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Sanders campaign touts "endorsement" from AIDS coalition, calls them corrupt same day

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Great response from Peter

Updated post from Peter Staley, who has way more class than Warren Gunnels


Peter Staley

So Warren Gunnels (Sanders' senior policy director) deleted his tweet, which is something, I guess. I must admit, it's no fun being personally attacked by a campaign that leads millions of millennials, and one that I've often praised for raising many of the progressive issues I've long fought for (lost in all this was that we thanked Sanders in Kenyon Farrow's opening statement, saying "We commend you for your leadership and advocacy on single payer universal health coverage—something AIDS activists have been calling for since the 1980s.").

This is all so sad, and so unnecessary. We actually had a good meeting with Senator Sanders (see HealthGAP's press release, and my and others early posts about it), and then it all blew up into a shit-show when Bernie's team used us (in their press release) and then abused us (launched personal attacks, firmly hitching their train to AHF's slime machine). Our coalition will issue another press release on Tuesday that will reflect on the actual meeting we attended (not the one Gunnels dreamed up), and we will thank the Senator for some of the promises he made.

Our only goal, from the day Clinton made her AIDS gaffe, was to push all the campaigns to make some firmer promises in the fight against HIV/AIDS -- to turn lemons into lemonade. I hope the Sanders campaign will re-engage with us towards that end.

After Tuesday, we'll pivot back to the Clinton campaign (that process hasn't really stopped). They have promised us a meeting with their senior policy folks to discuss our harder asks. We will raise bloody hell if that meeting doesn't happen in the weeks ahead. We will also ask her campaign to reopen a dialogue with the Trans United Fund over their unfilled questionnaire.

And finally, we have to keep fighting against outrageous drug prices, especially HIV, PrEP and HepC drugs. Personally, I don't believe for one second this is an issue that Michael Weinstein and AHF are serious about. Most AIDS activists support workable government price controls like those used throughout Europe. Senator Sanders, can we save you from Weinstein, and discuss how to create a real revolution on drug prices?


That's a bunch of hogwash unless he has sources and can name them. Why trust what they say otherwise?

I think everyone missed this because you edited it into your post after the fact, but TPM and Josh Marshall are pretty credibly established. If you're going to dismiss all journalism that doesn't explicitly name sources, that's going to take a hell of a lot of important reporting off the table. Let's start with Watergate, for one.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Well I disagree that drug prices are necessarily outrageous when they are revolutionary. But OK some props 2 him

News Bot

Yes, because a misstatement eight years ago from an event that happened twenty years ago is equal to throwing HIV/AIDS activist under the bus for calling out another Bernie Campaign lie!

"But Hillary!!11one!!" is so tiring.

It wasn't a "misstatement", it was a lie. One she reiterated several times. She's a particularly egregious liar. She also denied that she changed her mind on LGBT rights, and constantly pats herself on the back for it even though she was late to the party. Then there's her e-mail cock-up where she can't keep her story straight. Among many, many others.

She's dishonest at best. Most politicians are, but she's flagrantly so.
It wasn't a "misstatement", it was a lie.

So a lie she stopped telling 8 years ago is temporally as important as a lie that was told this week and has not been walked back in any capacity beyond a deleted tweet (and is at least the third unique time the Sanders campaign has lied about an endorsement in 4 months, after the Nevada union and the Pope)? Got it.

News Bot

So a lie she stopped telling 8 years ago is temporally as important as a lie that was told this week and has not been walked back in any capacity beyond a deleted tweet (and is at least the third unique time the Sanders campaign has lied about an endorsement in 4 months)? Got it.

A lie is a lie, time isn't a factor. Both are shitty. The point is that both of them are liars. There's no fantasy statute of limitations, particularly when Hilary still lies routinely.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
A lie is a lie, time isn't a factor. Both are shitty. The point is that both of them are liars. There's no fantasy statute of limitations, particularly when Hilary still lies routinely.

Citation Needed


It wasn't a "misstatement", it was a lie. One she reiterated several times. She's a particularly egregious liar. She also denied that she changed her mind on LGBT rights, and constantly pats herself on the back for it even though she was late to the party. Then there's her e-mail cock-up where she can't keep her story straight. Among many, many others.

She's dishonest at best. Most politicians are, but she's flagrantly so.

While Sanders is delusionally so. I'll take the person who tries to make up a good sounding story versus the person who falsifies another's statement, then attacks them for speaking up about it.

Who was hurt by Clinton's little tale of sniper fire? No one. Who could potentially be hurt by Sanders' lies here? The entire HIV/AIDS positive community and their loved ones.

Most people lie about something, even if they aren't cognizant of the lie, but not all lies are equal.


A lie is a lie, time isn't a factor. Both are shitty. The point is that both of them are liars. There's no fantasy statute of limitations, particularly when Hilary still lies routinely.

That's a mighty strong case of false equivalency you've got there. Wouldn't happen to write under the name David Brooks by any chance, hmm?
a lie is a lie, except when one lie has a chance of materially hurting people for no reason other than the liar was a salty egotistical asshole who can't handle being denied


The point is that

The point is that his campaign lied, then called them corrupt on the same day, then deleted the tweet like scumbags.

Thats the point.

What you are doing is "YEAH!? WELL WHAT ABOUT HILLARY!".

I know the intent is to try and get him off the hook and change the subject by drawing a link that would allow deflection of deserved criticism; but this doesn't work. It never works. Ever. And its transparent as hell.

We're proud to stand with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, National Nurses United, AARP of California, and many other groups who understand that this ballot initiative will significantly lower drug prices and could save lives. Bernie Sanders has spent his career fighting pharmaceutical greed. He's not about to stop now.

Bernie touting an endorsement of AIDS Healthcare Foundation as a positive is a huge slap in the face to anyone who actually does any HIV/AIDS work. They're an evil, petty organization that's into some shady shit and are anti-PrEP for reasons (?) and have decided to spend their money instead of promoting condoms to putting up billboards about zoning laws in Hollywood because the head of the AHF lives in the Hollywood Hills and doesn't want his view ruined.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

News Bot


Maybe if you paid attention to the post I was initially replying to you wouldn't need to ask this question.

Why would I be attempting to get him off the hook? His campaign has turned into lame pettiness. None of the "big three" are any good, but I would still pick Hilary over Sanders and Trump as a lesser evil.

While Sanders is delusionally so. I'll take the person who tries to make up a good sounding story versus the person who falsifies another's statement, then attacks them for speaking up about it.

Who was hurt by Clinton's little tale of sniper fire? No one. Who could potentially be hurt by Sanders' lies here? The entire HIV/AIDS positive community and their loved ones.

Most people lie about something, even if they aren't cognizant of the lie, but not all lies are equal.

Being a liar for political gain is shitty no matter how you try and slice it. The lies themselves aren't equal, no, but the act is reprehensible.

News Bot

I don't really see a huge semantic difference between "they told me we were under sniper fire" and "we were under sniper fire".

Except that's not what she said.

"I remember landing under sniper fire," she said in Washington on Monday. "There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

This is a very elaborate situation of which none happened. Anyone who thinks she "misremembered" is a fool, I see no way around this. I remember falling off a high wall as a child, I don't run around saying I also broke twenty bones and ended up in a coma in the process.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Maybe if you paid attention to the post I was initially replying to you wouldn't need to ask this question.

Why would I be attempting to get him off the hook? His campaign has turned into lame pettiness. None of the "big three" are any good, but I would still pick Hilary over Sanders and Trump as a lesser evil.

I see your argument, but keep in mind Hillary supporters have been questioned countless times why are they are supporting Clinton over Sanders, when Sanders is more trustworthy option, and not your typical politician. So when Sanders proves himself to be another politician...


I'm not seeing it so much in this thread (but then, I don't see this news story taking off much at all, wonder why that is?) but I cannot believe people are creating excuses for this. I'm seeing some of the stupidest arguments from friends and people I respect. There is no defense. He lied and attacked them.


What still kills me:

This is a damn serious accusation. He's basically accusing these folks of using this cause for their own personal benefit - this is an accusation of a truly abhorrent behavior. And he isn't being asked to substantiate this serious charge. He offers no evidence.. instead, he just throws it out there.

This is probably one of, if not the, most disgusting things he's done. And I don't see how it's defensible.


This is probably one of, if not the, most disgusting things he's done. And I don't see how it's defensible.

It isn't defensible. At all.

And I've said it a couple of times in this thread already, but if the Sanders campaign doesn't apologise (and preferably fire whomever was involved) he's scum.


This is probably one of, if not the, most disgusting things he's done. And I don't see how it's defensible.

It's telling that even the most ardent Sanders supporters haven't tackled the content of his accusations. Just vague comments about the media over-focusing on it.
Definitely one of the worst things he's done. Inexcusable.

But none of the candidates are perfect, and all have done varying inexcusable things themselves, but that's obviously not the point of the thread. I do find it sad how many people focus so much on Sanders, while ignoring what other candidates have done.
i mean this is far and away worse than anything clinton's done in this campaign, and that's after she literally claimed the reagans were a net positive for HIV/AIDS


Definitely one of the worst things he's done. Inexcusable.
You should have stopped here.

But none of the candidates are perfect, and all have done varying inexcusable things themselves, but that's obviously not the point of the thread. I do find it sad how many people focus so much on Sanders, while ignoring what other candidates have done.
The thread is about a shitty thing the Sanders campaign did, hence the focus on Sanders. If you use the search function I'm sure you can find the thread where Hillary fucked up when talking at Nancy's funeral, where the focus will be on Hillary. Stop it with the whataboutism.
Definitely one of the worst things he's done. Inexcusable.

But none of the candidates are perfect, and all have done varying inexcusable things themselves, but that's obviously not the point of the thread. I do find it sad how many people focus so much on Sanders, while ignoring what other candidates have done.
Yea, no one focuses on the shit Hillary and Trump do. Basically a free pass, right?
Definitely one of the worst things he's done. Inexcusable.

But none of the candidates are perfect, and all have done varying inexcusable things themselves, but that's obviously not the point of the thread. I do find it sad how many people focus so much on Sanders, while ignoring what other candidates have done.

No one is perfect, but it's especially egregious when someone who is two-faced liar who pretends he is holier though and all of his opponents are corrupt. Hilary has done a lot of questionable things and is far away from perfect, but has been shown to be able to get past differences and learn from her mistakes. I can't remember one time where Bernie has acknowledged he was actually wrong about something. He always codes it in a way to make sure you know that he was on the right side of an issue.


Definitely one of the worst things he's done. Inexcusable.

But none of the candidates are perfect, and all have done varying inexcusable things themselves, but that's obviously not the point of the thread. I do find it sad how many people focus so much on Sanders, while ignoring what other candidates have done.
The thread is about what Sanders has done, not the shit that other politicians have pulled in the past.
Great response from Peter

Peter Staley

So Warren Gunnels (Sanders' senior policy director) deleted his tweet, which is something, I guess. I must admit, it's no fun being personally attacked by a campaign that leads millions of millennials, and one that I've often praised for raising many of the progressive issues I've long fought for (lost in all this was that we thanked Sanders in Kenyon Farrow's opening statement, saying "We commend you for your leadership and advocacy on single payer universal health coverage—something AIDS activists have been calling for since the 1980s.").

This is all so sad, and so unnecessary. We actually had a good meeting with Senator Sanders (see HealthGAP's press release, and my and others early posts about it), and then it all blew up into a shit-show when Bernie's team used us (in their press release) and then abused us (launched personal attacks, firmly hitching their train to AHF's slime machine). Our coalition will issue another press release on Tuesday that will reflect on the actual meeting we attended (not the one Gunnels dreamed up), and we will thank the Senator for some of the promises he made.

Our only goal, from the day Clinton made her AIDS gaffe, was to push all the campaigns to make some firmer promises in the fight against HIV/AIDS -- to turn lemons into lemonade. I hope the Sanders campaign will re-engage with us towards that end.

After Tuesday, we'll pivot back to the Clinton campaign (that process hasn't really stopped). They have promised us a meeting with their senior policy folks to discuss our harder asks. We will raise bloody hell if that meeting doesn't happen in the weeks ahead. We will also ask her campaign to reopen a dialogue with the Trans United Fund over their unfilled questionnaire.

And finally, we have to keep fighting against outrageous drug prices, especially HIV, PrEP and HepC drugs. Personally, I don't believe for one second this is an issue that Michael Weinstein and AHF are serious about. Most AIDS activists support workable government price controls like those used throughout Europe. Senator Sanders, can we save you from Weinstein, and discuss how to create a real revolution on drug prices?

God bless Peter Staley


Definitely one of the worst things he's done. Inexcusable.

But none of the candidates are perfect, and all have done varying inexcusable things themselves, but that's obviously not the point of the thread. I do find it sad how many people focus so much on Sanders, while ignoring what other candidates have done.
Because Hillary is known for getting a free pass amirite? No one ever talks about email gate or anything.
Oh god the whole "Hillary wasn't an LGBT ally until 8 years ago" shtick.

News flash. Bernie wasn't until LAST YEAR. He hid behind the "states rights" crap until it became federal law.


Bernie was my boi for a long time but this campaign has been a shit show for a while and I resent the damage he has done to the left's acceptance of socialism. He was supposed to have been a message candidate, where he introduces new ideas to groups of people whom are ready to listen that would otherwise seem outrageous and open minds to new ways of operating. This is a delicate task because for better or worse, people attach concepts and ideals to the leaders that propose them and their supporters whom support them and here we have Sanders and his campaign cocking things up to in such monumental ways hes not only poisoning the well for the democratic party as a whole, (in effect strengthening the regressive GOP) he has poisoned the well for the democratic progressives acceptance of social democracy and the institutional changes needed to necessitate such a shift in hyper capitalist America. This required him to bow out gracefully when the inevitable occurred and hopefully gain support for his ideals from Clinton during post primary unification. Now thats all fucked and I'm pissed.

Trump is consolidating support from holdouts in the GOP and his only opposition is being weakened every second he festers with his gross ass campaign bros. I guess it's Clinton for me.

Leggo your ego, Bernie
Bernie was doomed the minute he hired Tad Devine instead of someone who A) Could manage his personality in a conducive way (Ron Paul nailed that part, should have asked him for advice) and B) isn't totally and utterly inept at his job like Devine.

But hey you know.


It isn't defensible. At all.

And I've said it a couple of times in this thread already, but if the Sanders campaign doesn't apologise (and preferably fire whomever was involved) he's scum.
I forgot if I've already asked this, but has Bernard ever apologized or admitted fault to anything? He really strikes me as the kind of person to just hand-wave any perceived mistakes away and not discuss them further.

I would be surprised if there was any mea culpa from him or his campaign over this. I expect they will forget it and refuse to address it further. They've wrote these people off as shills and there is nothing more to say in their eyes.
I forgot if I've already asked this, but has Bernard ever apologized or admitted fault to anything? He really strikes me as the kind of person to just hand-wave any perceived mistakes away and not discuss them further.

I would be surprised if there was any mea culpa from him or his campaign over this. I expect they will forget it and refuse to address it further. They've wrote these people off as shills and there is nothing more to say in their eyes.

Well, he kinda-sorta condemned the antics at Nevada, only to them kinda-sorta justify them because CONSPIRACY!
I forgot if I've already asked this, but has Bernard ever apologized or admitted fault to anything? He really strikes me as the kind of person to just hand-wave any perceived mistakes away and not discuss them further.

I would be surprised if there was any mea culpa from him or his campaign over this. I expect they will forget it and refuse to address it further. They've wrote these people off as shills and there is nothing more to say in their eyes.


Not for PP
Not for the ghetto comment
Not for Nevada

And not for anything else.


That's not how you measure people's honesty. I remember her shitty campaign in 2008. You don't need to defend every little thing about her.

No, that is exactly how you measure people's honesty. How did the lie benefit them, who did it hurt, what was the intent. If I tell someone I'm the Queen of Spain and they believe me it isn't really a big deal because convincing one guppy of it doesn't mean I can go to Spain and be their Queen.

Telling someone that the new nanny they hired is a violent pedophile the day before he/she starts work is a different kind of lie, one with real consequences.

A lie of self promotion is in very poor taste. A lie to con someone out of something you want is immoral. A lie to vilify someone who deserves no such vilification in the pursuit of conning others into believing your view is a whole 'nother level.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Oh god the whole "Hillary wasn't an LGBT ally until 8 years ago" shtick.

News flash. Bernie wasn't until LAST YEAR. He hid behind the "states rights" crap until it became federal law.

I always laugh at the argument.
A guy who is advocating for, perhaps the largest increase in federal powers and size, was concerned about state's rights.


So I thought that when Warren Gunnels deleted his tweet he realised he had fucked up. But not so:

Fire Warren Gunnels. Now.
Warren Gunnels is scum. Anyone who defends him is scum. Anyone who thinks he has something to offer to their campaign is scum.
Truvada would cost $300 with my co-pay for my insurance, but I get co-pay assistance through Gilead so I get it for free.

As far as "Big Pharma" goes, Gilead is a good company doing good work.
Bernie was doomed the minute he hired Tad Devine instead of someone who A) Could manage his personality in a conducive way (Ron Paul nailed that part, should have asked him for advice) and B) isn't totally and utterly inept at his job like Devine.

But hey you know.
I'd be really surprised if Weaver or Devine get work in politics again.

Pols have to know their involvement is the kiss of death at this point.
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