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RTTP Warframe : Its not the game you tried last year.

The new UI (well, not so new now) is a big turn-off for me. Ok, it's pretty and you have your own ship, but the old one was much easier and faster to use.


The new UI (well, not so new now) is a big turn-off for me. Ok, it's pretty and you have your own ship, but the old one was much easier and faster to use.

They don't seem to have a clear design goal for the overall state of the game, and it suffers for it with these incremental flashy updates that clutter and confuse as much as they dazzle. At least that's how it felt as I experienced the progress when I played.

The game really does look like a bloated mess now. Going to reinstall my steam copy and see if I can be proven wrong.


Yeh I don't actually know how to even play this game any more, lol.

I just login to keep the clan happy. I need someone to show me how to even get into a mission and stuff now.


The new UI (well, not so new now) is a big turn-off for me. Ok, it's pretty and you have your own ship, but the old one was much easier and faster to use.
Agreed. Beauty at the cost of function. I'm used to it now though, just started playing again a week ago after a year+ hiatus.


this game seems to get so much love, but i think it plays like ass, though. I played for like an hour, but I just couldn't get into it. if the gameplay improves, I'm in.


The parkour can be awkward and the AI is dumb, but I really like the game. It makes you feel you're not only stacking stats when you get new weapons or abilities. The amount of content with specific abilities and animations is quite impressive, and the overall visual design is great.
My only nitpickings for now :
- it needs more environments
- kubrows are annoying. Too much micromanagement to bother.
- climbing animations in parkour, after hours of playing it I can still have trouble getting on a platform without randomly jumping backwards.

Oh yeah and not being a big fan of the free to play model, I think it's best to quickly spend a few bucks and get interesting frames/weapons, once you get familiar with everything.
Why would you not yearn for more intelligently designed content for the game you love? Why not have both the hack and slash style gameplay /and/ the raid style content?
I find difficulty in the game's Tier 4 stuff, nightmare missions and the new operations which have maximum values for your loadout's conclave rating so you can't bring in maxed gear. You'll face tough enemies and situations all the same, so teamwork is essential. Me and my buddy just got wiped trying to do a mobile defense op maybe 30 seconds after starting the first set of waves. We've already got ideas on which frames to bring in to tackle it again. So ...

When I brought up group composition I meant which frames you bring in and what roles people play in the group - and that is a very real thing all the time in this game, and especially so for the harder content.

I played some of Destiny's Vault of Glass, and while you did have objective player roles through the use of picked up artifacts, those roles exist in Warframe as a matter of frame + aura + weaponry, though sometimes pickups are involved (carrying a datamass for hacks, or power unit for excavation missions) and being reduced to only melee or secondary weapons. And I really don't need enemies that pop up for 10 seconds across the map that if I don't kill set up the group for an instant wipe. Those raids seem to love the idea of group wipes from not doing X in a small unit of time. That's trial and error, and not really my thing.

And for raids being the true test of your gear, the raids themselves sure seem to be played again and again themselves to harvest gear, which would make that end-game *still* a grind for the game's gear - like all loot based end games. You just like the raid style of objectives more than the objectives in Warframe's missions.

In terms of variety, since you asked, you know there are extermination missions, assassination missions (kill the boss), rescue missions (now redesigned), sabotage, survival, defense and mobile defense, basic invasions where you fight *for* one of the enemy factions against a rival, usually for large credit payouts or rarer materials, interception (control points), hijack, where you escort a power core along rails to safety, but have to face constant attack while you move and hack open doors, Orokin vault missions where each player needs to equip one of four vault keys (that act as player debuffs), find the vault, and hopefully open it for prized loots - which is only guaranteed when you have four players with all four keys, but you can attempt it with less, hive infestations, where you locate the hives, destroy the nodes that protect it and then destroy the hive itself, which then has an effect upon the mission from that point out like low gravity, laser fields and turrets. You've got excavation, which is a different take on survival involving finding excavators to power up and defend, and Orokin sabotage where you start in a tower but go through a warp gate to another planet or ship to tackle a mini-boss, take the key and shut down the warp gate - and there are hidden caches of loot and bunches of resources to find. You have Dark Sector conflict missions which I haven't played but offer a mix of sabotage, defense and PvP and allow clans to take over regions of the star map for tribute and research. You have random mission modifiers like mid mission invasions by other factions (and the ship will be on fire or damaged), ice to lower friendly and enemy shields, and special revenge-based bosses that hunt down the players and randomly seek vengeance for actions the player had taken against bosses or one of the factions. This used to be just The Stalker, who would appear dramatically when the power would ebb and try to take you down quickly with his bow, kunai and specials, but now each of the factions have their own player hunters, as do the new syndicate factions.

The last one of those hunter bosses that found me and not only wiped me out but failed me out of my current mission and loaded up a new one where I had to sneak my way around a guarded complex until I could re-acquire each weapon and power again before reaching extraction.

Besides all of the above DE is always putting out special events with all new objectives, and these sometimes become staple mission types. Then you have quests, which string these special missions together into a continuing series, and of course Conclave, which is PvP dueling. And missions in the void have a fair share of secrets and timed parkour runs to unlock hidden caches.

Oh, and Archwing provides its own spin on the existing mission types as full freedom open space exterminations or close and mid-sized areas in trench run exterminations or sabotage (as far as I've seen so far).

And you've got nightmare missions which are ruthless versions of the above with the Warframe equivalent of skulls I guess, but even more formidable ones (like no shields, constantly draining health, etc).

Yes, variety. Warframe haz it. I'm probably missing some too. And even then that is only the discrete mission objectives. You also have each faction to face for each of these mission types, with their own enemies, mini-bosses, environmental defenses and fauna, and their uber exegis versions.

You're playing down the lack of end game and trying to dismiss raid style content as redundant while singing the praises of endless wave gear checks, though, which I have a difficult time understanding.
Is there such a thing as a loot game without gear checks? But yes, I do love endless defense and survival missions (among others) as I enjoy horde modes in general, and especially here with the mix of weapons and powers in co-op.

Now, I'm not trying to convince you to like Warframe - but to say it doesn't have variety is nuts to me. Maybe it doesn't have the end game you're looking for, but nor am I looking for what you're after either. More challenging missions with unique objectives are always good though, and I think Warframe has them, and then people burn through them, which is how it goes.

To those saying Nekros had always been good: I meant as more than a Desecrate bot.
Warframe powers have been completely decoupled from the mod system now. All warframes now have all powers at all times (if you've hit the level to unlock them), and all power specific mods have been removed. So those four mod slots have been replaced with two general mod slots, so you don't need to nerf your frame focusing on one ability to the exclusion of others. That should help with those one-trick-pony builds. Survival has also been redone on planets (excavation) so you don't desecrate for more oxygen.
Great thread. I'm trying to take your word for it, NullPointer, and have been actively trying to play the game for the past half hour.... but their servers don't seem to want me.

I have 200 mb left of updates (the client updater after launching the game from xmb) to download (after downloading 4+ gb of updates) and it keeps giving me an error when it gets down to this last little bit. Every time I restart the application, it has to verify the 4+ gb I already downloaded, and then it attempts to download the remainder again, only to spit out the same error.

For the record the error says something to the effect of "Some updates could not be downloaded from our servers. Please close the application and try again."

This'll be the 7th restart now (the verification of what I've already downloaded takes a bit of time).

Keep in mind this is from a fresh download/install off psn.
ME3's multiplayer kind of spoiled me on ability-based shooters and the "press button to mitigate incoming damage and/or clear a room" gameplay of Warframe doesn't really make me want to go back (I played a lot of Warframe at the PS4 launch).

Having said that the game still looks good, it has definitely changed and the devs deserve huge props for keeping it going. Running void missions always felt good to me with the atmosphere, hidden rooms and parkour challenges.


I play on PS4 and my Mastery is 15, after the newest update I stopped playing. No Nova Prime for me yet.
I'm just disappointed that nearly everyone who plays on PS4 moved over to Destiny now there is hardly ever more than 300 people on at the same time daily. (From what I notice.) No one uses mics anymore, and there has been little to no actual story, end game, or a point. But why do I keep playing for countless hours? DX
Great thread. I'm trying to take your word for it, NullPointer, and have been actively trying to play the game for the past half hour.... but their servers don't seem to want me....
That sucks. Its been a good long while since I've run into any server issues, but I've also had the game installed from day one.

And hey, don't blame me if you hate it, blame me for getting you to download it ;p I fucking love it, but there's definitely a breaking-in period where everything is new and confusing, but there is a fuckton of depth to the game's systems so definitely check out the in-game Codex, feel free to ask GAF or hit up the Wiki.
That sucks. Its been a good long while since I've run into any server issues, but I've also had the game installed from day one.

And hey, don't blame me if you hate it, blame me for getting you to download it ;p I fucking love it, but there's definitely a breaking-in period where everything is new and confusing, but there is a fuckton of depth to the game's systems so definitely check out the in-game Codex, feel free to ask GAF or hit up the Wiki.

I played the game for about a month when I got my ps4 at launch, but a lot of things didn't click with me. Some of the changes you listed fixed a lot of my issues, so I think I'll actually like it, if I could get the damn game to work again.

I'm reading warframe's official forums and there doesn't seem to be an official fix for the issue I'm having. Everyone seems to have some superstition based method of fixing it but nothing has worked for me so far. Since I've downloaded 8+ gb so far (base game, plus updates) and I have a download cap, I'm a bit reluctant to redownload unless I have some guarantee it would work that time.

Edit: One of the superstition based fixes somehow worked (or I just got lucky). Time to play.


Thats a pretty disingenuous description of the game, the only things behind a microtransaction paywall are entirely cosmetic, you can access 90% of the content and all the "game" content without paying anything.

- Grind for a weapon (OR BUY IT NOW)
- Grind to level it up (OR BUY A BOOSTER)
- Grind to potato it (OR BUY THE STUFF)
- New weapon comes out, rebalances, you have to change weapon to keep up.
- Grind for a weapon.

Here's another thing! Where's the drop for the multi-hit perk on off hand weapons? Oh what it's a super rare high rank drop? Cool I'll just trade some plat with another player.

Great now that we have all this gear what do we do?

Grind for potatos.

Grind grind grind.

The game is not even fun or good, glitches and bugs and game breaking unfinishable missions and useless bad dumb group finding services. Maybe it's just oceanic but woooow some of the glitches I've got have been like fall through the floor or invisible doors that are impassable.

It also didn't help that I started with the most useless frame, Loki.


It also didn't help that I started with the most useless frame, Loki.

Loki is actually fun to play in my opinion, his invisibility and decoy abilities allow for multiple strategies, especially when playing solo. I started with Excalibur, and while it's nice to get familiar with the game mechanics, it's a rather boring frame in the end.
Like I said earlier, I think there is a good balance to find between purchases and grind. You have to pay enough to make a build that is fun to play, and then the weapons/frames/mods will keep dropping.


My biggest complaint with this game is the PS4 version. The controls feel awkward which is disappointing because I think this kind of game could work great on consoles. The community is also MUCH smaller than the PC version which makes the death of cross play sting.


I remember mostly the grind and that it seemed to take forever to get a new weapon to finally get some variation out of the game. Is the loot system improved or does that still take hours? How about getting new frames? Is it "easy" (as theh can get in f2p game) or is it still better to pay for the overpriced ones?
To those saying Nekros had always been good: I meant as more than a Desecrate bot.

Now his first can revive team mate instantly from distance with the Augment mod. Godlike
his second debuff and make all enemies around run away from you. Amazing pressure reliver.
Third gets you more loot.
Fourth summons ennemies you killed to fight with you. They use all their abilities (they can buff you, protection you, do CC, take agro, do some dmg) so it's not Saryn/Nova wiping out the room but it's still good for defensive situation.

Nekros' only flaw to me is it's weakness. Low shield low health no armor. But his skills ? One of the only frame out there I used EVERY of the fourth skills


- Grind for a weapon (OR BUY IT NOW)
- Grind to level it up (OR BUY A BOOSTER)
- Grind to potato it (OR BUY THE STUFF)
- New weapon comes out, rebalances, you have to change weapon to keep up.
- Grind for a weapon.

Here's another thing! Where's the drop for the multi-hit perk on off hand weapons? Oh what it's a super rare high rank drop? Cool I'll just trade some plat with another player.

Great now that we have all this gear what do we do?

Grind for potatos.

Grind grind grind.

The game is not even fun or good, glitches and bugs and game breaking unfinishable missions and useless bad dumb group finding services. Maybe it's just oceanic but woooow some of the glitches I've got have been like fall through the floor or invisible doors that are impassable.

It also didn't help that I started with the most useless frame, Loki.
You must not really like RPGs where you have to work for something to get it.
And Loki a useless frame? Please...


You must not really like RPGs where you have to work for something to get it.
And Loki a useless frame? Please...

I love RPGs. The grinding in Warframe chased me away after about 10 hours. It was a fun experience for those 10 hours, but as I got into it and suddenly realized to upgrade I needed:
1. to get some worthwhile blueprint drops I'd likely have to grind.
2. a bunch of random collectables scattered across multiple systems.
3. a bunch of money to then combine all the stuff into a worthwhile item.
4. to wait for the item to complete.
5. to then be of the right level to use said item.
6. and finally to find an assortment of max. carry capacity to fit the new gear in.

I got rather tired. In most RPGs there is at least some level of instant gratification. In Warframe even when you get lucky enough to have a new weapon/item basically dropped in your lap it will, nine times out of ten, either be above your level, require enough capacity to break your whole build, or be one dimensional and only really useful in a specific sector.

They also, at least during the month or so I was playing it, don't give PS4 players anything close to the same sales on platinum they give PC gamers. If they had given me a 75% off deal at some point during that month I'd probably have dropped a decent chunk of money as I'd been enjoying the game, then stock up and the grind would have been far less painful. Instead it felt like playing on the second class platform even from a business model standpoint.

It has promise but it's still freemium and freemium grinding is inherently designed to skew into "not fun" territory to push you into paying.


I tried to like it, but yeah, teh grind... Plus, enemies look terrible and the shooting mechanics isn't that good.


Destiny should have Warframes amount of content and Warframe should have Destiny's super polished and fantastic gameplay.


Framerate has been improved so much that its a world of difference to those early days. And even when there are drops its nothing like those early days framerates in the teens and single digits you'd see in survival missions.

Funny you should mention that. In the 2014 retrospective they talk about rolling out PBR rendering, and in the dev stream they spoke of this making things look more like their natural materials rather than giving that rubbery look. Its a work in progress though as they have to work it out for a lot of assets.

Yeah, I watched some streams last night and the newer models look fantastic. Gonna give this another try. Pretty impressed with the visual updates so far.


To the people saying Destiny has end game wow, one raid that becomes so easy after your max level, you should go try a real game with real content and real end game. Let's not even forget all the stupid caps in that game to drag out so called end game.... Please. Hey u just got supermegagun01 now I need to go kill level 3-16 enemies that die in two shots to level it up, yeah great end game.


I tried Warframe when I first got my Ps4 didn't click but now I'm enjoying it quite alot and yes they've done the worse job possible in explaining how things work but I'm about 20 hours in and paid nothing for it and if I get bored after another 5 hours who cares it's all been free. People need to realise it's a f2p game so yes they have added things in to make you wanna buy plat.

Ps Loki is one of the most OP solo frames in the game so ignore the guy that said he was junk.


I played for about 100 hours, on PS4 when it first came out they even were able to get some money out of me, but the game is just to grindy, just give me that style of 3rd person combat in another non FTP package that's less grindy and more polished and im back.


Is there anyway to rerun the tutorial?

I must have skipped it somehow

I have a 30 Trinity and 29 Oberon but am completely clueless how to play now lol.


I still can not enjoy this game at all and when people describe Destiny to me, Warframe is the game that comes to my mind instead. Yes, it offers a lot of content but that content is all but diverse and even less so are the actual objectives in that game. Warframe feels like a game that is based on repetition and grinding (which is something i used to enjoy in the Diablo 2 era of games), throws you into levels where you mow down waves of enemies which despite the actually well executed core gameplay, never really feels rewarding at all. A small highlight to me are the defense mission which requires good cooperation to do well, but even these lack something special that makes me want to keep playing them.

Still, it is hard to not appreciate DEs work on this game as they are doing a great job with their ongoing updates and events.
Oh man, I might have to download Warframe again. I played it when I first got the PS4, and my experience was pretty much as you describe, but those UI shots in the OP are gorgeous.


Not in the same way, no.

Warframe is even more for nothing as there's nowhere to take all the gear you've earnt and truly put it to the test.

You don't understand end game raid style content.

And raid style content is about puzzle solving and group co-ordination much more than Warframe has ever been, there's much more to raid style content tan bullet sponges.

Warframe has more or less exactly as much of an endgame as its most direct analogs, i.e. "endless" action looters like Diablo, etc. All of which rely on getting better gear to get bigger numbers to clear harder content. Most of those games dont have raid's and I'm not entirely sure Warframe is any more suited to raids, nor are raids necessarily the "answer" to end game content

Also endless wave does not require any kind of "smart group composition". It's just a power spam fest, and to edge a little further forward than last time you just need slightly better gear. This isn't "intelligently crafting an arsenal", it isn't a selling point.

Slightly better gear and "power spam" (as if any similar game is in any way different) will only bring you so far, after that the loadout of you and your teammates, as well as power and frame synchronicites and skill at the game determine how far you get. Perhaps you havent checked out the more challenging end game stuff recently?

The new UI (well, not so new now) is a big turn-off for me. Ok, it's pretty and you have your own ship, but the old one was much easier and faster to use.

New UI can take a bit of adjustment but if you make use of the actual menu its generally as quick (in terms of absolute clicks) as the old menu system. It also did add some useful stuff, such as the alert/invasion/mission summary rollout on the planet selection menu.

- Grind for a weapon (OR BUY IT NOW)

It's nice that you decided to double down on the disingenuous bullshit, what exactly does grind for a weapon actually mean? The majority of weapons are crafted or bought outright using the in-game currency. You get the materials for making crafted weapons by playing the game, so its like more or less every other crafting system out there. It doesnt take very long at all to get the materials to craft a weapon, two or three missions at most. Perhaps one or two more for rare materials. You can buy the weapon outright, but considering gear is one of the primary rewards of a loot game why would you do it? You are also in no way encouraged or required to do so so its not hiding content behind an artifical "microtransactional fun wall"

- Grind to level it up (OR BUY A BOOSTER)

You're complaining that you have to play the game to level stuff up? Are you aware how these games function? You are aware that theres a difference between "grind" and actually just playing a game? Its part of the core gameplay, it again doesnt take long (one or two runs on a high level dark sector will bring you from 1-MAX), boosters are in no way incentivised or required in any way (theyre also given away in the mini events which seem to occur fairly frequently), so again, no content behind an artifical "microtransactional fun wall"

- Grind to potato it (OR BUY THE STUFF)

a) You cant "grind to potato it", b) You only need potato's for gear you are intending to use in endgame, c) at least one is given away free each week, more depending on how lucky you get with login roulettes or how many invasions or events are on

- New weapon comes out, rebalances, you have to change weapon to keep up.

Nope, wrong again, the top ten or so primary, secondary and melee weapons havent meaningfully changed in the last few updates (i.e. the numbered ones, not the weekly ones), a few additions and a few changes in position but apart from that no significant changes - and that isnt even taking into account that weapons outside those top ten are perfectly viable for the majority of content.

- Grind for a weapon.

So silly you felt the need to list it twice?

Here's another thing! Where's the drop for the multi-hit perk on off hand weapons? Oh what it's a super rare high rank drop? Cool I'll just trade some plat with another player.

Yes, some drops are rarer than others, welcome to loot games. Syndicate rewards go some way towards addressing this issue, as do the updated drop tables. But again you dont need to trade for plat, you can trade rare drops for rare drops (as a quick look in trade will show), or you can trade them for plat and then trade that for the rare drop

Great now that we have all this gear what do we do?

Grind for potatos.

Something you still cant do

Grind grind grind.

Oh, you mean play the game? And how exactly does this tie in to your comment about the game locking content behind microtransactions?

The game is not even fun or good, glitches and bugs and game breaking unfinishable missions and useless bad dumb group finding services. Maybe it's just oceanic but woooow some of the glitches I've got have been like fall through the floor or invisible doors that are impassable.

Your opinion of the game is what it is, subjective. The game does have bugs, its in beta after all, they get addressed at a fairly solid pace. My anecdotal experience with match making has been the opposite of yours. And again, none of this supports your initial statement implying the game cordons off content behind a paywall

It also didn't help that I started with the most useless frame, Loki.

Is currently, and always was, one of the best frames in the game


Glad I came back to Warframe. I used to play it on PC over a year ago and started on my PS4 about three days ago. The new tutorial missions got me back into the swing pretty quickly and it only took around 30 minutes to get acclimated with the PS4 controls.

Started with Volt using the bow as my primary weapon and having a blast. I'll just need to craft a better primary or secondary weapon for when I'm spotted and multiple enemies.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Damn, this does look pretty cool. How much of this content can you do solo? I've got a friend who's into this game, but I also don't want to play with people until I feel like I know what I'm doing.


Damn, this does look pretty cool. How much of this content can you do solo? I've got a friend who's into this game, but I also don't want to play with people until I feel like I know what I'm doing.

It depends to a certain extent on your frame and loadout, but you can do a lot of it solo. Even then I wouldnt worry about playing co-op, most players are cool, you'll get carried a bit by randoms early and later on you'll carry some new randoms, it all works out (also you're likely to end up with a high ranked player in your group who's an old hand and overgeared so dont worry about being a burden).

For players new to the game I would recommend in the strongest possible terms that you make getting Rhino as your second frame a priority. An excellent all round frame and one of the best solo frames in the game. You can farm his components from the boss on Venus.
It also didn't help that I started with the most useless frame, Loki.

This is just plain untrue. He starts out a little difficult to use (I don't believe he's even a starter you can pick anymore) but he turns into one of the best frames in the game. I try to avoid using him to keep from making things too easy.

As far as bugs and glitches, unless this is a more recent thing, sounds like an isolated incident. I can only remember 1 time a glitch happened to me that required having to restart a mission.
Whoever said play with volt and a bow, thank you. So much fun.
Best bows ever. This is the only game where I've actually gone full on Legolas, and the only game where I've racked up dozens of bow kills while on the move.

Dread tears enemies to pieces, Paris pins enemies to walls, and any bow is fun to "bowl" with: Play a defense mission and when you first see a pack of enemies rushing towards your position, try and take them ALL out with one bow shot.

So damn satisfying.
Is there anyway to rerun the tutorial?

I must have skipped it somehow

I have a 30 Trinity and 29 Oberon but am completely clueless how to play now lol.

if you haven't log in a long time, it will be mandatory (probably never had the new tutorial) and if you did, you can run it again, under the Codex, Quest, vor's prize.
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