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Respawn Entertainment gives more detail about the Cloud and Titanfall

And Sony?

I hope Sony implementing a paywall means they will be embracing dedicated servers. I know some games on PS3 offered dedicated servers, so it should be a given it will happen on PS4...

Sony has had dedicated servers for the majority of their first party games on the PS3. Infact, I think almost all of them did? Correct me if I'm wrong.


That was pretty good, take notes Microsoft. I just hope that these servers are used intelligently and games don't have tacked on features using them when player-hosted solutions could work just as well. I don't want to feel like I need to pay for server upkeep when cheaper alternatives exist.


What's going on with dedicated servers for the PC version of Titanfall, as that's what I'll be buying?
I'm wondering this is as well. Since in the Giant Bomb they where like you can't have this virtual server thing. However this piece clearly lists PC and xbox 360 along side the X1 as powered by the XBL cloud.


Finally some details, embarrassing that a third party developer must explain all this stuff.

Amazon has a cloud that powers websites. Sony has a cloud that streams game video so you can play a game that you don’t have on your machine. Now Xbox Live has a cloud that somehow powers games. Cloud doesn’t seem to actually mean anything anymore, or it has so many meanings that it’s useless as a marketing word.

For fuck's sake, finally. Now please someone tell that to Microsoft.

And they’ll host our game servers for other platforms, too! Titanfall uses the Xbox Live Cloud to run dedicated servers for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox 360.

"Infinte power of the cloud" now also on Pc and 360.

Most importantly to us, Microsoft priced it so that it’s far more affordable than other hosting options – their goal here is to get more awesome games, not to nickel-and-dime developers

Confirmation that it is not free, not that there was ever any question about that.
I did. Was there a point you wanted to make?

So they built this powerful system to let us create all sorts of tasks that they will run for us, and it can scale up and down automatically as players come and go. We can upload new programs for them to run and they handle the deployment for us. And they’ll host our game servers for other platforms, too! Titanfall uses the Xbox Live Cloud to run dedicated servers for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox 360.

oh really?


If ms had these guys come out and explain it at their press conference, the "cloud" wouldn't have been mocked at every turn

They could have but then we would all be thinking this is strictly dedicated servers which it is not. The "cloud" is just a buzzword for how they're using their computing service. It'll be interesting to see how companies utilize the service over the next few years though.


Much better explanation than MS PR could ever give us.

I knew this was what they were doing all along, and the Giantbomb interview on their E3 podcast helped clarify, but this is a great write-up that helps explain a lot of the bullshit.

Still skeptical on how it will all work, whether there will or won't be local dedicated servers for PC. For Private Matches will you still get Dedicated Servers, or will you have to use player hosts in modes outside of their Matchmaking.
Respawn with some plain talk, and a thread that didn't hit 200 posts in 12 minutes. SHOCKING NEWS.

What's going on with dedicated servers for the PC version of Titanfall, as that's what I'll be buying?

This. If they are locking those servers just for 360/X1, then that's some shit.

Anyway, this just confirms it's dedicated servers and nothing more. The only difference is that MS has so many of them around the globe they don't have to build any new ones in anticipation for a game launch.


If the dedicated servers you're referring to can do this:

Then yes.
What "task" are those that can't be run in any other dedicated server but Microsoft's? Funny he tries to explain how awesome the cloud is going to be but he didn't say anything really that a dedicated server can't do.
If he going to put a pr piece about the cloud, then tell me those awesome tasks you're going to use that only will be available to XBONE thanks to the cloud.


Good for them for setting it all straight. They already mentioned some of this in GB's After Dark show but it's good to see it all written out. They seemed to be most psyched about the ability to scale their server requirements quickly and easily.

Respawn Entertainment should do Microsoft's PR.
oh really?

I wasn't talking about Respawn specifically, I'm talking now going forward we're gonna see even less and less dedicated server support for PC ports. As in other options besides ponying up for Microsoft. Because technically, it brings nothing new that we didn't already have, they just want everything to go through them now.

And wait until they turn it into a Win8 exclusive feature, for no reason what so ever.


I love this guy from Respawn.

MS: Cloud makes your system 30x more powerful.

Respawn: Let me explain this simply: when companies talk about their cloud, all they are saying is that they have a huge amount of servers ready to run whatever you need them to run. That’s all.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I'm curious how they will try to sell the cloudless PS4 version in a year...

Why cloudless? Nothing is stopping developers from using Azure (or Amazon, Rackspace, or whatever) for PS4 games.

El Sloth

What's going on with dedicated servers for the PC version of Titanfall, as that's what I'll be buying?
Well, in the explanation the guy mentions that the Xbox Live Cloud will work across the PC, 360, and Xbone:

Jon Shiring said:
And they’ll host our game servers for other platforms, too! Titanfall uses the Xbox Live Cloud to run dedicated servers for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox 360.

Sounds like dedicated servers for everyone (playing on Windows Live that is).


Most importantly to us, Microsoft priced it so that it’s far more affordable than other hosting options – their goal here is to get more awesome games, not to nickel-and-dime developers.
Doesn't sound like it's free.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Respawn with some plain talk, and a thread that didn't hit 200 posts in 12 minutes. SHOCKING NEWS.

What's going on with dedicated servers for the PC version of Titanfall, as that's what I'll be buying?

Why would the PC version work any differently from how dedicated servers in any other game works?
What "task" are those that can't be run in any other dedicated server but Microsoft's? Funny he tries to explain how awesome the cloud is going to be he didn't say anything really that a dedicated server can't do.
If you he going to put a pr piece about the clued, then tell me those awesome tasks you're going to use that only will be available to XBONE thanks to the cloud.
They *are* dedicated servers. It's how those servers are organized, accessed and managed and how those servers can work together that makes the difference. What they're doing that makes them special is how much server capacity is available to be used (the existing Azure platform), and how easy it is to scale processing and servers as needed, automatically, to a fine-grained level of detail.

These are still computers doing work, yes.

Why would the PC version work any differently from how dedicated servers in any other game works?
According to Respawn the PC version won't have the "niceties" of the Xbone version. They haven't explained just what in the world that means though.


All this cloud and dedicated server talk is even more meaningless then it already is if there are network issues launch week.

Maybe that's why the Microsoft pre-order numbers are so low. Trickle in users over the course of the first month to let the servers fully handle the load without crashing?


tagged by Blackace
Oh, I see... So they are just using the word "cloud" and "dedicated server" interchangeably.

Three words : LA-TEN-CY...
Pretty much. And now they have an excuse to not have dedicated servers on PC, because... you know. PC ain't got no cloud!

lol... pathetic.
Get caught not reading OP. Look before you leap. The whole article is meant to debunk these blind replies and the poor communication of it all.

This is standard stuff that every MMO already does. Nothing new, nothing innovative. Nothing to be excited about.
Servers have existed before, yes they are not something they invented just for X1. But subsidized dedicated servers from the platform holder available to all developers on any given platform is nothing short of impressive and exciting, and probably something that hasn't been done before.

Not every game is an MMO, and just because a game has integrated online features doesn't make it one either. Extending this to all developers on a platform is huge.


And Sony?

I hope Sony implementing a paywall means they will be embracing dedicated servers. I know some games on PS3 offered dedicated servers, so it should be a given it will happen on PS4...

People keep insisting that Sony can simply mimic what Microsoft has done, but the ligistics behind it are far too expansive (and expensive) to simply just "do it." There are very few companies who can offer this level of service, and due to Microsoft building up their Azure service over the years, they're one of the few who can. This isn't something that Microsoft decided to do on a whim, it was an end game they worked towards that was only possible because they already had the groundwork on which to build it on.
So literally dedicated servers then, which is exactly what it sounded like.

Hope they have something in the works for PC though, because that's the version I'm getting regardless.


Doesn't sound like it's free.
Yep that's the biggest takeaway, from what we didn't know. Still sounds pretty interesting, I'm kinda interested if pubs will jump on this.
Servers have existed before, yes they are not something they invented just for X1. But subsidized dedicated servers from the platform holder available to all developers on any given platform is nothing short of impressive and exciting, and probably something that hasn't been done before.

Not every game is an MMO, and just because a game has integrated online features doesn't make it one either. Extending this to all developers on a platform is huge.


so is MS azure going to deploy a server within 30ms of my home? This might still be a downgrade for PC gamers.

Still trying to figure out if having a Content Delivery Server for Azure locally would mitigate some latency with shit like this. but doubt it. Really REALLY hope they offer some private dedicated option.

Game this good shouldn't be restrained by BS.
So, all developers has access, the servers can be used for cross platform games. it's not free, but it cost less for Xbox one developers than it would for a ordinary company to rent their servers.


Damn, can you imagine dedicated servers for TitanFall, Halo, Destiny, Gears of War etc.

Being able to scale them around as demand shrinks/grows, as well as have them update the servers first and players auto get the updates and content will be great.
so is MS azure going to deploy a server within 30ms of my home? This might still be a downgrade for PC gamers.
It has a better chance of being "close" to you in latency terms than any other publisher specific dedicated server environment. Azure is huge, and continually growing all across the world to account for exactly those issues.


Most importantly to us, Microsoft priced it so that it’s far more affordable than other hosting options

So MS isn't giving cloud computing to devs for free. Is this the first confirmation of that?


So, all developers has access, the servers can be used for cross platform games. it's not free, but it cost less for Xbox one developers than it would for a ordinary company to rent their servers.

"Sony Dev? x5 the Price yo!"

So MS isn't giving cloud computing to devs for free. Is this the first confirmation of that?

I am guessing most devs that go exclusive are getting it way cheaper.
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