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Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster Review Thread


game didn't review well in the first place

no better graphics are going to help

with that said the game look fucking awesome tho, i want to get it for that alone


Well...in what ways?

It's like a kid's birthday cake bought from the grocery store. It's not terrible, but it's kind of blah. If you're really a fan of what it is then you could enjoy it, but a lot of people think it isn't worth the time because they can get the same thing but better (REmake, RE2, etc) elsewhere.

Isnt this only a single player game? or are you talking about using two characters at the same time?

It wasn't co-op, you controlled two characters at same time. Kinda like Rev2 except not as good because one of the characters when they weren't controlled, can still use their gun to shoot enemies even if you don't want them to at the time, leading to a waste of ammo.

I personally don't really know how bad it is considering it's been years since I played the game and I was really young.

You should still get it though.
  • Felt like too much of a retread, which was a heavy criticism already held for the series after 3
    Raccoon City games (RE2, Nemesis, Outbreak...OB2 I don't think was released prior to RE0)

  • Both Outbreaks release after RE0 by quite a bit of time.

    It felt like a retread due to there being only 6 RE games at the time and 4 of them featured mansions, RE0 being the third game in a row to use one.
I don't read reviews but I always thought they focused on the remaster/remake part.
It's understandable for a 2003 game offcourse.

K' Dash

People who love REmake and hate RE0 are weird, game looks amazing, plays really good, using 2 characters at once is awesome, I love it as much as The other classic RE.

People criticising the story probably have never played the other RE games, hint: their stories are terrible.
People who love REmake and hate RE0 are weird, game looks amazing, plays really good, using 2 characters at once is awesome, I love it as much as The other classic RE.

People criticising the story probably have never played the other RE games, hint: their stories are terrible.

It was a decent enough story, but most of the story had nothing to do with the characters you play as. It was mostly fleshing out the series lore. Easy prequel trap.
It was a decent enough story, but most of the story had nothing to do with the characters you play as. It was mostly fleshing out the series lore. Easy prequel trap.

I always felt that each game individually, the stories are fine for the most part, but the continuity in between titles is a complete mess.

Did my part. I'll be taking screenshots if anyone is interested in this version as long as they can be uploaded(usually it only does when a game releases so we'll see) since I don't have a capturing device so, using the console's own capture thing.


Metro - 5/10

But really, Resident Evil 0 is worse than that simply because it’s so bland and predictable. It’s a cautionary example of what would’ve happened if Capcom had not re-imagined the franchise with Resident Evil 4, and instead just continued to make an increasingly uninteresting series of fixed screen survival horrors.
None of that is to say that a good amount of effort hasn’t gone into this remaster though, in fact quite the opposite. The pre-rendered backdrops and non-widescreen graphics of the original make this just as difficult to update as the remake, and although the visuals often look rather blurry and old-fashioned the game stands up well.
Nice, somebody not forgot to take off nostalgia glasses (but game was bad even back in the days)
Goddamn it was going to wait for a sale but that eurogamer review sealed the deal. Didn't love the game on GC, but it looks so glorious, my love to REmake has only grown over the years, and I want to support Capcom in this gameplay being financially viable - so they stick with it for RE2make.


Did my part. I'll be taking screenshots if anyone is interested in this version as long as they can be uploaded(usually it only does when a game releases so we'll see) since I don't have a capturing device so, using the console's own capture thing.

The cover art goes so well with the Xbox One green case.


Goddamn it was going to wait for a sale but that eurogamer review sealed the deal. Didn't love the game on GC, but it looks so glorious, my love to REmake has only grown over the years, and I want to support Capcom in this gameplay being financially viable - so they stick with it for RE2make.

Pretty much me, at the moment.
The game was never on par with REMake, but RE0 was enjoyable - particularly if it was just your second Resident Evil game to play.

I just bought the PC game from GreenManGaming with that discount code because:
[1] I want to show Capcom that I will buy classic Resident Evil games at launch
[2] It seems that they really put in an effort here with this remaster.


Eh, the reviews are similar to what they were at release. It's "outdated" and "unoriginal" and "behind the times" and other such things.

And I disagreed with them then just as I do now.

I love this game.

It's in my top five Resident Evil titles for sure, behind only REmake, RE2, and RE4. I like it better than Code Veronica, RE5, RE6, and all the spin-offs. RE3 rounds out my top 5.

Is the story ridiculous? You bet. So are all the other games. Is the voice acting cheesy and hammy? Yep! It still is in current games too. Does it make a lot of sense? Nope, and I don't even care.

Are the survival horror elements well done? Absolutely.

It's as old-school a Resident Evil title as they come, for better or worse. If you're sick of zombie dogs jumping through windows, tank controls, ink ribbons, inventory management, and static camera angles, this game will be, as many reviewers both then and now described, a disappointing dinosaur stuck in the past unwilling to evolve.

If you're someone (like myself) who clings to that brand of horror, long forgotten in favor of online co-op, QTEs, action setpieces, turret sections, auto-saves, hand-holding, and action-hero gunplay, and you want a return to a time when horror creeped, it didn't run, ammo was scarce, not plentiful, decisions mattered and death had consequences, not minor inconveniences....

Then Resident Evil Zero is a well and truly appreciated return to the past.

Welcome back, Rookie.
My issue with RE0 is that it's like they just threw new plot in there for no reason and it ruins things when you then go into RE1, it really should be seen as a spinoff more then a prequel.
People who love REmake and hate RE0 are weird, game looks amazing, plays really good, using 2 characters at once is awesome, I love it as much as The other classic RE.

People criticising the story probably have never played the other RE games, hint: their stories are terrible.

REmake is a masterclass in pacing and level design. Zero...aahhhhh it's okay I guess?

And I know people shouldn't expect much from an RE story, but Zero's is pretty bland. The villain has ZERO (oh ha ha?) beef with the protagonists, and they hardly even know he exists until the final encounter. Two fan-favorite characters are in the background, but they do nothing but sit around watching security monitors. There are cool bits of lore it provides for the whole series, and that's cool.

Also magic elevator and the Training Facility's second floor is way bigger than the first floor for some reason. But those are my weirdo grievances.

That said, still psyched to play it! Zero has some of the most gorgeous backgrounds in the series, and they actually properly remastered them this time around. Makes me feel like I'm buying this for the wrong purposes lol

I think it's the worst mainline RE game besides Code Veronica, but I don't think it's a bad game. If you like classic RE, this is probably worth playing.


My issue with RE0 is that it's like they just threw new plot in there for no reason and it ruins things when you then go into RE1, it really should be seen as a spinoff more then a prequel.

Its kind of funny to imagine Rebecca going from this to the helpless rookie in REmake. Like she just forgot about killing all those nightmarish horrors.


When I played it on the Gamecube, it was my least favorite RE by far at that point. Too much backtracking and inventory management ruined a good portion of it for me. I'm probably not going to jump on this one like I did REmake, but maybe if it goes on sale on PSN for a deep discount some day I'll get it.

But RE2 remake....now that I'm excited for. And RE3 after, I hope!
Struggled with it years ago due to the inventory system but I still enjoyed it overall.

Looking forward to replaying it with Billy wearing Cody's prison gear.


My issue with RE0 is that it's like they just threw new plot in there for no reason and it ruins things when you then go into RE1, it really should be seen as a spinoff more then a prequel.

Which is why when I play RE/REmake, I play it in my head as the same game I did in 1996/2002.

RE0 is a good game aesthetically and mechanically, but it commits several narrative crimes.
It makes Rebecca's appearance in RE shockingly sanguine, obviously. It reduces Wesker and Birkin to the level of Home Alone's Harry and Marv who hit the big time by literally stealing someone else's work and murdering him. And holy shit, the Billy flashback has to be one of the most pointless, incidental subplots (with expensive flashy CG to boot) ever conceived by the series. Slugs can apparently be controlled by singing and also mimic cloth, shoelaces and jacket buttons flawlessly

I still love it, though.

Worst main OLD RE game but still very good. Will get for Wesker.

I like it more than 3 but yeah it's still a must-buy no matter what.


I was planning on buying this and adding it to my backlog even if it had terrible reviews. If only other people were as sensible as me.

The thirst for old Resident Evil runs strong in this blood. Balee dat.


I was planning on buying this and adding it to my backlog even if it had terrible reviews. If only other people were as sensible as me.

The thirst for old Resident Evil runs strong in this blood. Balee dat.

Eh, say what they want. I enjoyed the game back in 2002, I enjoyed it again on Wii, and I'll enjoy it again Remastered in HD.

It's greatest sin is just being stuck between Resident Evil Remake (best survival horror game ever) and RE4 (best TPS horror game ever).


RE0 is a good game aesthetically and mechanically, but it commits several narrative crimes.
It makes Rebecca's appearance in RE shockingly sanguine, obviously. It reduces Wesker and Birkin to the level of Home Alone's Harry and Marv who hit the big time by literally stealing someone else's work and murdering him. And holy shit, the Billy flashback has to be one of the most pointless, incidental subplots (with expensive flashy CG to boot) ever conceived by the series. Slugs can apparently be controlled by singing and also mimic cloth, shoelaces and jacket buttons flawlessly

It also overdoes it by throwing
the T-Virus at all manner of creature. In 0 there's a mutated scorpion, millipede, baboon, and fucking frogs of all things.


Enjoyed REmake a lot, so right now I'm pre-loading Zero on Steam. Going by the reviews and the comments, it's one of the games where it's best to ignore it all and find out for yourself how good or bad is it.
The cover art goes so well with the Xbox One green case.

Yeah, surprised with how great it looks from the case to the game itself. I can confirm that screenshots are out of the question since they can only be uploaded(shareable) when the game releases so, yeah.

  • It looks real fucking good
  • You start with a suitcase that has costumes in it(S.T.A.R.S 2000, Western & Leather)
  • Pretty damn good sound mixing as well for an old game judging from my home theater
  • As usual, 4:3 is the way to go since wide crops abit of the image but, it's there for those who want the screen filled
Enjoyed REmake a lot, so right now I'm pre-loading Zero on Steam. Going by the reviews and the comments, it's one of the games where it's best to ignore it all and find out for yourself how good or bad is it.

oh it's a fun classic RE if you like that kind of thing, just take note that the story does not work when you apply RE1 and 2 into the mix.
It also overdoes it by throwing
the T-Virus at all manner of creature. In 0 there's a mutated scorpion, millipede, baboon, and fucking frogs of all things.
This always struck me as odd since RE2 showed that the virus spread via rats and the monsters in 0 are never heard from or seen again.


oh it's a fun classic RE if you like that kind of thing, just take note that the story does not work when you apply RE1 and 2 into the mix.
Never played RE2, but I'm very interested in the remake. As for story in RE, never cared about it... at best it's cheesy entertainment. Hardly something to get invested in and follow closely.


I enjoyed it back in the day, and I will enjoy it again.

I've been wanting Capcom to make Classic style Resident Evil for a long long time, since the diversion since 4-6 titles especially.

So I'm voting with my wallet, and my wallet says we do it!
It's like a kid's birthday cake bought from the grocery store. It's not terrible, but it's kind of blah. If you're really a fan of what it is then you could enjoy it, but a lot of people think it isn't worth the time because they can get the same thing but better (REmake, RE2, etc) elsewhere.

But it's also the only other original RE with this graphic quality other than REmake, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This always struck me as odd since RE2 showed that the virus spread via rats and the monsters in 0 are never heard from or seen again.

Eh, I never had a problem with it. Was there really THAT many spare baboon zombies to run around in the city?

And those future games had their own weird monsters that never showed up again (alligator in the sewer, giant zombie earthworms, even Lickers went missing for decades...)
One of my least favorite mainline RE games at the time, but also it was completely different in ways I didn't expect. Going into this knowing those things will make it a much more enjoyable experience. Also even though I like 4, 5, and 6, aside from 4, I'd put RE zero ahead of those cause it actually has survival horror at its finest. We don't get these kind of games anymore and it blows but fingers crossed for RE 2 remake to continue this old school style.
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