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Resident Evil 6: Bro-Splosion Announced, Nov 20 PS3/360, PC Later, PR/Trailer In OP

riposte made the comparison first, i believe. it's a valid one though.
Definitely. It's a shame Vanquish didn't sell better, because those specifics mechanics were brilliant and could fit well into other TPS (obviously toned down to be less absurd). If RE6 is extremely well received, it could have a huge impact in how TPS games play in the future.


I think it'll make for three well contained four hour-ish co-op campaigns. Single player wise I think it'd be unfortunate.

Yeah this is my guess. RE5 is very short if you skip the cutscenes. I remember that in 5 if you skip them the game lasts under 5 hours. If you play with your weapons with unlimited weapons then skip everything then the game can be cleared under 3 hours.

It will probably have a structure like 5 if it's uses mandatory coop.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
We get it thetrin. You love this game. If Capcom paid you, you could be their pitchman for this game. How bout this I tell all my friends to get RE 6 simply because a guy from NeoGAF named thetrin said so. In case you hadn't noticed, there are people who are excited about this game and people who are not. Deal with it.

I apologize for this, but you are all over the wall about this topic.

Really? There's a bunch of people saying how the series is spiraling downward and he just said he's a fan of the old games and the new. There's nothing wrong with that, and I'm the same way. I'm sorry that we aren't shitting all over a great looking game based off a 3 minute trailer, and are able to express it in a way without insulting people who have different opinions.
Depressing to see the amount of folks who seem to take more interest in the frustration of fans of the series than the actual trailer.

Let me put it simply; if I want to play a third person shooter, I have quite a variety of titles to choose from, made by devs very talented in the genre. Why the fuck do I have to see RE ride the cover-shooter wave for no reason other than Capcom is too scared to make a TPS without an established IP? Fuck that. Make a Resident Evil game or make a TPS with a new franchise. Of course, with Capcom's retarded executives, there's only one way for this to go: make a TPS and slap the Resident Evil name on it.

Am I getting through to any of you? But hey, continue to express your mirth over the 'whiners' or whatever.
Pretty much this right here.

Lots of folks already have a literal sea of those action type games. Why is it so bad that RE fans of the classics(shit, most people were happy with the Leon section looking like RE4, most didn't mention 0,1,2,3 or CV) want a game in that vein? Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. I'd understand all the hyperbole about rabid RE fans if the roles were reversed, but come the fuck on people...
People who bitch about Resident Evil regressing into an action-driven and "dumbed down" or whatever term they want to use kind of game are passionate about their classic RE but forget one very important fact; they are the vocal minority. Classic RE like REmake, 2, CVX or Zero is dead. It's over, done etc. If Capcom would return to the classic RE formula? Son, I'd take that sucker and would go downtown with it. DOWN-FUCKING-TOWN. The thing is, nobody wants a game like that anymore. The current market has no interest in fixed camerapoints, tank controls or stuff where you need ink ribbons to save your game. Also itemboxes.

Me? I like RE 4. Think RE 5's okay. But man, am I excited about RE 6? Leon part hellll yes.
It sucks because Resident Evil was a 40 million seller before RE5 ever appeared on the scene. I guess folks like us who provided for the foundation and 75% of the remaining building are now not even worthy of a titles like the old ones.

It'd be cool if they approached the idea of classic styled Resident Evil games using smaller budgets. I mean... could they complain if they could get something like 2 million sales off the classic styled games with a smaller budget? I guess everything is a race to five million now...


Pretty wild trailer. Not sure what to think about all of this, to be perfectly honest. Gotta sit on it for a few days, I suppose...
There's a difference between acting like RE was something deep and complex, and thinking that RE4 was a great game that combined action and horror and that RE5 went too far into the action category (and was a mediocre game overall), and that the trailer seems to show that same unfavorable trend continuing.
Honestly RE5 was just disappointing for me since it felt like a rehash of RE4 and had an emphasis on a gameplay mechanic (co-op) which is naturally going to make any horror-elements of the game less horrific when you have a buddy to play with.

This game still seems to be focusing on the action-side of things, but honestly this trailer seems to be an indication its moving away from what RE5 did wrong. You have the return of zombies and other mutant enemies instead of RE4 and 5's humanoid ganandos (besides the soldiers/terrorists you can see Chris' group fighting). Even more importantly the settings we've seen seem to lend themselves much more to that dreary, unsettling and claustrophobic feeling the older RE games achieved as opposed to RE4 and especially 5's wide-open, sunny, almost 'arena'-like locations. Even the city and Russia areas seem more confined and restrictive due to piled up cars, fires ablaze everywhere and it being pitch-black night-time (besides the Russian town, and that still very much embodies 'dreary').

Out of all the dumb shit RE5 pulled removing the emphasis on puzzles was one of the more forward-thinking things. There are better ways to encourage exploration in a horror game than 'find X on opposite side of the map, find where to put X in Y hole, gain access to new area/weapon/item to put into another hole'.

I know being open-arms about this is almost as foolish as instantly damning it and I'm not a fan of RE5 either, but I honestly felt this trailer gave me more hope for RE6 than anxiety. The talk about the lack of puzzles is particularly dumb; it felt like padding in the earlier games and in RE4 it felt like it was there for the sake of there being puzzles in a RE game.


don't ask me for codes
It's a trailer.

Trailers are meant to be exciting.

Action is exciting.

That doesn't mean the whole game is comprised of over-the-top action.

This. I'll bet 50 quadloos that we'll get to see gameplay footage which will illustrate that quite nicely with more tension-building moments.


Is that
Steve Burnside

I know he's supposed to be dead, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually revived him. Plus it seems his blood is special…


Honestly, I think that's what the fans wanted for some time: A game with all the main characters go to war against the monsters in a city.

And this new enviroment looks like the racoon city from residente evil 1.5 BTW.

Actually I think fans wanted to see the assault on Umbrella HQ. Instead that got tossed into some text in RE4 and a light gun shooter.

I'm not outraged by this since I've been done with RE for awhile now. I don't know why anyone is surprised by how RE6 is turning out.

This whole "times change you should like everything Capcom craps out" mindset is bullshit.

I liked for the original RE games for specific reasons. All of that has been jettisoned and the name is really the only thing that remains. I am perfectly within in my rights not to care about new games in the series.


Exactly, RE was never scary.

It had its share of jump scares, but I always went immune to those pretty quick,especially when they're telegraphed so blatantly! Otherwise, despite limited ammo it's just hard to make me afraid when I'm special forces op with 6 guns on me and everything else is so very tame.

And now I've just realized I've been making this same remark against RE for over a decade on gaming age, and that is very sad! Maybe I'm just uppity about horror again since I think corpse party just scarred me for life.

Anyhow, the best part of re5 was the classical styled dlc, the mood was better, the aesthetic was better, so I hope they can blend old and new better because I do like the co op and some of the modern trappings add a lot for me.
Pretty much it right here.

Lots of folks already have a literal sea of those types of games. Why is it so bad that RE fans of the classics(shit, most people were happy with the Leon section looking like RE4, most didn't mention 0,1,2,3 or CV) want a game in that vein? Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.

It sucks because RE4 was a 40 million seller before RE5 ever appeared on the scene. I guess folks like us how provided for the foundation and 75% of the remaining building are now not even worthy of a titles like the old ones.

It'd be cool if they approached the idea of classic styled Resident Evil games using smaller budgets. I mean... could they complain if they could get something like 2 million sales off the classic styled games with a smaller budget? I guess everything is a race to five million now...

i don't think you could make a full on classic styled RE with a small budget. the series has always had high production values.

and again... Revelations. Capcom isn't ignoring the fans that don't like the more action oriented turn. you're getting a game more in that vein (albeit not completely in that vein, but certainly more in that vein than 4) in two weeks.


Plane Escape Torment
Man, not feeling this at all. For me, I feel Resident Evil needs to go back to isolation and survival horror, none of this action horror crap. They keep trying to up the stakes in the wrong direction...
Hmm, I'm interested, but kind of worried about the final section which looks more focused on melee. Not sure if that's going to work well with the camera Resident Evil generally has and had in the trailer, but it could be interesting to have a more melee focused zombie game.

Leon parts look good, Chris parts do not to me, but that's been rehashed a lot already in this thread.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Guessing the places would be Russia, China, Brazil, and wherever Tall Oaks is.

I also missed the part Ada would be back *dances*.


It'd be cool if they approached the idea of classic styled Resident Evil games using smaller budgets. I mean... could they complain if they could get something like 2 million sales off the classic styled games with a smaller budget? I guess everything is a race to five million now...
I'm not sure about the paragraphs above that (RE4 did not sell 40 million copies, practically nothing ever has), but is RE:R not what you're talking about pretty much? They can't make an RE6 with the budget it has and only sell two million copies, but something like RE:R has a much smaller budget, they can afford to appease a smaller market.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
So I guess other people also think it almost looks western-made outside the cut scenes?

Or at least it tries hard to immitate that.

Dunno if I want yet but hey, PC version, cool.

New Leon reminds me of me of new Silent Hill guy...
Let me guess they ditched the females and are using Hulk sized chris and Leon to A) appeal to a western "dude bro" audience (despite the fact the first seven RE games sold gangbuster without trying so hard) and B) because they want to keep emulating RE 4 and RE 5.

Forget the sonic cycle, its more like the Resident Evil cycle


I'll be damned, the new Dante is in there. (Sorry, I had to, lol)


OR maybe just maybe, they like different things than you do.

I never understood why some feel the need to put others down, I think twilight is dumb as fuck and stupid but I'm not going to act like I'm better than it's fanbase. Sure I don't get why anyone would like that shit but fuck they could say the same thing about Pokemon or something else I like.

Different Strokes for Different Folks. I'm not saying you can't voice your dissapointment but when it gets to the lol Dudebro bullshit that has run rampant on this board, it's when I get pissed a bit. (and no I don't play COD...I don't even like FPS's but I don't trash that fanbase).

It just reeks of Gamefaqs bullshit that I though I had left in the past

That high minded philosophy is very noble, but to extend the analogy, imagine that your favorite literary series suddenly started including sparkly vampires and bad teenage romance and went on to sell far better than it ever had before as Twilight acolytes lapped up the new direction and became the new fanbase while you were left out in the cold. You would be unhappy, and you would correctly identify the Twilight fans as the impetus for this unhappy turn of events.

The people protesting the new trend know that they are a vocal minority on the losing side of a battle. In a perfect world everyone would get the games they like. We don't live in a perfect world. The DudeBros are now the mainstream and content creators are taking notice. If the vocal minority refuses to be vocal, it risks utter and complete irrelevance. The problem is not just one game or one publisher. They're just going where the money is.

The problem is the DudeBros.
Man, not feeling this at all. For me, I feel Resident Evil needs to go back to isolation and survival horror, none of this action horror crap. They keep trying to up the stakes in the wrong direction...

Let me guess they ditched the females and are using Hulk sized chris and Leon to A) appeal to a western "dude bro" audience (despite the fact the first seven RE games sold gangbuster without trying so hard) and B) because they want to keep emulating RE 4 and RE 5.

Forget the sonic cycle, its more like the Resident Evil cycle

except the RE games are always good and the sonic games are always bad.


Graphics look good, it seems like it's action packed yet the trailer left me unimpressed. And this is coming from a huge RE fan.


It sucks because Resident Evil was a 40 million seller before RE5 ever appeared on the scene. I guess folks like us who provided for the foundation and 75% of the remaining building are now not even worthy of a titles like the old ones.

It'd be cool if they approached the idea of classic styled Resident Evil games using smaller budgets. I mean... could they complain if they could get something like 2 million sales off the classic styled games with a smaller budget? I guess everything is a race to five million now...
I don't think there is such a thing as a smaller budgeted RE game :) Well, the railshooters excluded.

I understand the longing for classic RE, but I think some series can't afford to be left behind because the old-school fans want them too. The premise and power of the IP would be a waste not to modernise in this day and age.


benevolent sexism
RE5 was such a massive disappointment to me because I was expecting an experience like RE4, but with better graphics. It did not deliver. This game looks different enough from previous REs that I can approach it without expectations and I am okay with that.

Gotta agree with StuBurns that there are aspects of the visuals that don't look as good as RE5, but this is the very first trailer after all.

Also, they made Leon into a man. Like Sawyer, from Lost. I am okay with that too. Maybe. He's kind of weird looking.
i don't think you could make a full on classic styled RE with a small budget. the series has always had high production values.

and again... Revelations. Capcom isn't ignoring the fans that don't like the more action oriented turn. you're getting a game more in that vein (albeit not completely in that vein, but certainly more in that vein than 4) in two weeks.
We shall see about Revelations. Moving on to the classic style... RE0 and REmake pretty much got it down to a formula. What could be better than the pre rendered backgrounds, high poly character/monster models and classic gameplay? They certainly have characters who don't see much use and it'd be a good way to get some money out of them.
I'm not sure about the paragraphs above that (RE4 did not sell 40 million copies, practically nothing ever has), but is RE:R not what you're talking about pretty much? They can't make an RE6 with the budget it has and only sell two million copies, but something like RE:R has a much smaller budget, they can afford to appease a smaller market.
Read the edit. RE had sold about 46 million last time I checked which means it should have peaked about just over 40 million before RE5 was made. It was plenty successful as a series before they had to resort to action. I do think change was needed and RE4 struck just about the best balance you could strike in this industry.

I'll make sure to check out Revelations down the road, but they released it on the wrong platform if they were hoping to cater to those fans. I don't have a 3DS and I'm pretty sure that making it a first year title on a Nintendo handheld that looked DOOMED at first didn't exactly make RE fans go out and buy the system in anticipation. Still, I'll make sure to give it a whirl down the road when I buy the 3DS revision. Mario Kart 7 pretty much guarantees that I'll have the system in my hands sooner or later.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Youtube said:
It has been ten years since the incident at Raccoon City and the President of the United States has decided to reveal the truth behind what took place. Raccoon City survivor and personal friend of the President, Leon S. Kennedy, arrives to find the President transformed beyond recognition by a bioterrorist attack. Leon is forced to make the hardest decision he has ever made.

Bio0-3: 1998
BioCVX:1998(? Who cares, Code Veronica sucks, deal with it nerds)
Bio4/6: 2008
Bio5: 2009(? Or is it 08? Forget)

Seems Capcom is tending for this to be the end of the 2008 storyline before moving into 2013 I guess.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Graphics look good, it seems like it's action packed yet the trailer left me unimpressed. And this is coming from a huge RE fan.

What would have impressed you? I mean that seriously.
I'm wanting this to be good. The trailer has a lot going on and 1 or 2 females that I don't recognize, plus a new guy. I just hope it's better than 5 and as good as 4.


Gold Member
Is that
Steve Burnside

I know he's supposed to be dead, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually revived him. Plus it seems his blood is special…

Well we know Albert took his body to possibly revive him and further experimentation. Plus he was a vessel/host for the T-Veronica virus which Wesker obviously needed.

It would be an awesome comeback if it proves to be him.



3DS owners compared to PS3/360 owners is small. Thats why ambassador logos on avatars is a thing. Its natural that people would not know, also Nintendo doesn't DO demos so idk what that whole sentence is about... Lol.


Well we know Albert took his body to possibly revive him and further experimentation. Plus he was a vessel/host for the T-Veronica virus which Wesker obviously needed.

It would be an awesome comeback if it proves to be him.
I think Capcom should stop introducing new characters and work with what they already established…


I'll make sure to check out Revelations down the road, but they released it on the wrong platform if they were hoping to cater to those fans. I don't have a 3DS and I'm pretty sure that making it a first year title on a Nintendo handheld that looked DOOMED at first didn't exactly make RE fans go out and buy the system in anticipation. Still, I'll make sure to give it a whirl down the road when I buy the 3DS revision. Mario Kart 7 pretty much guarantees that I'll have the system in my hands sooner or later.
Being on a handheld is what allows it to be both 'AAA' for it's platform, and be produced for a smaller budget, and being a high profile exclusive for a new platform means plenty of co-marketing which reduces the marketing budget.

If Capcom wanted to make a straight up survival horror game today with the production quality the series is known for, the 3DS was the perfect platform to do it on.
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