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Revenge (Season 3) |OT| It's wedding season in The Hamptons again, pack your pistol.

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Hollywood Reporter interview on the finale:


Major spoilers. This stuck out to me. Huh. (FWIW, I stopped watching the show a few eps back.)

Speaking of deaths, is Conrad really dead?

I mean, we see him dying, but that's a question we'll look to answer in the season premiere. It doesn't look like he's going to do very well.

And it was really David Clarke who stabbed him?

That's David. The mind blower is, where has David Clarke been and what does this mean? This is not a man who is about forgiveness; he's even more hard-core about revenge. Emily would never kill somebody. She has no idea of who this man is, and Emily will have to reconcile the memories of someone she loves in different ways.


this could have been a great finale if it werent for the david clarke retcon

conrad in jail, david on his way and victoria in the loony bin screaming amandas name.



show redeemed

seriously though i hate the fact that they brought him back. these past two episodes would have been one of the best finales of tv shows if they had the guts to finish the story. ill remain cautiously optimistic though and keep watching.

show is the very definition of guilty pleasure

if season 4 sucks ill buy 1-3 and pretend 4 doesnt exist. looked like an ending anyways.


show redeemed

seriously though i hate the fact that they brought him back. these past two episodes would have been one of the best finales of tv shows if they had the guts to finish the story. ill remain cautiously optimistic though and keep watching.

show is the very definition of guilty pleasure

if season 4 sucks ill buy 1-3 and pretend 4 doesnt exist. looked like an ending anyways.

Yeah. If it was a series final I would have been satisfied. I mean who cares about jack and charlotte?
How is David Clarke being alive a retcon? I mean, yeah he was stabbed in the prison yard... but I'm sure there are ways to explain that away without it being outside the usual realm of silliness presented by this show.

Victoria is my hero for killing Aiden. Hated that whiny bitch-made man-baby. Now Jack and Emily are in the clear to get together. I think they did a great job with this finale, even if it had ended up being the series finale, I think it would have been pretty solid all things considered. I just hope next season doesn't open with Conrad alive, Victoria freed, and Daniel living the good life without repercussions for his set-up... that'd be too much like the beginning of this season, basically wiping away all of season 2 (which... needed to be done, S2 was a mess).


I am surprised there is going to be a forth season. The most interesting character appears to be dead, and the second most is locked up.

I bet the next season is going to be about how her dad is evil, but in the end she finds out he did it all for her etc. It is going to be terrible, I would have much preferred to see the Graysons get some revenge instead.
I was a few episodes behind but finally finished the season!

Loved the finale, (except for a few tidbits like David being alive :/)

Some thoughts on the finale and some episodes prior:

- I can't believe they killed Aiden! I mean, I was expecting it when Jack split up with Margeaux, and Emily brought Aiden back, but I really liked him :( Even though I though it was kinda out of place for Victoria to kill him (specially since she KNEW it was Conrad who killed Pascal and that Emily only wanted him to get to Conrad), the scenes regarding his death were really well made. It was very sad seeing him getting killed on the verge of getting what he always wanted. When Victoria pulled the pillow over I almost cracked with the image of him died crying.

- Charlotte getting Jack arrested for the evidence she found out was hilariously bad. How come in these shows no one ever notices when the people discover what you are trying to hide from them and obviously fake it like everything is okay? Jack should have tell her everything, at least to spare us of that stupid plot XD

- Charlotte and Conrad. OMG. Both of them delivered big time on that scene. I did found Conrad reactions to be a little disproportional, but it was still great.

- Victoria locked up was amazing. The series should have ended there. Conrad in a prison beaten to death and Victoria locked up insane would be the perfect ending for this series, and now I know they won't do it XD And Victoria and Emily on the cemetery: S2

- BTW loved to see Victoria outsmarting/outmaneuvering the Scooby gang once she found out the truth about Emily. I think they should have done that ages ago. It really worked very well.

- Why on earth didn't Emily do something like kidnapping Charlotte and demand their parents to confess from the beginning? It's a much better plan (both in planning, execution and in properly clearing up her father name) than that crap attempt of fake murder during the honeymoon. And would be even better if she did that prior leading her arch nemesis to know what are she was on to XD

- David being back was ugh, ugh, NO, bad writers! The moment Victoria said David was actually a bad man I knew he would be back, so that made the plot twist less shocking and just awful. Though I can't say for sure if he will be really bad, stabbing Conrad is hardly something bad on this show (I love the character and the actor, but he had it coming a long time), but the last time it was implied that one of the Emily's parents were not actually that great we had that terribad plot of her mother back XD

- That whole Patrick storyline amounted to nothing. I don't even see the point of that. The schemed to get an atelier, got his father killed, and then, puff, gone XD I'm actually surprised that this seems the only plot that was dropped in the entire season. Every other plot in one way or another contributed to the main plot up to the finale. It kinda gives the impression they had more in store for him but had a change of heart...


That whole Patrick storyline amounted to nothing. I don't even see the point of that. The schemed to get an atelier, got his father killed, and then, puff, gone XD I'm actually surprised that this seems the only plot that was dropped in the entire season. Every other plot in one way or another contributed to the main plot up to the finale. It kinda gives the impression they had more in store for him but had a change of heart...

now that you mention this, I would have been totally been fine with patrick making his return and killing conrad. not david clarke...ugh


Man, what a ride. This show is so bad, but so good, it's crazy. I am sad that there will be another season though. It feels like they should have just put one more episode for a farewell and loose end closing, and say goodbye. Dragging it out even further feels completely unnecessary after the shit that went down here.


season four promo teaser

is vicky the new face of revenge?

Hours Left, are you going to make the OT for season four?

it starts today
I didn't plan on making one, sorry. Anyone who'd like to can feel free to do so. If not, we can just use this thread. (I could PM a mod about changing the title.)

I still love the show, but I don't think it has a large GAF following.
I'll still be watching. Total guilty pleasure. I'll miss the premiere tonight but I'll catch up later this week. Link the new thread here please if it is made.


Season 3 seemed like a good place to end the series but I am curious to see what they'll do this year, so I'm going in curious.


I still enjoyed the show quite a bit in Seasons 2 and 3 even if it was not nearly as good as Season 1. But I really think having David Clarke be alive is like the dumbest thing ever. I'm not hopeful for the new season after that twist. I will be watching though. At the very least, I'll get to stare at Emily VanCamp for a while each week.


I didn't plan on making one, sorry. Anyone who'd like to can feel free to do so. If not, we can just use this thread. (I could PM a mod about changing the title.)

I still love the show, but I don't think it has a large GAF following.

I PM'd the quick and dirty season 4 OT I've made using the one you made for season three as a base. If you don't mind, I'll post it.


so this season is gonna be a full reverse ? as in victoria will be trying to destroy emily ?

what is emily even doing in the hamptons anymore, conrad is dead, daniel in prison (most likely) and victoria in the looney bin

she got her revenge right ? i dont like where this is heading but ill keep watching
so this season is gonna be a full reverse ? as in victoria will be trying to destroy emily ?

what is emily even doing in the hamptons anymore, conrad is dead, daniel in prison (most likely) and victoria in the looney bin

she got her revenge right ? i dont like where this is heading but ill keep watching

Victoria becoming the hero and Emily the villain would really be great if you ask me. I can't recall a single TV series that has actually swapped the protagonist and antagonist. Not sure if it'd turn out well, but I'd absolutely watch it to find out.


The reverse would be a good direction i think. I mentioned more than once last season that emily was no better than victoria- especially during the 2nd half.
The reverse would be a good direction i think. I mentioned more than once last season that emily was no better than victoria- especially during the 2nd half.

I wonder if it was intended by the writers. Also, I can imagine David Clarke coming back, freeing Victoria, still loving her, and then after all the awful shit that Emily has done he could take Victoria's side to some extent. I don't see him directly aiding in the revenge on Emily, but certainly, I see him being disappointed in what she has done with her life.


I shot people I like more for less.
Didn't think the premiere was that great. Not sure if the new characters they introduced are recurring, but they didn't really do much for me. Also, wtf at Jack becoming a cop. He must not sleep much, with that, a baby, and owning the bar. And Charlotte is still awful. I don't know, after the season 3 finale I just expected more I guess.
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