasting that with your claim that "it looks fun if you play it just so".
I could make some sort of snarky comment about how the need for me to write those tips for others is indicative of people's inability to figure out games with any meaningful mechanics or depth, and thus why they take so well to games that play themselves like the kind Naughty Dog makes instead.

Oh wait, I just did!


What exactly looks "amazing" about the gunplay?

Until someone other than an ND employee puts the AI through its paces, I have no reason to trust ND with anything other than a script-fest.

Have you watched any of the gameplay videos from previews where they explain all about the gameplay and how you can approach it? Many of your questions would be answered if you did. From where we are now, it just sounds like you are slagging off TLoU because it's being made by ND and "looks" like Uncharted to you.
I think Uncharted 2 is the only good one but ND should be applauded for bringing about these new ips. Hopefully Last of Us is more than just visuals.


People who dismiss 2 as a gta ripoff are somehow only the seeing the superficial hub interacting as means between levels and the mission structure. The gameplay is clearly still primarily in the platforming genre, with an emphasis on gunplay ala Ratchet & Clank (but even then, not as deep).

Excluding the actual existence of the hubworld, there are the mission designs, tone, and gameplay. The vehicle jacking and police response are pretty much a stripped down version of the GTA system. The lackluster mission design especially early on when you're an errand boy and picking up moneybags in a timed manner across the city or the races throughout the populated city can be attributed to the GTA philosophy. The grimdark tone doesn't really need a more detailed analysis.
Jak II is a piece of shit. but Crash 3 was pretty good, and Crash 2 was a pretty competent version of the awful first game. as for the first Jak (which is also pretty good), i think it's more apt to call it a knock off of Banjo Kazooie than Mario.

they are indeed a company that makes games based entirely on existing ideas, which is why it always mystifies me when people hold them up as one of the best developers. that's just not fair to the others who actually innovate. the only time Naughty Dog did THAT was with Crash. and they got it dead wrong the first time (seriously, replay the first one.....it is a painful experience). the second one feels like a retread, minus the part where it's shit. it took them until the third entry to make that franchise truly good.

then they capped it off by copying Mario Kart
Crash Team Racing is better than any Mario Kart game I've played.


Why should I care what he thinks again?

I wasn't asking you to care; why are you so abrupt and defensive about his opinion?

Also he's very much suffering from nostalgia glasses as almost everything he listed is a negative due to how bad the gameplay is.

OK? I don't remember the gameplay being 'bad'. I mean they jumped when I pressed the jump button, turned at an appropriate speed when I turned the sticks and the mechanics that bound those things together (whatever physics engine they used for gravity and velocity combined with collision detection etc) never felt busted.

It's a different thing to say you didn't like the way those things meshed together. And that's fine. My thumbs agreed more with the R&C mechanics, for example.

Crash Team Racing is better than any Mario Kart game I've played.

I've never wanted to high-five a Panda so hard before.


I dont know why gunplay was mentioned. It is not a shooter. You hardly have bullets. The AI seems out of this world though. This is the kind of improvement in AI we should have actually been seeing from pure stealth games like Splinter Cell. If it holds up in the final product then it will be a watershed moment. We will know the answer on May 7.
I like the premise of TLoU and the world it's presenting. I just don't trust a dev who says their AI is so great but who is giving guided tours of it. If it's fun, just let people play it. If it was working as well as they said back at E3, why not let regular people go hands-on?


1. To call the Uncharted franchise a simple knock off is a gross injustice against Naughty Dog. Uncharted 1 was pretty standard fare, I will admit. But the second and third games have shown a level of ambition and polish unmatched by other developers. They may have started off just doing a simple third person shooter but they did not end up like that.

2. Did you play Jak 3? I'm playing Jak 3 atm. Its quite good. Jak and Daxter was also quite good, as you mentioned.
I could make some sort of snarky comment about how the need for me to write those tips for others is indicative of people's inability to figure out games with any meaningful mechanics or depth, and thus why they take so well to games that play themselves like the kind Naughty Dog makes instead.

Oh wait, I just did!

Resident Evil 6 is shit, no amount of mechanics or depth can save that game...

I like the premise of TLoU and the world it's presenting. I just don't trust a dev who says their AI is so great but who is giving guided tours of it. If it's fun, just let people play it. If it was working as well as they said back at E3, why not let regular people go hands-on?

Because the game was in development...it could have be prone to crashes etc.. Why would they lie anyway? Does this company have a history of fooling the audience? No they don't.
By lucky I mean they obviously stumbled into a style of gameplay that they're actually competent at making (excuse me . . . copying). Jak 2 is such a bumbling, poorly designed game that if it weren't for the good will engendered by the first game in the series the company deserved to crash and burn after the offensiveness of Jak 2. It's an incompetently executed knock off of the GTA formula that failed as a game after the the studio was capable of making a competent knock-off of the Mario formula with the first game.

Obviously, with Uncharted, ND discovered that they apparently had the skill set to actually pull off a competent knock off of the third person cover shooter and probably held a party at the office celebrating that they'd found a gameplay mechanic they could execute with some finesse.

Now, following this logic it's quite obvious why "The Last of Us" - judging by all released media to date - seems to play in a highly similar fashion to Uncharted. They're not quite ready to move on to something different for fear of giving up the one game mechanic they've found themselves capable of actually delivering with. Of course, this begs the question . . . how long can Naughty Dog milk this style of gameplay before gamers realize they're a one-trick pony? Will the management actually risk trying something completely different on PS4, and thus exposing the company as incapable of making anything beyond this one style of game in a competent manner?
While what you say is somewhat grounded in reality, it will be hard for people to take you seriously since you positioned yourself in one side of the argument.

While it's indeed a copycat franchise that's over appreciated there are redeeming qualities to it, chief of them being one of the most technological advanced PS3 games.


I wasn't asking you to care; why are you so abrupt and defensive about his opinion?
Your citing him as if anybody should care what he thinks.
OK? I don't remember the gameplay being 'bad'. I mean they jumped when I pressed the jump button, turned at an appropriate speed when I turned the sticks and the mechanics that bound those things together (whatever physics engine they used for gravity and velocity combined with collision detection etc) never felt busted.

It's a different thing to say you didn't like the way those things meshed together. And that's fine. My thumbs agreed more with the R&C mechanics, for example.

There are more to controls than whether the buttons work.


Jak 2 was a pretty awful game, deal with it folks. People who enjoy it are simply masochists.

They took what was a fantastic mario 64 knock off and decided the colorful fun world they had created would work much better if it was bleak, dark , bland and filthy. Then they gave their silent protagonist a voice and made him angry and obnoxious, threw him in this same terrible bleak unhappy world and filled it with unfun missions, timed racing levels , no checkpoints and just generally I don't think anyone at naughty dog actually playtested the game before it came out. I'm really not sure who it was built for- almost as though GTA3 and devil may cry came out and ND said, hey these are kind of cool, let's make 75% of our new game rip off these ideas instead of simply making a proper sequel to jak 1, instead of using this interesting world let's make it dark and stupid because kids don't like fun these days.

I imagine my problems with the game largely stem from my age though, I grew up in the era where games were either fun or they weren't, had I been born 10 years later I might have been lead to believe that pointless gimmickry and 90's level "bad ass itude" were replacement for good , fun gameplay but sadly I just can't bring myself to enjoy games that aren't fun.

Uncharted is just all around a MUCH better series. I'll agree it's hardly the most interesting or original bunch of ideas but for the most part the uncharted games are fun games that are also pretty to look at. I can agree with the OP there, The Last of us does indeed look like someone REALLY liked the walking dead and thought, hey why don't we take the walking dead and mix it with classic survival horror elements as well as the uncharted engine ? Undoubtedly it'll work wonders.

I kind of wish ND would take a small break and take another stab at a character /cartoon action game though. Especially now that Ratchet and clank seems to be be pretty well finished.

- in short - the OP raises a valid point but perhaps does it with a bit too much flame baiting
no he isn't. The gun play looks amazing, the AI looks good and if the level design turns out to be good. It will be a great game.

Maybe you'll be right. Naughty Dog will make their first ever gameplay-first game. They'll forget Uncharted's shit gameplay. They will get the shooting mechanics right for the first time ever. You'll be engaged in deep gameplay mechanics that build up and unfold naturally throughout the course of the game that go beyond shallow "AAA" cinematic game development and instead rival the best of indie and Japanese development. But I seriously doubt it.


People forget about ND's CTR. Stil the best Kart Racer, followed closely by DKR.

The Jak racer was mediocre, though.


Well, that didn't last long.


2. Is Jak 2 the only Jak game you have played? I'm playing Jak 3 atm. Its quite good. Jak and Daxter was also quite good.

I played all three games when each was originally released on the PS2. I was around to debate on GAF when the very first trailer for the first game was released. I believe it was this one:


Many a heated debate since ND was making many claims at the time about how other developers just had no idea how to properly stream textures on the PS2 and that their "mystery game" would show everyone how it was done (ie. how to properly get good textures on PS2 - yeah, it was a comparison thing with the Dreamcast at the time I guess).
I could make some sort of snarky comment about how the need for me to write those tips for others is indicative of people's inability to figure out games with any meaningful mechanics or depth, and thus why they take so well to games that play themselves like the kind Naughty Dog makes instead.

Oh wait, I just did!
I thought you wrote that manual because Capcom was too cheap to include one and too stupid to create scenarios in the game that made use of the mechanics other than low hanging bars for you to slide under. Meaningful is not a word that would describe RE6s mechanics. But speaking of games that play themselves...
- in short - the OP raises a valid point but perhaps does it with a bit too much flame baiting

The OP claims that ND is a one trick pony. Every series that they made since the PSone has been successful both critically and commercially. And they're all rather different from one another.


I thought you wrote that manual because Capcom was too cheap to include one and too stupid to create scenarios in the game that made use of the mechanics other than low hanging bars for you to slide under. Meaningful is not a word that would describe RE6s mechanics. But speaking of games that play themselves...
LOL, yeah, sure, sliding is only used to get under low-hanging bars. Brilliant.


Jak II has a lot of issues, but there are so many amazing levels outside the main city area that I still love it despite some of the other warts. Stuff like Mar's Tomb, the Palace, Haven Forest and so on are just great.
Maybe you'll be right. Naughty Dog will make their first ever gameplay-first game. They'll forget Uncharted's shit gameplay. They will get the shooting mechanics right for the first time ever. You'll be engaged it deep gameplay mechanics that build up and unfold naturally throughout the course of the game that go beyond AAA cinematic game development and instead rival the best of indie and Japanese development. But I seriously doubt it.

Crash 1 - 3, CTR, Jak 1 - 3, Jak racing say hi! And Uncharted gameplay is "shit" by any stretch of the imagination, oh sure the game was made to attract casual gamers for sure, but it isn't "shit."


Jak 2 is pretty bad but it's probably more correct to say they got unlucky with that one game rather than getting lucky with nine others?
So basically Bungie got lucky with Halo otherwise they are irrelevant, and Epic with Gears of War because no one cares about Unreal Tournaments anymore.
Jak II has a lot of issues, but there are so many amazing levels outside the main city area that I still love it despite some of the other warts. Stuff like Mar's Tomb, the Palace, Haven Forest and so on are just great.

The Daxter PSP games took those kinds of levels and made a game out of it, it was fantastic.
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