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ROBOCOP Remake script leaked? "Total Recall seems like a masterpiece compared to it"

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Id rather just see the movie. Trusting the opinion of Moriarity is a fools move. Especially when he drops his pacifier mid twitter stream and writes the following:

I’m going to go stand in my backyard and scream at the moon for a while. My brain needs a shower.

And this:
Good god… it just keeps topping itself. It’s like someone wrote a script scientifically fine-tuned to destroy me

Calm down homie..its only a movie script.
The scene ends with the action line "David sits, catatonic, looks at the TV -- MGM REMAKE TBD." It means "to be determined." They haven't decided which of their other movies to plug with that clip



I only thing I had heard about this project was that (at one point?) the new Robocop design looked very similar to Raiden from MGS4.

Whether that's still the case I have no idea.

Outsourcing to China seems in line with the satire of the original really.

That 'social commentary' sounds exactly like Jose Padilla.


In the film, when Murphy is turned into Robocop 1.0, it's described "a high-tech version of the '80s suit." Then they show a focus group scene where criminals laugh at the design. "He looks like a toy from the '80s!" So they redesign him to look "meaner" as Robocop 2.0, who passes focus group approval. So they not only make sure to include the original design, they also point out it's dated and stupid.

That's pretty clever. If played properly a lot of these scenes can be pretty great.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
You know, Robocop's satire and social commentary was not exactly high class and subtle. It was in your face, absurdist, and ham fisted, but executed with incredible confidence and shoulders thrust back heroically.

Nothing in these leaks sounds out of character for a Robocop style of satire. It all depends upon the execution on-screen, as with so many things.




You know, Robocop's satire and social commentary was not exactly high class and subtle. It was in your face, absurdist, and ham fisted, but executed with incredible confidence and shoulders thrust back heroically.

Nothing in these leaks sounds out of character for a Robocop style of satire. It all depends upon the execution on-screen, as with so many things.

Robocop was a movie for Verhoeven, the most anti-american director ever known. The others don't have his talent to tell such stories.


It means we should let the 80's be the 80's and make movies based on new ideas instead of constant rehashes.

Now, I love the 80's. Can't get enough of them. But I'm not interested in bastardized re-imaginings that completely miss the point.

I couldn't be happier with Total Recall failing. It sets a very, very good precedent.

Well to be honest you can do a remake but just make it it's own. A modern reboot of robocop with a more serious scifi tone could work and work damn well. The design can be updated while still keeping the core of what it was about. Take the ED-209 we've seen. I actually liked that design. It kept a similar profile to the original and has a more modern look to it.

However when you start making fun of the original and then try to recreate it while trying to keep it basically what it was you're going to ruin it. You just can't go back and capture what made the original special. Also trying to shoehorn what all is hot into it is a disaster waiting to happen. It's like they have a check list. Transforming check, make fun of original movie, check, middle eastern setting with him taking out evil middle easterners, check. That's not a good way to reboot a franchise at all. If this is true I fully expect some aliens to show up at some point and him to kick the crap out of them too.


You know, Robocop's satire and social commentary was not exactly high class and subtle. It was in your face, absurdist, and ham fisted, but executed with incredible confidence and shoulders thrust back heroically.

Nothing in these leaks sounds out of character for a Robocop style of satire. It all depends upon the execution on-screen, as with so many things.

This. I love Robocop. But to say that the original Robocop wasn't filled with corny in your face satire is like saying it wasn't a movie about a robot cop. It was cheesy as hell but it was handled with confidence. Reading through Mcweeny's tweets, it sounds like he's just being a little baby crying because he shat the bed. I am cautious about this movie because i don't think its necessary but I think it has potential. And i'm not surprised NeoGaf is taking a knee jerk reaction to this...
And this is why remakes are almost always entirely pointless. You can remake the movie but you can't remake the context. The time has passed. It doesn't mean anything anymore to harken back all the time.

The 80's are over folks. They were fun (and incredibly stupid) while they lasted. The year is 2012 now. What does that mean to you? Artists don't know. You don't know. I don't know either, and therein lies the problem.

This is a big reason why I feel that Watchmen, despite being a faithful adaptation, failed to have emotional resonance. Taking a story about nuclear paranoia and the absurdity of silver-age heroes, and showing it to modern audiences - who already know that we aren't going to be nuked any day by the Russians, and are well accustomed to heroes who swear and kill and fornicate - and lots of the drama just doesn't work.

If this movie is going to work, it has to be a social satire of modern times. It will take a remarkably competent director to have it not degrade into a schlocky action film.

MC Safety

Scripts go through multiple rewrites and revisions. Even the shooting script can be dramatically altered as shooting progresses.

I think what's being passed around may be a preliminary script. Even if it's not, we're not discussing something that was a brilliant piece of film making to begin with.

It's RoboCop. It's dumb and he's going to shoot some suckas.
So, this remake goes out of its way to mock the original design? What the hell is wrong with it?

Well, despite the fact that it's there to keep the Robo part more human for the dramatic purposes of a movie, it was a stupid thing to have his face half-exposed for anyone to shoot. Of course, no one ever shoots or damages it. It was an unrealistic part of the design when he's armored everywhere and acts as a tank in many of the movies' shootouts. I still like it, though. Still wish this was a real reinvention of the idea.


By page 54, they are already onto Robocop 4.0, who looks like a "cop on steroids painted metallic blue." Oh, god... oh dear god... Robocop is a Transformer. He goes from "social mode" to "combat mode" and back. Full transformation

So... Jiban? Robocop becomes Jiban?


Maybe they're actually outsourcing Robocop to Japan.


So... Jiban? Robocop becomes Jiban?


Maybe they're actually outsourcing Robocop to Japan.

But that pisses me off. Jiban and other guys like say I think Eight-man right? Are supposed to be like...Robocops but turn into human when they don't need to be.

The whole point of Robocop is that he's stuck as Robocop, he can't be with his wife and son ever again, a fucking 'Social' mode is ludicrous and kills it.
The movie humorously and gently pokes fun at the dated design found in the original film (it IS dated, but that's not necessarily a bad thing), and GAF acts as if the film personally shit in their breakfast.
Well, despite the fact that it's there to keep the Robo part more human for the dramatic purposes of a movie, it was a stupid thing to have his face half-exposed for anyone to shoot. Of course, no one ever shoots or damages it. It was an unrealistic part of the design when he's armored everywhere and acts as a tank in many of the movies' shootouts. I still like it, though. Still wish this was a real reinvention of the idea.

None issue. It kept his human element but it was dead tissue over a mental endoskeleton frame, it isnt a human skull.


Well if that's the real script then good riddance. Sucks that they are wasting the talent of a good director.
The movie humorously and gently pokes fun at the dated design found in the original film (it IS dated, but that's not necessarily a bad thing), and GAF acts as if the film personally shit in their breakfast.

I think if the movie-going audience continually responds to remakes of recent movies with disdain or indifference, you'd have to be pretty lousy at your job to keep green-lighting them on someone else's dime.
None issue. It kept his human element but it was dead tissue over a mental endoskeleton frame, it isnt a human skull.

Okay, I only ever watched the movies, but what's this about dead tissue? Isn't his baby food to keep his brain, eyes, and skin alive and healthy? Regardless of whether it would have done anything to stop him, no one shot at what seemed to be a perfectly obvious weak spot.


Okay, I only ever watched the movies, but what's this about dead tissue? Isn't his baby food to keep his brain, eyes, and skin alive and healthy? Regardless of whether it would have done anything to stop him, no one shot at what seemed to be a perfectly obvious weak spot.

It's not his skin dude, remember part 2 where his wife touched his face and she said it's 'Cold' ? Yeah it's artificial, like a terminator for example. His eyes aren't human either, it's 'Good as money can buy' artificial 'enhanced' eyes.

Plus from my sources and a tidbit of the script before the finalized one, he was going to be shot in the face during the 'dismantling' scene in part 2 which would reveal his metal jaw, thus metal face.


Why didn't they just rerelease the old Robocop on the big screen remastered in HD (hell even 3D seems like less of a sin than a remake). It probably would have made them more money.


The details in the OP sounds great. One of the reasons for a Robocop is as a deterrent, it makes sense to focus group his design - And if you take the nostalgia glasses off, Robocops original design is very outdated, so they put it in as a nod to the original.

Outsourcing him to China also makes sense.
It's not his skin dude, remember part 2 where his wife touched his face and she said it's 'Cold' ? Yeah it's artificial, like a terminator for example. His eyes aren't human either, it's 'Good as money can buy' artificial 'enhanced' eyes.

Plus from my sources and a tidbit of the script before the finalized one, he was going to be shot in the face during the 'dismantling' scene in part 2 which would reveal his metal jaw, thus metal face.

WTF? Man, I don't remember this shit at all. Then again, I kinda decided to ignore 2 and 3 after seeing them both upon release. They really should have gone with that metal face reveal.
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