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RESIDENT EVIL 6 |OT| No Trope Left

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT95XCtDAZs - Duo in High Seas. 150 combo. It's got commentary which is a little bit messy (there were 2 other guys in the skype call too who were in their own session playing Jake campaign).

I was thinking of posting this is in the other thread too, but it's not actually that good of an example of how to use the various mechanics in the game.

That's pretty cool man, I think I'll jump onto Mercs tonight for the first time. Just gotta wait until I get home from work lol. To unlock Sherry I just need to get a B ranking on Mining the Depths, correct? If anyone would like to show me the ropes I would appreciate it, since I haven't touched that mode yet.
Just started playing the Jake campaign last night as I'm going through chronologically. Still very much enjoying this game and hope the tide is turning on the hate train.


benevolent sexism
Just to be clear, the guy he quoted simply said it was his favorite RE, not that it was the best, and he went on his rave from there.

But.. games are entertainment. People are entertained by different things. Some people might think a game is absolute dog shit, some people might think that same game is amazing. I do believe all games are equal because they all have the equal opportunity of entertaining someone. Anyone. Even just one person. If one person thinks a game is good, it's good. Majority opinion can't completely diminish minority opinion. Majority opinion might have more logical reasons for thinking the way they do, but the minority only needs one logical reason to make their idea valid.

There is no such thing as objectivity when it comes to man made anything. OCARINA OF TIME IS DA GREATEST EVAR!! is an opinion that a majority holds. It's not based on any objective unit of measure. Who could create such a unit? Surely not humans, because they'd then be creating the method of measurement along with what is being measured. How is there any objectivity?

To your first point, yes, I jumped in without knowing the whole background of the argument that was going on. I wasn't taking anyone's side, I just wanted to say something about subjective vs. objective language. If it looks like I was continuing someone else's argument, that wasn't my intention.

I see the value in appreciating a game if it makes even one person happy, but I can't extend that to the extreme relativist view that all games are equally good. I believe there are objective qualities of games that make them good, and hence some better than others. It's hard to talk about, and probably won't get anyone anywhere in an internet argument, but when I hear smart people talk about games on a podcast, for example, I don't ONLY want to hear whether it made them happy or sad, but what objective qualities of the design they see as facilitating their enjoyment or lack thereof. It's not so much about an objective yardstick for assessing whether a game is a 10 or 1, but rather pinpointing objective design elements and trying to figure out how our positive and negative experiences are linked to those elements.

As a thought experiment, imagine a game you like. Now imagine that same game but with some objective changes. Now it has a less coherent art style, worse textures, or slightly less responsive/reliable controls. Maybe the animations are worse. Or the sound effects fall flat. Now it has long load times that interrupt your sense of flow. If that game existed, I don't think anyone would have trouble declaring it to be worse than the original version of that game.


Hmm... Puzzles can be stupid, though.

Fourth campaign spoilers:
In Ada Ch. 2, I literally spent around two hours trying to figure out the hanging body puzzle. I was looking all over both rooms for some clue. I looked in the previous room at the three/four wrapped up bodies. I saw how some were paired together, one was alone, and the other was lying on the ground. I thought of this as a parallel for the solution in the puzzle room, telling me the locations of the hanging bodies I needed to shoot down. It also thought it could've been hinting at the amount of bodies I needed to bring down at once before they respawned. I saw the arrow drops as a hint to use arrows for some reason, so I was afraid to use anything besides that. I tried shooting the arrow-filled corpse in the next room (which was the next puzzle). I tried shooting each corpse in the puzzle room with three arrows like the one that was impaled. I tried shooting down each of the dark colored shirt corpses. I tried shooting down each of the gray colored shirt corpses. I tried standing on the central construction and shooting through the empty noose to see if that triggered anything. I tried shooting down corpses in all configurations. All the singles? Nope. Making the doubles into singles? Nope. Maybe I wasn't fast enough? Doing it all again super fast before they respawned? Nope. Oh, it's a weight seesaw puzzle! Okay. Now I'll shoot the lower hanging bodies so the higher hanging ones drop down and trigger the extra corpse that will land on the lever! Nope. Hm. That's weird. I'm pretty sure I've tried everything. What am I missing?

It went on like that for so freaking long before I realized you were just supposed to push the stupid podium. I hate puzzles.

I got the stuck not on that puzzle, but on the
pin zombies to a wall
one. I saw that
I had to pin the zombies to the wall with the crossbow, but because all of the zombies had armor, I naturally assumed I wouldn't be able to pin them by shooting them in the chest. Cue about 10 minutes of me trying to figure out what I had to do, including shooting them in the arms, legs, crotch and using up ALL of the bolts you can get from the hanging bodies before realizing what I had to do on the last one.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
To your first point, yes, I jumped in without knowing the whole background of the argument that was going on. I wasn't taking anyone's side, I just wanted to say something about subjective vs. objective language. If it looks like I was continuing someone else's argument, that wasn't my intention.

I see the value in appreciating a game if it makes even one person happy, but I can't extend that to the extreme relativist view that all games are equally good. I believe there are objective qualities of games that make them good, and hence some better than others. It's hard to talk about, and probably won't get anyone anywhere in an internet argument, but when I hear smart people talk about games on a podcast, for example, I don't ONLY want to hear whether it made them happy or sad, but what objective qualities of the design they see as facilitating their enjoyment or lack thereof. It's not so much about an objective yardstick for assessing whether a game is a 10 or 1, but rather pinpointing objective design elements and trying to figure out how our positive and negative experiences are linked to those elements.

As a thought experiment, imagine a game you like. Now imagine that same game but with some objective changes. Now it has a less coherent art style, worse textures, or slightly less responsive/reliable controls. Maybe the animations are worse. Or the sound effects fall flat. Now it has long load times that interrupt your sense of flow. If that game existed, I don't think anyone would have trouble declaring it to be worse than the original version of that game.

And I understand all of that. But clearly those factors affect some people and don't affect others. Hence they are subjective, as no norm or standard can be agreed upon.

Skyrim is the ultimate example. By your standards, it is completely and objectively broken. It is a broken game. A broken game that many people thought was the best game of the entire year, maybe even ever. Even though there were games that were objectively better, whether programming, graphics.. and not even technical aspects.. there were games with "objectively" better combat systems, better inventory systems, better loot systems, better random encounter systems.. and yet..

SKYRIM IS DA BEST!! is a perfectly valid opinion, and held by a majority of gamers. Wouldn't a Skyrim with all of those issues improved be objectively better? Yet there are those who think that the broken mess it is is good enough.

(this is a great discussion by the way, and I'm not trying to convince you that I'm totally right, nor do I feel your view is wrong, just talkin it out)


I really dislike the matchmaking for campaign stuff. When it comes to getting credit for a chapter, I remain very confused. Can't find the lobby I want so I am stuck playing previous chapters for partners.
Hmm... Puzzles can be stupid, though.

Fourth campaign spoilers:
In Ada Ch. 2, I literally spent around two hours trying to figure out the hanging body puzzle. I was looking all over both rooms for some clue. I looked in the previous room at the three/four wrapped up bodies. I saw how some were paired together, one was alone, and the other was lying on the ground. I thought of this as a parallel for the solution in the puzzle room, telling me the locations of the hanging bodies I needed to shoot down. It also thought it could've been hinting at the amount of bodies I needed to bring down at once before they respawned. I saw the arrow drops as a hint to use arrows for some reason, so I was afraid to use anything besides that. I tried shooting the arrow-filled corpse in the next room (which was the next puzzle). I tried shooting each corpse in the puzzle room with three arrows like the one that was impaled. I tried shooting down each of the dark colored shirt corpses. I tried shooting down each of the gray colored shirt corpses. I tried standing on the central construction and shooting through the empty noose to see if that triggered anything. I tried shooting down corpses in all configurations. All the singles? Nope. Making the doubles into singles? Nope. Maybe I wasn't fast enough? Doing it all again super fast before they respawned? Nope. Oh, it's a weight seesaw puzzle! Okay. Now I'll shoot the lower hanging bodies so the higher hanging ones drop down and trigger the extra corpse that will land on the lever! Nope. Hm. That's weird. I'm pretty sure I've tried everything. What am I missing?

It went on like that for so freaking long before I realized you were just supposed to push the stupid podium. I hate puzzles.

Ugn, same. I share your pain.
amazing how when I got a player to low hp, he simply opened the pad quickly and quit the game. Hunt failed.

what. hunt failed... because he quits? If anything, that's a successful hunt.

PS: I already blocked some users for such a behaviour (farmers at amateur level, quitters, etc)
So here's something that a little Interweb sleuthing has brought to my attention (via the rather sweet Resident Evil 5 artbook) -- apparently scenarios and sequences were taken from the Resident Evil 5 beta (4.5 I guess if you want to follow the numbering sequence of almost sequels) -- most interestingly certain sequences from
, which look almost the same from the tantalizing pictures from the artbook.

Oh and let's not forget this little baby, initially a form of Irving in Resident Evil 5 looks suspiciously like
Simmons's train battle
Leon's chapter 4
, though sadly not as cool as this concept art:

Fascinating that Capcom would continue to bring up canned concepts, but then the entire Progeniture Virus which was introduced in Resident Evil Zero was suppose to be a big plot point in Resident Evil 4 until Mikami kicked that to the curb only to have it regurgitated in Resident Evil 5 -- oh Capcom, keeping old ideas alive and kicking...
Just started playing the Jake campaign last night as I'm going through chronologically. Still very much enjoying this game and hope the tide is turning on the hate train.

Don't worry about the haters. As long as you like the game, that's all that matter. Capcom will do fine either way so I wouldn't worry about them either.
So here's something that a little Interweb sleuthing has brought to my attention (via the rather sweet Resident Evil 5 artbook) -- apparently scenarios and sequences were taken from the Resident Evil 5 beta (4.5 I guess if you want to follow the numbering sequence of almost sequels) -- most interestingly certain sequences from
, which look almost the same from the tantalizing pictures from the artbook.

Oh and let's not forget this little baby, initially a form of Irving in Resident Evil 5 looks suspiciously like
Simmons's train battle
Leon's chapter 4
, though sadly not as cool as this concept art:

Fascinating that Capcom would continue to bring up canned concepts, but then the entire Progeniture Virus which was introduced in Resident Evil Zero was suppose to be a big plot point in Resident Evil 4 until Mikami kicked that to the curb only to have it regurgitated in Resident Evil 5 -- oh Capcom, keeping old ideas alive and kicking...

Would have been so much better if they had it in 5.
I sure thought this was going to be how Chris defeated his final boss. thought they'd get back up to the oil rig and kill it with the harrier.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I finished the game yesterday, and I think that RE6 is the first RE game in well over a decade that I have no interest in replaying. Not even sure if I am going to bother with The Mercenaries, and I spent entirely too much time with RE5 Mercs and the 3DS version. Revelations was definitely the better RE game for me this year.

Leon and Ada had the best story modes. Chris's was OK-to-good, and Jake's just felt awful to me overall.


I finished the game yesterday, and I think that RE6 is the first RE game in well over a decade that I have no interest in replaying. Not even sure if I am going to bother with The Mercenaries, and I spent entirely too much time with RE5 Mercs and the 3DS version. Revelations was definitely the better RE game for me this year.

Leon and Ada had the best story modes. Chris's was OK-to-good, and Jake's just felt awful to me overall.

As someone was heavy into Mercs in RE5, RE6 destroys it.


As someone was heavy into Mercs in RE5, RE6 destroys it.

Agreed. I wish the campaign encounters were more like the Mercs ones. Larger open areas with more continuous waves of enemies. RE6 Mercs is the best yet, if it had more maps it would be worth the price of purchase on it's own.


I got the stuck not on that puzzle, but on the
pin zombies to a wall
one. I saw that
I had to pin the zombies to the wall with the crossbow, but because all of the zombies had armor, I naturally assumed I wouldn't be able to pin them by shooting them in the chest. Cue about 10 minutes of me trying to figure out what I had to do, including shooting them in the arms, legs, crotch and using up ALL of the bolts you can get from the hanging bodies before realizing what I had to do on the last one.

I was stuck on both those puzzles, but eventually figured out
I could push the switch in the hanging body room
. The other one, though, took me FOREVER.

I knew I had to use bolts because it kept giving me drops and the corpse stuck on the wall with bolts. I tried pinning the zombies to the wall, but it didn't look like it was working. Eventually I noticed that two of the zombies weren't moving anymore, and I thought that maybe I had pinned them to the wall. I zoomed in with the rifle, and, nope, no bolts sticking out of them. "Maybe they're glitched," I thought, because the last zombie was refusing to cooperate.

I eventually ran out of bolts and had to reset. Turns out, yeah, I was pinning those zombies to the wall. The bolts just inexplicably disappear after a bit. I thought that was a really bad design. It didn't even look like the zombies were suspended in the air, they looked like they were still touching the ground, just "dancing" and not moving.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Haha... counters are so awesome. I just let the zombie enemies swarm me and then destroy them.

I can even counter dogs now almost every time... but this sometimes is close to impossible when there's even the slightest lag.

Still earlier I played about 5 mins just off my counter time. Never picked up a time crystal.


Played Mercs for the first time last night. High Seas Fortress with Samurai Chris (who looks badass as hell, screw you Capcom for no campaign costumes) and Urban Chaos. I sucked with Chris though I didn't actually try, I just killed enemies and only got like 2 time things, wasn't really searching. 30k score, which is terrible but whatever.

On Urban Chaos I used Jake and got a 91k score. I figured this would be fine for an A but I still got a B. What are the score reqs? I imagine a 100k has to be an A. But Jake was pretty awesome to use, mainly because of his melee.


Haha... counters are so awesome. I just let the zombie enemies swarm me and then destroy them.

I can even counter dogs now almost every time... but this sometimes is close to impossible when there's even the slightest lag.

Still earlier I played about 5 mins just off my counter time. Never picked up a time crystal.

Up for some Mercs tonight? Maybe a campaign chapter also?


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Up for some Mercs tonight? Maybe a campaign chapter also?

I'd be more inclined to play mercs... rather not nuke my own story progress atm. Near the end of a chapter and don't want to play through it again.

So yes to mercs. And a rain check on campaign.
Sooo, I traded in Just Dance 3 and Heavy Rain today and got the game for 9,99.

Just played the tutorial (so far a healthy mix of cringe and fun) and I'm ready to kick this off!

Is there someone willing to start a new coop campaign at the moment? No one of my PS3 friends plays it...
Sooo, I traded in Just Dance 3 and Heavy Rain today and got the game for 9,99.

Just played the tutorial (so far a healthy mix of cringe and fun so far) and I'm ready to kick this off!

Is there someone willing to start a new coop campaign at the moment? No one of my PS3 friends plays it...
I can
my PSN is SPECTER-delta


Can you... like, progress halfway through a chapter (after a "save") then join a game that is earlier and have the game credit you for the whole thing when you clear it? On the list of game sessions you can join, what exactly does the yellow box with two people icon mean?

Anyway, Jake and Chris done. Just leaves Leon Chapter 5 out of the three. Looks like I'll have to put this game down for a few days though.


Just finished the 3 main campaigns. Noticed a few issues with the order in the OP. Here's mine:

Jake 1
Jake 2
Leon 1
Leon 2
Leon 3
Chris 1
Jake 3
Chris 2
Chris 3
Jake 4
Leon 4
Chris 4
Leon 5
Chris 5
Jake 5

Edit: Accidentally put Jake 5 before Chris 5.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
In Mercs mode it does the taunt, but when you're running with X, L2 will make the character turn faster.

So you just hold L2 while sprinting and you can make turns faster? That's handy.

Just finished the 3 main campaigns. Noticed a few issues with the order in the OP. Here's mine:

Jake 1
Jake 2
Leon 1
Leon 2
Leon 3
Chris 1
Jake 3
Chris 2
Chris 3
Jake 4
Leon 4
Chris 4
Leon 5
Jake 5
Chris 5

I don't know how accurate that is considering Chris 2 happens at the same time as Jake 1, and here you have it halfway down the list.


Anyone who wants to do campaign I'm down. I need to do my professional run and also I missed a ton of emblems. I wanna play mercs too but I feel like I need some solo play so that I don't suck and bring others down. I don't have a headset tho :(


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Anyone else feel like merc skills barely make a difference?


That doesn't address my point which is that words have meaning. "Best" means something different from "favorite." The assumed IMO only makes sense if we're ONLY sharing opinions that have no relation to facts. That's not how discourse works, so there you go. Use the right words instead of assumptions and everyone will understand each other better.
At the end of the day, though, one cannot be completely objective in evaluating if something is "the best." For example, one could look at RE4 objectively and say it's the best based on the qualities it has... but someone else could look at it and consider co-op to be objectively important enough that its omission rules it out right then and there. At the end of the day, some degree of subjectivity is still informing the value ascribed to each "objective" quality. :)

I agree with the basic gist of what you're saying, though. My stance is, nobody should declare -anything- to be objectively "the best" -- it's an inexact science at the end of the day. People should just speak to what they personally prefer, and why -- it's the only way to get the context that helps others relate, anyway.


I don't know how accurate that is considering Chris 2 happens at the same time as Jake 1, and here you have it halfway down the list.
Chris 2 is a flashback.

Even if you want to begin your campaign in the future Chris 2 should be in-between Jake 1 and 2.

Edit: I would play Chris 2 at that point during a replay.

News Bot

So here's something that a little Interweb sleuthing has brought to my attention (via the rather sweet Resident Evil 5 artbook) -- apparently scenarios and sequences were taken from the Resident Evil 5 beta (4.5 I guess if you want to follow the numbering sequence of almost sequels) -- most interestingly certain sequences from
, which look almost the same from the tantalizing pictures from the artbook.

Oh and let's not forget this little baby, initially a form of Irving in Resident Evil 5 looks suspiciously like
Simmons's train battle
Leon's chapter 4
, though sadly not as cool as this concept art:

Fascinating that Capcom would continue to bring up canned concepts, but then the entire Progeniture Virus which was introduced in Resident Evil Zero was suppose to be a big plot point in Resident Evil 4 until Mikami kicked that to the curb only to have it regurgitated in Resident Evil 5 -- oh Capcom, keeping old ideas alive and kicking...

It goes well beyond that, I assure you.
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