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Ryan Davis Gaf Memorial


Hey everybody it's Monday and some of the worst news possible just broke in the gaming community. http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/ryan-davis-1979-2013/1100-4685/

So I'll make this simple -- As gamers, Ryan Davis was a bigger part of our lives than any stranger should have been. Change your avatar to something Giant Bomb related so we can remember Ryan in every post.

If you don't want to change your avatar, use this image:

We should have one of those avatar ribbons ala


I remember thinking to myself last week when listening to the Bombcast that I couldn't wait for Ryan to come back; the show just isn't the same without him.

It's sad to think it never will be.

Rest in peace sir, you will truly be missed.

Use this thread to post your favorite memories of the man. Mine has to be "It's TUUUUUUUUUUUESDAY." Got me through even the worst work days.

All the best from GAF:

This is devastating news. I've never felt like this about someone I never even knew and here I sit legitimately sad about this. It's all so crazy.
Giant Bomb is the only publication I've ever felt was an actual community and cared about its readers. Ryan Davis was a huge part of this.

Ryan was the most genuine personalty in the gaming press I can think of. From his start at Gamespot all the way to Giant Bomb and how it is today. I can't even begin to imagine how his colleagues, friends and families must be feeling. Hang on to his memory, it's something special and I haven't even met the guy!

You gave me so much laughter, so many memorable moments from my hobby, so many wonderful, wonderful hours spent enjoying your antics.
I didn't know you, but you always made me feel welcome. From your charming wit to your friendly attitude hosting whatever event was going on at the time, you always made each moment great.
It feels starnge knowing that I'll never get to experience any of that again, apart from your incredible legacy that you left behind. I'm going to miss you, more than words can say.

This is so crazy. I've only met the guy once at California Extreme last year and he was super nice we were talking about the Tosh.0 parody that he tweeted about earlier that day. One of the nicest people and I feel so lucky to have met him. After listening to the giantbomb cast since the site launched.... I honestly feel like I've lost a best friend.

Closest thing I've had to a family member passing away.
He will be dearly missed.

The internet is a place with a large amount hideous things
but is also one full of amazing possibilities
I never shook his hand, but I truly feel after all these years and after all these hours listening to his voice, to his person expressing his thoughts and values, that Ryan Davis was my friend

Oh my god...I just saw this thread and it's the first I've heard of any of this. It literally hit me like a freight train. Jesus christ...
This is so sad.

Ryan gave my dumb little indie game a chance. Him and Jeff did a QL on it and sales spiked in a way that's never happened to me before. It opened up so many doors, and ultimately made the game a success that previous to the QL was going to be an outright failure in sales.

I sent him another thank you in May for that. The last two sentences in his reply is gutting to read for me right now.

Very much looking forward to your next project! Let me know if/when you need some Twitter Pimpin' for it.

Ryan Davis

I am in total debt to him. Thank you Ryan. I don't personally know you, and I already miss you terribly.


This is devastating news. I've never felt like this about someone I never even knew and here I sit legitimately sad about this. It's all so crazy.

Giant Bomb is the only publication I've ever felt was an actual community and cared about its readers. Ryan Davis was a huge part of this.



Hey everybody it's Monday and some of the worst news possible just broke in the gaming community.

So I'll make this simple -- As gamers, Ryan Davis was a bigger part of our lives than any stranger should have been. Change your avatar to something Giant Bomb related so we can remember Ryan in every post.

I remember thinking to myself last week when listening to the Bombcast that I couldn't wait for Ryan to come back; the show just isn't the same without him.

It's sad to think it never will be.

Rest in peace sir, you will truly be missed.

Use this thread to post your favorite memories of the man. Mine has to be "It's TUUUUUUUUUUUESDAY." Got me through even the worst work days.

I have no bloody clue who that is, nor I really care about to find out who that is.

But my condolence to his family.
Very shocking and sad news. Ryan had a really infectious way about him, even without actually knowing him personally. Sympathies to friends and family.


Nice sentiment, but its going to be ruined when somebody posts Ryan Davis' face on some asinine moe character or something dreadful.

Awful fucking news though. Its just not going to be the same. Its hard to imagine GB recovering from something so devastating. I mean I'm reeling here and I didn't even get to meet the guy.


I ... I just read about this moments ago. My mouth is still open. I'm still in shock I think?!

What on earth?!

Man, Ryan's energy and hosting abilities were fantastic. I may have disagreed with his opinions a lot but that doesn't change the fact that I always enjoyed his presence.

I'm still waiting for someone to tell me this is a joke.


I didn't knew the guy but he was very young and a gamer so these news really made me sad.RIP and condolences to his family.
I don't know what I'm going to do without his wonderful stupidity in my life.

I am genuinely surprised by how damn heartbroken I am. Giant Bomb will truly never be the same.


I hope you shake a lot of angelic, stuffed babies in Heaven, Ryan. Or you know, kick some angels in the dick. I'm sure they will laugh.

(Okay, I'm not sure if he was an atheist or not, before someone gets on my throat for the "heaven" references).
Will try to do a video in the next few days with some great moments but first gb has to load and I need to process this :O

If peeps have a few video of rayn please post it here that would be helpful


Fuck man, I don't even know where to start so I'll just say this:

Ryan was the most genuine personalty in the gaming press I can think of. From his start at Gamespot all the way to Giant Bomb and how it is today. I can't even begin to imagine how his colleagues, friends and families must be feeling. Not that I should be telling you this but, hang on to his memory, it's something special. And I haven't even met the guy!


Gold Member
Shit, this is the first I'm hearing of this. Just awful, he was one of my favorite online personalities. This is quite shocking, he was very young. RIP, man.


Just woke up to this. Had this dude in my ears so many times while iv been driving or doing the stupid stock count at work or shaving and shit. Can't imagine what people who actually know him are going through seemed like such a lovely man worst news ever basically.
Could always make me laugh. Really hilarious guy.

I remember getting a little worried a few years ago when the Kinect came out and all their coverage had Ryan out of work for a while after that (and maybe in the hospital if I remember correctly).

Truly sad news.
Fuck you Ryan Davis.

You gave me so much laughter, so many memorable moments from my hobby, so many wonderful, wonderful hours spent enjoying your antics.

I didn't know you, but you always made me feel welcome. From your charming wit to your friendly attitude hosting whatever event was going on at the time, you always made each moment great.

It feels strange knowing that I'll never get to experience any of that again, apart from your incredible legacy that you left behind. I'm going to miss you, more than words can say.

Fuck you for leaving us Ryan, fuck you.


Im not going to stick around for this thread, as someone will undoubtedly fuck it up, but today is a sad day for the industry facing this new imo. Nothing but respect for Ryan, and my condolences go out to his family, the crew at Giantbomb, and the community that this news effects.

Much love brother.
This is so crazy. I've only met the guy once at California Extreme last year and he was super nice we were talking about the Tosh.0 parody that he tweeted about earlier that day. One of the nicest people and I feel so lucky to have met him. After listening to the giantbomb cast since the site launched.... I honestly feel like I've lost a best friend.
I'll miss his smooth radio voice introing every GB podcast. He was amazing at keeping the podcast flowing, fresh and fun.


One of the best people you could listen to talk about video games. GiantBomb and the industry at large lost someone truly special.
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