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Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster Review Thread


Seems like it's panning out like I expected it to: a good port with some cool new features for a game that's kinda mediocre overall.


Nah, my opinion is clearly the correct one


Jill is best waifu material! She makes the best sandwiches!

I honestly feel RE: Zero plays more like REmake than, well, any other Resident Evil game...

Davey Cakes

Implying that CV is better then any Resident Evil title.
Everything about CV feels "off" to me. For some reason it's just really hard to enjoy it as much as the other games in the series. The blending of classic RE feel with 3D environments was a bit off-putting.

I've always preferred RE3, even with its retread-y parts. And I liked RE0 maybe as much as RE3, or a little less.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death

Jill is best waifu material! She makes the best sandwiches!

I honestly feel RE: Zero plays more like REmake than, well, any other Resident Evil game...

RE0's inventory system isn't conducive to the way that I play these games, which honestly makes it feel far more different to the rest of the series. The story, characters, enemy design/encounters, environments and bosses are also poor compared to the rest of the classic games.

I still really like it though, counting down until my pre-load unlocks.
I like RECVX leagues more than RE4 even.


People who love REmake and hate RE0 are weird, game looks amazing, plays really good, using 2 characters at once is awesome, I love it as much as The other classic RE.

People criticising the story probably have never played the other RE games, hint: their stories are terrible.

No, they are not. The template may be the same, but the quality in design is notable, REmake is the original formula perfected to its limits, while RE0 adds several things that brokes that almost perfect balance found in REmake, the excessive micromanagement that the no box system brings to the table is annoying, the character swapping has potential but ultimately falls flat being to simple and being barely used on an intelligent manner, enemy and encounter design is also lacking, and I think the actual level design is a step down from REmake.

It also lacks in ambientation, because while the graphics are there (the game originally was a step above the first one), it dosn't never really captures the claustrophobic unnerving mansion fo REmake, to this day is still one of the best examples in the genre.

Meanwhile RE0 only reach the level of a mediocre apprentice, ending on a subpar horror experience.

I mean RE0 is still a decent game and a decent RE classic experience, but I hope most people that enjoyed the REmake, don't come expecting the same level of quality, is not there.
I'm a fan of the old games and personally to me it's the worst main RE. I even like Code Veronica(which I hear a lot of people don't), but I didn't even finish Zero. It's the only game in the main series I've never finished and I can only assume people pushed themselves to play it when it first released because it's pretty to look at and they already paid for it. I see no other reason.

Speak for yourself mate. I loved the game when it first came out and put it above every game in the series except for 1 and 4.
It also overdoes it by throwing
the T-Virus at all manner of creature. In 0 there's a mutated scorpion, millipede, baboon, and fucking frogs of all things.

Most of the monsters in RE0 are
mutations, not T-Virus. The apes aren't even directly infected, they're the offspring of the infected.


RE 0 is a good game, HD or not. It always made me said that it got trashed so much.

Looking over the entirety of the RE franchise, it's one of the best, whether it's RE1/2 quality or not.

Hopefully some people give it a chance this time.
It really goes to show how popular this franchise is for Capcom that they would do a HD remaster of a thoroughly mediocre 5/10 video game. A bad cover band version of REmake.
It really goes to show how popular this franchise is for Capcom that they would do a HD remaster of a thoroughly mediocre 5/10 video game. A bad cover band version of REmake.

I'll allow you to take a few points off for Billy's terribly 90's tribal tattoo, but otherwise it's a solid game that I'd rather play over any of the modern ones.



Astral Dog

Resident Evil Zero is a good game but it will suffer the same fate as it did on the GameCube.

Resident Evil Remake is the better game and it came out first. It I were Capcom, I would of remastered Zero first and then Remake.
Zero was going to take more time because of the redone assets, that is a luxury REmake could not have. but at least this game did, it makes sense to release it later.

Astral Dog

It really goes to show how popular this franchise is for Capcom that they would do a HD remaster of a thoroughly mediocre 5/10 video game. A bad cover band version of REmake.

Well its better to release both at the same time, good for hardcore RE fans.and shows Capcom cares, this is the company that remastered DMC 2 after all.


I liked the train area in Zero more than the mansion area in REmake. If my memory serves me right, in both games the atmosphere goes down hill thereafter.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I liked the train area in Zero more than the mansion area in REmake. If my memory serves me right, in both games the atmosphere goes down hill thereafter.

It's a bit of a strange comparison. The train is essentially the prologue of RE0 and can't be revisited.

The mansion is integral to REmake and your not really finished with it until right before the endgame.

No environment in ANY RE game comes close to the mansion IMO


I have only seen a tad of this game when my friend had it on launch. I know it is a polarising game and I see more negativity than I do positive comments. However, the only that matters to me is that it is at least in the style of classic Resident Evil games. It's an instant buy for me on that basis. It basically feels like a new classic style Resident Evil game to me and I love it.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
The scores are about expected for Zero. I do hope the Remaster changes fans perception on the game, it's a solid old-school survival-horror game, but not the best in the series. It is better than many make it out to be in my opinion, though.
RE 0 is a great game, my only real issues with it was the lack of an item box and that its pretty much more of the same thing. Despite that its still my second favorite RE game next to 4, I really hope capcom revisits the partner zap system again someday with a later RE game.


Gold Member
I think the reviews are about where they were when the game launched. Haha I'm glad its got the HD treatment. Hopefully some can ignore the negative tones and get straight to the game. It's really not that bad to be reviewed twice now.
Resident Evil Zero is a good game but it will suffer the same fate as it did on the GameCube.

Resident Evil Remake is the better game and it came out first. It I were Capcom, I would of remastered Zero first and then Remake.

No way. They needed to lead with one of the best RE's to essentially reboot interest in old school RE's. It's the reason why they could justify spending more money on remastering RE Zero and remaking RE2. All of that would've fallen flat on its face if they'd led with a bad RE like RE Zero.

It's better than CV and RE3.

Edit your post right now, there's still time.

Better than CV? Maybe, CV and RE0 are both pretty bad RE games, so it's a toss up on which is the worst (personally I'd say Zero because while its highs were much higher than CV, its lows were much, much lower). In no way is it better than RE3 though.

Anyway, I wasn't a fan at all of RE Zero but I'll get it to show my support for real RE. I think I'll wait for 2-3 weeks before I clear my immediately backlog though. Yakuza 5's taken all my gaming time up recently and I've got a couple of shorter games I'd like to finish as well. Hopefully by that point I'll have figured out whether I want to go physical or digital with this.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
The train section will likely turn off many people early on. The following 80% of the game is pure classic RE with some novel dual-character swapping puzzles in expected mansion/lab maze environs. It's a solid RE game but suffers from a very forgettable plot and predictable storytelling. I recall enjoying it quite a bit on GC(though not nearly as much as REmake), but I adore the survival item management of the series and this features plenty of that.
I hate the "re0 proved they needed to stop making survival horror games and turn the series into full action" narrative, as if you can only make so many games of a certain genre then you're done.

News Bot

0 is the only game in the series that I get bored of. I think I've only completed it... three times? Compared to the dozens for every other game. It's just not fun or interesting compared to the rest of the series.

The reviews claiming that 0 was indicative of the franchise's future if they didn't go with BIO4 do a good job of talking out their assholes. Surely it can't be because 0 was developed by TOSE, whose other entries in the series (GS, CV) pale in comparison to the games actually developed by CAPCOM.

Not to mention that the director Koji Oda (who didn't direct any other title in the series) unilaterally decided to incorporate more elements from Sweet Home that didn't translate well in modern game design and served only to annoy and even warrant the creation of a whole new unintended area just to prevent the player from suffering from the same critical design flaw in CV that would make it impossible or severely difficult and annoying to progress due to not having access to weapons and items if they dropped them earlier in the game.

Most of the monsters in RE0 are
mutations, not T-Virus. The apes aren't even directly infected, they're the offspring of the infected.

Untrue. It was impossible to create a B.O.W. with the Progenitor Virus. The file you're referring to is actually talking about the developmental t-Virus which Marcus had yet to apply the Tyrant name to since it was incomplete and imperfect. In September 1977, Marcus discovered that leeches adapted favorably to the Progenitor Virus and decided to incorporate leech DNA into the virus and test it on other hosts. The file is the result of that experiment.

The localization (which I doubt they so much as attempted to fix) creates a plot hole between this game and CV.

This file was written in 1969.

Soon, research results began to appear, and variants of the Progenitor Virus came to be generally called T-Virus.

In 0's English localization, this is what a file written in 1977 says:

September 19th
At last...I've discovered a way to build a new virus type with "Progenitor" as a base.
Mixing it with leech DNA was the breakthrough I needed...
I call this new virus t, for "tyrant".

What it actually says in the original script:

September 19
At last...
The prospect of developing a new virus strain using "Progenitor" as the base is in sight.
As a result of various experiments, combining it with leech DNA became the decisive factor.
This will serve as the first "t" breakthrough.
It will be the first improved strain of "Progenitor."

Marcus never named the t-Virus. It was actually named by Edward Ashford, a fact confirmed in Wesker's Report II:

To be sure, Edward Ashford was one of the discoverers of the Progenitor Virus and was possibly a great scientist who laid the foundation for the t-Virus Project.

The translators of this series are basically all terrible at even the most basic sentences and use any opportunity they can to try and flaunt their faux-knowledge.


People were calling RE0 outdated even back in 2002. A change up was inevitable...who knew it would be GOAT contender RE4 tho

The change up was brilliant. sorry that some people see it as a win/lose since it changed the genre, but they really did raise the bar upon release with that one.


The change up was brilliant. sorry that some people see it as a win/lose since it changed the genre, but they really did raise the bar upon release with that one.

It raised the bar so God damn high, there hasn't been a better action game made since.
No way. They needed to lead with one of the best RE's to essentially reboot interest in old school RE's. It's the reason why they could justify spending more money on remastering RE Zero and remaking RE2. All of that would've fallen flat on its face if they'd led with a bad RE like RE Zero.

And this shows why:

People were calling RE0 outdated even back in 2002. A change up was inevitable...who knew it would be GOAT contender RE4 tho

Instead of putting the blame on a poor implementation of the RE formula, people just blame the formula instead. Never mind that REmake came out on the GC half a year earlier and was incredible.


You are a madman.

Its a great game but no where near the immensely well placed RE 4.

I just really love that game. One thing I do prefer about RE4 though is how it felt more like an adventure.
While the level structure is nice for replaying and getting ranks. It still feel more fragmented because of it.
Even though it makes sense that they're not going to the same places in africa and such.
And this shows why:

Instead of putting the blame on a poor implementation of the RE formula, people just blame the formula instead. Never mind that REmake came out on the GC half a year earlier and was incredible.

Yep, it's mostly folks who can't wrap their head around tank controls or separate developer choices from the potential of the genre. Taking advantage of the duel sticks will likely alleviate most of the issues modern players might have if the devs do right by ot.

Saying something similar about the TR games getting stale would call down the mob, so don't see what excuses one over the other in that line of thought.

I hope REmake2 is well marketed to the same level as RE5&6 so that the audience can decide for themselves whether or not those games are wanted, rather than a quiet release like these remasters where only the core audience knows and gives a shit. It selling well will hopefully end the whole only action sells, so fuck your survival horror attitude quite a number of modern fans have. The series deserves a healthy mix.


I hope REmake2 is well marketed to the same level as RE5&6 so that the audience can decide for themselves whether or not those games are wanted, rather than a quiet release like these remasters where only the core audience knows and gives a shit.

I love classic RE, but lets be honest: it doesn't have the wide appeal that the new action oriented titles got. I think RE 5 still stands as the most successful Capcom title.
I actually prefer it over 1. Though I love both obviously.

well dino 2 was more action oriented like re5.

i personally loved dino one and re play it all the time. but can't with 2.

re 5 was good bc i played 360 co-op had hours and hours of fun with it. human Wesker was awesome mid boss. (ending was stupid)

but single player i didn't like it as much and felt re 4 was a better single player game.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I love classic RE, but lets be honest: it doesn't have the wide appeal that the new action oriented titles got. I think RE 5 still stands as the most successful Capcom title.

RE2 might stand a better chance. RE2 has some nostalgia factor going for it, it was the highest selling retro survival-horror game of all time, it sold almost 5 million copies (Capcom's current sales numbers says it has sold 4,960,000 copies at the time of writing) and is in Capcom's top 5 best selling games of all time.


The hate on 0 is strong around here...

I always thought the game, while not being as good as REmake, is definitely worth checking out for any RE fans out there.

I never really liked the item management mechanics in it, but hey, it was a new approach to make a difference to the good ol' item box, it wasn't my jazz but I still look at it with a 'why not?' approach.

Story was solid for what it was, as far as I'm concerned. It's RE anyway so it's hard to take anything seriously. Wait until the ridiculousness reaches climax by making Wesker coming back in RE7. :lol
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