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Returning member after a long absence, how would you rate the overall health of this forum?


Gold Member
Still too much politics on the gaming side but it's more respectful than before.
I'll settle. Most users here are still either users that stayed here after the schism or (as me) came back after ERA dropped of the cliff. So naturally there is still a lot of political talk and discussions over ERA and stuff. But I'm confident that this will disappear slowly when new users start to outweigh those oldies.
Hola. Got a ban at the other place. It's gotten pretty strange there. There's almost zero room for actual discussion or differing opinions. I could literally post that there and I'm fairly certain I would be banned for that as well. It's...an interesting way to run a "forum".

Anyway I'll be posting here more for awhile at least.
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Hola. Got a ban at the other place. It's gotten pretty strange there. There's almost zero room for actual discussion or differing opinions. I could literally post that there and I'm fairly certain I would be banned for that as well. It's...an interesting way to run a "forum".

Anyway I'll be posting here more for awhile at least.


(I kid, I kid...)
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Better than the other one, which is a facade of a gaming forum, an ultra leftwing version of Stormfront.

People utterly incapable of forgiveness.

Hope the woes of the world torment the fuckers.
I tried joining there a few months back but that goddamn, stupid "only ISP emails" policy stopped me. Who uses their fucking ISP's email anymore? The '90s was 20 years ago.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Indeed, the assertion that this forum has become alt-right is absolutely ridiculous. People need to take a look at the political compass topic and see for themselves. @Scopa did a good job aggregating the numbers:

What this forum is witnessing are lots of moderate left leaning people finally speaking out against the far-left militants now that they are allowed to speak. Past forum moderation has been fighting hard to silence those people to make it seem as if their political radicalism is the default left position. Now that a broader spectrum of views and arguments are allowed, the forum has managed to become more politically moderate, which is a good thing.

Yes, we also have gained a few right leaning people. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and as long as they don't fall into any kind of extremism, I'm fine sharing this forum with them. Diversity of mind is a good thing and I like reading opinions that are contrary to mine. I may oftentimes not agree with their opinions, but I'm nevertheless interested in hearing their arguments. It allows me to reflect on my own and to hone my debating skills. I don't think that people who are conservatives or right leaning are automatically evil and need to be purged. Conversely, your political affiliation with the left doesn't automatically make you a good person either.

That sort of political hate needs to stop, but most people are too busy making grand assumptions about strangers on the internet based on a couple of comments. That mindset alone generates more toxicity than any argument or heated debate ever could.

I think the issue is a lot of political topics get dominated by a few people on the right who are posting a lot, being very bold, posting some pretty out there opinions, tossing around terms like SJW left and right and those are the posts that really stand out. They also push people like me away from bothering participating, just like the left extremists had me not bothering with most political discussions on Era. The make up of the forum here is great, active posters in political threads is less balanced. Which is fine with me as I have no intention in getting involved in those types of threads much anymore as I'm just fucking exhausted with discussing politics with randos online. It bleeds into some non-political gaming threads at times, but hopefully that will balance out and I have no qualms using the ignore feature for people who can't keep that shit to clear political threads.

Still too much politics on the gaming side but it's more respectful than before.

Agreed. Hopefully that will calm down some. I'm going to try and be more active with posting pure gaming threads. Others should as well to help drown out some of the political nonsense and get it back to being a fun place to discuss game news, rumors and the games we're all playing. It's a little antagonistic here still though so I do worry that it will be console war hell when the new hardware gets announced. Honestly, the fanboy nonsense on old GAF and Era drove me nuts way more than the political stuff as that's easier to stay out of. Nintendo fans were especially bad both places, thankfully it seems like most of those overlap with the Era crowd as it's awful over there and not much at all here so far.
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will probably not be around much, because more than a significant portion of the new userbase wouldn't look out of place on the donald and I cba with that really when I debate people like that all the time IRL and on a smaller scale in other places. If I wanted that, there's plenty of places to go on the internet that are more busy. It's sad that things had to get the way they are because of everything happened at the height of me too and one of the biggest progressive forums had to go belly up, but with the way things were going with the moderation before and the userbase something had to give at some point.

Just got to find that promised land of a forum with a thriving userbase that is broadly progressive userbase without the authoritarian tendendices

Until I post too much wrongthink, I'll have to make do with speed of era, and check on this place now and then to see if it improves.
Over 20 threads in OT with last post made in the last 60 minutes.
In January, you didn't have 20 threads in OT updated in the same day, so yes, it's clearly getting steam.
It won't have the speed it used to for a few years, if ever, but things keep looking better and better.
Perhaps I want it to change for the better... Perhaps I log in every now and again to see how it’s going. In reality there could be a variety of reasons.

What a silly response.
I tried to change a forum for the better once. I got banned. Ya don't like a forum, leave.



It was one poster. The second poster you quoted, you seemed to misunderstand. The post was scoffing at the major's claim that this is "normal for a big city", then asking whether the mayor would say the same thing should beheadings start happening in the city.



It was one poster. The second poster you quoted, you seemed to misunderstand. The post was scoffing at the major's claim that this is "normal for a big city", then asking whether the mayor would say the same thing should beheadings start happening in the city.

No, that’s not the reason why. Don’t tell me what I’m referring to. You said its because one person assumed it was a Muslim. That’s not the reason.
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No, that’s not the reason why. Don’t tell me what I’m referring to. You said its because one person assumed it was a Muslim. That’s not the reason.
I asked if that's what you were referring to. Instead of clarifying, you just said "No". Care to enlighten the rest of the class then? Or are you just here to shit up the thread.


I asked if that's what you were referring to. Instead of clarifying, you just said "No". Care to enlighten the rest of the class then? Or are you just here to shit up the thread.

I’ve literally quoted the messages in the thread, the guy from Southampton and the false quoting of the London mayor.

Aka there are not Muslim extremists in Southampton attacking women with acid because they aren’t covered from head to toe.

In fact https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www....tack-water-women-southampton-mosque-cctv/amp/

A Muslim woman was attacked with acid which turned out to be water in a racially motivated attack.
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Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Slow? This is slow? jesus, what's normal speed?

Well, the recent burst of posting here is more indicative of how it used to be before the split (or how Era is currently). EviLore posted this update earlier in the thread on the increasing traffic, with reference to peak traffic last year before the departures:

Oh it's still slow in that sense, certainly. I don't have those numbers on-hand since it was on VB3, but we're talking 50,000+ posts per day last year. It's about 2k/day right now, but not that long ago we were at more like 500/day. There's serious momentum right now, and the projects I mentioned earlier will likely accelerate it.

So it's getting better, but still 25 times or more slower than it was at the peak. The gaming side has been especially slow, but is also starting to pick up. Honestly, I hope it never gets as busy as it used to be or as Era is. It was hard to have any real discussion as popular threads would get posts every few seconds. Especially things like game OTs for a popular game at release.

I just want to see it pick up to where most every semi-mainstream game and above gets a nice, active OT, where most semi-major and above gaming news etc. gets a post and some good discussion and so on.
Well, the recent burst of posting here is more indicative of how it used to be before the split (or how Era is currently). EviLore posted this update earlier in the thread on the increasing traffic, with reference to peak traffic last year before the departures:

So it's getting better, but still 25 times or more slower than it was at the peak. The gaming side has been especially slow, but is also starting to pick up. Honestly, I hope it never gets as busy as it used to be or as Era is. It was hard to have any real discussion as popular threads would get posts every few seconds. Especially things like game OTs for a popular game at release.

I just want to see it pick up to where most every semi-mainstream game and above gets a nice, active OT, where most semi-major and above gaming news etc. gets a post and some good discussion and so on.
Holy shit. My own forum currently gets 1.76 posts per day. I think I've probably found my new home here.
Hate to drag out the old "Those damn millennials" line but i suspect much of the angst/hate around left/right is lack of life experience

I guess age brings wisdom and as im nearly 40 i have learnt that shit dont always go the way you want it to and the longer you fight it the more pain it will cause
and no amount of bitching/moaning/reasoning will change some people

As soon as you accept everyone for who they are and what they believe in ...you dont have to agree with them but life is soooooo much easier when you just flow with it

I'm not quite 40 but close.

It was easier for me to just remove those folks out of my life. Outgrew my childhood friends, as they stayed in the same place.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Well, the recent burst of posting here is more indicative of how it used to be before the split (or how Era is currently). EviLore posted this update earlier in the thread on the increasing traffic, with reference to peak traffic last year before the departures:

So it's getting better, but still 25 times or more slower than it was at the peak. The gaming side has been especially slow, but is also starting to pick up. Honestly, I hope it never gets as busy as it used to be or as Era is. It was hard to have any real discussion as popular threads would get posts every few seconds. Especially things like game OTs for a popular game at release.

I just want to see it pick up to where most every semi-mainstream game and above gets a nice, active OT, where most semi-major and above gaming news etc. gets a post and some good discussion and so on.

Yes, but how many of those posts/posters had any sort of contribution to the threads? The vast majority of them mimicked the most popular opinion such as the ever popular example: "fuck trump". I would rather have a slower site that focuses on better discussion than one that is fast and has little to no discussion value. I think we are moving toward the ideal site that you suggest - but OTs will always die off. People tend to move to the newest games where discussion will be most active. I just don't see a time where all mainstream (let alone semi-) titles will have active OTs.


I would PM you Evilore but then again I do like this new account + username. It's clean :)

At least this forum is not as shit as Ree
We could probably do with fewer of these vague drivebys and broad generalizations from some of our users. Adds nothing to the conversation and only riles people up, which seems to be the intention anyway based on how it's the same handful of users over and over again.

I don't think it's ban-worthy. It's just juvenile.


Okay I have to cut in. I've heard this lie spun a thousand different ways (I'm Nigerian) and it's annoying. Africa absolutely revolves around "wealth collection" or whatever. Our continents history is soaked with war, savagery, slavery and everything, before, during and after colonization. The "noble savage" argument is an embarrassing argument, and you should be embarrassed of yourself trying to peddle it.

I didn’t say Africans don’t use money, I said the majority don’t focus on wealth collection in comparison to the US. For many these opportunities don’t exist in the same way they do in the US because the US has shit tons of systems designed for wealth accrual, ie property ownership, stock markets, bonds/CDs/etc, inflation controls, interest controls, retirement plans. Many of these things just don’t exist in most parts of Africa in any meaningful way, and in some countries the violence gets so bad one has to focus upon survival rather than your interest portfolio. Apart from that there is still a small population of hunter-gatherers but many in rural areas still use bartering systems. And those who don’t often end up working in occupations where wealth accrual simply isn’t possible due to low wages. Let’s not pretend all, or even half, of Africa is just like the USA. (Last post on this swear to God)
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
What style? Making somewhat ambiguous commentary, then acting cagey and passive aggressive when engaged on it? You like that style?

Insulting the community and acting like they are on the moral high ground. That is what I am assuming they meant by "liking that style" as it is the same style that they have shown to utilize on occasion.


The accusations that this place is alt-right crack me up. I'm left as hell, and I don't feel out of place or threatened here at all.

As was stated earlier, you'd do yourself a favor to accept that everybody's different, has their own view on life and, in the middle of it all, we can coexist and discuss ideas without the fear that the fucking end is nigh.

Aggressive arguments over ideologies change nothing. If you don't understand that yet, you will someday.


Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I would rather have a slower site that focuses on better discussion than one that is fast and has little to no discussion value. I think we are moving toward the ideal site that you suggest - but OTs will always die off. People tend to move to the newest games where discussion will be most active. I just don't see a time where all mainstream (let alone semi-) titles will have active OTs.

To clarify, I just meant most mainstream and semi-mainstream games just getting OTs with some activity around launch. Of course game OTs don't stay active for every outside of the evergreen games people play for years. There are hardly any game OTs in the gaming area period currently.

The accusations that this place is alt-right crack me up. I'm left as hell, and I don't feel out of place or threatened here at all.

As was stated earlier, you'd do yourself a favor to accept that everybody's different, has their own view on life and, in the middle of it all, we can coexist and discuss ideas without the fear that the fucking end is nigh.

Aggressive arguments over ideologies change nothing. If you don't understand that yet, you will someday.


Very much this. I wasted so much energy getting in heated arguments over politics back on the "Vs." forum on Cheapassgamer back in my 20s and even early 30s.

My politics haven't changed at all, if anything I'm even further left than then. I just realized that's moot, there's going to be people with views I find abhorrent and they just aren't worth wasting time engaging with. That energy is better spent on real life activism, donating to causes I care about, writing my representatives, voting and helping get out the vote on my side and so on. That can make a real difference in getting laws and policies I support enacted. Being a keyboard warrior on a fucking gaming forum is a just a time waster for no lifers (and I was pretty much a no lifer back then).


The accusations that this place is alt-right crack me up. I'm left as hell, and I don't feel out of place or threatened here at all.

It’s fairly balanced but theres definitely some fringe conservatives, especially in OT. I can’t count the number of threads Dev1 created that linked directly to conspiracy websites over and over again in relation to the Russia investigation.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
It’s fairly balanced but theres definitely some fringe conservatives, especially in OT. I can’t count the number of threads Dev1 created that linked directly to conspiracy websites over and over again in relation to the Russia investigation.

Yeah, there's just a handful of pretty active people a bit on the fringe that makes things seem further right than they are. The political compass thread shows that's not the case for the forum make up, but it's a bit different when just looking at the most active posters and topics in off topic--though even that is getting far more balanced than from when I last checked in a couple months back.

I doubt it will every get to full balance though, I think a lot of us lefties who are coming back from Era are just super over talking politics and arguing with people about it and mostly want to get back to just talking games on that side and random fun stuff, life advice threads etc. in OT.
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It was one poster. The second poster you quoted, you seemed to misunderstand. The post was scoffing at the major's claim that this is "normal for a big city", then asking whether the mayor would say the same thing should beheadings start happening in the city.

That was my post and yes that was the point. NOt sure if people have reading comprhension issues but I was making a hyperbolic statement that acid attacks are about as normal as a beheading would be. Both are not normal for a big city.
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