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Russia’s Channel One show fake satellite photo evidencing MH17 was downed by fighter

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I won't link it, because Daily Mail is a banned URL, and apparently for good reason. They're reporting this as a serious story.


They also said that the Russian Air Force shot down that meteor and saved tens of thousands of lives, didn't they?

I don't know but i read that Putin saved a TV crew from a Siberian Tiger by shooting it with a tranquilizer dart :-O

this is ofc. total bullshit since it takes several minutes for a tranquilizer to work, and the tiger could kill them all easily and sleep it out on their carcasses. I have no idea why this story was in several newspapers outside of Russia.

Dead Man

Eh that Airfighter in in the picture is exactly same as they claim it to be: Mig-29.

MH17 branding is where it should be. The logo begins right after the wing. MH17 branding

Now I do not deny the possibility of the faux claims, but this is pure pulling at straws right here in the quote.

I haven't seen the video, but the pics in the OP are of a photo of a SU27 and line drawing of a SU25.



Yikes, even a casual Ace Combat player could identify the fighter jet as a Sukhoi.


Come on Russia at least photoshop the right attack plane into the picture, and using old google earth pictures probably ain't that smart either.



Yikes, even a casual Ace Combat player could identify the fighter jet as a Sukhoi.

but.. but.. that doesn't make any sense at all.. why would the gun fire come out of the left side when the Sukhoi Su-27 has its cannon on the right side? :-O
The SU-25 talk came from the first Russian truth conference:

It doesn't really matter which fighter jet they're saying it was this time around. The new Russian version is just an appallingly bad fake:

Source: https://www.metabunk.org/threads/de...raine-mig-29-shot-down-mh17.5107/#post-134103
via http://www.whathappenedtoflightmh17.com/proof-the-russian-tv-satellite-photo-of-mh17-is-fake/

Again, they felt like they just had to react in light of Origin of the Separatists’ Buk: A Bellingcat Investigation, the G20 summit and Australian PM Abbott promissing to give Putin a "shitstorm" over mh17.

News reports starting to appear:

Russian state television has produced a "satellite image" that allegedly showed Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 being shot down by a fighter jet yesterday, in what appeared to be a crude fake deliberately released on the eve of the G20 economic summit.
Channel One presented the image, said to have been taken moments before the passenger jet crashed in eastern Ukraine, as a smoking gun that confirmed how MH17 had been downed, killing all 298 people on board on July 17.
"It's well know that at the [G20] summit in Brisbane, the Australian prime minister [Tony] Abbott has threatened to confront our president about the Malaysian Boeing," said the presenter, Mikhail Leontyev, who is one of Vladimir Putin's chief propaganda mouthpieces. "Let's try to make his task a little easier."
A Russian engineer investigating the crash told the programme he had received the "sensational picture" on November 12. The channel showed an email in English from a "George Bilt", supposedly a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and aviation expert, who claimed the Boeing was shot down by cannon fire and missiles from a plane.
Moscow has suggested in the past that a Ukrainian Su-25 fighter jet was tracking the passenger liner.

Russian and international bloggers quickly pointed to what they said were a mass of discrepancies with the supposed satellite image, including the fact the markings on the side of the Boeing were in the wrong place for a Malaysia Airlines jet, the clouds in the picture were identical to those in a Google Earth image from 2012, and the image was not consistent with the flight path of the jet.
An investigation by the Dutch Safety Board published in September found the jet was pierced from the outside by a large numbers of "high-energy objects". That finding was consistent with the main theory about the crash: that the plane was hit by a missile fired from a Buk launcher located on territory controlled by pro-Russian rebels. Such missiles explode next to a target, destroying it in a hail of shrapnel rather than blowing it up.

Collected bellingcat info:

Also this:



This is North Korea style propaganda and yet people STILL defend Russia and try and argue that Western Media is just as bad. Are you kidding me?


The SU-25 talk came from the first Russian truth conference:

It doesn't really matter which fighter jet they're saying it was this time around. The new Russian version is just an appallingly bad fake:

I like that they cared enough to remove some of the text??

also again the machinegun fire is coming out on the wrong side of the attack plane, maybe that's why they are talking MIG cause it has the gun in that position.


What's funny is that if that photo was genuine, it would implicate Russia as they're the most likely to have an Su-27 inside Ukraine's borders.


What the heck is wrong with Russia's government?

This is North Korea style propaganda and yet people STILL defend Russia and try and argue that Western Media is just as bad. Are you kidding me?
There -is- a North Korea Defense Force on GAF :/


Junior Member
I was thinking what's wrong with Russian government, because we aren't that stupid. But I've realised it is not show to us. Just only for Russian people or Russian speakers only.



Problem? The fact Russia is faking this "evidence" is proof enough they are covering up the fact it was Russian equipment and Russian backed soldiers (or even actual Russian soldiers) who shot down the plane.

If you fake something, its because you have something to hide.


Problem? The fact Russia is faking this "evidence" is proof enough they are covering up the fact it was Russian equipment and Russian backed soldiers (or even actual Russian soldiers) who shot down the plane.

If you fake something, its because you have something to hide.

Well, from what ive heard it was probably a buk captured from Ukraine by the 'rebels'. And they fired it.

First of all, it isnt 'Russia' faking it, its some people in Russia doing a poor job of faking it. Secondly, faking something doesnt mean you are guilty or anything though. Did that Norwegeian fellows who faked the Syria sniper stuff have something to hide? No.
This is definitely primarily directed at their "inner market" since RT is still silent about it (and probably to remain silent now). Russian media is apparently riding that dick (of course since the vast majority of it is state controlled):

That Boeing stock pic in better res:


That letter by Ringo Star, erm, George Beatle:

Incredibly disrespectful to the victims.

LMAO they aren't even trying to hide it, they just googled it and went to fake their evidence with the first stock picture they could find, how shameless you got to be to desecrate those who are gone and the grieved families still going through the pain...


Well, from what ive heard it was probably a buk captured from Ukraine by the 'rebels'. And they fired it.

First of all, it isnt 'Russia' faking it, its some people in Russia doing a poor job of faking it. Secondly, faking something doesnt mean you are guilty or anything though. Did that Norwegeian fellows who faked the Syria sniper stuff have something to hide? No.

I was under the impression it was already a closed case that we know it was a russian buk launcher that was used by "rebels". The fact said Russians have been controlling the flow of investigators to the crash site, tampering with evidence, and multiple conflicting pieces of "evidence" have been thrown out there by Russia and Russian agencies is symptomatic of a coverup.

I get that you want to play first year law student. I am aware of the fact it doesn't constitute proof in and of itself. But the overall pattern is not just one of a smoking gun, its so blatantly obvious that this was an act of war by Russia.


And everybody just ignores my post. Oh well.

Well its not like any of us have any real idea why.

There is the G20 summit starting and the "news agency" that broke this story is just a government mouth piece, so it could be just them trying to find anything to drum up support against the west in advance of any potentially bad news for Russia from the G 20.


Well its not like any of us have any real idea why.

There is the G20 summit starting and the "news agency" that broke this story is just a government mouth piece, so it could be just them trying to find anything to drum up support against the west in advance of any potentially bad news for Russia from the G 20.

I've been wondering about that, actually. I don't have solid evidence to prove it, but I don't really believe all those state-funded media outlets work under direct orders from Kremlin, at least not all the time. I believe it's more or less functions according to the propaganda model, which essentially means self-censorship with only some occasional direct pressure mixed into that. So it's not like the Kremlin tells them what to say on TV, it rather approves or appoints "right" people who are known to adopt a policy the Russian state favors. That's all probably a topic for some serious scientific research though, and I'm not qualified enough in this field.

Regardless of all that, this whole story is kinda hilarious if George Bilt is indeed a real person as that email exchange might suggest. Just a long line of people misinterpreting each other, resulting in utter bullshit being fed to the masses via federal TV. Still didn't get another reply from him, by the way.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Well, they kind of tried to fart around:
(read the bellingcat report)
(what does it have to do with mh17?)

But there you go:

Tovarich, please go to sleep and don't embarrass yourself. Fuck off with that shitty pic (the only one from a perspective which makes it look like the branding fits, the one being pushed by Putin bots, see discussion here)
Here's the last pic taken before the crash by one of the victims (RIP):
You done now?

Pow. Right in the kisser.
Don't know what is more embarrassing, the fake or that the Russian media don't call them out on it. If I were a Russian journalist I'd hang my head in shame that the media has stooped so low and no-one speaks out against it.
So this is not official Russian government statement and just news outlets picking up a random story?

Ok "Russian state television" is probably government.
S¡mon;138900523 said:
I simply do not understand why Russia continues to piss off the European countries. Until 2013, it seemed like the Russian-European relations were better than ever before.

And now we're at a point where:

- Ukraine is basically at war (thanks to Russian supported separatists)
- A civilian airliner has been downed (thanks to the conflict in Ukraine)
- European sanctions continue to get more severe
- Russian sanctions continue to get more severe
- A drastic increase of Russian troops in West-Russia
- A drastic increase of NATO troops in East-Europe
- Russia announcing to not participate in the Nuclear Safety Summit of 2016
- A heavy increase of both anti-Russian and anti-Western propaganda
- etc.

Because Russia's economy sucks, The only thing to get people's minds off of how bad their lives are is to win victories and get the band back together (Former USSR).

Europe/United States afraid of pissing off Russia, what does that get you? More and More Russia doing whatever the feck it wants.


Because Russia's economy sucks, The only thing to get people's minds off of how bad their lives are is to win victories and get the band back together (Former USSR).

Europe/United States afraid of pissing off Russia, what does that get you? More and More Russia doing whatever the feck it wants.

Um. Not really... this is about the countries around Russia. Russia considered Ukraine, Georgia and co to be in its sphere of influence. Russia is reacting to them slipping slowly to the west. Thats something that the west is working towards, its a tug of war.

Putin knows how powerful nationalism is so he is using it, and Russian minorities in those countries, to 'punish' those countries for leaving the club.

Also Putin is clearly much more interested in influence from pre soviet Russia then any soviet vestages. (And this competition with Russia pre dates communism too, the 'great game' between Russia and Britain for instance in the 1800's.)

This sort of stuff isnt unusual. Russia feels like these countries are slipping through its fingers, so it is trying to get what it can out of them before its too late. Its also important to remember how worried Russia is generally about having armies right on its borders hostile to it. It likes to have 'room'. Ironically, alot of Russias own actions are what is turning these countries away, but its also important to realise that the west and co are more then happy to see Ukraine 'turn' for them.

As for conspiracy theories, those are as common as much in regards to 'the west' in eastern europe. I dont doubt that the people behind this actually believe that this is what happened.

It wasnt an act of war by Russia, the act of war by Russia is firing artilery, sending weapons and troops into the Ukraine and openly supporting these groups. However, its probably got some plausible deniability, and has those rebels on abit of a leash, it may support them but it generally lets them act 'independently' to keep up the pretense. The most likely scenario is that a Buk that was captured in the region, an inexperienced rebel fired at the plane thinking it was a Ukrainian supply plane.

Its sad to say, but Russia doesnt need to push this, it has many millions of willing people out there who will push it, and fabricate, for them. Who do believe that the plane was shot down by fascists in Ukraine. Russia could admit what happened tomorrow and theyd likely still believe their version of events.
It wasnt an act of war by Russia, the act of war by Russia is firing artilery, sending weapons and troops into the Ukraine and openly supporting these groups. However, its probably got some plausible deniability, and has those rebels on abit of a leash, it may support them but it generally lets them act 'independently' to keep up the pretense. The most likely scenario is that a Buk that was captured in the region, an inexperienced rebel fired at the plane thinking it was a Ukrainian supply plane.



No offense but I think ill take the German intelligence report over that sites internet journalism, not that its impossible, or even unlikely.


The most likely scenario is that a Buk that was captured in the region, an inexperienced rebel fired at the plane thinking it was a Ukrainian supply plane.

Wasn't the general consensus that the buk is too complicated to be operated by someone not trained for it?
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