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Retro Studios working on fucking Donkey Kong

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Why are people calling DKCR one of the best games of a generation? They had a game that essentially required a dpad and two buttons and they replaced one of the buttons with fucking waggle. It's like if you had to shake the controller constantly instead of pressing down a button to run in a 2D mario game.

Because it is.

Played the whole game with "fucking waggle", had next-to-no problems.
like, i understand

this famous chef that made three of the best steaks ever suddenly decided three years ago to make a hamburger and you were all "that's beneath that chef"

but then it turned out to be one of the best hamburgers ever made. like, god damn what a burger.

then you start salivating over their next dish. it's got to be a steak of some kind. you start dreaming about what kind of cut it'll be. the sauces.

and then they present to you another burger

it's okay to feel a little disappointed! just know that it's not demeaning to the chef, because it'll be just as great of a meal as any steak

That chef was the only chef who cooked steaks in the whole city, while burger joints are on every street. We all still remember that there was that one place that tried to make a steak in the chef's absence, but it left a sour taste in our mouths, it was a mockery of our beefy memories.

We've waited for years for that chef to go back to his roots, to remind people what a steak should really be, yet we're here with another (admittedly heavenly) burger on our plates. We'll eat it up and for a while we'll forget all about steak. Our lives will be consumed by the power of burger, and we will be grateful for it.

But when the meat sweats have subsided, our thoughts will turn back to steak. We'll be back to wondering when, or if, we'll ever see a steak again. We'll long for steak, and mourn the steak that could have been.

Ein Bear

like, i understand

this famous chef that made three of the best steaks ever suddenly decided three years ago to make a hamburger and you were all "that's beneath that chef"

but then it turned out to be one of the best hamburgers ever made. like, god damn what a burger.

then you start salivating over their next dish. it's got to be a steak of some kind. you start dreaming about what kind of cut it'll be. the sauces.

and then they present to you another burger

it's okay to feel a little disappointed! just know that it's not demeaning to the chef, because it'll be just as great of a meal as any steak

This a bizzarely accurate summary of my feelings on the whole thing.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Does anyone else get an Ice Age vibe from this? Reminds me of the "Continental Drift" movie, what with the designs of the animal vikings (which are pretty cool).

I'm excited though, at first I was wondering if Retro was working on it or not, glad to see they are. Dixie and swimming is cool, but I still hope for Animal Buddies.


...hate me...
And it looks like a Wii game running in HD not a truly next-gen DKCR and that's the problem
DKCR easily competes visually with some of the best that PS360 had to offer, aside from the whole not being HD thing, which is now addressed.


That's really simple. Those games aren't being released on a Nintendo platform. Many people, rightly or wrongly, have been looking to Retro since Metroid Prime as the only Nintendo studio that could provide a game experience they are not getting on Nintendo platforms. These people don't want to have to buy a new PlayStation or Xbox. They love Nintendo games. They know the type of games Nintendo in Japan makes. Retro being western, based in Texas, is seen as the only hope they might have given the quality they put out.

I'm one of those people so I fully understand why they're disappointed. I don't think anyone hates the new Donkey Kong game. It just certainly isn't a game they want or were hoping for out of Retro Studios specifically. If this game was the same game but said to be coming from another studio the reaction would be completely different. I think people would be welcoming it with open arms. That ti came from Retro Studio, the one hope people had, is what is causing the issue.

This might be reaching but this could be why they didn't upload the trailer on Youtube while they uploaded everything else. I wonder if Nintendo realizes what kind of reaction took place online since they said they were watching twitter and various communities.

In the end I understand why they went with DK. It simply sells better. The engine had a lot of work put into it and the assets are there. The game looks great. I'm likely to get in the end. However I'm still very disappointed with this announcement.

If you really want that type of games, going Nintendo only doesn't seem like a very good idea right now. If they had better third party support, it wouldn't really matter if Retro made an uncharted-like or an fps, because you could be playing tomb raider or battlefield etc, and you could buy the console because you want the type of games Nintendo is known for in addition to all the cross platform games. But without proper third party support, one western IP from Retro every 2-3 isn't really enough anyway if you care about that type of game.
Underwater levels? Please no.

That chef was the only chef who cooked steaks in the whole city, while burger joints are on every street. We all still remember that there was that one place that tried to make a steak in the chef's absence, but it left a sour taste in our mouths, it was a mockery of our beefy memories.

We've waited for years for that chef to go back to his roots, to remind people what a steak should really be, yet we're here with another (admittedly heavenly) burger on our plates. We'll eat it up and for a while we'll forget all about steak. Our lives will be consumed by the power of burger, and we will be grateful for it.

But when the meat sweats have subsided, our thoughts will turn back to steak. We'll be back to wondering when, or if, we'll ever see a steak again. We'll long for steak, and mourn the steak that could have been.

and then you eat THE BEST BURGER IN THE WORLD and realize that you're not entitled to deciding what the chef makes
The idea that making great platformers is apparently a simple task that any team could do is fucking lolworthy. Get out of here with that shit.

Wishing Retro was working on something else, sure, whatever. Wish all you want. Saying this game is somehow a waste of talent is mindnumbingly dumb, however.

- Making great platformers is very difficult, especially when you have Best In Class platformers like Mario on the system. The fact that DKCR stacks up to those games for many people is a testament to how high quality Retro's work on the last game was.

- Donkey Kong is a much more bankable franchise than pretty much anything else they could be working on, especially compared to fucking Metroid.

You guys say for one minute that Nintendo needs to take steps to push consoles, and then they come with a sequel to one of their best-selling games from last generation and you start bitching that they didn't go with something unknown. Because that would surely push units. Make up your minds.

In fact, Nintendo is obviously taking every step they can to ensure they follow up their most popular games as quickly as possible in some form or another -- Within the first two years we'll have a NSMB, a 3D Mario game, a Donkey Kong game, a Wii Fit, a Zelda, a Pikmin, a Smash Bros. The only thing they haven't done is a Wii Sports U, probably because it wouldn't really work on the U anyway. And they seem to be trying to fill that party game niche with Wii Party U and Nintendoland anyway.


Well, the positive side to this story is that I can sell my Wii U on craigslist to someone that will enjoy the upcoming games, and It can help me pay off my ps4 preorder.
They didn't put in underwater levels in DKCR because that game was all about a fast-paced, roller-coaster style of game design, and the slower paced affairs of the DKC trilogy underwater tended to not jive with that. They're adding them back, so I know they're making some changes. Already, I see they've added air bubbles you have to manage to give it some urgency(like Sonic, another fast-paced platformer), and you can attack underwater similar to above, give it a more offensive, full steam ahead design.
and then you eat THE BEST BURGER IN THE WORLD and realize that you're not entitled to deciding what the chef makes

Entitlement doesn't come into it. Many would just prefer the option of steak in a steakless town. Very few people will try to slap that Burger from the chef's hands, most of us will gobble it down and proclaim it to be the King of All Burgers.

It's possible to mourn the passing of steak while crying at the beauty of the Godburger at the same time, is what I'm getting at.
lord forbid they make a new IP.

Eh, probably most of the guys still left at Retro or who have been hired over the past few years are there because they want to work on Nintendo IP!

Not buying the whole, "Poor Retro forced to work on Nintendo franchises by Evil Iwata" deal. They are Nintendo. They work on Nintendo franchises.
It will be a great game but there are other things for Retro to mine than just going back to the same well as last time. It also reinforces this idea that Nintendo is recycling a lot. True or not.
This looks like a great fun game.

But man, after all the talk and wait and hype over what Retro's game was going to be.....

I was expecting a new IP, something really stunning.


I have been seeing this title on the boards all day and it keeps making me chuckle. It makes me so glad to see the Cafe getting adult content.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
The real outrage is that there are still no Kremlins. Gator controversy bites yet again...


They didn't put in underwater levels in DKCR because that game was all about a fast-paced, roller-coaster style of game design, and the slower paced affairs of the DKC trilogy underwater tended to not jive with that. They're adding them back, so I know they're making some changes. Already, I see they've added air bubbles you have to manage to give it some urgency(like Sonic, another fast-paced platformer), and you can attack underwater similar to above, give it a more offensive, full steam ahead design.
Remember that DKC2 level where you had to jump on seals that would turn the lava into water, then race through the underwater section as fast as possible before it turns into lava again? That was ballin.


I admit, I was disappointed.

Then I found out David Wise was back. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Then I rewatched the trailer. It's...good. I'm hyped. DKC2 is my all time favourite game, ever.

David Wise and Dixie Kong returning. Sequel to DKC. This cannot just be a coincidence guys!
Remember that DKC2 level where you had to jump on seals that would turn the lava into water, then race through the underwater section as fast as possible before it turns into lava again? That was ballin.

I'm expecting similar kinds of level design; Retro's big on mixing gameplay styles, like vine grabbing with mine-carts, or barrel courses broken up with tricky platforming sections, lotta dynamic environmental interactions.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
I admit, I was disappointed.

Then I found out David Wise was back. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Then I rewatched the trailer. It's...good. I'm hyped. DKC2 is my all time favourite game, ever.

David Wise and Dixie Kong returning. Sequel to DKC. This cannot just be a coincidence guys!

Wha? Is Santa Claus playing piano in my brain?


I admit, I was disappointed.

Then I found out David Wise was back. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Then I rewatched the trailer. It's...good. I'm hyped. DKC2 is my all time favourite game, ever.

David Wise and Dixie Kong returning. Sequel to DKC. This cannot just be a coincidence guys!

Was a bit disappointed when finding out Retro's on this.

Like great! DKCR is a great freaking game but I kinda wanted something else. No biggie, I was going to day 1 this game anyway since it looks fantastic and a great follow up to DKCR.

Then David Wise entered. Day ZERO.
That chef was the only chef who cooked steaks in the whole city, while burger joints are on every street. We all still remember that there was that one place that tried to make a steak in the chef's absence, but it left a sour taste in our mouths, it was a mockery of our beefy memories.

We've waited for years for that chef to go back to his roots, to remind people what a steak should really be, yet we're here with another (admittedly heavenly) burger on our plates. We'll eat it up and for a while we'll forget all about steak. Our lives will be consumed by the power of burger, and we will be grateful for it.

But when the meat sweats have subsided, our thoughts will turn back to steak. We'll be back to wondering when, or if, we'll ever see a steak again. We'll long for steak, and mourn the steak that could have been.

but each one of the chefs steaks have tasted worse than the last one and the steak he made in 2007, while a perfectly good steak paled in comparison to his original streak

the hamburger in the meantime totally revived the chefs career (you see, a lot of his kitchen staff left in between the steak and hamburger) but most people ignore this because all they want is to recreate the feeling when they first bit into that steak in 2002


I'm torn--I loved DKCR and know that this will be great (even better, in all likelihood), but I was expecting something a lot less familiar.
you people are nuts this was the biggest e3 Megaton. This is real AAA gaming unlike Generic:First Person Shooter
It is and it's going to be amazing thanks to Retro, but man... people just wanted to be blown away by something new, or an amazingly atmospheric Metroid. That's all there is, really. DK is amazing news but just not what some expected/wanted on this Nintendo Direct by Retro.

Btw, I can't wait to hear the soundtrack (something I love about Nintendo as well).


Because it . . is? As far as platformers go, it's easily in the top three of the generation. I would even put it in a fight for top 5 of all time. Since when does waggle and a d-pad negate incredible level design and fantastic mechanics?

Both Super Mario Galaxies had waggle. Does that completely rule out the entire rest of what makes those games incredible?

It does negate those things, yes.

Mario Galaxy had waggle, but it was different because
1) it wasn't for a mechanic that used to be assigned to a button,
2) it wasn't for a mechanic you had to use as often as the barrel roll/cartwheel in DKC,
3) was necessary because other easily accessable buttons were used for other things,
4) was less punishing (usually) if the waggle didn't work correctly- you lose a third of your life where in DKC you may fall to your death, and
5) used the split controller set-up so you weren't shaking the half that had stick you were using to control mario.


This will probably sell more than any original IP they could muster up. Not a guarantee, but a safe bet. This is the financially sound choice whether it's popular or not.

I am AMAZED at the amount of people disappointed in the game. It SERIOUSLY amazes me how many people think it's so easy to just throw a game like DKC: Tropical Freeze together and claim it's an utter waste of talent and skill. There is no other high caliber studio putting this much effort and time into a high-production value 2D side-scroller ESPECIALLY with Western influence save for Ancel's team and the Mario group. These kinds of games just don't get the time of day anymore, and when they do, they're LASHED out against for not being some kind of Uncharted-want-to-be or Halo-killer.

More than anything, it just makes me realize that, among "hardcore gamers", this genre of game is just not wanted anymore, especially when a place like NeoGAF calls it a waste of time and talent. Of all places, GAF should be the one that recognizes how difficult it is to make a game like this.

Unbelievable. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

It wouldnt be the first time Gaf was tonedeaf on the effort of something. Dont forget that skullgirls crowdfunding thread where people claimed they could animate and professionally voice act a character in a weekend with just a $5 usb mic and their image editing program, as well as one user who felt gameplay designers were cost-sucking fat that should be trimmed from the studio


like, i understand

this famous chef that made three of the best steaks ever suddenly decided three years ago to make a hamburger and you were all "that's beneath that chef"

but then it turned out to be one of the best hamburgers ever made. like, god damn what a burger.

then you start salivating over their next dish. it's got to be a steak of some kind. you start dreaming about what kind of cut it'll be. the sauces.

and then they present to you another burger

it's okay to feel a little disappointed! just know that it's not demeaning to the chef, because it'll be just as great of a meal as any steak

crushed why are you so wonderful
at everything but tf2

I'm mildly disappointed because I was expecting a "surprise", but more Donkey Kong is stil wonderful.


It does negate those things, yes.

Mario Galaxy had waggle, but it was different because
1) it wasn't for a mechanic that used to be assigned to a button,
You don't press a button to spin in Super Mario World? Or to use the equivalent melee attack in Mario 64?
2) it wasn't for a mechanic you had to use as often as the barrel roll/cartwheel in DKC,
Uh no, outside of time trials you could play almost the whole game without rolling.
4) was less punishing (usually) if the waggle didn't work correctly- you lose a third of your life where in DKC you may fall to your death
Is it really that hard for you to shake the controller? The waggle works correctly 100% of the time for me.
5) used the split controller set-up so you weren't shaking the half that had stick you were using to control mario.
So you didn't realize you could just shake the Wiimote rather than the Nunchuk? Learn to play the game before commenting on it. EDIT: Or are you saying you didn't realize DKCR supports (and plays better with) Wiimote + Nunchuk controls?
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