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Sanders campaign touts "endorsement" from AIDS coalition, calls them corrupt same day

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No longer feeling the bern.

I hope Trump wins, when he makes America great again hopefully Bernie will have seen the error of his ways


Although I've been forming an increasingly negative opinion of the continued Bernie Sanders campaign. This goes beyond what I would or could even imagine. I just honestly and literally can't believe the response to HIV/AIDS activists, especially these activists in particular.

To say, I'm just left in a state of disappointment and I'm just sort of wondering WTF is wrong with the Bernie Sanders campaign, would be an understatement.

Wow Sanders campaign is going hard at Peter Staley.

Fuck this shit wow.


Peter Staley and the activist group ACT UP seem to me to have that "revolution" spirit.

To see what Peter Staley and others have done, everyone should check out the documentary "How to Survive a Plague" it's on Netflix US, maybe other Netflix regions too. A trailer is on youtube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrr0eA34CSM
Crash 'n Bern, Sanders.

This is absolutely amazing, and probably exactly what Trump is hoping for. It's about time we stop paying attention to this asshat and move on from this #Revolution.
No longer feeling the bern.

I hope Trump wins, when he makes America great again hopefully Bernie will have seen the error of his ways

If Bernie's tone deaf and idiotic words actually upset you, please stop and imagine what Trump's tone deaf and idiotic actions would do to people who live with HIV/AIDS. A gutting of the social safety net. Repeal of the ACA. The chance of getting better employment/housing/healthcare non-discrimination policies through would disappear.

Sticking it to the man because Bernie lacks tact, knowledge or understanding isn't the way to go.


Yeah, this event is Bernie in a nutshell. It's been known in DC forever, and I've seen it first hand. Is this the event that gets at least some of his supporters to realize this?

He's the liberal John McCain in demeanor. Essentially a good person, but completely absorbed by his own sense of identity and unable to see his own flaws.


Yeah Sanders Campaign was on a downhill slide since Super Tuesday, and it only got steeper after New York. The past two days with this, the DNC shenanigans and the HORRIBLE interview it feels like it's a full on crash and bern.

To not sound like a parrot, I started off really liking Sanders, thinking he did a good job trying to pull Hillary left and make the word Socialism less toxic (ignoring he's actually a Social Democrat).

As the campaign progressed more and more I disliked him more and more. It's not like he even got an inflated ego from doing better than he expected, although that may have been a part. I suspect that it is because Presidential campaigns will bring out who you really are, from your past and the way you act in a campaign. I certainly don't want someone like Sanders in the White House, and while I'm not Clinton's hugest fan, she's leagues better than him.
<<< This is absolutely absurd and ridiculous. No presidential candidate running for president is more committed to ending the AIDS epidemic than Bernie Sanders. And you would know this if you read Bernie's plan. Here is a copy:
While we are disappointed in your continued mischaracterizations and repeated attacks on the Bernie Sanders campaign, it is not surprising that someone who depends on Gilead Sciences and other big pharmaceutical companies for funding would continue to drop bombs on the only presidential candidate who has the courage to stand up to the greed of the big drug companies.

Welp, that was disgusting. In the final stretches, the Bernie Sanders campaign shows their true colours that were hinted at in the past with the paranoid anti-establishment shtick.


Welp, that was disgusting. In the final stretches, the Bernie Sanders campaign shows their true colours that were hinted at in the past with the paranoid anti-establishment shtick.

Starting to sound like a cult, anyone that doesn't agree full stop with them is against them
No longer feeling the bern.

I hope Trump wins, when he makes America great again hopefully Bernie will have seen the error of his ways

Hopefully you have fun with nothing in your life changing and sticking it to someone you'll never meet while minority groups are drastically affected by a white nationalist president.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
What if those accused by Bernie ARE corporate shills who are either not supporting or in opposition to a Bill that actually helps AIDS patients ? Are we even 100% sure on all of this Bernie hate ? Have we actually looked at the issues at hand here? is greed being underestimated here ?

I'm not supporting Bernie but I just wish I had a clearer picture of this situation.


What if those accused by Bernie ARE corporate shills who are either not supporting or in opposition to a Bill that actually helps AIDS patients ? Are we even 100% sure on all of this Bernie hate ? Have we actually looked at the issues at hand here? is greed being underestimated here ?

I'm not supporting Bernie but I just wish I had a clearer picture of this situation.

If they were corporate shills actually secretly working to kill AIDS patients, why the fuck would the Sanders campaign pretend they got a political endorsement from this group in the first place? They lied about getting an endorsement, got called out for fuckery by said group, and are now getting the petulant child treatment which is quickly becoming the hallmark of Bernie Sanders' 2016 campaign.


What if those accused by Bernie ARE corporate shills who are either not supporting or in opposition to a Bill that actually helps AIDS patients ? Are we even 100% sure on all of this Bernie hate ? Have we actually looked at the issues at hand here? is greed being underestimated here ?

I'm not supporting Bernie but I just wish I had a clearer picture of this situation.

Well, not even looking at the situation being gross with the AIDS remarks, what's clear to me is they were touting the support of a group, and when that group said "nah" the AIDS coalition got accused of being shills.

Which means Bernies camp was happy to have the support of these supposed "shills" as long as no one noticed they hadn't given them that support.
What if those accused by Bernie ARE corporate shills who are either not supporting or in opposition to a Bill that actually helps AIDS patients ? Are we even 100% sure on all of this Bernie hate ? Have we actually looked at the issues at hand here? is greed being underestimated here ?

I'm not supporting Bernie but I just wish I had a clearer picture of this situation.

Are we sure that Peter Staley is not a corporate, Big Pharma Shill? Yes. Abso-freaking-lutely. Again, though, this is just what Bernie's campaign has done consistently. They misconstrue (a fancy way of saying lie) what happens when they meet with different interest groups, and then, when they get called out on it, immediately start throwing shade at anything that moves.


They misconstrue (a fancy way of saying lie) what happens when they meet with different interest groups, and then, when they get called out on it, immediately start throwing shade at anything that moves.

It's just a social experiment, bro.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Starting to sound like a cult, anyone that doesn't agree full stop with them is against them
Barney Frank and several local/state reporters from Vermont have been warning about Bernie's "you're either with me or you're against me" attitude ever since he announced his candidacy. He and his campaign have repeatedly demonstrated this. It's not new, it's just less hidden.


Starting to sound like a cult, anyone that doesn't agree full stop with them is against them

Starting to. Reddit has been a full-blown cult since NY, and the signs were there from the very start. I remember trying to explain how impossible it was to rig coin flips and was called an establishment shill.


I've tried to write this post a couple of times but it's really hard to do without it ending up being nothing but profanities.

Peter Staley took part in an actual political revolution and isn't just a failed senator man baby who decries anyone who doesn't agree with him as "the establishment". This is utterly despicable and there really is no way to defend this. The unsourced, baseless, and vile allegation that the activists criticise Sanders because they are in the pocket of big pharma is just shameful and undignified for a political campaign.
Clinton really fucked up with her comment about AIDS and Nancy Regan. She owned up to it and has taken measures to rectify her mistake. If Sanders does not do the same he is scum.


There's been major flaws with his political campaign since day one mainly with things like intersectionality and him being all platitudes with no actual substance but he's jumped the shark with this "if you're not with me you're apart of the establishment!" rhetoric. It's a shame really


You know, all those 'jokes' about a female president and launching all the nukes on her period? That is the feeling the Bernie campaign gives. It is literally doing what his fans and the other side think Clinton will act like.




I have lost so much respect for him in the last like two weeks. What is happening?

What are you talking I'm genuinely curious.

wow some incredibly vicious hate here for Sanders.

Gaf is breeding ground for Hillary supporters now, I don't know what happened. I mean this is obviously an issue for Sanders here, but Hillary has a lot more things going on with her than a minor campaign blunder like this that will likely be addressed by Sanders in the next few days. It's really foolish for Democrats to be against their best chance of winning, but whatever, more opportunity for the Republicans.


wow some incredibly vicious hate here for Sanders.
Surprisingly enough, when your campaign attacks one of the more prominent heroes from the HIV/AIDS epidemic people get upset.

There is no defending the Sanders campaign in this, it is an utterly despicable act and Sanders should get on top of it ASAP or else, as I've stated before, he is scum.
This dude is imploding.

It's less Bernie that's imploding and more like his campaign staff. It doesn't excuse Bernie's own behavior and it's his name on the letterhead, but I've found that his campaign is staffed with some really shitty people. I guess the losing campaign doesn't tend to attract winners though.

It doesn't help that the response reads like an emotional NeoGAF post. I imagine the strain of losing and a string of bad press cycles is getting to Gunnels, he probably should've stepped away from the keyboard before sending that email.
Do you think those people are wrong?

I think some of them are, yes. The primary process has everyone riled up, it's gone on a long time. When I see posts comparing Sanders to Cruz, Trump, etc you know that some people have gone too far up the "fuck Bernie" tree.

I've said this a million times but Sanders is going to fight until the convention and then he's going to give up, endorse Clinton, spend a few months attacking Trump because he hates the guy, and go back to being an Independent Senator from the great Maple Syrup Tree of Vermont.

I think this was a shitshow by the Sanders campaign, who is in a death spiral that seems to be increasing in velocity, but I'm never gonna buy into the "Sanders is an awful person who does awful things and fuck him and fuck everything he's ever done" overdramatics.


No longer feeling the bern.

I hope Trump wins, when he makes America great again hopefully Bernie will have seen the error of his ways

When President Trump packs the Supreme Court with 2-3 justices of his choosing, you can be sure that it'll be a couple decades before any Bernie-esque legislation can become law, regardless of whether a Bernie-esque candidate actually becomes president between then and now.

What are you talking I'm genuinely curious.

Gaf is breeding ground for Hillary supporters now, I don't know what happened. I mean this is obviously an issue for Sanders here, but Hillary has a lot more things going on with her than a minor campaign blunder like this that will likely be addressed by Sanders in the next few days. It's really foolish for Democrats to be against their best chance of winning, but whatever, more opportunity for the Republicans.

If Bernie was the Democrats' best chance of winning, he'd be winning right now.

And I'm not sure lying about an endorsement from AIDS activists, then turning around and accusing those same activists of being Big Pharma shills (which I guess didn't matter so much when Bernie thought he had their endorsement), is a "minor campaign blunder." Especially when it's hardly the first time something like this has happened.
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