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Ridge Racer 6: What would you like to see ? [aka save the Arcade Racers !!!]


Barnimal said:
fully expand ridge city and i mean FULLY and open it all the way up. We've seen ridge city grow from 1 track with a spur to a full on metropolis with beach and countrysides but bring it all togther for once. all of it. i dont care if it takes a year to model it. on top of that add a free roam mode. actually something i've always wanted was the ability to get out of the car and just explore the cit on foot if i wanted to. that would own.

While I agree that opening up Ridge City with more routes would be awesome, an all out non-linear free roam mode would suck in my opinion. Racing games with completely free roaming worlds are not fun...look at the Midnight Crub series and dont get me started on GTA's driving portion.....ugh..


SolidSnakex said:
Are you talking about turning it into NFSU2/Midnight Club style?

no. not at all. free roam would just be an option. maybe a prize even for completing the game. i didnt mean get rid of the tracks. no way in hell. there'd be regular races and then a free roam mode to just scrw around by yourself/online in. sometimes i drive around in racers just looking at things and hate the restrictions of the course borders when doing so.


jarrod said:
Why not? I'd like to see a multiplatform RR6 (PS3/360/Rev) with interplatform online play. Maybe even a scaled down release for PS2/PSP.

No fair, Revolution gamers would have an advantage because they have a craz-o gyrational haptic feedback controller and PS3 and Xbox360 gamers are still suck in the stoneage with things like analog and buttons


I just want an honest to god arcade racer. It's a dying breed...I hope Namco doesn't take anymore cues from Burnout. :\ No turbo boost, plzkthnx.


Gameplay: I think one key factor that the RR series really needs is online play on the console editions. It adds a lot of replay value, and it's an arcade racer...meaning that it's supposed to be ultra competitive. 8 racers online in this game would be insane.

Just import that models from the CG, mimic the lighting and there you go. Extra focus should be made on effects like the smoke and sparks. The smoke in next gen titles shouldn't look like transparent polys/sprites, and should look like actual volumetric smoke. If they can make it look like it's being spit from the tires, that would be awesome. The sparks should be very "arcade-like" in how they spit out but bounce realistically and should look smooth.

The cars should also have a really reflective look (just like in the shot ouromov posted). I really like the crazier designs as you go up classes.

Oh and I like the exaggerated trailing lights effect. At least have it as an option.

Tracks: I really like, as Mr Klaw mentioned, the "3D" aspect of Rage Racer's tracks. That in combination with crazy chicanes really makes for a thrilling roller coaster ride.

As mentioned, the locals need to seem alive and in motion, and I don't think it's too hard to do. I like the sensation of having a jet fly above your head as you are racing along, and helicopters passing by...just multiply that by 5 and there you go. Imagine seeing a hot air balloon right in front of you as you are going down a steep slope, or going behind a waterfall rather than beside it. They've been doing some of it, like the jet stuff...but just do more of it.

Music: the music has to trend towards Freeform. Yes, I'm biased, but I'd argue freeform and hardcore is the current day version of rave. With rave, anything goes, and the same definately holds true with freeform and nu-skool gabber. Plus, the previous RRs always evolved in the music...so I see no need to go back to an older style of music.

Hmm...well while typing this up I just realized that if Namco's not gonna read it it's gonna be a waste of time. :p But I agree with a lot of the comments here.


Music: the music has to trend towards Freeform. Yes, I'm biased, but I'd argue freeform and hardcore is the current day version of rave. With rave, anything goes, and the same definately holds true with freeform and nu-skool gabber. Plus, the previous RRs always evolved in the music...so I see no need to go back to an older style of music.

Fuck no. RRV's soundtrack was horrible enough. R6 better see a return to R4's sweet, sweet style.
i agree with doing something like the R4 soundtrack. something like Kraftwerk's Tour de France would be awesome too.

although i wouldn't mind if namco just did whatever they wanted. the menu music in Racing Evolution, and Ridge Racers was great. i'd like for them to persue that sound a bit more.


Is ourmov banned? :(

Fight for Freeform said:
Gameplay: I think one key factor that the RR series really needs is online play on the console editions. It adds a lot of replay value, and it's an arcade racer...meaning that it's supposed to be ultra competitive. 8 racers online in this game would be insane.

Just import that models from the CG, mimic the lighting and there you go. Extra focus should be made on effects like the smoke and sparks. The smoke in next gen titles shouldn't look like transparent polys/sprites, and should look like actual volumetric smoke. If they can make it look like it's being spit from the tires, that would be awesome. The sparks should be very "arcade-like" in how they spit out but bounce realistically and should look smooth.

The cars should also have a really reflective look (just like in the shot ouromov posted). I really like the crazier designs as you go up classes.

Oh and I like the exaggerated trailing lights effect. At least have it as an option.

Tracks: I really like, as Mr Klaw mentioned, the "3D" aspect of Rage Racer's tracks. That in combination with crazy chicanes really makes for a thrilling roller coaster ride.

As mentioned, the locals need to seem alive and in motion, and I don't think it's too hard to do. I like the sensation of having a jet fly above your head as you are racing along, and helicopters passing by...just multiply that by 5 and there you go. Imagine seeing a hot air balloon right in front of you as you are going down a steep slope, or going behind a waterfall rather than beside it. They've been doing some of it, like the jet stuff...but just do more of it.

Music: the music has to trend towards Freeform. Yes, I'm biased, but I'd argue freeform and hardcore is the current day version of rave. With rave, anything goes, and the same definately holds true with freeform and nu-skool gabber. Plus, the previous RRs always evolved in the music...so I see no need to go back to an older style of music.

Hmm...well while typing this up I just realized that if Namco's not gonna read it it's gonna be a waste of time. :p But I agree with a lot of the comments here.

Couldn't have said it better my young Jedi...couldn't have said it better!!!
Well... I figured I better lend my filthy hands to this thread, as I am the self-proclaimed king of Ridge Racer... THE Ridge Racer in fact.

If they ever make a true Ridge Racer sequel to the series... it needs the following...

Title: Rage Racer 2 ( Ridge Racer 6 would be fine )

Music: Remix of old tunes plus mostly new ones, just like in Ridge Racers for PSP

Tracks: All new with a few old ones... unlike Ridge Racers, they needed to add more new tracks over ANYTHING!

Cars: The cars in Ridge Racers were fucking horrible. A disgrace to the series. Good thing it's only on PSP and sold like shit, thankfully nobody in the public view would really see it. They need to be as awesome as the cars in Rage Racer... nuff said... really!

That's about it.

Also for gameplay, it needs to have big jumps now, and rain puddles you can drive through and splash up in the air, and whether effects and changing time of day during the race just like Ridge Racer and Rage Racer. We also need some garbage on the roads to either knock over or drive through. Things like boxes, garbage cans and so on. I always had this vision of going over a big jump and clearing a bunch of trees below, but not all the way clear so that your car graces the tops of the trees and branches and leaves fly everywhere... just for a cool looking thrilling effect. I think to really make racing games more interesting these days, they need to do cool things like that. Secret tunnels, selectable characters, and the a quest mode in Ridge Racer 6 would truly make it the best game ever. Imagine if you had a quest mode like Shenmue, not as big though, and you could freely walk around the tracks, and other various locals, and find challenges, parts, and so on. You would even get into fights as well and it would switch into a Tekken gameplay mode basically, since it's Namco they can do that.

Come on... dream a little!


jett said:
Fuck no. RRV's soundtrack was horrible enough. R6 better see a return to R4's sweet, sweet style.

I honestly never played RRV (for more than 20 seconds) so I can't comment on that. And yes, I do wish I bought it now. But I want the music to progress...not stay stagnant. Plus R4's tunes were sleep inducing. I don't think they were bad, but didn't fit well for a racing game.

It's time to go back to rave. It's all coming full circle now... :)

One thing that definately has to occur is that the music should really match the whole atmosphere of the game. The presentation and art style of the previous games were complimented by the music well. R4's music for Rage Racer would simply seem out of place, and Vice Versa. Imagine Rage Racer music in R4...it just wouldn't fit. Personally I felt Ridge Racers music to be all over the place...I really like the front end music, fits well, but everything else was all over. Of course, this is completely understandable as it's more of a compilation game.
Johnny Nighttrain said:
it would have to be anything but Ridge Racer 2 since that game was already made.


Ridge Racer 2??

Rage Racer 2

How could you miss that?

And they did make Ridge Racer 2, but technically it was just Ridge Racer with 2 player mode...


Doom_Bringer said:
Ubisoft and Namco are good at ports. Beyond Good and Evil and Soul Calibur 2 were good ports IMO.

I dunno. I think Soul Calibur 3 is proof that Multiplatform development makes games look worse. I mean SC3 looks waaay better than SC2 PS2; that's what happens when you focus on a single platform.


WhippinSean said:
Well... I figured I better lend my filthy hands to this thread, as I am the self-proclaimed king of Ridge Racer... THE Ridge Racer in fact.

If they ever make a true Ridge Racer sequel to the series... it needs the following...

Title: Rage Racer 2 ( Ridge Racer 6 would be fine )

Music: Remix of old tunes plus mostly new ones, just like in Ridge Racers for PSP

Tracks: All new with a few old ones... unlike Ridge Racers, they needed to add more new tracks over ANYTHING!

Cars: The cars in Ridge Racers were fucking horrible. A disgrace to the series. Good thing it's only on PSP and sold like shit, thankfully nobody in the public view would really see it. They need to be as awesome as the cars in Rage Racer... nuff said... really!

That's about it.

Also for gameplay, it needs to have big jumps now, and rain puddles you can drive through and splash up in the air, and whether effects and changing time of day during the race just like Ridge Racer and Rage Racer. We also need some garbage on the roads to either knock over or drive through. Things like boxes, garbage cans and so on. I always had this vision of going over a big jump and clearing a bunch of trees below, but not all the way clear so that your car graces the tops of the trees and branches and leaves fly everywhere... just for a cool looking thrilling effect. I think to really make racing games more interesting these days, they need to do cool things like that. Secret tunnels, selectable characters, and the a quest mode in Ridge Racer 6 would truly make it the best game ever.


Imagine if you had a quest mode like Shenmue, not as big though, and you could freely walk around the tracks, and other various locals, and find challenges, parts, and so on. You would even get into fights as well and it would switch into a Tekken gameplay mode basically, since it's Namco they can do that.

Come on... dream a little!

I was with you until this shit
I am from Edmonton.

And yeah on these forums, I had quite a few different names, but Whippin Sean is the main one. ShinFX was another one, and I forget the others.

Edmonton sucks ass!


I was out there not too long ago Budweiser Park for some driver training.

I want to take some Rally training soon too. It only costs $1000 or so for a course in BC...I'm guessing there's something similar in Edmonton. Nothing like it in Calgary.

Yeah I remember you posting efore with a Rage Racer avatar. I want that crest on my car dammit. Someday...
Ha ha ha... I want to do some rally racing someday... but not really here in Canada. Maybe somewhere else. Although I did watch a pretty good rally race on TSN once in Canada, during the winter time of course. It looked fun.

And yeah, the Rage Racer avatar was me. I also dreamed about putting that logo on my car hood.


WhippinSean said:
Also for gameplay, it needs to have big jumps now, and rain puddles you can drive through and splash up in the air, and whether effects and changing time of day during the race just like Ridge Racer and Rage Racer. We also need some garbage on the roads to either knock over or drive through. Things like boxes, garbage cans and so on. I always had this vision of going over a big jump and clearing a bunch of trees below, but not all the way clear so that your car graces the tops of the trees and branches and leaves fly everywhere... just for a cool looking thrilling effect. I think to really make racing games more interesting these days, they need to do cool things like that. Secret tunnels, selectable characters, and the a quest mode in Ridge Racer 6 would truly make it the best game ever. Imagine if you had a quest mode like Shenmue, not as big though, and you could freely walk around the tracks, and other various locals, and find challenges, parts, and so on. You would even get into fights as well and it would switch into a Tekken gameplay mode basically, since it's Namco they can do that.

Come on... dream a little!

Yeah, it needs that 'Bruckheimer' touch. Lots of things flying around. Wet tracks to make you slide around nicely, throwing up spray. Lovely :)

And I agree about the free-roaming. But not NFSU/Midnight club. GTI CLUB BABY!!!

Not completely free roam, but shortcuts along the track. I loved GTI Club - cafe tables to knock over, people jumping out of the way, juddering down cobbled streets. Just like the Italian Job.


I think RR6 should be all about Pac-Man running fast. It'll be exclusive on the Revolution/Tri-force hardware and only playable by owning TWO DSs. One for steering, the other for acceleration.


WhippinSean said:
Well... I figured I better lend my filthy hands to this thread, as I am the self-proclaimed king of Ridge Racer... THE Ridge Racer in fact.

Actually, RR world record is mine :D well, the vivanonno emulated version anyway :p


Bebpo said:
I dunno. I think Soul Calibur 3 is proof that Multiplatform development makes games look worse. I mean SC3 looks waaay better than SC2 PS2; that's what happens when you focus on a single platform.
Except that just 2-3 weeks before it's unveiling, Soul Calibur 3 was multiplatform... the game looks great but not because they'd been "focusing" on a single PS2 release to that point.
eso76 said:
Actually, RR world record is mine :D well, the vivanonno emulated version anyway :p

Actually I think we had a debate about that years ago here... and nobody beat my record. I wonder if I still have the screen shot somewhere... I'll look later...


Fuck no. RRV's soundtrack was horrible enough. R6 better see a return to R4's sweet, sweet style.

It deppends on what styles you like. R4 soundtrack was awesome but if you are into pure techno, RR5 totally beats it. Mijk Van Dyk did an awesome work: ElectroGlide, Euphoria, Night Ride are really good songs.
jarrod said:
Except that just 2-3 weeks before it's unveiling, Soul Calibur 3 was multiplatform... the game looks great but not because they'd been "focusing" on a single PS2 release to that point.

I guess we'll see when SC3 is released. If it has slowdown, then their multiplatform development of SC2 didn't have an impact on the overall polish. If it doesn't though, well that's all the proof you need.
ourumov said:
It deppends on what styles you like. R4 soundtrack was awesome but if you are into pure techno, RR5 totally beats it. Mijk Van Dyk did an awesome work: ElectroGlide, Euphoria, Night Ride are really good songs.

Those were okay, but...

Boom Boom Satellites, baby!


Mistaken iRobbery!
Crazymoogle said:
Those were okay, but...

Boom Boom Satellites, baby!
Was that on the soundtrack? I have a Ridge Racer V OST but I don't think that particular track was on it(could be wrong).


SolidSnakex said:
I guess we'll see when SC3 is released. If it has slowdown, then their multiplatform development of SC2 didn't have an impact on the overall polish. If it doesn't though, well that's all the proof you need.
I don't think minor slowdown in a previous arcade conversion should really be the ultimate qualifier. Soul Claibur 3 would look exatcly the same as it does now if it was still headed to all consoles.

Really, it demonstrates the routine boost in expertise and ability that Namco shows between sequels... in fact, I'd say the visual jump is less than that between any of the main Tekkens. SC3 doesn't look great because it's a single platform game, it looks great because Namco's had 2.5 years to push their engine and further develop their knowledge base. And really, it's less of a progression than I'd expect from Namco even.
Defensor said:
Was that on the soundtrack? I have a Ridge Racer V OST but I don't think that particular track was on it(could be wrong).

Boom Boom Satellites was the "label band" for the game. The two songs used are Fogbound (a game track as well as the opening theme), and my personal favorite, "On the Painted Desert [Vocal Mix Featuring Dice]", which is the ending theme.

They're also responsible for the two big songs on the Appleseed CG movie that was released recently (Dive for You being the most memorable of the two), and they also had a song that played during Sony's E3 Press Conference PS3 game trailers (I can't remember the timing though...?)


WhippinSean said:
Actually I think we had a debate about that years ago here... and nobody beat my record. I wonder if I still have the screen shot somewhere... I'll look later...

really ? i don't remember, but i remember on the official vivanonno website i battled someone on ridiculously low lap times (once discovered the 'don't make your tires squeal at all' technique, only possible with the keyboard and which allowes to reduce your lap times by a whole, say 5 seconds) and finally beating him by a 0.001.
Actually, days later sent a screenshot showing an even lower lap time but it was never 'published', i think it was like 0.002 faster, but it was a long time ago..

My record stayed there in first place until the site went down, permanently.
Nobody beat MY record :p

I don't remember what the time was, i'm looking on google groups, since i remember posting it on a newsgroup
jarrod said:
I don't think minor slowdown in a previous arcade conversion should really be the ultimate qualifier. Soul Claibur 3 would look exatcly the same as it does now if it was still headed to all consoles.

SC2's slowdown was definetly noticeable in the PS2 version. Yet in Tekken 5, which was exclusive and did look better than SC2, there was no slowdown. What you had was one title that they could focus on being for 1 system and another that they had to make run on 3 systems. In general games that are developed exclusively for 1 console tend to have more polish than multiplatform titles.


SolidSnakex said:
SC2's slowdown was definetly noticeable in the PS2 version. Yet in Tekken 5, which was exclusive and did look better than SC2, there was no slowdown. What you had was one title that they could focus on being for 1 system and another that they had to make run on 3 systems. In general games that are developed exclusively for 1 console tend to have more polish than multiplatform titles.
The argument wasn't about polish though, it was about visuals. And really, the visual jump between SC2 to SC3 is proportionately the smallest ever in any Namco fighter, despite moving from four platforms to one.
jarrod said:
The argument wasn't about polish though, it was about visuals. And really, the visual jump between SC2 to SC3 is proportionately the smallest ever in any Namco fighter, despite moving from four platforms to one.

Looking back at the first page it seemed to be about polish. dark was talking about how when developers focus on 1 game on 1 platform the overall product tend to come out much better than if they've having to spread it around to every platform. That's usually the case. Was SC2 better than most multiplatform games? Yah sure, but when you compare it to what they've done so far exclusively, it seems obvious that they're better off doing games exclusively instead of spreading them around.


SolidSnakex said:
Looking back at the first page it seemed to be about polish. dark was talking about how when developers focus on 1 game on 1 platform the overall product tend to come out much better than if they've having to spread it around to every platform. That's usually the case.
More polished sure, but that in iteself doesn't always equate to a better game. Besides which, the agument had clearly shifted to visuals... if you wanted to talk about ploish, maybe it'd have been better to quote dark further back rather than my response to Bebpo.

SolidSnakex said:
Was SC2 better than most multiplatform games? Yah sure, but when you compare it to what they've done so far exclusively, it seems obvious that they're better off doing games exclusively instead of spreading them around.
Really? It obvious that they're "better off" this way? Despite the fact that SC3 won't see even half the sales SC2 did? Despite Namco doing irrepaiarable harm to the brand by abandoning their new fanbases? SC3 is a mistake that going to haunt them... in just one installment it's going to go from being the best selling fighter of it's generation down to scrapping it out with DOA and other second stingers again. SC3 won't even break 2 million... a total waste for both Namco and Sony. I still don't see why Sony wasted the money honestly.
I'm talking about the quality of the product. I'd much rather get the cleanest and most polished product possible. From a publisher standpoint, yeah it probably does make more sense to go multiplatform. Looking at it from the viewpoint of a consumer, i'm more interested in getting a very polished product.


SolidSnakex said:
I'm talking about the quality of the product. I'd much rather get the cleanest and most polished product possible. From a publisher standpoint, yeah it probably does make more sense to go multiplatform. Looking at it from the viewpoint of a consumer, i'm more interested in getting a very polished product.
Well, the argument could also be made for a "better" release even if the game was headed to GameCube/Xbox given they're a step up from PS2 genrally performance wise. Allowing addaitions like Nintendo mascots on GameCube or higher resolutions on Xbox. Multiplatform doesn't always lead to a worse product though... the PS2 slowdown in SC2 is sort of perplexing given it wasn't in the System 246 original afaik (which is the exact same chipset).

Plus it's likely that Namco's just shed staff from the SC3 team now that they're only focusing on a single SKU (I know for a fact some staff were diverted to Tales of Legendia). Yes focusing on one release has it's benefits, but it this case I don't think they're really substantial enough for the massive drop Namco's going to eat in game sales and brand strength.
jarrod said:
Except that just 2-3 weeks before it's unveiling, Soul Calibur 3 was multiplatform... the game looks great but not because they'd been "focusing" on a single PS2 release to that point.

I'm just wondering, where do you base this information off of? I've never heard of any official info about SC3 originally being multiplatform. I believe there was that leaked list of future releases for EA in Europe that had SC3 listed for all platforms, I've always chalked that up to misinformation on their part, but then again, I could be wrong.

jarrod said:
And really, the visual jump between SC2 to SC3 is proportionately the smallest ever in any Namco fighter, despite moving from four platforms to one.

I respectfully disagree. Maybe not in terms of character models, but the backgrounds in SC3 show a big jump over the ones in SC2. But hey, Tekken 4 looked worse than Tekken Tag...so who knows?


Sholmes said:
I'm just wondering, where do you base this information off of? I've never heard of any official info about SC3 originally being multiplatform. I believe there was that leaked list of future releases for EA in Europe that had SC3 listed for all platforms, I've always chalked that up to misinformation on their part, but then again, I could be wrong.
Someone who has a friend on the development team. I was asked not to name names, but SC3 was designed as a multiplatform release... the multiple Euro leaks do substantiate that though (from both Namco in late 2004 and EA in early 2005).

Sholmes said:
I respectfully disagree. Maybe not in terms of character models, but the backgrounds in SC3 show a big jump over the ones in SC2. But hey, Tekken 4 looked worse than Tekken Tag...so who knows?
Tekken 4 represents a special case, where the game engine moved to fully 3D interactive backgrounds. It's certianly a more technically impressive game than Tekken Tag though and I'd say a larger jump than SC2 to SC3.


Namco should start off with the basics. HIGH RESOLUTION TEXTURES which was not possible with RRV on PS2 or Ridge Racers on PSP. the Xbox 360 and its 512 MB memory and high rendering bandwidth allows for some incredibly high resolution textures to be done.
Ridge Racer 6 should be the first Ridge Racer to surpass the king of texture mapping in the series: Rave Racer. in fact, all the arcade Ridge Racer games (not counting RRV arcade) have higher screen resolution (640x480) and higher texture resolution than the PS2 and PSP RRs. Xbox 360 RR6 should be the first to surpass arcade RR in screen and textures res.


xexex said:
Namco should start off with the basics. HIGH RESOLUTION TEXTURES which was not possible with RRV on PS2 or Ridge Racers on PSP. the Xbox 360 and its 512 MB memory and high rendering bandwidth allows for some incredibly high resolution textures to be done.
Ridge Racer 6 should be the first Ridge Racer to surpass the king of texture mapping in the series: Rave Racer. in fact, all the arcade Ridge Racer games (not counting RRV arcade) have higher screen resolution (640x480) and higher texture resolution than the PS2 and PSP RRs. Xbox 360 RR6 should be the first to surpass arcade RR in screen and textures res.

I'm going to have to go and agree with this :)

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
isamu said:
I'm going to have to go and agree with this :)

I have never seen a person go so crazy over a game. There is a guy at work who is surprisingly the same way. With Full Auto getting delayed. I needed another racer, besides NFS and PGR3. So, here it is.



Johnny Nighttrain said:
nope. i know of it being in development for PS3 since as far back as july. it's possible that it's been in development even longer, but i didn't find out for a fact until july. don't know if it's in development for Revolution or not, but it's definitely not in development for 360 from what i k now.


sangreal said:

I like how he leaves a Revolution port a possibility, and then stamps out any possibility of a 360 port.

Hmm...maybe the whole point is to take the OPPOSITE of what he says!

Anyways, maybe we should keep all RR6 talk in the super mega awesome OFFICIAL RR6 THREAD.

*insert link to OFFICIAL RR6 THREAD later...when I feel like it...*
Fight for Freeform said:
I like how he leaves a Revolution port a possibility, and then stamps out any possibility of a 360 port.
hey man, i got my info about the game being in development for PS3 late last year. im sure it's still in development for PS3, and hey, anything is possible i guess as far as a revolution port goes.

anyways, since this thread got bumped, i'd totally like to see some of the innovations that namco busted out on Racing Evolution.

being that you have to pick a team that you wanna race for (R4 and RRV), it would be cool if you could listen to your pit cheif say random shit again.

also, that pressure meter was a great idea i thought, but it could've been implemented a bit better i think. it didn't quite make thinks more intense and fierce as it should have.

and once again, a soundtrack along the lines of R4, of Kraftwerk's Tour De France would be ace.

oh, and i'd love to see namco bring mirai-22 back.
I can't wait to see how the game looks. Ridge Racer is probably my favorite racer of all time. I didn't even have a PSX but I bought R4: Ridge Racer Type 4. I even bought a PSP for the Ridge Racer game(though I'm selling the PSP as I've played the game to death).

The things I'd like to see are...

1. Great Graphics pushing the Xbox 360... hopefully looking as good as PGR3.
2. Force Feedback Steering Wheel to make it like the arcades.
3. Classic Ridge Racer feel and not that abysmal failure that was R Racing Evolution.
JadedGamer said:
1. Great Graphics pushing the Xbox 360... hopefully looking as good as PGR3.
as good? in its worse moments, this game better look as good as PGR at the very least. Ridge Racer after all, is the 360's main attraction here. that goes for graphics and gameplay.

JadedGamer said:
3. Classic Ridge Racer feel and not that abysmal failure that was R Racing Evolution.
yeah, and while we're at it, let's give Polyphony shit because Gran Turismo was such a terrible sequal to the Motor Toon series.
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