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Resident Evil 6 DEMO VER. Thread: Capcom's final chance for redemption


Only played it once last night and the control is hard to get use to, it was fine until I try to be fancy and use the roll and shooting on the floor, aiming is a bit awkward due to the character's size and height, using Sherry feels great compare to Chris. There's a bit of clunkiness due to the nature of the game but I might handle the characters better once I get use to the controls.

Can't really judge it yet since I don't think I was too familiar with it even after beating it once, I pretty much just punched everything to death when I was using Chris.
Disappointed that it is the same shitbox E3 demo on PS3.

Won't be getting it, even though I have the DD code.

well, if the demo is shareable, we could setup one of those famous share beta/demo accounts for it, if you want of course.

Can anyone confirm if it can be shared?


This was the worst thing I've played the entire generation with the exception of Grand Theft Auto IV.

Peace out, Resident Evil... you haven't been great since RE4, but at least RE5 was playable.


Wow, the way people are talking about this made me expect this to be the worst thing ever. Contrary to this, I had a blast with the demo. Maybe it's because I was playing co-op with my friend from the start. Either way I'm loving the improvements. I especially enjoy the fact that there's a melee button now.

I think I had the most fun with Chris' part solo and Jake's part co-op. Leon's part was pretty awful but it did just seem like a slow intro part so I'll give his section the benefit of the doubt.
Wow, the way people are talking about this made me expect this to be the worst thing ever. Contrary to this, I had a blast with the demo. Maybe it's because I was playing co-op with my friend from the start. Either way I'm loving the improvements. I especially enjoy the fact that there's a melee button now.

I think I had the most fun with Chris' part solo and Jake's part co-op. Leon's part was pretty awful but it did just seem like a slow intro part so I'll give his section the benefit of the doubt.
Wait.... So the PS3 demo version has co-op? The Xbox 360 version didn't had co-op mode if i remember correctly.
Some people are saying it's great!!
Some people are saying it's shit!!

I'm excited to play it. Also worried, but more excited.

I frankly REALLY dig what their shooting for here ....which is A LOT

The demo is clearly not final. Framerate/tech is mostly solid (vsync goes A LONG WAY in my book) and camera didn't bother really me either ....if anything I thought it was pretty interesting from an artistic standpoint
Impressions from a Dutch game journo on another forum. He's playing a review copy. Can't say much due to an NDA, but it's promising stuff.

I'm playing Leon's campaign as we speak. I'm about six hours in and it's brilliant.

It's still not as good (or focused) as RE4 (mainly because, like most Mikami games, it was only concerned with being a proper video game, whereas RE6 is also trying to be a more cinematic experience) but it's already miles better than RE5. If only for the fact that coop AI is MUCH less annoying than Shiva.

A day later:

Leon's campaign is SO good <3 God, I want to tell you guys so much.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I said it in the other thread... in a longer version... but I think they could solve the control problems people are having by adding a camera option that binds it to the player's back. Something similar to RE5 but now with the addition of shoulder switching and move+shoot.

I like being able to move the camera around the player, but this is what's causing the jank problems.

Could be an option. Just like RE5.

There's also an issue of jank when you use the sprint button... it weirds the camera out for a spit second and causes some issues. This was even in RE5, so it's something that probably wouldn't be fixed, even if they bound the camera to the character, but I think it'd be dampened a bit.

I really love the game so far, but I completely understand the complaints. I don't think the issue is how close the camera is... it's really more a fact its unwieldiness (rotation around the player) causes the player to often get in the way, especially when things get chaotic. Binding the camera would fix this.

Probably won't get done... but that's how you solve the issues people are having, imo. As far as a quick fix.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
This was the worst thing I've played the entire generation with the exception of Grand Theft Auto IV.

Peace out, Resident Evil... you haven't been great since RE4, but at least RE5 was playable.

My God, the hyperbole in this thread is reaching critical mass.

I didn't play the demo, and don't intend to as I have the game pre-ordered, but come on people. You might not have liked the demo, but to make sweeping comments like this is just ridiculous.


My God, the hyperbole in this thread is reaching critical mass.

I didn't play the demo, and don't intend to as I have the game pre-ordered, but come on people. You might not have liked the demo, but to make sweeping comments like this is just ridiculous.

Well, I'm one of the biggest RE fan and I kind of ... feel that too :(

The game is not fun at all judging from many standpoint.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Well, I'm one of the biggest RE fan and I kind of ... feel that too :(

The game is not fun at all judging from many standpoint.

That's probably because you're expecting old-school RE. You are never getting old-school RE, you are going to get more action-oriented RE4/5-style RE. In that sense I think this game succeeds, but again I speak from a position of not having played the demo.
Played the PS3 Chris demo and I enjoyed it. The HUD and UI is pretty awesome. They need to fix the blur in the foreground when in cover.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
My God, the hyperbole in this thread is reaching critical mass.

I didn't play the demo, and don't intend to as I have the game pre-ordered, but come on people. You might not have liked the demo, but to make sweeping comments like this is just ridiculous.

Having played the demo... I can see how people might be incredibly put off by it. The controls feel floaty, loose, chaotic especially in Chris' section. Now once you learn what you can do and have a little muscle memory things get better. The game plays better each time you retry it.

The free camera is really the main issue. The actual controls are good, the aiming feels on point like all the modern RE games, even the cover system is good when you get a feel for it.

The free camera unfortunately adds in a bunch of jank. And then you have the sprint that wants to pull camera control away from you for a second... it can mess with you and make things more cumbersome than they need to be.

Imo this is 100% a camera control issue (not a camera position issue). I think it's been misdiagnosed. Capcom moving the camera back won't really fix the problems.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I can see how that might be an issue. As annoying as the controls in RE5 were when you first started playing it, the camera was never an issue. I always knew exactly where I was going and never had to fight it. I'll have to wait and see how the camera in RE6 functions.


Yeah, you definitely need to keep playing it. As with any game, it feels better once you get the hang of the little nuances. A good example would be playing the Jake & Sherry segment against Ustanak. I was getting steamrolled over and over by that guy and once you die in the demo you have to start over. After about the 6th attempt, I took my time, ran around and played with the controls until I got the hang of running, dodging and rolling and took him out with ease using remote bombs.

No, the third person controls are not even close to the best I ever played. But it sure as hell is an improvement for Resident Evil and I'll take it over wonky-ass tank controls where you can't even move and shoot any day. Even the sluggish and archaic controls of RE4 did not stop it from being a masterpiece. However, after RE5 people noted how dated that control scheme was starting to feel, so they addressed it. Again, the controls are certainly not the best, but it is still an improvement.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I guess the main issue is that if they give you the controls of a TPS, then the game will play like a TPS vs. a survival-horror wannabe. Meh, maybe I will download the public demo so I can get used to the controls before the game releases.

Damn you Capcpcom!!


I guess the main issue is that if they give you the controls of a TPS, then the game will play like a TPS vs. a survival-horror wannabe. Meh, maybe I will download the public demo so I can get used to the controls before the game releases.

Damn you Capcpcom!!

I don't know. I think the atmosphere and being swarmed by the hideous looking character models will give off more than enough of a horror vibe. According to previews, there are times when you are always running low on ammo as well, so that is a plus. Sure, we have the melee abilities, but I could still tell from the Leon segment especially that this is very much RE... only it looks and plays better than ever.

One could argue that not being able to move and shoot adds claustrophobia and tension, but I am in the camp where I think they should have improved the archaic gameplay and put more focus on atmosphere, production value and enemy encounters instead. From the small taste the demo provided, the game looks like it is going to do that for me in spades.

Is the gameplay perfect? Heck no, but it is a definite step up and feels like a more modern RE, which I can't hate on. As the times keep rolling on and I don't want it to stay in the past and play exactly like dated games of years gone by. I'll take any step forward over stagnation.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Got the Asian demo, hope it's palatable.


That's probably because you're expecting old-school RE. You are never getting old-school RE, you are going to get more action-oriented RE4/5-style RE. In that sense I think this game succeeds, but again I speak from a position of not having played the demo.

No, while I like old-school more. I never refuse action oriented RE. I finished RE4 on original GC, then PS2 then Wii and even PC version. That game was the masterpiece. I didn't enjoy RE5 as much as I want due to the dull design in many parts. But still had a good time with it. Especially Co-op with friend.

When I say RE6 DEMO is not fun. It's not because the game doesn't have a great atmostphere or bad presentation. It's already outdone RE5 in that aspect even from the small demo. But I had a hard time fighting with the control and the camera. It made me play each campaign 3-4 times (also trying with switch character) before I start to get used to everything. Surely saying it's not fun is a bit overeaction. But I never find any demo which has such a bad first impression like this game. It's totally different experience when I got my hand on RE4 first time (I bought Capcom Magazine from japan just to get that demo, and I don't even live in japan).

I have a really bad feeling about Eiicho Sasaki, the director of this game. He has a very weird taste since RE Outbreak. And I'm scare that he change things just because he feels it right, when it might be totally wrong for the player. This one thing about close camera that I never understand why in the world he need to change it. It's perfectly fine in RE4/5. This is the first time I feel very clunky controlling the character, and it comes from a guy who play every single RE just fine. Something must be terribly wrong. Or maybe it's just me, I don't know ...

Still looking forward the full game though. My RE blood is just too much.
If the camera isn't accurate to what it is now then I'm not sure how representative the game is to the final product. An awful camera can make any game terrible in a hurry. Not sure what there mindset was with it.

News Bot

I have a really bad feeling about Eiicho Sasaki, the director of this game. He has a very weird taste since RE Outbreak. And I'm scare that he change things just because he feels it right, when it might be totally wrong for the player. This one thing about close camera that I never understand why in the world he need to change it. It's perfectly fine in RE4/5. This is the first time I feel very clunky controlling the character, and it comes from a guy who play every single RE just fine. Something must be terribly wrong. Or maybe it's just me, I don't know ...

The only things he has really changed is modernizing the controls and making the camera "free", while adjusting the aiming camera (initially badly, now correctly). Like it or not, BH4 is pretty dated for many people just like BH1 ended up being. A lot of the criticism against BH5 was that it was too much like its predecessor and didn't alter the controls very much (outside of the strafe option).

I have no idea how the atrocious camera slipped in, but they changed it as soon as they received criticism from many the first time they actually showed it.


The only things he has really changed is modernizing the controls and making the camera "free", while adjusting the aiming camera (initially badly, now correctly). Like it or not, BH4 is pretty dated for many people just like BH1 ended up being. A lot of the criticism against BH5 was that it was too much like its predecessor and didn't alter the controls very much (outside of the strafe option).

I have no idea how the atrocious camera slipped in, but they changed it as soon as they received criticism from many the first time they actually showed it.

I don't deny modern TPS control scheme. That thing is fine in Dead Space and I even thought RE should adopt it. Somehow RE6 feel a lot more loose than DS. Maybe the bad camera play the part. I heard that they have already pull it out and may have it configurable via options. But you know, different camera setting could change the game dynamic so much. Hopefully the team know what they do rather than do it because the negative feedback from the fan.

News Bot

It probably feels more loose because you haven't adjusted the camera/aiming speed in options, so when you move the analog, it goes mental.


The only things he has really changed is modernizing the controls and making the camera "free"

I dunno. It is a very different game from RE4/5. There isn't a vast amount of the original left. I think this is what trips people up - they think it is a bad implementation of RE4 rather than its own thing.


It probably feels more loose because you haven't adjusted the camera/aiming speed in options, so when you move the analog, it goes mental.

I did ... 7 for aimimg speed and 8 for camera (or other way around. Cant remember). That way it play better for me. Still not as perfect as RE4. But maybe i should not compare that ...


Leon's demo scenario had the best atmosphere, but I really didnt get to mess with the zombies too much...which was unfortunate. The lightning strikes shouldnt make your character flinch though. If anything, they should be random and make the actual player flinch once or twice. Making Leon stop just takes the surprise aspect out of it.

Chris' scenario...well just didnt seem that interesting, and like others, my main complaint centers with the camera being far to close. That is fixed in the most recent/retail version right?

I actually had the most fun with Jake's scenario. Trying to figure out what exactly was chasing us, and coming to grips with the dodge/dive system the game uses, made the last fight pretty fun and fast paced in that "fighting for your life" kind of way.

Of course, just like the RE5, Dead Space 1, and Revelations demo (or even as far back as games such as FFVII and VIII), you dont really come away satisfied since it's really hard to put together a demo for a survival horror or RPG game...but retail should turn out just fine.

Is it just me, or do you not seem to get much physical feedback from shooting enemies in different body parts anymore?


I dunno. It is a very different game from RE4/5. There isn't a vast amount of the original left. I think this is what trips people up - they think it is a bad implementation of RE4 rather than its own thing.

DISCLAIMER: I'm usually not this picky/judgmental about a game, but Resident Evil was an important franchise to me in the 90s so my standards/expectations are through the roof.

It's far more than just the unresponsiveness of the controls. All this camera talk is like the least of my issues with the game. I don't even want to hear that RE5 has its "own thing" going on either. If it DOES have its own feel then it's simply bad! RE5, and especially RE4, had a particular tightness to their controls. There was a certain satisfaction level to the pile drivers and head shot executions. The basics which make RE4&5 so much fun to play is missing. I NEVER expected them to fuck up the core elements of why the RE4 formula worked so well. Like I said, I don't know how old this demo is, but it certainly doesn't leave me with a good impression, especially since the game has gone gold and it's due out in a month.

Again, enemy hit detection feels totally off. Knifing enemies is so wrong too. If you are knifing an enemy and they die and you continue to knife them there is literally no feedback. You just swipe at the air and the zombie falls to the ground. Also, what's up with the visual flesh-change feedback? It looks REALLY weird! You knife them once and their torso gets ripped to shreds. What the fuck is this shit!?

The fire-fizzle enemy death animation sucks too. It just doesn't feel/look right to me. It's difficult for me to describe what's missing here. The best way to describe it is that it just doesn't feel good to kill an enemy. As I've said numerous times, it's UNSATISFYING. One of the most IMPORTANT elements of these post-RE4 games is enemy feedback and combat satisfaction. I know I'm repeating myself, but this demo provided none of that.

Chris's scenario was an abomination. How could ANYONE in their right mind think this was acceptable? Don't even get me started on the mash square button railing section. The whole thing was a giant headache for me. I CANNOT imagine how much padding there is going to be in this game. These scenarios are 3x+ the length of RE5's campaign? Jesus Christ. 6-7 hours playing as Chris in scenarios like that!? Oh my god... 0_0

Now, this is the ultimate broken record and I know NO ONE wants to hear this, but what can we expect from the level/scenario design, really? I know we are never getting "old school" RE back, but I'll continue to ask this, why not? How are all of you not sick of pressing circle up against coop doors? Why can't I fully explore that banquet hall building in Leon's scenario? Why is every other door locked? Why is every other hallway blocked off with furniture? You want to know why, because game design sucks shit today. Big budgeted games need to cater to a larger audience that couldn't care less if they were made to think. It's always gotta be GO, GO, GO! Skill points here and there! Instant gratification, all the time! If there is ANY sort of puzzle/scenario that makes you think it's practically insulting too for any seasoned player. God, I'm SO FUCKING OVER THIS.

But, it doesn't matter, does it? As long as you get your fix, right? It's something to sit down with and shoot the shit with your friends, correct? Resident Evil never used to be like this and I'm NEVER going to drop it either. What's insane about all of this too is that this game will probably sell shit loads, again, because it's coop, marketing, the Resident Evil brand, blah, blah, blah, etc. I just...I give up. I'm done.

Again, I know this sounds like every other disgruntled Capcom/RE fan, but it's just how I feel. I guess I'm a little envious of those who don't give it any thought and can just enjoy this shit for what it's worth. Resident Evil was and still is an important franchise to me. I grew up with these games and they mean a lot to me. I just don't want to accept that it has fallen this far, I guess. It doesn't have to be like this. =(

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
You know Yuterald, you may just enjoy Revelations on the 3DS. I haven't played it, but from what I can tell it's basically closer to old school RE than anything since RE4.

For what it's worth, I know how you feel. My favorite game in the series is REmake, and I have been hoping for a RE2make for years now. But at the same time, those games don't sell as well as RE4/5, and Capcom is a business after all. It is hard for them to justify making an old school RE to their shareholders when they have a formula that is so successful.

It sucks, but that's life. On the plus side, I'm pretty sure we will be seeing some more old school RE, either through remakes or side games such as Revelations on other systems/handhelds.


I dunno. It is a very different game from RE4/5. There isn't a vast amount of the original left. I think this is what trips people up - they think it is a bad implementation of RE4 rather than its own thing.

RE4 was very much its own thing compared to the RE games before it, and it felt fantastic.

RE6 feels like dog shit. It's not only a bad implementation of RE4, it's just bad.

Hopefully the September 18th demo changes my mind on this. I want to like this game.
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