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Senate's McConnell says Obamacare repeal high on agenda.

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Over 20 million. Taking away a benefit without replacement would give a massive boost to dem chances in 2018. Whether they're actually dumb enough to try and repeal without replacement we'll see.

This is a good reminder that the law itself will not be repealed because that would require a supermajority. The Republicans can "gut" the law by altering parts of it so what they do as a replacement remains to be seen.

Yup, it will be the same lower middle class whites who went for Trump who will suffer more than the college educated base that backed Clinton. I'll be totally unaffected and I'd be fine leaving them to their fate of they weren't taking poor people not voting against their own interest with them.

This is even worse. They'll gut it and make it worse and blame Obama. Good luck in 2018, dems.


Yeah, we gave the insurance companies an excuse to jack up prices and nothing short of additional regulation, which repubs will never do, will ever convince them to pull them down. Single payer is our only hope in this.

Our real hope is that they actually are stupid enough and do outright attack the entire plan, and that 20+ million people say "Fuck you, no." and come out of the woodwork, loud and clear. The country would be in for a rude wake-up call if the ACA gets attacked directly and immediately.

This sort of insanity won't end unless people actually get threatened in some way by change that forces them to get educated lest their live be negatively affected. Otherwise, most voters and votes are inertial and the GOP knows it. They only cater to extremist lunatics who are the exact opposite of inert.

But they won't, at least I don't think the party has devolved that far.


I was getting my healthcare through state-sponsored Kynect, which was discontinued last month in favor of healthcare.gov. Should I even bother applying now (not like I can anyways since the site never fucking works)? I'm concerned and worried about how new applicants are going to get their insurance, or even be able to keep their current plans.

Ah, a fellow Kentuckian. Go ahead and Apply/Enroll just in case. You don't want to be cought with your pants down during a transition to a new system(or lack of one).


If they reinstate pre-existing condition exclusions, they will literally alter the outcome of my autistic son's life. He is only 3 years old. I will hold every one of these mother fuckers to account for this. There is no America anymore as I see it. There are 2 separate unreconcilable cultures here.

It's heartbreaking to read this. Hopefully there are exclusions they keep like your son's condition.


"Something better" would be addressing it's issues versus talking about an outright appeal. We'll be back to the old system next year (and don't be surprised when your premiums don't decrease).

If he's on the exchanges, he may not have a health care plan next year.

There's been no replacement legislation put forward.
My income went down last year so I was thinking of buying ACA insurance so I'd be insured for the first time since 2010 (I now qualify for the discounts). Coverage would start January 1st.

If I went for it, do you think it'd be ripped away just about immediately?
I strongly disliked Obamacare and it's implementation.

We'll see though. I hope the people that have actually benefited from it can find alternatives...
If they reinstate pre-existing condition exclusions, they will literally alter the outcome of my autistic son's life. He is only 3 years old. I will hold every one of these mother fuckers to account for this. There is no America anymore as I see it. There are 2 separate unreconcilable cultures here.

This is what infuriates me. People want to play around with what are such important decisions. You want to tell people to stop "demonizing" the other side, to try and "understand" the other side, but these are people's real fucking lives at stake here. This isn't a fucking game. The fact that this still happens, that in 2016 when anybody has access to the facts and the truth in their fucking pocket with them at all times on the same device they use to Snapchat and send dick pics, yet we still get this low information bullshit, these people who hold our lives in their hands but yet are so easily manipulated and fooled...I'm sorry I can't waste any energy trying to understand or empathize with these people. I will instead choose to empathize the the people like the guy I quoted, or the other people who have spoken up in this thread, whose entire lives are going to get FUCKED, all because some people couldn't be bothered to treat the right to vote more responsibly.
I just hope there are regulations in place for the prexisting conditions and preventative care.

You're talking about a Freedom Caucus/Tea Party fueled Republican Party who control all three branches of government.

They'd probably sooner flinch at the word "regulations" than they would a racial slur.


Reading Paul Ryans plan. I'm not well versed in the differences but it reads pretty much like how I think Obamacare works now. What exactly is the difference?


Take ACA, defund the medicaid increase, slowly force all medicaid responsibility on each state, get rid of the mandate, use a "high risk pool" to get insurance companies to take on pre-existing injuries with enough financial help from the government that this might help 3 million people max. Everyone else find the straps on your boots and pull.


Pure obstruction for 8 long years, undermining the president's every move and the peoples' confidence in their government... and zero consequences. If anything, Republicans have been handsomely rewarded for it. I just can't process it.
Is there a plan that benefits the corporations the most? That is the one Republicans will go with.

Yes. Get ready to hear the term "opening up competition across state lines" a whole bunch in 2017.

It roughly translates to: "allow the big insurers like United and Humana to swallow up all of the smaller insurers who don't have the resources to compete on a national stage: then the big boys can collude and charge whatever they want."

Meanwhile, the 20 million people added by the ACA will fall from the rolls of the insured, and premiums will continue going up.


Yes. Get ready to hear the term "opening up competition across state lines" a whole bunch in 2017.

It roughly translates to: "allow the big insurers like United and Humana to swallow up all of the smaller insurers who don't have the resources to compete on a national stage: then the big boys can collude and charge whatever they want."

Meanwhile, the 20 million people added by the ACA will fall from the rolls of the insured, and premiums will continue going up.

I was wondering how to make health insurance companies worst. The answer was give them the same power as cable companies the whole time.


Yes. Get ready to hear the term "opening up competition across state lines" a whole bunch in 2017.

It roughly translates to: "allow the big insurers like United and Humana to swallow up all of the smaller insurers who don't have the resources to compete on a national stage: then the big boys can collude and charge whatever they want."

Meanwhile, the 20 million people added by the ACA will fall from the rolls of the insured, and premiums will continue going up.

So basically what happened to the TelCo's and Banks will happen to insurance companies. Bigger and bigger fish. Too big to fail insurance companies.
"Bipartisan tax reform"?

I thought the whole thing was "never compromise!"

Oh, right. Now that you have to make decisions and can't play the blame game anymore you don't want to be the only one making decisions! Can't be held completely responsible for a fuckup, no sir!
How many times does it have to be said that healthcare premiums were spiraling before Obamacare? Repealing it won't fix the costs and it will just end up with people dying.
This is what infuriates me. People want to play around with what are such important decisions. You want to tell people to stop "demonizing" the other side, to try and "understand" the other side, but these are people's real fucking lives at stake here. This isn't a fucking game. The fact that this still happens, that in 2016 when anybody has access to the facts and the truth in their fucking pocket with them at all times on the same device they use to Snapchat and send dick pics, yet we still get this low information bullshit, these people who hold our lives in their hands but yet are so easily manipulated and fooled...I'm sorry I can't waste any energy trying to understand or empathize with these people. I will instead choose to empathize the the people like the guy I quoted, or the other people who have spoken up in this thread, whose entire lives are going to get FUCKED, all because some people couldn't be bothered to treat the right to vote more responsibly.

Thank you for your support. There are no words at how angry I will be if they go back to preexisting condition exclusions/clauses. I take solace in knowing half the country are sane, good people who can empathize with others.


I hate to say this, but after what I saw what my new premium will be next year on the ACA (67% monthly increase ), I won't miss it too much. Hopefully Trump truly does replace it with "Something better"

My company sponsored insurance plan costs $1000 per month for a family plan, and that's with a $6000 deductible. It's cheaper for me to pay the penalty than it is to pay $18,000 out of pocket before the insurance company pays a dime.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

I hate Mitch McConnell so fucking much, I swear.

Fucking great. Obamacare is a piece of shit that needs to die.

As a cancer survivor, I will probably have to close my business, this was the only way I could be insured. Maybe can get it through my wife, but that's 2x as expensive as my exchange plan, and since it's via her adjunct university gig, is tenuous.

Didn't Boogie also say he wasn't going to vote for Hillary and go third party or is his new video saying he voted for her? Sucks that his life will have to change

Edit: His new video says he voted for Jill
Which state is he in? 'Cause, uh.... perhaps he might as well voted for Trump:


Pre existing condition clause, along with no maximum lifetime limits and parents keeping their kids on their plan HAVE to be preserved
The core problem is that health care in the US is subject to the whims of capitalism, and repealing the ACA doesn't change that.
I agree. But the ACA itself did nothing to change that, either. In fact, it exacerbated those issues by mandating everyone to buy a plan and for these companies (who are still going to profit) to provide them.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Ok, that's a potential scenario. But given the real one that I'm currently facing where my coverage is prohibitively expensive and getting more so, I can't say I am happy with Obamacare. I never once experienced a hike this severe on my old insurance.

Potential scenario? I don't think for a second that Republicans will do something better when Romney proposed something similar to Obama once, unless Repubs go liberal and actually do UHC..


It's going to be such sad vindication when all of these people realize Trump and the GOP sold them a bucket of horse shit.

Sadly it takes 3 or 4 years for the previous president's policy effects to wear off, so Trump will be riding high on Obama residuals for years probably granting him a 2nd term.. Then when everything goes to hell in Trumps second term we'll elect a Democrat to come in and clean it up, but his first 4 years of this new president will be rough. if he then gets a second term the train will be back on the tracks just in time to elect a republican to screw everything up again and the cycle continues..


Wouldn't the smartest thing for the GOP to do be repealing it and then pass an almost exactly the same piece of legislature they can bill as their own?

I mean if they weren't just insane super villains that want everyone who isn't rich to suffer.
Potential scenario? I don't think for a second that Republicans will do something better when Romney proposed something similar to Obama once, unless Repubs go liberal and actually do UHC..
Yes, potential scenario. A prime example of a potential scenario. The faux disbelief is ridiculous.
Wouldn't the smartest thing for the GOP to do to repeal it and then pass an almost exactly the same piece of legislature they can bill as their own?

I mean if they weren't just insane super villains that want everyone who isn't rich to suffer.

If they were normal politicians, maybe.

But there are too many Tea Party/Freedom Caucus loons for this to happen.


I agree. But the ACA itself did nothing to change that, either. In fact, it exacerbated those issues by mandating everyone to buy a plan and for these companies (who are still going to profit) to provide them.

I think most of them actually lost money which is why they were bailing out.
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