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RTTG: Final Fantasy VIII


So since is the series 30th anniversary I decided to play these games again and I started with VIII. I haven't played this in a while, but it's always been among my top 3 in FF. I never had a problem with the Junction system and the Draw system, actually drawing is addictive to me. At the end of the game where I have plenty I still feel like I have to draw. But anyway, I still have the same issues with the story and discovered some new complaints about the level and game design. The story overall I think is fine, but the reveal of Edea being the matron and all of the cast except for Rinoa being in the same orphanage did feel left field and weird. Irvine not wanting to say anything because he think they all forgot was conveniently dumb to me.

Like, he wouldn't think it would be weird that all of them just happened to get put in Gardens, become SeeDs, and having to assassinate their foster mother? I don't know about that....

I also find it weird that no one questions Sorceress Edea and Rinoa's existences. To become a sorceress you have to pass your powers to another so there should only be one sorceress at a time. We know why there are two because of Ultimecia transferring her spirit to the past but no one knows of this until towards the end of the game, but people still know that Adel is alive. Now, maybe only Esthar knows that only Adel is alive, but they don't find it weird that there are two sorceresses either. It's just fucking weird.
I do love the Laguna shit. Him, Kiros, and Ward brought a different tone from the serious of the Sorceress story. For the gameplay issues I had I'm annoyed with how the SeeD ranking system is handled. It's almost entirely reliant on defeating enemies and sometimes enemies can be a pain and I just want to get to where I'm going. I shouldn't be punished for wanting to explore or wanting to do a sidequest. Your ranking is growing to drop doing the Shumi Tribe quest and mentioning that quest it's not really worth it. All that fucking running around for a got damn Phoenix Pinion which you already get one of before you get to the village.


This is a small complaint that's almost negligible, but I feel that some of the weapon upgrade materials to be too tedious to get or come too late in the game. In the Deep Sea Reasearch Lab a dungeon opens up after beating Bahamut, but getting in it is some bullshit that I have to ask why. So you got to leave the center, open the bridge of the Ragnarok and talk to Irvine and go back in. I think I'm in the majority who don't press triangle on the Ragnarok when I already know where I want to go. Once you get the spaceship there's really no reason to walk around the ship. Everyone's on the bridge and there's no monsters to fight or items to find. I was struggling for a while trying to figure out why the dungeon wouldn't show up when I read online that I just have to go in. That was a really dumb design choice. It really should only trigger after beating Bahamut and going back in immediately no boarding the Ragnarok required. That dungeon also has something I think is a glitch because I can't imagine this beating intentional. There are two save points in the dungeon. The last save point is right where the boss shows up. I was trying to level up my party evenly so I had used it to switch party members and it disappeared so I had to run back up to the first save point and ran into monsters because the game punishes you for using Enc-None. I had died against Ultima Weapon a lot so I had run all the way down there each time I wanted to fight the boss. That was annoying as fuck. There's also a weird thing with the stairs in that dungeon. If you approach it from the side it'll force Squall to walk backwards as if he's not supposed to go there. I was thinking there was something I was supposed to do first, but all I had to do was go around to the side to walk down the stairs. Why? In other points in the game they would let you know something like this by having your character hit a wall. That's how most games indicate you can't get into something at least in one direction.

I decided to tackle almost all of the side content and enjoyed all of it with the exception of the Shumi quest and getting Eden. Ultimecia's Castle I still think has the best music for a final dungeon and I enjoy hunting down the bosses. I do find it weird that the monsters in the dungeon are mostly weak. You find monsters scaled up randomly throughout, but most I ran to seemed like they were were at the original level that I encountered them. The final boss gauntlet is some of the best spectacle in the genre and it was different for me to try and beat it with the random characters it chose. I distributed GFs onto everyone and I had to add new abilities so that everyone could junction the important stats. When I finally beat Ultimecia I think I broke the game. Since you can't pause during the ending sequences I just hit the PS button to pause it instead while I was surfing on the web. The controller must've got desynced because it resumed and jumped ahead to the scene with Rinoa at the SeeD ball and then I hit the PS button again because I wasn't finished and then just took it off a moment ago and the screen is just black. Oh well, at least I got to beat it. I really wanted to see the ending because in the story Edea mentioned she became a Sorceress at the age of 5, but I remember in the ending Edea was an adult and found Ulti dying while Squall and co were there. So according to the ending she became a sorceress then.

It would really be cool to see a game that takes inspiration from FFVIII. I can see some potential with the SeeD rank system. In IX it's very simplistic how it increases and decreases. Throughout most of the game your only method for increasing it is taking tests or fighting lots of enemies and if you don't fight any it will go down.

We see that it's affected more in the early parts in the game: The rank you start out with is determined by how fast you beat Ifrit in the Fire Cavern, if you follow orders during the Dollet mission and talking to certain NPCs. You're not aware how any of this affects you until you get your grade mark and even then its ambiguous. I wasn't sure what gave me what points until years later when I read it on the net.

You also have a few minor parts where your rank can be affected. For the first time I found a scene where a student asks you to perform magic for him because he struggles with it. Squall casts Blizzard in the hallway, a staff member sees and penalizes you by dropping your SeeD rank.

I think in a spiritual successor they could play up with this a lot more. Have the military/mercenary organization where the player is sent on missions throughout the game. You'll have a test mission like in VIII where you're not sure what affects your rank, but afterwards you'll get a brief explanation of how you're being monitored on your missions and your decisions will affect your rank.

There will be multiple times when you'll have to make a dialogue choice and immediately after making the choice you'll see a bar that either fills up or decreases. Scanning new enemies increases your bar slightly, almost losing decreases it, and defeating enemies quickly increases the bar. Once the bar fills up you'll gain a rank and if it depletes all the way you lose a rank. Killing rare monsters gives you a lot of points as well.

You'll also get benefits when gaining ranks too. Maybe access to better equipment, new missions of course, and maybe vehicles.

A JRPG like this would be so dope to me.
I forgot to mention going into space for the first time was weird. So you just arrive at Esthar and ask Odine for his help. He tells you to meet him at the Lunar Gate. You get there and they just straight up tell you to get into the pod. Nobody mentioned shit about space beforehand and none of the party members say anything. I just came here to get my friend some medical attention why am I going into space? Is Ellone up there and if so why? It's strange nobody asks any questions.
To become a sorceress you have to pass your powers to another so there should only be one sorceress at a time.

Not if there were many sorceresses living at the same time in the past, which, presumably, was the case. I think the game's codex talks about this in the section about the Great Hyne or something (which seems to be the game's connection to FFIII).

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
VIII seems to get a lot of love here on GAF.

I just cannot bring myself to finish it, as someone who loves the PS1 FF's that sandwich it, maybe one day. The orphanage thing doesn't really work. It's like a Kojima twist that falls flat.

About pressing the PS button, on PS3 that does not pause a PS1 game, it keeps running but you can't see (or hear). Might be different on Vita, but I'm not sure where you're playing it.
Not if there were many sorceresses living at the same time in the past, which, presumably, was the case. I think the game's codex talks about this in the section about the Great Hyne or something (which seems to be the game's connection to FFIII).

Yup! This is also the motivation for Ultimecia's time compression plot - she's condensing all Sorceress power into herself.
Edea straight up says in the ending that she's a sorceress at the time she receives power from Ultimecia so that wasn't when she became one, she was already one prior to that. As stated, she was one from the age of 5.


There is A LOT I love about FFVIII, it's stylish, beautiful, has an amazing soundtrack, interesting characters, the best FF minigame in Triple Triad, and great story beats and some really cool devices for telling that story like the playable Laguna segments. The combat system is completely broken, drawing is a dumb design choice and the level scaling is awful, but none of that brings it down enough for me to care overly much.
What's wrong with the level scaling? What makes the combat broken? I've been hearing that since I've gotten onto FF forums, but I don't get it.

I don't think anything in that link was in the tutorial. I'm not quite sure what that is, but it looks like missable stuff in the game. You're referring to that line in there that talks about talking to Cid on Disc 3?

The entire game is scaled to your level, making fighting regular enemies pretty pointless. And what can break the game is the Junction system (which I forget the details of).


The game is broken by things like being able to get Squall's ultimate weapon in disc 1, being able to turn tents into curaga right at the start of the game and make enemy damage trivial, or how early you can get spells like aeroga from triple triad to junction to your strength and one hit everything at the time, or how you can limit spam with aura and then have Squall one hit anything in the game since you got a disc 1 Lion Heart. All kinds of things really.

As for level scaling, I hate that it completely trivializes leveling up and encounters.


Was never much of a fan of VIII. I've only finished it once when it first came out and then never bothered revisiting it, but I've repurchased it multiple times in case I wanted to. Outside of the intro where "whoooa the music and blood!", I've always been meh on it. It was just hard for me to get over the fact that another game had to follow FF7, so I automatically kinda didn't give it much of a chance. I flew through it without enjoying it.
The game is broken by things like being able to get Squall's ultimate weapon in disc 1, being able to turn tents into curaga right at the start of the game and make enemy damage trivial, or how early you can get spells like aeroga from triple triad to junction to your strength and one hit everything at the time, or how you can limit spam with aura and then have Squall one hit anything in the game since you got a disc 1 Lion Heart. All kinds of things really.

As for level scaling, I hate that it completely trivializes leveling up and encounters.

The level scaling isn't that fine grained and only kicks in every 10 or 20 levels or so. So it's a pain if you grind but if you're following the natural flow of the game, you'll get gear to keep up naturally.


You can break the game as mentioned but the level scaling also meant that balance wasn't really there to begin with. If for some reason you played without finding a way to exploit various systems and you got stuck in a boss fight or something, you can't run around the dungeon and grind a few levels to make it easier. In fact leveling up just makes the boss harder to kill.

In some places higher level means tougher enemies will spawn. If you're not prepared and walk into a fight against Moboros you're all kinds of fucked.

Basically. The game has horrible balance which is only really saved because you can break it in your favour in so many ways. This is a shame really because I actually enjoy the feel of the turn based combat. The way Squall runs up and you tap the trigger to ensure he criticals with his gunblade is nice.

I'd love to see the combat system revised, refined and balanced.

For those who don't understand the junction system think of it as equipping your magic into a stat to get bonus effects, boosts or augments.
I junction (equip) haste to my speed stat. My ATB is now crazy fast because my speed stat is really high.
I junction Death to my Status Attack and now my attacks has a chance to 1hko.
I junction fire to my Element Att. I now do fire damage and heal Ifrit when I hit him.


This game disappointed me more than any other. VI and then VII were amazing, and then you had this clunky mess. But I think time has been more kind to the game. The world is excellent, with superb art direction and soundtrack. The battle system despite the silliness with magic drawing is solid. The biggest weakness for me was the characters. Squall was a terrible protagonist. None of his supporting cast apart from maybe Seifer was any kind of compelling.

I also find it weird that no one questions Sorceress Edea and Rinoa's existences. To become a sorceress you have to pass your powers to another so there should only be one sorceress at a time. We know why there are two because of Ultimecia transferring her spirit to the past but no one knows of this until towards the end of the game, but people still know that Adel is alive. Now, maybe only Esthar knows that only Adel is alive, but they don't find it weird that there are two sorceresses either. It's just fucking weird.

It's been forever since I've played, but don't Adel (and Ultimecia) exist in some part out of time?


FFVIII is one of my favourites in the series despite the fact it's fundamentally broken. Best OST in the series and some of the best art direction. I actually had a lot of fun exploiting the junction system despite it's faults.

It was mainly the draw/magic system I took issue with. Firstly, drawing magic isn't fun (yeah I know you can refine but still) and tieing your amount of magic directly character stats was terrible because it completely discourages you from using magic in battles as you would in other FF games. Enemy level scaling didn't really work well either.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
The reason I love it is because it's so imaginative and different from so many other things.

Plus, Squall was a taciturn cunt. And I can relate to that.


The reason I love it is because it's so imaginative and different from so many other things.

Plus, Squall was a taciturn cunt. And I can relate to that.

Squall is the only character i like in the game.
I love the game, btw, though a lot of it is nostalgia, i agree with your first sentence.

I'd love if they re-released this but got rid of the junction system. The junction system is so exploitable.

No pls, i love it.
The game is broken by things like being able to get Squall's ultimate weapon in disc 1, being able to turn tents into curaga right at the start of the game and make enemy damage trivial, or how early you can get spells like aeroga from triple triad to junction to your strength and one hit everything at the time, or how you can limit spam with aura and then have Squall one hit anything in the game since you got a disc 1 Lion Heart. All kinds of things really.

As for level scaling, I hate that it completely trivializes leveling up and encounters.

How the fuck can you do that? I struggled to get it at the end of disc 3. The curaga thing seems fine since you're not going to have enough money to even use it a lot. You don't need Aura for limit break abuse though. I just repeatedly hit triangle once I get a party member down to yellow or near yellow. That shit is needed because fuck. Battles would be too fucking long without that shit. It took me a long ass time to get Tonberry King and if I didn't have that limit break abuse I probably would've quit.
My very first FF! I was 8. I remember going to a friend and trying to beat it. Was not able to pass more than the first CD that already it struck a big impression on me at that time. It was not until last year that I finally finished it on my psvita!
I forgot to mention going into space for the first time was weird. So you just arrive at Esthar and ask Odine for his help. He tells you to meet him at the Lunar Gate. You get there and they just straight up tell you to get into the pod. Nobody mentioned shit about space beforehand and none of the party members say anything. I just came here to get my friend some medical attention why am I going into space? Is Ellone up there and if so why? It's strange nobody asks any questions.

Yeah what is this shit about. It's like 'surprise, you're in space now'.
How the fuck can you do that? I struggled to get it at the end of disc 3.

Cards, cards, cards. 20 Elnoyle Cards from Kadowaki at Balamb Garden will eventually refine into the Pulse Ammo, one of the Brothers GF cards refine into the adamantites, and you can just get the Dragon Fangs from killing/mugging low-level Grendels on the way to Galbadia Garden. You can get most people's best weapons super early, Squall's second best can be achieved as early as Dollet.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe

FFIX is the better love story by a mile.

FFVII has an interesting and perhaps unique dynamic in that regard too, trapped between Aerith and Tifa.

The worst of the PSX Final Fantasys by a huge margin.

Very much in agreement with you, and FFVIII is the only one I played when it was new in 1999, so I'm not blinded by nostalgia here.

FFVIII has the same calibre of music though.

Final Fantasy VIII - Fisherman's Horizon [HQ]

Final Fantasy VIII - Balamb Garden [HQ]
I don't think anything in that link was in the tutorial. I'm not quite sure what that is, but it looks like missable stuff in the game. You're referring to that line in there that talks about talking to Cid on Disc 3?

Open up your menu. Click tutorial and then click information, which is a subsection of the tutorial. The information menu is kind of like a glossary on locales, people and locale that fills itself depending on events in the game or people you speak with. That link I posted is a guide for completely filling out the glossary.

This is what the section on Sorcesses say, which shows up in your information menu after the Timber stuff -

"The legend goes that the Great Hyne created people. The sorceresses were given a fragment of Hyne's own power. It's hard to determine how many sorceresses exist today, for many keep their powers concealed. However, it is believed that they avoid spreading their power too thin."

More than one sorceress exists at a time.


The first entry in the series with (somewhat) realistic characters. It could have done without the cringe-worthy テレビドラマ romance thingy between Squall and Rinoa.

I was not a particularly shy teen but "Eyes on Me" was the reason I never played FF8 in front of friends.



The story of Final Fantasy VIII is that six teenagers, trained by SeeD, travel forward through time in order to stop a sorceress from the future from nullifying existence bcompressing all past, present and future. The SeeD commander and his friends accomplish their mission, and then after briefly being lost in time, return to their past where they live happily ever after.

Except for the small fact that the world of Final Fantasy VIII has lived through a war in which the president of Galbadia was murdered by his own ambassador, the only known active sorceress of the age. The sorceress then initiated several horrifying actions, including:

initializing a new World War as the new leader of the nation of Galbadia

Use the Galbadian Garden to fly around the world conquering cities and instituting martial law in search of Ellone

Destroying Trabia Garden (which hosts most of the population of that continent) and attacking Balamb Garden via it's long range missle system

Invade the xenophobic nation of Esthar and initiating the Lunar Cry by flying Lunatic Pandora over Tears Point (a phenomenon which had previously destroyed the region of Centra)

It is crucial to remember that all of these events have a profound effect on the world of Final Fantasy VIII, and the events that occur in game are going to be written down as political and world history.

After the defeat of Ultimecia, the world would want answers for the events concerning Galbadia and the Sorceress, the Lunar Cry and why the allied military organizations of Garden would mobilize against each other.

The explanation they would be offered would be magnificent: Six teenagers travelled through the future in order to stop an evil sorceress from compressing time and destroying existence. Perhaps this would seem too far-fetched to believe, if the story was not being told by the most credible people in the world:

The President of Esthar, Laguna Loire; and his assistant Dr. Odine, a scientist who specializes in the study of the sorceresses and their powers; the two people primarily responsible for freeing the nation from the tyranny of Adel.

Squall Leonhart (the commander of Balamb Garden) and the SeeDs, the primary victors in the war against time.

Rinoa Heartilly, the heiress to the powers of Sorceress Edea and the only known Sorceress of the age.

Cid and Edea Kramer, the founders of Garden, SeeD and the former ambassador of Galbadia.

We can infer that most of the citizens and nations of the world would go on to accept this explanation being offered to them. The world's future is no longer unknown, but can be written down as history; society recognizes that in the future, there will be a sorceress who will conquer the world, destroy all opposition and attempt to send her consciousness back into time to try and achieve Time Compression via Junction Machine Ellone (which is a working, usable machine by that point in time), only to be defeated by the Children of Fate.

History allows the knowledge that this sorceress will come to exist in many generations from the present: the Sorceress Ultimecia would be a personality that would instill more fear and terror into the hearts and minds of the people the more time that passed from the events of the game. With every passing generation, paranoia, anger and fear would grow until the world is consumed by the hatred and witch-hunt for a person who, at this point, was completely innocent of wrongdoing and only condemned by a future which had not yet come to pass.

Every sorceress in the future, far after the lives the Children of Fate have ended, would be persecuted and condemned for possibly being the sorceress of legend: damned for the crimes commited in the past by a Sorceress from the future. Ultimecia could be any girl who had been cursed with the gifts of the Sorceress; a person whose life had been filled with the same hatred and prejudices against the Sorceresses she must now count herself a part of. If this girl's status as a descendant of Hyne were exposed, she would be persecuted if not killed outright by the society that had condemned her before birth, who hated her for crimes she had never intended to commit.

Do you remember the cryptic, puzzling speech Edea (who was under the possession of Ultimecia at the time) gave as she was introduced to the crowds of onlookers at Deling City?

"...Lowlifes. ...Shameless filthy wretches. How you celebrate my ascension with such joy. Hailing the very one whom you have condemned for generations. Have you no shame? What happened to the evil, ruthless sorceress from your fantasies? The cold-blooded tyrant that slaughtered countless men and destroyed many nations. Where is she now? She stands before your very eyes to become your new ruler. HAHAHAHAHA."

The Sorceress Ultimecia was not born, she was created! Created by the hatred and fears of the men and women who had, in her own words, condemned her for generations as they waited for the ascension of the Sorceress of Legend and her reign of terror to begin as prophecized.

Edea: "Ultimecia is a sorceress from the future. A sorceress many generations ahead of our time... Ultimecia is a very fearful sorceress. Her heart is filled with anger and hate."

During the end of the second disk, as Squall encloses upon Edea (possessed by Ultimecia) at the Battle of the Gardens, Ultimecia lets slip that she is aware of her destiny to be defeated by Squall and the other SeeDs.

Sorceress Edea: "So the time has come. You're the legendary SeeD destined to face me?"

Squall: (What is she talking about?)

Sorceress Edea: "I must say that I am impressed. ...An impressive nuisance. Your life ends here, SeeD."

You may ask yourself why Ultimecia would follow history, and make all of the same decisions that would lead to a battle that she KNOWS she is destined to lose.

The answer to that lies in the Ellone herself.

Ellone: "You can't change the past. I just found that out. When I was kidnapped, Uncle Laguna went on a journey to find me... But because he did, Uncle Laguna wasn't able to be by Raine's side when she died."

And later..

Ellone: "I'm so sorry. I got you involved in so many things...so much hardship.

Squall: "It's alright. I understand. I understand what you were trying to do. Were we of any help?"

Ellone: "Of course! You were my eyes. Thanks to you guys, I was able to see how much I was loved. I couldn't change the past but seeing it was more than enough. Thank you so much."

Squall: "It's ok. I came here because I need your help. You said you can't change the past, right?"

Ellone: "You can find out things about the past that you never knew. And from what you've learned, you may see some things differently in the present. You're the one that changes. Not the past."

Squall: "Really? There's no way to change the past? No, I want to find out myself. Take me to Rinoa's past. I need to see the past through Rinoa. I want to find out what happened to her, and I want to try to warn her..."

Squall asks Ellone to take him back into the past because he wants to try to save Rinoa from falling comatose after the battle with Edea. Regardless of Ellone's first hand advice that witnessing the past cannot change it, Squall is so desperate to save Rinoa that he must see for himself if the past can be changed.

In this context, we discover Ultimecia's motives for the re-enacting the events of the game in order to cast the Time Compression spell; like Squall and Ellone, Ultimecia is so desperate to try and change her destiny that she follows history up until the point where she believes she has the best chance of changing her fate.

By achieving Time Compression and diffusing existence into a singular point where only she could exist, she will have escaped her fate. The world which had blindly hated and persecuted her from the moment she had been born would never have existed, and she would have triumphed against destiny itself.


How the fuck can you do that? I struggled to get it at the end of disc 3. The curaga thing seems fine since you're not going to have enough money to even use it a lot. You don't need Aura for limit break abuse though. I just repeatedly hit triangle once I get a party member down to yellow or near yellow. That shit is needed because fuck. Battles would be too fucking long without that shit. It took me a long ass time to get Tonberry King and if I didn't have that limit break abuse I probably would've quit.

The problem with Curaga refine isn't that you cast Curaga, it's that you then junction 99 Curagas to HP. Now your max HP is crazy high. So high, in fact, that your pre-junction max HP puts you in critical (yellow) HP after you junction. So if you want you can heal yourself up to your new max and be basically invulnerable, or just stay at your former max HP with access to easy limit breaks. Either way breaks the game, hard.

Anyway, one thing that bothered me that nobody seems to mention: halfway through the game someone says "You guys know monsters come from the moon, right?" and your party just kinda nods like yeah, that's just a thing everyone knows. This drove me bonkers: I the player did not know that! I had just accepted that monsters were around. So if you're gonna give us the monster origin story, either include it early (so it's just part of the introductory worldbuilding) or make it an actual reveal! Not just a throwaway "oh yeah, moon monsters?" "yeah, we all know that: what's your point?"

Am I crazy for thinking that bit was terrible?

This is an amazing write-up. I love how much goes unsaid in this game and is left to subtext. The Laguna/Julia romance that was not to be is what makes Squall/Rinoa such a great love story for example (Squall being Laguna's son, and Rinoa being Julia's daughter, they sealed the relationship their parents always wanted). That's another way the game tackles stories across time and generations. I think a lot of players miss these things though, leading to confusion.

Also the combat system is a lot of fun but... so easy to exploit. You can turn pretty much everything into cards, which means your characters get no exp and never level up (meaning enemies also don't level up, since they scale to your level) but GFs still gain AP. So you're still unlocking loads of junctioning slots through GFs to raise your stats with, along with all the GF abilities that also boost all your stats and combat effectiveness, and you can turn all those cards you're getting into items and magic for junctioning/selling. You can reach the final disc without even hitting level 10, with OP stats and abilities, but fight enemies scaled to brand new players.


You need member status right now.

FF8 does have some issues, like how it clumsily explains GF sideffects and the infamous orphanage scene, but it does so much so well that it's easy for me to look past it's flaws if only for its shear ambition.

Your post perfectly demonstrates that some of the greatest story telling can come from context and subtext. If people who complained about FF8's story telling dug a little deeper they'd find a lot more to appreciate. There's a very clear difference between what games like FF13 did, which was rely on a datalogue to explain convoluted story events as they happened. And what FF8 was able to achieve with its beautiful world building and layers available to those who didn't need everything spelled out for them.

If you thought Ultimecia showed up out of nowhere when you got to the end of the game you weren't fucking paying attention.
My favourite detail in FFVIII is how it's implied that Seifer based his battle stance and philosophy on watching the Knight and Sorceress movie that Laguna starred in.
FFVIII is definitely within my top 5 Final Fantasy games, it is a pretty weird ass story and I didn't mind the draw system. I spent way too much time playing the card game and loved that. I remember playing the demo from demo disc from OPM and just thinking wow what a step up in graphics from FFVII.


The fact that Doomtrain has never returned shows just how inept Square Enix is.

I wanted so bad to see Doomtrain using XV's summon system.

Can you even imagine.

Somebody tag this person.

(Today, 07:15 AM)
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