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Scribblenauts Preview/Impressions Thread - You will say "wow." (see post #217)


So how did they include all these objects in the game? it can't be all brute force (sitting down and drawing every single thing). There has to be a generation formula of some sort, right?


RiverBed said:
So how did they include all these objects in the game? it can't be all brute force (sitting down and drawing every single thing). There has to be a generation formula of some sort, right?

I'm pretty sure the universe would end if someone discovered an algorithm to procedurally generate robot zombies.

Eteric Rice

I wonder if you could do something similar to the Scribblenauts database, but with AI?

Like, create an NPC, set the different parts of him (he's afraid of this, or that) without having to program them all individually.

Hell I think it already does that, doesn't it?


Graphics Horse said:



don't think its posted yet

The Black Hole
Midway through conjuring all manner of strange tropical fruit, household appliance and major motor vehicle, we decided to type 'Black Hole', just for the hell of it. Would it actually make a black hole? Surely not. That'd just be too 'out there'. We were so very, very wrong.

Immediately, a black hole appears in the sky, about the size of a penny when held against the DS screen. Suddenly, every AI inhabitant, item and anything not rooted to the ground gets sucked into that sucker. Your character is pulled in there too, along with the star you're supposed to retrieve. We failed the level, but man – what a rush.

The Portal and The Monster
On the advice of the booth attendant, we typed in 'portal'. A small, inconspicuous ring, outlined in black, appears. At first, nothing happened. But then, with no real warning, a demon emerges from the portal and begins to wreak havoc on any soul standing around. Oh noes.

What did we do? Typed in 'Sword', of course. Naturally, a broadsword appears and we get to work. The monster is subdued – but at the expense of the people in the scene. Oops.

Pirate vs. Ninja
The age-old battle can finally be settled: Typing in 'Pirate' and 'Ninja' brings the two classically drawn characters to life. They do battle, cutlasses versus samurai swords. Villagers run for their lives. Who wins?

The ninja. Because ninjas are awesome.

Internet Jokes (new meme confirmed)
Here's an easy one for the geeks out there. Try typing in 'Longcat', 'Ceiling Cat', 'Keyboard Cat' and 'All Your Base Belongs To Us'. You will be surprised and delighted by what you can find hidden in Scribblenauts.

The Time Machine
Here's a good one. You can get your Marty McFly or Bill and Ted on, just by typing 'Time Machine'. Doing so brings forth a large silver contraption just itching to be climbed into. Doing so actually does send you back in time, to a full medieval village setting. Insane.

Wandering a little farther along the lush, green countryside, you can even come across peasants, noblemen and women, knights and a full castle to explore. Did we mention that this game is utterly incredible? But we weren't through… this countryside was missing a critical element: dragons.

Knight vs. Dragon
Okay, so here we are in medieval England, farmers and peasants and princesses galore – but where's the tyranny and bloodshed? Naturally, we had to introduce some, so we typed in 'Dragon'. Holy cow.

A dragon appears; fifteen feet high, bright green and yellow with angry red eyes that stare soullessly forwards, sitting just above stained yellow teeth. This thing looks hungry. And so, we unleash it by dragging it into the world. It flaps its wings and starts walking towards the castle as peasants scream and the dragon gobbles them up.

Being the good, balanced people we are, we decide to even up the fight and call in a heavy-hitter – a Knight. We type that in and a silver-clad knight appears and immediately does battle with the dragon, slaying it and standing there triumphantly. Huzzah!

God vs. Death

The strangest – perhaps most disturbing – combination of words we used were 'God' and 'Death'. Regardless of your religious affiliation, typing in this word will bring up a classical old man with a long, white beard and pure white robes. He mostly just stands there, not doing a whole lot, as a few AI-driven villagers did likewise. However, that was about to change.

Typing in 'Death' creates the soul-collecting figure of the grim reaper himself. Dressed all in robes with a little grey skull and a bad ass scythe, we dragged Death onto the ground next to some villagers. Immediately, Death went to work, slicing up the hapless humans, who ran for their literal lives. Of course, God wasn't going to take that crap, so God and Death got into a fight.

Suddenly, the unthinkable: Death kills God.

Wow. Just… wow. Raises all sorts of weird questions, doesn't it?

The Atom Bomb
The perfect way to stop Death – and everything else. While the E3 booth technician strongly urged me not to, typing in 'Atom Bomb' brings in a small red and silver bomb, nose pointing downwards. I tapped the bomb, allowing it to drop. Suddenly there's a flash, the screen slowly fades to white as your heroic scribbler keels over. The end. It was as good a place as any to conclude our time with Scribblenauts – and trust us when we say that it was hard to let go of this one. We cannot wait.


The age-old battle can finally be settled: Typing in 'Pirate' and 'Ninja' brings the two classically drawn characters to life. They do battle, cutlasses versus samurai swords. Villagers run for their lives. Who wins?

The ninja. Because ninjas are awesome.
Our earlier report clearly said that PIRATES win. If ninjas beat pirates, this is going to be the worst game ever. :(

Either that, or I had better be able to give my pirates muskets.


Blizzard said:
Our earlier report clearly said that PIRATES win. If ninjas beat pirates, this is going to be the worst game ever. :(

Either that, or I had better be able to give my pirates muskets.

yah its weird. The earlier report says that ninja throws shuriken but in IGN it says they uses samurai sword (but they ain't samurai)...


I kinda wish this game had multiplayer deathmatch, I would march into it with my army of jet powered Kangaroos and Koalas and pwn everyone.
xfactor said:

Hmm. Another impression that says the time machine flings you into a random time. Why is it that we haven't seen a time machine in which you could choose past/future like in Post 217?

Ah well. Awesome impressions otherwise. Tether Maxwell and the starite to the ground then unleash a black hole. How could it go wrong?!

Also I'm damn impressed at "Portal"


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Blizzard said:
I PMed Feep a few days ago to ask him about the user interface for the time machine. No response yet. :OOO



Blizzard said:
I PMed Feep a few days ago to ask him about the user interface for the time machine. No response yet. :OOO
Eh. Sorry. I never check my PMs. = P

I've been wondering about this myself. When there are multiple options as to what you can do with an item, a "context menu" pops up, with little visual indicators for each option available. I know one of these opened up when I clicked the time machine, but I'm beginning to think that the picture I automatically assumed was "future" may have been because I was holding a ray-gun (or something) and the contextual option offered was "shoot the time machine"? I'm not exactly sure what happened.

Of course, this lessens the awesome of Post 217 if true. So, Jackson, uh, you should implement the past/future mechanic. >.>


What would make this game epic is if they had this connected to a constantly updating database where things got bigger and bigger with more and more words and objects added. But man. I think I have to get this game no matter what.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
The game is already taxing the DS to the limit. Stop fantasizing about grander things and be glad it's already doing what it's doing now.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Feep said:
Eh. Sorry. I never check my PMs. = P

I've been wondering about this myself. When there are multiple options as to what you can do with an item, a "context menu" pops up, with little visual indicators for each option available. I know one of these opened up when I clicked the time machine, but I'm beginning to think that the picture I automatically assumed was "future" may have been because I was holding a ray-gun (or something) and the contextual option offered was "shoot the time machine"? I'm not exactly sure what happened.

Of course, this lessens the awesome of Post 217 if true. So, Jackson, uh, you should implement the past/future mechanic. >.>

Well, it might just not give you control at all, but there could be times when it sends you to the future. You said you got sent to a time with dinosaurs, and IGN got sent to medieval times. So where it sends you can be random. With different times in the past or future.

Also, about the ninjas having shuriken or swords. That could be random too. I imagine if you just typed "dinosaur" it would just pull a random item from the dinosaur database. So maybe people who usually have weapons have a list of items they may appear with. Or ign or the other group just omitted that they manifested the weapons for them.


Please please PLEASE have a RROD object when you need to use a brick. Please. That would be epic funny. I hope there's a lot of humor in this title. :)


The time machine takes you to different times, but it's random. I've actually said this in this very thread earlier. :) That's the only difference between feeps account and reality.


Neo Member
New Wired Preview: http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2009/06/scribblenauts/

Notable excerpts:

Using the game’s notepad, where you can write or type words, I asked for a “unicycle” and a “panda” so I could, naturally, have a panda riding a unicyle. Then I added two more pandas on top of the unicycle to make it three pandas riding a uniycle. With that alone, I already was sold on the game. But there was more.

“You can also summon God, who makes you totally invincible,” said Gavoni. She looked at me as if she knew what I was going to ask and said, “You can do God versus the devil, and God wins. Hopefully everyone’s okay with that.”

Another puzzle had a girl crying over her cat, which was stuck on the roof of a house. I thought “ladder” would be too easy. Something like a parachute wouldn’t work because the cat couldn’t use it by itself. So we gave Maxwell a pair of wings. He flew up and rescued the cat.

The final puzzle we played had a blind man that needed something to help him see. “Magnifying glass” was acceptable, as was “monocle.”

As if 10,000 words in the English language weren’t enough for the developers to deal with, Gavoni revealed that the North American build of the game will include Brazilian Portugeuse, French, and Spanish as well as English. The French and Spanish language sets will also have Latin American and French-Canadian alternatives.
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