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RETARDED LIE DAY ALERT: Resident Evil 4 Classic Edition for PS3/360?


broadwayrock said:
This is so a mod.

Didn't Ubisoft patch RE4 PC to improve the lighting so it looked better than the GC version?

Yes, but there is still no dynamic lighting in the PC version, but there is in the video. I think it might be a modified Gamecube beta version, see my post at the end of the last page for some evidence that points in that direction. (Mainly Post 8 & 9 in this thread: http://www.the-horror.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1687)


That Hunk footage looks like a mod to me.

The fact that the explosive robots sometimes pop out of the ground right in front of him is pretty unfair.


Dot50Cal said:
Video game releases: Serious business!

You! I´ll kill you if this is an april´s fools prank!

not really, in fact i´ll applaud you as it´s pretty well done
I only ever played RE4 on the GC round a mates house I thought it was really good, and I nearly got a Wii one month get the Wii version. If its true there a 360 and PS3 versions then would be awesome. I must admit though the boxart doesnt really at all authentic. Might just be an early april fools :lol


It's fake.

If it is a hack, it's of the greatest hacks I ever seen with new character models, physics, animation & enemies.

No there aren't. Have you even played RE4? The only thing of note is that they've found how to hack enemy spawns. Evreything else, buttons, Hunk in the main game, etc has all been done before and on console versions too.


I AM JOHN! said:
Why is this damn thread still alive? We've known since page one that the game is fake! >:|

Believe it or not some people have never played Resident Evil 4 and would love an upgraded port to the 360/ps3 to see what all the fuss is about before playing Resident Evil 5. Now I can understand why 360 users want a port but wonder why the ps3 users just won't buy the ps2 version.


DangerStepp said:

Looks just like Leon's exact movements and animations with a Hunk skin overlay.

You do know that Hunk has Leon's same animations normally, right? Hes in the Mercenaries mode. Lots of mis information in this thread, like the false assumption its from the PC version. Anyone who's played it can tell you its not.


Hi guys, I just got a second video in.

Here are some pics from the main avi:


This one shows off the awesome title screen (rendered in realtime) and a new camera mode for Leon's campaign, titled "Classic Mode" (hence Classic Edition). The video features a debug menu, where he jumps to the sewer area in the castle and plays as Leon before finally being killed by the Novistador's. Some of the angles look wonky and he says they will be polished up come closer to release. Speaking of that, if you notice the title screen has a 2008 copyright, meaning we should be seeing a release this year! Some other things I noticed off the bat were Leon having his default costume while Ashley has her alternate, as well as the radio transmission having colored text.

Edit: Okay, youtube somehow fucked the colors up bigtime. I'll see if I can update the video. Sorry about that. No idea how that happened.

Edit2: False alarm, only happens on the logo? I guess youtube has issues with that shade of red??
Dot50Cal said:
Hi guys, I just got a second video in.

Here are some pics from the main avi:


This one shows off the awesome title screen (rendered in realtime) and a new camera mode for Leon's campaign, titled "Classic Mode" (hence Classic Edition). The video features a debug menu, where he jumps to the sewer area in the castle and plays as Leon before finally being killed by the Novistador's. Some of the angles look wonky and he says they will be polished up come closer to release. Speaking of that, if you notice the title screen has a 2008 copyright, meaning we should be seeing a release this year! Some other things I noticed off the bat were Leon having his default costume while Ashley has her alternate, as well as the radio transmission having colored text.

Edit: Okay, youtube somehow fucked the colors up bigtime. I'll see if I can update the video. Sorry about that. No idea how that happened.

Edit2: False alarm, only happens on the logo? I guess youtube has issues with that shade of red??

If this is a mod how do they do that(camera angle)?
And i have not even played the wii edition :(


Your missing out dude, Wii Edition is the best one so far. Not only the additional content, but the control scheme is fantastic. You should pick it up if you can find it cheap. Its so much more fun :)

Eteric Rice said:
So is this real or not?...

Wait til next week, I'm told thats when Capcom can talk about it officially.


clay_ghost said:
If this is a mod how do they do that(camera angle)?

Like this

A hack made by the same guy no less.


Holy camera clipping batman!

There are other instances where the camera angles are extremely amateurish. Notice how he switched to the shotgun because trying to use the laser sight on any of the pistols would have been impossible to aim with. Even capcom would have made adjustments to the gameplay.


It has auto aim, thats pretty obvious by the video. Pretty sure he switched to the shotgun because he knew the bugs were coming. The laser sight is on all your weapons. Have you even played the game?

And if you look and listen at that old video you linked, You'll see the audio is out of sync and so are the actions. Its just quick camera cuts. Additionally, theres no way to make the camera follow the player. Theres no way to actually play the game like that.


That lastest vid looks exactly like the gamecube version...
The vid posted earlier was a better fake but the lastest one has solidified this is all an April fools.


The laser sight is on all your weapons. Have you even played the game?

Yes. My point was that with the shotgun you don't have to line up the laser sight exactly as it has such a wide spread, but with the pistols that red dot is exactly where the bullet will hit. Defensive much?


Zenith said:
Yes. My point was that with the shotgun you don't have to line up the laser sight exactly as it has such a wide spread, but with the pistols that red dot is exactly where the bullet will hit. Defensive much?

I'm just saying dude, watch the video. It has auto aim enabled which AFAIK wasn't in any previous versions. The shotgun lines up directly on enemies.

Just getting so tired of the "hur hur faek!1" crowd. Half the points are so terribly wrong that anyone who watches the video will see that.


Zenith said:
Backfire total. :lol

Alright, that came out wrong :lol But I don't think any new footage will be required. With an announcement so close by Capcom I think its best to let this go dark until we hear something official. :D


Dot50Cal said:
Alright, that came out wrong :lol But I don't think any new footage will be required. With an announcement so close by Capcom I think its best to let this go dark until we hear something official. :D

Dude you better not be goddam lying. Or better yet you better be telling the goddam truth.

Tell us something like an anecdote or just something interesting about your 'source' that may make us believe you more.


I may be a gullible fool but after reading comments from dot50cal on his blog Im starting to be persuaded.

I guess we only have a day to wait for the "PR Schedule" to hit at the start of this week eh cal? eh, eh EH?
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