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Rudy Giuliani Says ‘Black Lives Matter’ Is ‘Inherently Racist’

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BLM was birth out of efforts of racist and conservative support of George Zimmerman. Also the character assassination attempt on Trayvon Martin, with focus on justifying his murder. This inherent lack of compassion for the death young African-American men, shot and killed while unarmed and walking away.

The primary goal, is a desire for compassion and justice. With all that has happened last week, knowing most police officers deaths or just being shot are perpetrated by white men, suggest there is definitely something wrong with cops perception of who is they're biggest civilian threat.

Filthy racist..


I'm pretty sure I don't need to rethink anything. I clearly stated that the issue is not the cause itself, but with media portrayal, in the first sentence even. Being so asinine as to tear apart sentences in an attempt to belittle for offering perspective doesn't really contribute to anything. I think context is pretty important. I get what you are saying but it's obviously not what I meant.
I wasn't talking to you specifically, I would have quoted you if I was, it was more the fact there are at least three BLM specific threads right now and at least 10-15% of the posts are acting like a name change or presentation difference (as if they are in control of the media narrative to begin with) is the issue and not the backlash that trys to twist the point.
And yet its name is Black lives matter.

Because it wants to remind people that black people don't deserve to be slaughtered with impunity. If someone chooses to ignore such an obvious context and read it as "(only)Black Lives Matter", then that's on them. There are plenty of non-black people who get it and are part of the movement and join the protests and meetings.


I wasn't talking to you specifically, I would have quoted you if I was, it was more the fact there are at least three BLM specific threads right now and at least 10-15% of the posts are acting like a name change or presentation difference (as if they are in control of the media narrative to begin with) is the issue and not the backlash that trys to twist the point.

Okay, sorry about that. Thanks for clarifying.
You're missing his point that they should be protesting against gang violence instead, driving a wedge between the police and the neighborhoods they are trying to protect serves to put even more African American lives at risk to gang violence.
Guess what gangs do? Police an area because no one does it for them correctly
And yet its name is Black lives matter.

Because black people aren't included in the class of "people whose deaths the justice system gives a shit about."

The fact that people react to the name (as if it's somehow unacceptable to say "black lives matter" on its own) proves that point.
Someone should ask Rudy exactly what "speaking up" against black-on-black crime would do to curtail it. It would do NOTHING because blacks don't kill blacks because of their skin color, they kill them because they live in the same neighborhoods where no one gives a **** about them. Protesting against this won't make them less poor, less ignorant, and have less access to guns.


Strap on your hooker ...
It's astounding how well the right-wing media trains its audience to bark out the same canned responses every time they hear the bell, no matter how much logic is spoken against it. Somewhere, Pavlov smiles.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Someone should ask Rudy exactly what "speaking up" against black-on-black crime would do to curtail it. It would do NOTHING because blacks don't kill blacks because of their skin color, they kill them because they live in the same neighborhoods where no one gives a **** about them. Protesting against this won't make them less poor, less ignorant, and have less access to guns.

Your heart is in the right place but that wording. lol


And yet its name is Black lives matter.

Is English not your first language? This is an honest question I pose to everyone that thinks BLM somehow means 'only black lives matter'

Since when does a statement ending with 'matters' mean only that thing in particular matters? If I say girls matter, does that mean Im saying only girls matter? If I say my feelings matter, does that mean Im saying only my feelings matter? If I say staying fit matters, does that mean I'm saying only staying fit matters? If I say *insert word here* matters, that means only that thing matters? You have to be either intentionally ignorant of that statement, or you simply havent been around enough English speakers to know about the usage of a term/statement with the word 'matters'. I'm going to assume the former because unless you're a non-native speaker, no one can be that dumb.


Also the character assassination attempt on Trayvon Martin, with focus on justifying his murder. This inherent lack of compassion for the death young African-American men, shot and killed while unarmed and walking away

Trayvon Martin was not shot while walking away, he was shot while fighting with Zimmerman. This is an example of what I find to be BLM biggest fault, even though I support their cause. Many online postings I see don't care about separating real information from misinformation, so long as it serves the message.

This is why the Michael Brown case also really irritates me, in the sense that it was one of the founding trials of the movement. The cop was exonerated because the cop was being charged at by Michael Brown, after being assaulted in the car by Brown. These events were extensively documented and proven in court, but instead the reaction by BLM in general is to say "conspiracy" or "racism" because the message is more important than the details. The "hands up don't shoot" phrase started here as well, which, as was also proven in court, was a complete fabrication by some witnesses trying to cover-up Brown's charging.

This only weakens the message and, in turn, the power to change the system. There are obvious anecdotal examples of real racism and abuse by police (Eric Garner), not even counting the statistical data that also proves police racism is real. But an individual like Michael Brown doesn't belong on the same "innocent lives lost" list as individuals like Eric Garner.


Everyone comparing BLM to the KKK can go fuck themselves. Blocking traffic is the same thing as lynching and bombing churches.
The real danger to black children is other black children that are going to kill them?

Fuck off, fall in a well, get stuck there, get dysentary (somehow), shit yourself dehydrated, get rescued, get the fucking shit slapped out of you for being so knowingly racist and full of yourself that you just don't care about the toxic waste that pours out of your mouth every time that you open it, reassess your positions on things, discover that you're wrong, live out the rest of your life trying to right the wrongs that, AFAIK, you did to the black community at large, and nothing else Rudy.

God that man is a piece of shit.
This only weakens the message and, in turn, the power to change the system. There are obvious anecdotal examples of real racism and abuse by police (Eric Garner), not even counting the statistical data that also proves police racism is real. But an individual like Michael Brown doesn't belong on the same "innocent lives lost" list as individuals like Eric Garner.
Why does it weaken the message or power to change the system? Unless you're an apologist or a racist looking for excuses, then it shouldn't impact your belief in transformational reform or the core BLM message in any meaningful way. Michael Brown is dead and Darren Wilson is free to go home. Some people choose to put him on a list. So what.
I can't create new threads on it, but I love whoever this guy is that's filling in for Anderson Cooper right now. He's taking Rudy Giuliani to task for all the shit that Trump spews, and how Rudy keeps coming on and saying "This is what he REALLY meant" and taking him to task on all his continued defense, etc.
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