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[S-Conf] Beyond: Two Souls E3 2012 trailer


Sony's announced a 'Q4' release date. It isn't clear whether that's calendar or fiscal Q4, however.

Quantic Dream's Beyond gets Q4 release date

David Cage's interactive psychological thriller could be heading to PlayStation 3 this year.

Quantic Dream's 'interactive drama' Beyond: Two Souls will release in 'Q4', Sony has announced.

It's not clear whether that means calendar Q4, meaning a winter 2012 launch, or fiscal Q4, meaning a January-March 2013 release.

Either way, you'll be playing Beyond far sooner than you may have initially thought.

Quantic Dream boss David Cage announced Beyond: Two Souls during Sony's E3 conference earlier this evening.

According to Sony, the game is a "unique, interactive psychological thriller [that] showcases a new generation of interactive drama gaming".

The game stars top Hollywood talent, including Ellen Paige as lead character Jodie Holmes.

The first screenshots of Beyond were also released following the conference's close.

Beyond: Two Souls launches in Q4 exclusively on PlayStation 3.




The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I laughed at:
"And if they don't leave me alone, I'll fucking kill everyone"

*lights go up*

"So we're really trying to do something different, something more mature with the story here.


I wish they showed gameplay (or QTE-play??).

And damn, the scene with the cop talking to the girl took way too long. I like her character in The Last of Us more already.


Unconfirmed Member
Two things sprang to mind during the presentation:
1. Saying Ellen Page gave a stellar performance to then reveal her making a face that looks like she trying to silently pass gas for two minutes was unintentionally humorous to me. She was the only reason I was interested though, and her uh 'performance' got better as things moved along.
2. There's a game in there, right?

YES! I knew I wasn't the only one hahaha.


Hunky Nostradamus
Could be interesting. I think there's a place in the industry for interactive movies, so I'm not upset that it's (doesn't seem to be anyway) not a "real game". I don't know how anybody could have thought that a game from Quantic Dream could be anything but.


At least it sounds like its gonna be more "game-y" than Heavy Rain. More direct control of your character and action.
This game looks good, someone said that it's like Geist from GC but I don't see it. Can someone shed some light on how it's like or not like Geist?


I'm baffled at how many "Is this a game?" type comments there are in this thread. Newsflash: QD makes heavily scripted, quicktimey games. Take it or leave it. If you didn't like Heavy Rain or Indigo, chances are you probably won't like this game.
I'm baffled at how many "Is this a game?" type comments there are in this thread. Newsflash: QD makes heavily scripted, quicktimey games. Take it or leave it. If you didn't like Heavy Rain or Indigo, chances are you probably won't like this game.

The hate kinda disappointed me, I thought GAF was better than that

The other gameplay clips on the eurogamer page look neat, the traversal in woods is actually pretty fast paced
"Another challenge of the role was that Beyond follows Jodie through 15 years of her life; her link with the "invisible entity" has been there as long as she can remember, although Cage hints that she isn't the only one who feels its presence. "It's really not a power, it's a character, it's about living with someone," he says.

That Eurogamer article really sheds some light on the game. Real interesting read. I can't wait to learn more about this game
"Another challenge of the role was that Beyond follows Jodie through 15 years of her life; her link with the "invisible entity" has been there as long as she can remember, although Cage hints that she isn't the only one who feels its presence. "It's really not a power, it's a character, it's about living with someone," he says.

That Eurogamer article really sheds some light on the game. Real interesting read. I can't wait to learn more about this game

I am really, really excited
A big budget cinematic adventure game? In an industry saturated in corridor shooters?
There's no question as to whether I'll buy this day one


I laughed at:
"And if they don't leave me alone, I'll fucking kill everyone"

*lights go up*

"So we're really trying to do something different, something more mature with the story here.

Well it's David Cage, so you know that tits and out of place action scenes will be there, not matter what.


David Cage is a tasteless, poor writer. He will always have this problem, and that's why this kind of thing will never succeed completely as long as the plots and characters come from him.


David Cage is a tasteless, poor writer. He will always have this problem, and that's why this kind of thing will never succeed completely as long as the plots and characters come from him.

Dude, first of all... just, like cool down. Okay?

I know that David Cage thinks his writing is the shit, and if he were writing a story for Lifetime Movie Network or the SciFi channel, I'd be like, "Yeah, this guy fits in just fine, here."

But he's not. He's writing a story for a video game, you know? And I just spent the last few hours watching video gameplay for The Last of Us, Crysis 3, Watch_Dogs, Star Wars 1313, Halo 4, and a few others I don't remember, like Rayman Legends and Assassin's Creed III, Splinter Cell Black Ops, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and God of War 4. And you know what? They all have repeatedly digested poop stories that I've encountered throughout my short, miserable life. Oh yeah, also Dead Space 3.

And if David Cage wants to write a story about a freak science experiment girl with supernatural powers escaping from government agents who are trying to hunt her down (like in F.E.A.R), then so be it.

Because Ellen Page is cool. She has a hamburger phone and you don't fuck with someone like that.

And the cop looks like fat Michael Keaton or Lous C.K. and you don't fuck with that.

And let me tell you something else. David Cage doesn't have problems. David Cage has ideas, and sometimes those ideas were thought of by someone else, but that's okay because David Cage is French and you don't fuck with that.
He's writing a story for a video game, you know? And I just spent the last few hours watching video gameplay for The Last of Us, Crysis 3, Watch_Dogs, Star Wars 1313, Halo 4, and a few others I don't remember, like Rayman Legends and Assassin's Creed III, Splinter Cell Black Ops, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and God of War 4. And you know what? They all have repeatedly digested poop stories that I've encountered throughout my short, miserable life. Oh yeah, also Dead Space 3.

David Cage's writing isn't really any better than what's in those games, and unlike them, his games don't have good gameplay so the writing is far more important.


David Cage's writing isn't really any better than what's in those games, and unlike them, his games don't have good gameplay so the writing is far more important.

You'll have to wait and see what the gameplay for his game is like.

Personally, almost all the games I've mentioned have pretty bad gameplay. Bad because it's predictable and they almost all reduce my involvement down to pointing and shooting and following a predetermined route to trigger a cutscene. They're all like that. You guys wanted a cinematic experience and that's what you're all getting. David Cage is just one of many developers who are giving you QTEs and predictable gameplay.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
This game looked dreadfully boring.


Made me remember the "Press X to coffee" that someone posted in the conference-thread. :p

In any case, It looks...interesting. Keeping an eye out, really liked Heavy Rain (even with Move).
I laughed at:
"And if they don't leave me alone, I'll fucking kill everyone"

*lights go up*

"So we're really trying to do something different, something more mature with the story here.

I was really hoping by the way he was talking this would be some subtle The 6th Sense kind of thing. That didn't happen.

Hopefully the stuff they showed is near the end of the game and there's a big ramp up to it. Like in Carrie.


I'm baffled at how many "Is this a game?" type comments there are in this thread. Newsflash: QD makes heavily scripted, quicktimey games. Take it or leave it. If you didn't like Heavy Rain or Indigo, chances are you probably won't like this game.

I guess I was just expecting gameplay to be featured, and if it was, for it to be more obvious. Otherwise I have no real issues with what was shown, aside from my Ellen Page facial reaction comment above.


David Cage is a tasteless, poor writer. He will always have this problem, and that's why this kind of thing will never succeed completely as long as the plots and characters come from him.

I totally agree with this statement. Even though I was a day one Heavy Rain supporter (based on the strength of Indigo Prophecy) I wasn't able to complete the damn thing because the writing was so poor. Some could argue that it was due to the horrendous voice acting, but if there was anything that both the Beyond demo and the Kara tech demo showed, it's that Cage actually believes that his writing is on par with movies.

The truth is that, regardless of how these games actually play, there's such an emphasis in Cage trying to craft a cinematic experience. Otherwise the guy wouldn't have shown us a cinematic with nothing but Ellen Page staring blankly at a wall at the biggest Gaming expo of the year. David Cage actually believes that having her sit there staring carries enough emotional weight that we'd feel something, even though we felt nothing. It's a sign of a try-hard auteur in my opinion. If this were a student film, I'd be unimpressed with anything but the cinematography; if this were an animated film, I'd be indifferent and unsatisfied; if this were a Hollywood Blockbuster, I'd be downright negative.

That being said, my biggest hope is that the gaming portion of this is more interesting than what was pulled in Heavy Rain or Indigo Prophecy. Then again, the way was marketed at the Sony Event was disconcerting, as Quantic Dream's putting their worst foot forward once again, a soulless Uncanny Valley of not a Human Face, but of a movie.


So when does it turn into a video game?

How does it control? Is it all quick time events? Is it an action game? Adventure game?

I always feel like David Cage doesn't want to actually make video games; he wants to make interactive movies. (Remember the title screen for Indigo Prophecy/Farenheit?) There's an important difference, but unfortunately everybody seems to think that games should be interactive movies.
So when does it turn into a video game?

How does it control? Is it all quick time events? Is it an action game? Adventure game?

I always feel like David Cage doesn't want to actually make video games; he wants to make interactive movies. (Remember the title screen for Indigo Prophecy/Farenheit?) There's an important difference, but unfortunately everybody seems to think that games should be interactive movies.

it's really not that big of a mystery. It'll control like his previous games. And yes its still a game. Different but still a game


Ok, this looks interesting. And at least this time it's obvious that there are sci-fi elements so no bullshit about "it's realistic! Really!".
Please, let the script not be as fucked up as Fahrenheit's and Heavy Rain's.

I really like characters' models. And the animation looks so much better than what we had in HR.


So when does it turn into a video game?

How does it control? Is it all quick time events? Is it an action game? Adventure game?

I always feel like David Cage doesn't want to actually make video games; he wants to make interactive movies. (Remember the title screen for Indigo Prophecy/Farenheit?) There's an important difference, but unfortunately everybody seems to think that games should be interactive movies.

I though this was the opening cutscene
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