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Report: Sony Contacted All Major Third Parties for Exclusivity Deals, Offered More Money Than Microsoft


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
It is obvious what they’re doing. They know the multiplat performance differences are going to be devastating, not to mention Game Pass. This is a desperation move. I know that many here like to live in an alternate reality where Sony is “destroying” Microsoft, but this simply isn’t the case. MS basically gave Sony a free ride last gen by fucking up the One launch. That isn’t happening this time. Sony can’t afford to be “pro-consumer” - MS could buy Sony and send it to the delete bin without even effecting their bottom line. Sony does not make big money selling more consoles in Europe. MS doesn’t need to “win” the console sales game, but for Sony it is literally their lifeline.
Microsoft would never try to buy Sony and Sony would never sell out to Microsoft anyway


No the same MS that bankrolled Cuphead with the same kind of deal that's now turning into a multimedia franchise. The same MS that bankrolled Remedy which produced the excellent Alan Wake and Quantum Break for them with their next game Crossfire X being timed exclusive.
Yeah.. Not nearly enough and completely unrelated to Scorn (and current MS is hardly the same as the MS from Alan Wake times)
MS tradition is one step forward and two steps back, so I'm holding on until they prove otherwise.
I was excited for Agony and it turned meh, I won't get excited for Scorn just because I love the art style. I'll wait for the final result.
It's better to expect nothing and getting something good than expecting something good and get disappointed.

Mister Wolf

Yeah.. Not nearly enough and completely unrelated to Scorn (and current MS is hardly the same as the MS from Alan Wake times)
MS tradition is one step forward and two steps back, so I'm holding on until they prove otherwise.
I was excited for Agony and it turned meh, I won't get excited for Scorn just because I love the art style. I'll wait for the final result.
It's better to expect nothing and getting something good than expecting something good and get disappointed.

Agony has nothing to do with Scorn. You're making a silly comparison because you think the games are similar. If you dont think Microsoft signed off on the quality of the game before they wrote a check to a stranger then I don't know what to tell you. The developers of The Ascent straight up told IGN that MS came down to check out their game and liked what they saw.
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Cyberpunk 2077, Dirt, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Far Cry 6 ..... what major third parties we are talking about, if it's not COD, battelfield or Fifa no one will be that angry


Why not use the fucking money to push and expand their own first-party offerings? Why not push Japan Studio, go on a hiring spree and develop your own big things? Why rely on short-term stuff by overpaying for some sort of exclusivity? Similarly, I don't understand why big third-party publishers even consider deals like that. Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy or Call of Duty don't need PlayStation, those IPs are big enough to actually leverage multiplatform development. I would even go so far as to say that limiting publishing of such big IPs to only one platform will hurt those IPs in the long run.

I really don't understand Sony's refusal to invest that money into their own studios. Sony was never a first-party powerhouse but they've got the money to change that. For starters, Japan Studio should be elevated to Sony's premier crown jewel studio, IMHO. Right now, they're acting mostly as a support studio, which is just sad. Similarly, maybe expand Santa Monica Studio with a second team that is allowed to do something else than God of War. Maybe a strategy game? Maybe do another Colony Wars, why not?
Or use the money to buy studios? What's up with that third-party moneyhatting, especially when those third-parties are big publishers? That's the most short-term strategy I've ever seen.


These complaints of anti-consumerism are funny. Are the people making these from a younger generation? Because this practice has been around since forever. There are a ton of examples where companies would try stuff, NES needed more than a straight port, plenty of games weren't available on Sega hardware, characters, sound, violence, levels, tons of differences between versions. Like others have mentioned its luxury entertainment, and they are doing what they feel is a logical plan to succeed in a future market.

I personally factor it towards Xbox's power advantage and Gamepass, along with the pricing of the Series X and S. I see Sony going for exclusive content, timed exclusives, and PS Exclusive games (probably on PC and maybe Switch). I'd even wager that this upcoming gen will be more similar to the PS2 vs Xbox, power and content wise. How everything unfolds will be interesting, I'm particularly curious as to how the average laymen consumer views it. I personally know not one soul who has ever said "that's anti-consumer" though. Suddenly everybody's acting like the dog-eat-dog free market must be so chivalrous. Its just weird, as is overzealous brand loyalty. I get people react to potential bad news differently but its just another outrage flavor of the week. Always online, absurd launch tiers, season passes, MTX, Early Access, Representation and IdPol, Online Paywalls, DRM, Storefront Exclusives (guess what I just waited, Tomb Raider and Epic Store. Didn't need to bitch and moan there are always other games to play).

Its just another way for these companies to compete for the consumer's dollar. Some will favor the power, others their friends(list), and others various factors such as initial price factors, accessories, compatibility of devices and BC. Also, the exclusives whether in terms of content, timed or otherwise, when printed on the box can and will influence some people's decisions. With current events in the world I see many wanting the new toy but not caring too much over power, otherwise cheap sedans and such wouldn't be so commonplace. Functionality, ease, and familiarity can also swing a consumer's mind. Then the power of mindshare, as an Japan loving nerd I don't see MS getting all the asian love despite the two games that piqued my interest. Which are also out on other platforms. All I'm really saying is that its a valid strategy and they are both doing it. It almost seems like some attempt at cancel culture which is just weak and weird.


Definitely seems a waste of money as everyone will buy the ps5 anyway and Sony could have paid developers to either make games or remaster games with the money or something.


Agony has nothing to do with Scorn. You're making a silly comparison because you think the games are similar. If you dont think Microsoft signed off on the quality of the game before they wrote a check to a stranger then I don't know what to tell you. The developers of The Ascent straight up told IGN that MS came down to check out their game and liked what they saw.
My fears are a combo of 2 things:
-indie dev promising a great game based on the art style
- publisher giving dev money also based on art style, and every publisher has done this before.
Do you think Sony didnt also send someone periodically to see No Man's Sky?... And we still got an empty experience that took years to get good.

Just because MS send someone to check the game, that is no guarantee of anything, much less quality when you consider metacritic scores of MS games (which are not bad, but could have been much better)


Definitely seems a waste of money as everyone will buy the ps5 anyway and Sony could have paid developers to either make games or remaster games with the money or something.
Well, they already do that though. they recently bought insomniac, and already have a number of first party studios.
They're just covering all their bases. Why not throw money at first and third party developers?

Sony's not underestimating Xbox for once.


i like this dead brain shit people spit out sometimes.

your clueless if you think microsoft has enough money to even touch a tech giant like sony
Some people have a really hard time understanding that (to many it's something that even exceeds their mental capacity):

- MS money =/= Xbox division money
- Xbox is not as important to MS as MANY other divisions that bring a lot more profit
- MS net worth =/= MS available money. MS money is tied in investments, real estate, etc. It's not sitting in an office drawer or immediately available in a bank account just waiting to be used.
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Same old Sony, lets see what ips went this way.

There are some ips I can’t see them going this way, e.g I really doubt EA would sell FIFA exclusivity due to the amount of money they get from FUT cards on XBOX, same goes for Bethesda or CD Project. On the other hand I can see this exclusivity deals working with 2K, Square Enix, Activision, Capcom and even SEGA

Honestly, I hate these deals coming from any of the big 3, but business is business, lets see which ips went this route, if it is just timed exclusive, full time exclusive, or content exclusive
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I'm playing Control for the second time right now with all the RTX on. Honestly the best looking game I've played this generation. Everybody want to pee their pants over Troy Baker doing Mo-cap or all the detail put into character models. That doesn't impress me. This does:

Wow that is impressive Control shits.

You are right imo about those cinematic mocap jazz, i do wonder if this type of games will still be in flavor come next gen.
Every gen, gamers' tastes and decisions flips and flops.

Mister Wolf

Wow that is impressive Control shits.

You are right imo about those cinematic mocap jazz, i do wonder if this type of games will still be in flavor come next gen.
Every gen, gamers' tastes and decisions flips and flops.

Dynamic is something you want in videogames. Be that the lighting/shadows/reflections or the physical world itself. Control provides everything. Games like The Last Of Us and RDR2 are just pretty static worlds.


7 Remake came and went. Spiderman is one character in a game that's about to be panned. XVI is a rumor. 3 of the games I listed are next gen only experiences. Both Scorn and Stalker being highly anticipated. Remedy is one of the best developers out there so I have zero doubt Crossfire X will turn out well.
FF7R is literally a hundred times bigger than Scorn cum simulator or some Eastern European AA game jfl.


Some people have a really hard time understanding that (to many it's something that even exceeds their mental capacity):

- MS money =/= Xbox division money
- Xbox is not as important to MS as MANY other divisions that bring a lot more profit
- MS net worth =/= MS available money. MS money is tied in investments, real estate, etc. It's not sitting in an office drawer or immediately available in a bank account just waiting to be used.

ms have some huge cash on hand reserves


Sure, where is the proof?
Why on earth would a company have tons of money sitting around not invested in making more money?

this is from late last year;


edit; just to add, no one is happy when these companies are sitting on big pile of cash like this as it is not making money for shareholders, probably worth adding that MS also have a debt of approx. $87B so “net“ cash on hand would be approx $47B

/end of offtopic
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Nah, Microsoft is already hurting the gaming industry with its anti-developer moves which results in mediocre games output.

Give me a worthy competitor, Nintendo with the big success so far could easily reconsider traditional home console gaming, probably in a level equivalent of slightly higher than the rumored Lockhart with Nvidia helping them out. Most likely something still semi-portable.
You are a rediculous fanboy to even think that. Sony knew they were beat on hardware so went back to ps2 level practice of trying to prevent games appearing on competition

Sony is hurting the industry with these moves. Now some of the things spencer said makes sense. This is the exact reason i hope sony fails. If they gain too much power they will resort to being difficult to work with.


this is from late last year;


edit; just to add, no one is happy when these companies are sitting on big pile of cash like this as it is not making money for shareholders, probably worth adding that MS also have a debt of approx. $87B so “net“ cash on hand would be approx $47B

/end of offtopic
make sure you put some money on the 2nd company...Buffett is soon going to start the Buffet
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Well I won't be surprised but we will see. ALL 3rd parties? Pretty crazy if you ask me.
Yes, the guys who made that mayo click game on PS4 were offered $ 237 million to make an exclusive enhanced PS5 version (it will let you feel the texture of whatever you are clicking through the new aptic feedback technology)..

Seriously, these kind of third party deals are not very useful as far as I am concerned.
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Sure, where is the proof?
Why on earth would a company have tons of money sitting around not invested in making more money?
Same reason you have a bank account, you need some operations money. You don't want to risk everything on "investment" either because markets do crash from time to time.

Also, they have that kind of money because they don't just waste it (even tho you could argue that MS is wasting money on a lot of startups).


And you guys always laugh when I say Jimbo is working when Spencer is talking.

Anyway, I bet Jimbo is approaching MS to have some games on PS5.


IF TRUE it's a bit of a shitty tactic.

It is not a shitty tactics, but a dumb 'n outdated one.

Dont PS fans rather want Sony to spend the dough on providing better value in either PS5 hardware, PSN network, launch deals.

How more erect can your dick wavering get, just because you can play COD:xx MP content first on PS5. :messenger_sleeping:

Paying for exclusives, i mean it wont be cheap since Sony is asking the publisher to bet on their horse, and forgo potential market sales as nextgen kicks off.
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Nah, Microsoft is already hurting the gaming industry with its anti-developer moves which results in mediocre games output.

Give me a worthy competitor, Nintendo with the big success so far could easily reconsider traditional home console gaming, probably in a level equivalent of slightly higher than the rumored Lockhart with Nvidia helping them out. Most likely something still semi-portable.

seriously? What anti-developer things are you referring to?

imo. Most of the stuff they do is pro-developer;
1. creating a wider ecosystem allowing developers to potentially reach more customers
2. due to more unified ecosystem, development for multiple platforms (pc, xbone, xbsex, xCloud) is much easier and cheaper
3. for establish games they have platform like gamepass where dev can put their game onto to reach new customers and potentially generate incremental revenue from dlcs etc. Eg. GTAV and RDR2 on gamepass.

the biggest anti dev/publisher thing ms did was introduction of smart delivery but this is pro-customer

i will not bother with games comment, as it is pointless. But let me ask you a question, if I don’t like 3rd person cinematic story games (open world or not), what other Sony big hitters I am left with?


Dont PS fans rather want Sony to spend the dough on providing better value in either PS5 hardware, PSN network, launch deals.
They're loving it now, because it gives their box an advantage.

Wait until a company that has less of a longterm interest for gaming than the Xbox division properly enters the industry. The meltdowns will rival a Rick and Morty fan in McDonald's when you have to subscribe to Stadia to play the next Persona or Fallout, and the only thing stopping that is that nobody has paid for it yet.


It's something that Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo always did. The difference is that now MS is mostly spending that money on putting big 3rd party and indie games on GamePass, so they have less money for (mostly timed) console exclusives for games or dlc.

So yes, I believes it may be true that Sony is signing more 3rd party (mostly timed console) exclusives for games and DLC. And not just because of money, also because the publishers may prefer to sign with Sony because they have more than the double of the market share than MS.
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These complaints of anti-consumerism are funny. Are the people making these from a younger generation? Because this practice has been around since forever. There are a ton of examples where companies would try stuff, NES needed more than a straight port, plenty of games weren't available on Sega hardware, characters, sound, violence, levels, tons of differences between versions. Like others have mentioned its luxury entertainment, and they are doing what they feel is a logical plan to succeed in a future market.

I personally factor it towards Xbox's power advantage and Gamepass, along with the pricing of the Series X and S. I see Sony going for exclusive content, timed exclusives, and PS Exclusive games (probably on PC and maybe Switch). I'd even wager that this upcoming gen will be more similar to the PS2 vs Xbox, power and content wise. How everything unfolds will be interesting, I'm particularly curious as to how the average laymen consumer views it. I personally know not one soul who has ever said "that's anti-consumer" though. Suddenly everybody's acting like the dog-eat-dog free market must be so chivalrous. Its just weird, as is overzealous brand loyalty. I get people react to potential bad news differently but its just another outrage flavor of the week. Always online, absurd launch tiers, season passes, MTX, Early Access, Representation and IdPol, Online Paywalls, DRM, Storefront Exclusives (guess what I just waited, Tomb Raider and Epic Store. Didn't need to bitch and moan there are always other games to play).

Its just another way for these companies to compete for the consumer's dollar. Some will favor the power, others their friends(list), and others various factors such as initial price factors, accessories, compatibility of devices and BC. Also, the exclusives whether in terms of content, timed or otherwise, when printed on the box can and will influence some people's decisions. With current events in the world I see many wanting the new toy but not caring too much over power, otherwise cheap sedans and such wouldn't be so commonplace. Functionality, ease, and familiarity can also swing a consumer's mind. Then the power of mindshare, as an Japan loving nerd I don't see MS getting all the asian love despite the two games that piqued my interest. Which are also out on other platforms. All I'm really saying is that its a valid strategy and they are both doing it. It almost seems like some attempt at cancel culture which is just weak and weird.
American cancel culture cultishness creeps into their psyche?
Never have I seen a new generation full of people desperate to justify their own purchase and brand loyalty, like I have this time.
Everythings unfair or Anti-consumer and everyone's going all 'Karen' about how they're not having their cake and it!
It's like all the salty online MP children with usernames like 'xxxSniper420-69xxx' from 10 years ago never grew the fuck up and stayed stunted homunculuses with about as much social grace as the fucking 'Paul Brothers'


Did this really need a new thread given that it’s been discussed in multiple topics already?

A thread based on a post on another forum based on a comment in a podcast 🙄

Anyway, this should not surprise anyone. Of course Sony have been to talk to all the major publishers to see what deals might be possible, they would be negligent if they hadn’t. I’m sure the Xbox team have too.

So why would Sony be doing more deals?

It’s obvious, given relative market position, that equivalent deals would be cheaper for Sony. How much easier is it for Sony to do a deal with, say, Square Enix if 80% of their units sell on PlayStation?

it’s also obvious that PlayStation is generating a lot more profit than Xbox (PS profit last quarter > Xbox revenue) so they have more available to spend.

We don’t have to like it, but it’s obvious why it’s happening.
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The long con worked, Sony got Microsoft to invest the bulk of their money into buying new studios thinking next gen would be a war of 1st party games. Only to turn around and invest the bulk of their PS4 profits into 3rd party relations.


As if an exclusive character, some DLC or another stuff would be as expensive as buying another studio...

Also, I really doubt that those bought exclusivity are high profile games, they’re probably new IPs or some indie stuff, not really that expensive.
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