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Respawn: EA made Titanfall deal, only for one game, will work on PS4 later


Shades of grey, not black and white. They made a timed exclusive and had it turned into a complete exclusive after the fact by the publisher. Nuances make a difference in how things are perceived. Even if the bottom line is the same regardless.

Which is totally acceptable, it was there for everyone to claim.


Can't they just self publish? Of all the developers out there, you'd think they would have enough clout to do this without the help of companies like EA and Activision.
You can't self publish a game like this. Where's the money come from?


Can't they just self publish? Of all the developers out there, you'd think they would have enough clout to do this without the help of companies like EA and Activision.

I think some companies like the security of going through a 3rd party pub.
Also they need the funding.

Mostly the funding.
Due to this?

Heh, wow.

Not entirely. The recent BF4 footage looked disappointing...and EA just isn't a good publisher in general...I think I may have purchased all of one game from them last-gen.

I wouldn't have purchased an EA game likely anyhow, but I wanted to be dramatic :)

I really can't stand these sorts of agreements though, especially for such a high profile new IP.


So Halo, Titan Fall and perhaps Gears. Combined with Destiny, COD and BF i think MS will lock the dudebro audience once again.


Can't they just self publish? Of all the developers out there, you'd think they would have enough clout to do this without the help of companies like EA and Activision.

Comes down to money. 60-80 staff members over a period of a few years is a significant investment, not to mention the actual publishing process, ie the printing and distribution of games.

I still see ME as an xbox franchise. For Sony i see FF and DMC as their franchise.

So do consumers going by sales numbers.
why? for making a console exclusive?

the logic and fanboyism in this thread is mindblowing.

They made an exclusive game...you guys are just pissed because you thought you were going to get it on ps4....like this is the first exclusive game ever..
You're right. I should be stoked that I will never be able to play their game. What was I thinking?
Nobody wants one NBA team to have all the good players. But they want Sony to have all the good games.

Cant have it both ways. If you, lol, care about basketball.

Kydd BlaZe

So Halo, Titan Fall and perhaps Gears. Combined with Destiny, COD and BF i think MS will lock the dudebro audience once again.
Yep. And I'm all for it, lol!

Shadow Fall looks amazing too, so I gotta snatch that up as well. I love shooters :)


I mean the series in general. None of them were on platforms I owned and now that the 3rd game is coming to the ps4 I have no interest in buying it.

That's a shame, not on you but the situation you found yourself in.

But honestly I do believe, if I remember correctly, you don't loose much by jumping into the second game without playing the first..but I've pinned you as a Sony WO/man so maybe not.. :/

Well we can always hope CDP makes a re-release now when the new systems shares a resembling platform to PC.


So Halo, Titan Fall and perhaps Gears. Combined with Destiny, COD and BF i think MS will lock the dudebro audience once again.

Destiny? That has PS4 exclusive stuff that will probably sell much better on PS systems. We will see how COD and BF do since XBO versions are confirmed to be the worst in image quality and performance. Also dude gears is probably done the last one sold horribly.


Nobody wants one NBA team to have all the good players. But they want Sony to have all the good games.

Cant have it both ways. If you, lol, care about basketball.

Thats not totally correct. Everyone wants their team, if given the chance, to have the best players.
Just when I thought EA was cleaning up it's act, they shovel it right back on top again...

Get ready for Snickers and Doritos ads on those Titanfall Mechs...
Things are getting extra salty in here. Were people really excited about waiting a full year to play Titanfall on PS4? Lets be honest, if you had any real interest in the game, you were probably going to play it on either the XBone, 360, or PC already. Sales for a game that came out a year prior on several platforms was probably going to be pretty poor, so getting MS to fork over the cash is probably a real smart business move.
Respawn surely were spending time on the PS4 version. EA pooped on all that hard work.

Probably impossible due to a strict contract, but it would be delightful if Respawn could legally release for PS4 a "Titanfall 1.1: EAt It Edition" right after the Bone's version is out.


Nobody wants one NBA team to have all the good players. But they want Sony to have all the good games.

Cant have it both ways. If you, lol, care about basketball.

No dude, Its like a sports agent promising that you can play for a Championship contender, but makes a deal behind your back to sign you to the Bobcats
Yep. In general EA were open to this.

Well sure they were open to it. I don't think that necessarily means that Sony wanted to bid on it. And the way it went from timed to complete exclusivity I doubt EA called up Sony and said "MS wants to pay for complete exclusivity.. would you like to counter offer to keep it timed?"

Business deals are business deals. Can't fault that. But as consumers we don't have to be ok with it if we don't like the implications.


So Halo, Titan Fall and perhaps Gears. Combined with Destiny, COD and BF i think MS will lock the dudebro audience once again.

Halo has lost most of its fans with the most recent installment. Gears has lost a lot of fans with the most recent installment. Destiny, CoD, and BF are multiplat and Destiny will be practically sponsored by Sony. Nobody can predict the dudebro.


And how did you arrive at that conclusion?

EA has publishing rights, but Respawn can still self publish due to the EA Partners agreement.

Steam version has always been a possibility.

ea is clearly able to make unilateral decisions about which platforms the game will launch on


Industry Verified
Fuck'em, I won't support their games if they ever come to PS4. They made their bed with Microsoft, enjoy your money(hatting).


console warz....serious business :)


I can do without BF, honestly. I only had a mild interest in the series, and Shadow Fall looks far more impressive for launch.

Again, doubt I'll be missing much.

It is also laughable that BF4 is the only sub 1080p game on PS4 so far. I am not going to support the start of that trend with my money. I thought I would be done with blurry shit smeared across my 50 inch TV this gen.
wow i''m surprised they actually get to keep the first titan fall. that's a good look for ms, it will be looked as a MS franchise.

Actually from what we've learned about current gen list wars, if it's not exclusive (as opposed to console exclusive) Titanfall will be excluded from list wars and cannot be regarded as a plus over a competitors list or a reason to own the console.

Much like 360 console exclusive games where omitted from lists (only 1st party retail games "count"). Recently many forgot PS4 indies also fall under that category yet included them in lists even though nearly all of them will be on PC or released on PC soon afterwards.

Which begs the question, if console exclusives "don't count", why the outrage that it's not on PS4? it's also coming to PC afterall and Titanfall will be excluded from lists or used as a reason to own a console (like many 360 games where excluded for the same reason).


Halo has lost most of its fans with the most recent installment. Gears has lost a lot of fans with the most recent installment. Destiny, CoD, and BF are multiplat and Destiny will be practically sponsored by Sony. Nobody can predict the dudebro.

Sony need to market the **** out of Destiny imo.
Doesn't make sense.
Sortof does.

There's not much to be happy about when party A spends what we imagine to be a shitton of monies to keep party B from getting their own version of the game.

If the developer is happy about it because they wanted that exclusivity or needed that deal then OK, good for them, good for everybody. But if not... who exactly should be celebrating here?


How exactly does a longterm exclusivity deal like this get signed without the development studio even being aware of the terms of the deal?


EA's gonna EA. Honestly, what did they expect?

You'd think at some point in time they'd wisen up and learn how to set up a contract or go find other sources for cash. It's not the first time they clash with a publisher.

That "=(" is just hilarious in that regard. You gave EA apparently total reign over exclusivity decisions, don't come crying to me when they bend you over. They're EA. It's what they do. You willingly crawled to them for cash and PR injections. You should have anticipated this. Don't you dare QQ now.

Oh well. I'm glad I'm both rather uninterested in shooters and have cast my nextgen lot with the PC. That way I can at least potentially play the game. Shit's bonkers from the console wars perspective though.


if EA went away im sure Crysis would find a new home, other than that 8/10 game, i could give a shit less.

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