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Rise of the Tomb Raider OT | Feat. 20% more tombs and 75% more chastising OP's title

well I just did a 24 hour marathon for Macmillan cancer support and managed to complete this in the one sitting. it took me 11 hours and 50 mins. I thought it was good but I felt it never really resolved anything. I am glad the reduced the moaning of lara but some of the side quests or the requests for them from the npc's were strangely timed. (
they are literally about to be attacked
and a guy wants me to do a mission for him.


well I just did a 24 hour marathon for Macmillan cancer support and managed to complete this in the one sitting. it took me 11 hours and 50 mins. I thought it was good but I felt it never really resolved anything. I am glad the reduced the moaning of lara but some of the side quests or the requests for them from the npc's were strangely timed. (
they are literally about to be attacked
and a guy wants me to do a mission for him.

11 hours 50 minutes....wtf. there's 0 chance you did anything but gnu straight through the story missions eh? The 'timing' of the sidequests is whenever you want to do them. It's an open world-ish game.
Uh, so I just had a showdown with
, need to make my way back to the village but I have zero arrows to make a rope thing....it seems I'm stuck in this tiny part with nowhere to go. Is there anything I can do?


Uh, so I just had a showdown with
, need to make my way back to the village but I have zero arrows to make a rope thing....it seems I'm stuck in this tiny part with nowhere to go. Is there anything I can do?

You don't need any arrows to fire at rope objects unless I'm forgetting something?


Just started playing and omg these graphics are amazing. This might be the best looking game I've ever played. They even nailed the faces and lip syncing.


I am currently waiting for the PS4-Version.

How does this compare to the precursor in cases of level design?
Because in my opinion the Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider has (together with Dark Souls I) one of the best level designs of all time.


]blacky[;192007935 said:
I am currently waiting for the PS4-Version.

How does this compare to the precursor in cases of level design?
Because in my opinion the Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider has (together with Dark Souls I) one of the best level designs of all time.

Depends on what you liked about the previous one probably. The original game had really cool sandboxy areas, but most people just ran through them because unless you were getting all fo the salvage for reasons there was no point, this time the areas are larger and there are less of them overall, but there's also more reason to do stuff in them.

For example, in the original game you'd have the Mountain Village with like 2 main segments in it as a 'large' part. or the Shipwreck beach, a large area but again split into at least two distinct sections, now those would all be fairly contiguous but there would be fewer of them.

There are two very large hub zones, one smaller third one, and then lots of offshoot sections from those which are smaller, usually you go through those once in an action segment then you can go back later to explore if you wish. I'd compare the sizes of those offshoot sections to be something like the bunker area, the forest, or the sulferic caverns from the first game. Thinking about it, even some of those are quite a bit larger this time, so it's hard to compare. The game is easily twice as long so it's pretty big.

If you mean in terms of design...I think it's largely similar in style (the bases and installations mostly look worn down and concrete, lots of rusted over materials, etc) but I mean, the first one is on an island and this one is in the Siberian tundra, so it can look pretty different.
Just got out of the prison camp, and talked with Jacob before he left for his village

But like really, could they make it any more obvious?
Jacob is obviously the Prophet and immortal
Just got out of the prison camp, and talked with Jacob before he left for his village

But like really, could they make it any more obvious?
Jacob is obviously the Prophet and immortal

Hm...I'll put the whole thing in spoiler incase you don't want your guess to be spoiled, heh.

It completely flew past me, until just now I was playing and they revealed it.

Just started playing and omg these graphics are amazing. This might be the best looking game I've ever played. They even nailed the faces and lip syncing.

It's incredibly beautiful, some of the backdrops are stunning. I sent a snapchat of me standing over a mountain lion(?) I had killed, it fooled a few friends into thinking it was real haha.
Hm...I'll put the whole thing in spoiler incase you don't want your guess to be spoiled, heh.

It completely flew past me, until just now I was playing and they revealed it.
Guessed as much. Personally. the clues seemed pretty clear:
1) The first camp site after he leaves, Lara's dialogue is about how he knows things and is keeping secrets, there's something strange about him, nothing she could say would faze him, etc.
2) Him single-handedly taking out that guard post near the train yard = of course an immortal is going to have centuries of combat experience
3) "I've had...some time to study this place"


Guessed as much. Personally. the clues seemed pretty clear:
1) The first camp site after he leaves, Lara's dialogue is about how he knows things and is keeping secrets, there's something strange about him, nothing she could say would faze him, etc.
2) Him single-handedly taking out that guard post near the train yard = of course an immortal is going to have centuries of combat experience
3) "I've had...some time to study this place"

Nah I'm with you it was pretty obvious, I didn't think it was intended to be super hard to guess, the bit with Anna I didn't expect, not that they give you any reason to, but Jacob was as obvious as it would've been in any movie in the genre too imo
Regarding the current spoiler discussion.
Has anyone seen the Man from Earth? I was reminded of that while playing this game. I wonder if it inspired Jacob's character at all, it's certainly what I was thinking about when I guessed he was the Prophet before the reveal.
Moving through the Acropolis section now, and I'm really enjoying the game, but I'm a bit disappointed that (so far) there's no area as visually interesting as the ship graveyard or no set piece as exciting as the collapsing bridge and hanging ship in the first game


Mongolian ship tomb in the ice
was the closest, but it was too short
Does this have a New Game Plus? Feels like I'm nearing the end, and I'm nowhere near maxed out or unlocked all the weapons
Just escaped the ruins with the Atlas


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Yeah, I love the game, but I don't think the set pieces were on par with the first game.

I could not be more grateful for that. The setpieces in the first game were WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY overdone. every goddamn moment that wasn't open or exploring had one. I got annoyed how moving from area to area involved them. even climbing ladders.


I'm really enjoying the game and think I'll have beat it by tonight. To anybody struggling, or who wants to be more powerful, I have two words for you: POISON ARROWS.

Get the perk that increases the radius of the gas and you will roll through just about anything, regardless of the difficulty.


Beat it. Great game, 9/10.

A few minor things that bothered me:

-Aiming was jankity and somewhat sluggish
-Enemies were grenade happy. Seriously, one would be lobbed about every 5 seconds in large encounters
-It's annoying to spam Lara's eagle vision. Either make the items glow longer, or make the effect last longer.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It's true, poison gas is OP. I expected them to get gas masks later but they never learned. It's good tho because that grenade spam (which can be infinite if you let it... where do they get them all?) demands quick countermeasures sometimes when you have 20 guys on you and/or need to kill those assholes on the balcony without taking time for fine aiming. The most hilarious is when 6 of them drop into the same spot from a chopper or like 8 of them are busting through a doorway. Have fun in my death cloud, lol.
Once you beat the game, is there a New Game Plus? Can you still roam the island? Are there still enemies so you can use any other skills you unlock?


Loved the game but as others said special arrows make the game super easy. Finished the last part without doing in my first try on survivor.


I finished the game yesterday after receiving it for Christmas and I enjoyed my time with it. It has dominated my (fairly minimal) game playing time since that point and I'm happy with the game and my time with it.

I find it difficult to rank against the last TR game as I really enjoyed that experience but was left disappointed in the last couple of hours.

Rise is a much more cohesive experience but lacks many of the more impactful moments that TR managed to conjure.

I also played TR on a pretty high spec PC on launch and really noticed that even on XBONE hardware there were some technical struggles. Quite a lot of tearing and slowdown which didn't spoil my enjoyment but certainly brought the visual spectacle down a bit. I'm looking forward to replaying sometime in the future on my PC.

I remember really enjoying the combat in TR but in Rise it was definitely more of a chore. It never felt like it flowed, especially early on when you dont have as many skills to sneak and gain invulnerability.

The game is definitely good and improved upon many areas (Tombs, game-play flow, story and variety) but still leaves some room for improvement on the obvious sequel.
Rise is a much more cohesive experience but lacks many of the more impactful moments that TR managed to conjure.
I'm going to replay it when it's out on PC but this is how I feel about it atm. Overall a much more solid package but I can't really think of the "moments" in the same way I can TR2013.

The radio tower. The crashing plane. The blood pools. Making your way to the temple + the temple burning down.

Like this game was really really good and had much better characters imo but the set pieces were a bit lacking compared to TR2013 and while I appreciated the additional player agency it would've been nice if we got more player agency as well as set pieces in between!


I love the grapple axe and death from above.

Do the side missions have map points, I've just been going on what the people say but got a bit lost now?


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I finished the game yesterday after receiving it for Christmas and I enjoyed my time with it. It has dominated my (fairly minimal) game playing time since that point and I'm happy with the game and my time with it.

I find it difficult to rank against the last TR game as I really enjoyed that experience but was left disappointed in the last couple of hours.

Rise is a much more cohesive experience but lacks many of the more impactful moments that TR managed to conjure.

I also played TR on a pretty high spec PC on launch and really noticed that even on XBONE hardware there were some technical struggles. Quite a lot of tearing and slowdown which didn't spoil my enjoyment but certainly brought the visual spectacle down a bit. I'm looking forward to replaying sometime in the future on my PC.

I remember really enjoying the combat in TR but in Rise it was definitely more of a chore. It never felt like it flowed, especially early on when you dont have as many skills to sneak and gain invulnerability.

The game is definitely good and improved upon many areas (Tombs, game-play flow, story and variety) but still leaves some room for improvement on the obvious sequel.

If the sales were as poor as have been shown, then a sequel may not be happening.

Real shame if that ends up being the case.


Been playing the Endurance Mode. Had a super intense finish going for achievement for escaping after Day 10 (and some ones I could sort of stack underneath it). Didn't realize what supplies I needed for the signal fire. Started going hungry while I looked for supplies. Ran into a group of four lynx. Dropped my lantern to fight them off. That helped with the hunger though and I managed to find my lantern and after a bit more escape on the morning of Day 12. A lot of close calls playing this mode. Makes for some really memorable moments. Enjoying this mode. Can't wait for the Baba Yaga DLC.
If the sales were as poor as have been shown, then a sequel may not be happening.

Real shame if that ends up being the case.
A sequel is pretty much guaranteed, the Tomb Raider IP is still incredibly valuable so SE isn't going to just abandon it.

I think a more appropriate question would be what form it's going to take and if they're going to try and do anything to make it sell more. For example they might try and re-sexualise Lara a bit to bring some audience back, which would be terrible tbh.




Yes! But wait, then is that all for the season pass? Or will it just dwindle out with outfits?

There is a third piece of DLC called Cold Darkness Awakened coming later (mentioned in that article). Sounds like a horde mode of some kind from what I read elsewhere. I think that will be the last major DLC for the season pass.
Finally finished this game. I liked it but I didnt love it. I wish there were more puzzles and I really didnt care for the storyline at all.
I mean, I thought it was obvious that Trinity murdered Lara's father and that she'd pick up on that immediately? Maybe Ana sent him somewhere and hes still alive.

I disliked the combat a lot but the climbing and environments were amazing. The graphics are out of this world and the art is just oozing with love and care. I spent a lot of time just exploring and taking in the sights but I have to admit I got russian installation fatigue. I think thats what soured me on the game, I just got sick of looking at rusty buildings covered in snow for like 8 hours.

was a lot of fun though, the highlight of the game for me. I had a blast the entire time and the final boss fight was entertaining.

Overall I'm down for more TR but I hope they really step it up in the story department in the next installment.
Finished my first playthrough last night, I'm at 99% completion. Seems I am missing 2 survival caches in the geothermal valley, 1 document and 2 caches in Soviet installation.

These appear nowhere on the map to be found, I backtracked last night as well as I could but there's no way I'm finding these without markers on the map, which I do not have for these collectibles. Is it a bug, what am I missing? It's heartbreaking going through all the collectibles and not having 100% completion just for a couple of caches.



Finished my first playthrough last night, I'm at 99% completion. Seems I am missing 2 survival caches in the geothermal valley, 1 document and 2 caches in Soviet installation.

These appear nowhere on the map to be found, I backtracked last night as well as I could but there's no way I'm finding these without markers on the map, which I do not have for these collectibles. Is it a bug, what am I missing? It's heartbreaking going through all the collectibles and not having 100% completion just for a couple of caches.


Perhaps in the Tomb areas.
Finished my first playthrough last night, I'm at 99% completion. Seems I am missing 2 survival caches in the geothermal valley, 1 document and 2 caches in Soviet installation.

These appear nowhere on the map to be found, I backtracked last night as well as I could but there's no way I'm finding these without markers on the map, which I do not have for these collectibles. Is it a bug, what am I missing? It's heartbreaking going through all the collectibles and not having 100% completion just for a couple of caches.

I can almost guarantee you the Geothermal Valley ones are near the Catacomb of the Sacred Waters. The Explorer Satchel where the locations would be given away is hidden.

Basically, go to that camp, head back to the room where you use the rope arrows to tie down the thing. As you enter, head to the water on the right hand side. You'll be able to swim eventually in one corner. Take that water route to the path. You'll see the satchel, which will give you the locations of the survival caches (one of which is in that very room) and be able to find the other cache in that are.

I know this is likely the one because I missed those two myself when I was trying to clear everything.

I don't know about the document in Soviet Installation. I can't think of what that would be.


I recently got the anatomical knowledge perk from the challenge tomb but I don't see deer hearts when they're glowing yellow with survival instinct. What gives?


I recently got the anatomical knowledge perk from the challenge tomb but I don't see deer hearts when they're glowing yellow with survival instinct. What gives?

You have to lock on to them with zoom. Instead of shooting their heads you will shoot their hearts.


Finished out the last achievement that was previously thought to be glitched, equpiing the deep freeze card is necessary in unlocking "One Way to do it." I'm now looking forward to the story based DLC, hope it integrates into the main game and you carry over all upgrades. I'm curious if the third piece of content will be story as well, it kind of sounds like a horde mode, which I really don't want.

The Baba Yaga DLC can be played during the main game, or after as part of the post game.

Looks like the Baba Yaga DLC comes out next week! Can't wait to dig into that.

First off, it's safe to say that the PC version of the game looks good. The demo boxes were sporting the latest Nvidia hardware, which meant all of the visual effects were enabled. During the time I spent with the DLC, I didn't notice any frame rate hiccups or visual glitches. During one early moment, I found myself wanting to grab a screenshot of Lara looking at a waterfall as a rainbow formed overheard. It looked that good.

The visual effects are used effectively during the first segment of the DLC, which starts out as Lara investigates the Wicked Vale, a new area just south of the Soviet Installation on the world map. A hallucinogenic pollen kicks off a fairly disturbing visual trip for Lara, which concludes with the suicide of her father. The supernatural influence only gets stronger from there as you come face-to-face with Baba Yaga herself, who attacks from her walking hut, which is the not-so-friendly version of Howl's Moving Castle.

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