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Rusty's Real Deal Baseball announced. (New IP,F2P) Am I the only one interested?

I find this really gross. F2P isn't necessarily bad but when the entire appeal of the game is based around paying for additional content, and the main draw is that you have a way to pay less for it by playing it "right". I just find it gross.

If MS did this on the Xbox or an app developer did this on IOS they would be raked across the coals, and rightly so , but somehow. It gets a pass since it's on a Nintendo system.

You literally
play the games and get items/boiled eggs to give him during haggling. You can't fail at haggling so long as you have the right item to give him, which comes up automatically by playing.
It's pretty inoffensive.
It's pretty inoffensive.

I agree the implementation isn't anywhere near the same as the crap we see in other games. From what I understand it is basically a given that you will haggle to reduce the price.

However, at that point you have to question why they put it into the game at all? Like instead of making it $4, why not have him say "I can't part with it. I won't! I love this game too much!" and then you have to have the right item to trade / haggle with in order for him to even offer to sell it to you (at an already reduced price).


I agree the implementation isn't anywhere near the same as the crap we see in other games. From what I understand it is basically a given that you will haggle to reduce the price.

However, at that point you have to question why they put it into the game at all? Like instead of making it $4, why not have him say "I can't part with it. I won't! I love this game too much!" and then you have to have the right item to trade / haggle with in order for him to even offer to sell it to you (at an already reduced price).

The same reason stores perpetually have X% off sales on their items. Everyone likes to feel like they got a deal.


I agree the implementation isn't anywhere near the same as the crap we see in other games. From what I understand it is basically a given that you will haggle to reduce the price.

However, at that point you have to question why they put it into the game at all? Like instead of making it $4, why not have him say "I can't part with it. I won't! I love this game too much!" and then you have to have the right item to trade / haggle with in order for him to even offer to sell it to you (at an already reduced price).

I think it's just a clever way of making people feel good about paying money. F2P makes most people suspicious that they're being ripped off, but framing it within the concept of haggling for a bargain, you feel like the one who is ripping off the seller.
I agree the implementation isn't anywhere near the same as the crap we see in other games. From what I understand it is basically a given that you will haggle to reduce the price.

However, at that point you have to question why they put it into the game at all? Like instead of making it $4, why not have him say "I can't part with it. I won't! I love this game too much!" and then you have to have the right item to trade / haggle with in order for him to even offer to sell it to you (at an already reduced price).

Well, that's true. They could have done that.

I suppose, you do get the items to unlock the story games in order, so if you really wanted a particular game that was toward the end of the game you'd be stuck paying full price. I think, it's been about a month since I played.


The same reason stores perpetually have X% off sales on their items. Everyone likes to feel like they got a deal.

Except retail sales can eat the cost, if it gives them more traffic. The game cannot, the game has a programmed price that it can not go lower than. The game also displays a price higher than that with the implication that you won't be able to get the "sale " price. Thus the game is attempting to rip you off. I don't know about you but I don't get "good feels" when I learn I paid 30% more for DLC because the game let me.


The thread from a gaffer with impressions that got me interested in the game

Thanks for this. I had read this a few months ago (I was curious because there is a Japan-only Mii Plaza puzzle for it) but it didn't fully make sense to me at the time.

The good feelings of baseball.
And talking down prices
Somehow this totally connects with me. This game looks extremely fun. I might be more excited for this than any of the titles in the presentation. I can't wait to hear that perfect crack of the bat.

The pricing structure bristled me a bit when I first watched the video but I have now come around. I hate haggling IRL but it seems that the mechanic in the game is just a direct extension of converting items that you collect in the game (based on performance) for discounts. Basically, continue to get high scores in the game and you will reduce the cost of content. I can live with this.


Except retail sales can eat the cost, if it gives them more traffic. The game cannot, the game has a programmed price that it can not go lower than. The game also displays a price higher than that with the implication that you won't be able to get the "sale " price. Thus the game is attempting to rip you off. I don't know about you but I don't get "good feels" when I learn I paid 30% more for DLC because the game let me.

Isn't the Haggle button right there? And I am almost certain that Nintendo will convey VERY clearly that you can get the price lower (perhaps even forcing you to do so for the first game). I guess I'm not sure where they are implying that you won't be able to get the game for cheaper.


Its an interesting pay model, and i know people will complain about it, but I'm kind of okay with it. At first i was like, "do i really want to have to haggle with an imaginary character to get a discount?", but its simply an option for people who want to do the legwork involved in getting Rusty in a good enough mood to haggle. I'm assuming this means collecting snacks and going through dialogue trees. For people who just want to buy the games, they're there, you just have to pay more.

I'll definitely download it and take a look when it comes out, but because of the price for the overall game, I'll probably be a little more discretionary than usual when I buy the minigames.


I find this really gross. F2P isn't necessarily bad but when the entire appeal of the game is based around paying for additional content, and the main draw is that you have a way to pay less for it by playing it "right". I just find it gross.

If MS did this on the Xbox or an app developer did this on IOS they would be raked across the coals, and rightly so , but somehow. It gets a pass since it's on a Nintendo system.
This comment makes no sense to me. The main appeal of the game is that it is a mini-game collection with actual gameplay. The haggling thing is just a pricing model. Instead of charging $30 up front, it is free to start and then the remaining content is sold in sections. The difference between this and the F2P titles frequently derided by GAF is that you are paying for actual content and not just 'new hats' or 'coins'. And, even better, the game is structured so that you are incentivised to actually complete the content that you have already purchased before purchasing new content. In that sense this is the anti-F2P title. You can't 'whale' this.

Having said that, I would still prefer if this were sold in it's entirety for one price. I would prefer to not have to think about money/purchasing while playing a game, though I am willing to indulge Nintendo's pricing experiment here. The more I think about it the more fun the system sounds.


Game looks like a lot of fun, love simple baseball games. Can't wait.

I'm willing to give them a chance on the payment model, need to see it for myself. Only DLC I've bought on a Nintendo system was the extra Street Pass games, and those were well worth the money.


I was sold on Iwata's description of how good the controls feel. The haggle system is alright, I guess, though I'd rather just buy the whole game up front. But whatever, I don't mind too much. Looks weird and fun.


Its an interesting model that can easily extend itself with more mini games. That's why this F2P model works, when a new mini game comes out, they can just add it to the shop and say here, $4 and see who buys it.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Nothing about this looks the slightest bit appealing... I'm not too into the nickle-and-diming fad that's been going on in gaming, nor do I like baseball or simplistic minigames. Luckily Nintendo's other new game announcement (NES Remix 2!!!) is much more of interest...


I'm intrigued and will definitely try the free demo. I'm not super excited for it though, I'm just not a huge fan of baseball.


"That big game company, Nontendo"

"No, not Nintendo... I'm pretty sure Nintendo fixed my leaky sink last year"
"They sent those guys with the mustaches..."
"Romeo and Squeegee or somethin'?"

"Anyway, it's not them. I'm talkin' about Nontendo."

"Nontendo Powers magazine rates these games 9 out of 10 bananas."

"Oh, right! They call it the Nontendo 4DS!"

Nintendo on the forefront of 4D gameplay!




Downloading it right now. Not sure that I'm gonna like it since it's more of a demo than a free-to-play game. At least Steel Diver has the full multiplayer mode.


Thanks for the heads up. Downloading Later.
As in I set it to "Download Later" and it is downloading now with the lid shut.


This is the Free 2play stuff people should really not like.
If you scroll up you will see that this topic has been well discussed in this thread.

I am generally happy with the pricing structure. This isn't pay to win or pay for trinkets, it's a mini-game market that allows you to purchase additional games. And the games rewards you with real-world discounts if you make progress through the existing games before purchasing new ones (this is the way the haggling mechanic works out in practice as far as I can tell).

That said, I would personally prefer to buy it in one go but I'm not complaining. This is an interesting experiment and, if I end up not liking it, I will have saved some money.

Bwana Whiskey

Neo Member
Got the first game, Bat and Switch, for 2$ (50% off after haggling). Prices are still a bit too high, 1$ a game is more realistic. I'm not sure if I'll get another.


Yeah, I got him down to $2 on Ba
t and Switch as well.

I wonder if all the haggling is going to be that straightforward. Since that was pretty much just "Keep selecting options, items, and talking, until it says you can't go any lower."
Not that I'm going to complain, but still.
How does the eShop page list the add-on content (DLC games on the eShop can bring a list of DLC though you still have to buy it in-game...you know, to make sure you actually own the game). Does it just list $4 for each of them?
The altered design kind of kills the appeal a bit. But I guess they didn't think western audiences would get the kansai salesman trope, so no point making him look Japanese. He looks more like a steve buscemi pawn shop owner now, so not really as sympathetic. Still interested in the game though, because it looks like fun.

Probably because the kansai salesman trope looks exactly like the racist depictions of Asians from Hollywood around the 1950s and later.


Gives all the fucks
So $2 seems to be the lowest so far? Downloaded the main game & gonna see if I can give some of them a try over the weekend.


It's nice that some of the discounts are separate from haggling.

But maybe should have allowed you to buy the game wholesale for 20 bucks

Bat and Switch was fun. Wonder if all of em are that way


Got the first game, Bat and Switch, for 2$ (50% off after haggling). Prices are still a bit too high, 1$ a game is more realistic. I'm not sure if I'll get another.

So $2 seems to be the lowest so far? Downloaded the main game & gonna see if I can give some of them a try over the weekend.
Some of the gaffers who wrote about the Japanese version last summer said that they were able to get get some of the games down to ¥ 150 from the original price of ¥ 400 but it looks like the general experience is that you can get them down to half of the original price by normal means.

I guess we'll learn more as people continue to play it.


Expected more free parts to play

The text is hilarious and the game is fun .... but I need MOORREEEE before paying =x


Welp, I finished the demo. For a free-to-play game, there sure isn't a lot of free content. I definitely prefer Steel Diver's free-to-play method where there is at least a fully featured multiplayer mode available for free. This game really is no different from any other demo.


Gives all the fucks
Aaah, okay. Game will tell you if you've reached the lowest you can haggle. Seems like Bat & Switch can be bought for $2. That's not too bad, I guess. I might get it, though I'll give it some thought since I gotta leave for class soon.

Someone should see if they can keep a chart/running total of how low you can go for each game & the total amount you save for haggling.

Edit: Not sure if it's a first-time offer deal, but it seems all the "Discount available" labeled games now are $2 now. Wonder if they'll go back up/have to rehaggle once I buy one of them.


Neo Member
Just made my first purchase on Bat & Switch as well. Also got it down to $2 before hitting the floor.

If the prices only go half-off, this whole game will be $20. That's 10 mini-games for $2 a piece. Not...terrible. I think $10 would have been the sweet spot.

We'll see. The haggling is fun and silly, and it's a nice way to make microtransactions feel a little less obnoxious.
A little comparison between Inuji Darumeshi and Rusty:



The Japanese version of Rusty is supposed to resemble a greedy man, kind of like the Masked Salesman from MM in a way. The extent at which they took the inspiration makes him resemble an anti-japanese WWII propaganda character though :X

I quite enjoy the way-past-his-prime of the American Rusty. Him looking gross is kind of the point.

I'm sure this game will provide
good feelings
either way.


Localization of Daraumashi (sp?) Sports Shop. Just announced in the most recent Nintendo Direct.

Baseball minigames hosted by a former baseball star dog. Free demos when downloaded, but you can buy the other games for $4.00 (each, I think). Or you can haggle the prices down to an unknown amount.

Looks fun to me, and it's always good to see new Nintendo IP's get some spotlight.

Comes out in April.

Just finished downloading it and will try it out.


If you scroll up you will see that this topic has been well discussed in this thread.

I am generally happy with the pricing structure. This isn't pay to win or pay for trinkets, it's a mini-game market that allows you to purchase additional games. And the games rewards you with real-world discounts if you make progress through the existing games before purchasing new ones (this is the way the haggling mechanic works out in practice as far as I can tell).

That said, I would personally prefer to buy it in one go but I'm not complaining. This is an interesting experiment and, if I end up not liking it, I will have saved some money.

None of these little games are worth a dollar. This is a dollar product being sold piece meal and sold a major mark up and making people think they are getting a deal as part of the "game"; garbage.


Gives all the fucks
Is there any reward for earning A-ranks? Might help add some replayability if there's an unlockable worth replaying & perfecting scores for the different games. Getting different uniforms seems interesting, though it's a shame you probably can't wear them outside of the game.

Edit: Oh yeah, I can't help but feel the guys with the pitching machine heads are referencing the Nintendo Ultra Machine.


None of these little games are worth a dollar. This is a dollar product being sold piece meal and sold a major mark up and making people think they are getting a deal as part of the "game"; garbage.
Nintendo has made mini-game collections before. I'm not sure if I understand your objection. Are you opposed to the entire genre? Or did you simply play this already and you don't like it? In either case, I don't see what this has to do with your original post about this being F2P.

Oh well, I haven't even tried it yet since I'm at work. I should probably give it a go before I post in this thread again.
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