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Rumor [LPVG]: New BG&E 2 details, teaser trailer coming w/NX reveal, summer 2018

From Laura Kate Dale, formerly of Destructoid, who first reported on the game's NX exclusivity back in March. Grain of salt, of course, but hopefully we'll see soon enough.

In the wake of the news that a new Beyond Good & Evil game is in pre-development at Ubisoft with Michel Ancel heading up the project, Let’s Play Video Games has learned of a few details regarding the planned direction of the much-anticipated new entry in the franchise.

As many have noted since Ancel’s Instagram reveal for the game, neither Ubisoft or Ancel are referring to the game as Beyond Good & Evil 2. Lets Play Video Games has been informed by a source familiar with negotiations on the project that the game is planned to be more of a standalone reboot than a traditional sequel.

According to our source, the currently planned direction for the game is that it will partially retell Jade’s origin tale from Beyond Good & Evil, flesh out Peyj’s backstory, then continue to extrapolate on the ending of the original game. The intention is that players who have not played the original will be able to jump into the new game, which will feature a subtitle rather than a number at the end of its title, and understand both who Jade is and what drives Pey’j. It also seeks to provide closure to fans of the original wondering what the cliffhanger at the end meant for the series’ ongoing plot.

While many existing fans of the series may be upset about the new game not being a direct sequel, the idea of modernising the original tale and fleshing out the world while continuing the story beyond where it once ended offers the series a better chance of an ongoing life than it previously had.

Additionally, we have learned from a separate source that there are plans for a new CG trailer for the game to be shown alongside the NX reveal. Much like the 2008 trailer, this is planned to be a tone piece rather than a plot or gameplay reveal, and will be used to announce its NX exclusivity. The game is currently aiming for a Summer 2018 release window, according to sources at Ubisoft.

More at the link.

EDIT: Laura put together a video on the game's tangled development history. Worth a watch.



If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Sounds about right. Doubt they will hit summer 2018 though.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
This is good news. The original game was a decent Zelda knock-off, and we can never have enough of those!

Edit: Screw this moderate enthusiasm, MY BODY IS REGGIE
I could see this being true. I'd be fine with it, this sounds like what I was expecting from the game back when it was first announced.


I think it all sounds good, the only question is if "aiming for Summer 2018" means:

-it'll actually release in Fall 2018
-early 2019
-another short delay to May 2019
I'm really excited at the prospect of a Beyond Good and Evil sequel, but I'd be a bit disappointed if it were exclusive to the NX. Though, even if it were NX exclusive, I'd rather it exist than not.


Hmm I'm not still not sure I'm willing to believe it would exclusive... And the doubling down kind of makes me doubt her other leaks/rumours...

I don't know what to believe any more! ;_;


Nintendo better tie the exclusivity like Bayonetta 2, because if this is a Ubi only thing, game is going to lose it's exclusivity really soon...

Also franchise revivals on low install Base consoles are a dangerous move.


I feel like the cracks are starting to show for the big NX reveal. It must be happening soon if stuff like this is beginning to come out. I can't hold out much longer!

If they show this, along with Retro's new game at the reveal, I think I might die.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Not the greatest of ideas to associate a game with little appeal to a console with no install base.

Ubi wouldnt greenlight the game without support from a First Party. Nintendo is making the project happen because they want and need prove that NX is the real deal from Day 1.
Are people willing to buy the console for this?

I know a lot of people here have wanted this game for a long time.

If Nintendo got exclusivity for it I'd suspect there's a couple more similar surprises on the horizon for the NX. Or at least I'd hope there are.

Maybe Mega Man Legends 3?

I'm ready for the salt train , do it Nintendo
Summer 2018 means NX will build an audience and it'll probably be a timed exclusive unless Nintendo is funding the entire thing
Which I assume they will


NX exclusive huh? Doesn't make much sense but whatever.

Since it's a reboot, I think they might as well get rid of the title and get something more marketable. It barely has anything to do with the light-hearted nature of the game anyway, personally I never really associated it with what goes on in the game.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I don't get that thought anyway. PS4 had no install Base in 2012 but no one was called out for announcing PS4 exclusives.

I agree with you - but for most people NX = another WiiU unless proven wrong. Then again pre-launch is the time to announce these type of projects to get the fans hyped.


It should be farther along than pre-production if it's coming out summer 2018 (even though Ubi works fast once they ramp it up).

I'm wondering if there's basically two games now at this point:
- NX exclusive as described in the rumor that is a retelling of the original + new content to move the story along. BG&E 1 and a half, basically.

- New sequel that just got greenlit for the other consoles
Ubi wouldnt greenlight the game without support from a First Party. Nintendo is making the project happen because they want and need prove that NX is the real deal from Day 1.

And you know all this how?

To me, going exclusive with this right now seems like a great way to get a bunch of people to start cheering on Vivendi. Especially if they announce the exclusivity after years of teases, that fucking CG trailer and the recent announcement. If it happens there'll be a lot of salt.
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